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posted by PrincessVT
"I Pumpkin, declare Berry's Berrytastic 冰沙, 思慕雪 Stand Open!" 南瓜 smiled and broke the bottle she was holding in her paws. She likes breaking expensive bottles and making the French chef mad. All the pets cheered even Sultan. Blossom cheered the loudest; Sultan was right 下一个 to her… he could hear her high pitched voice in his sensitive ear. Sultan got a bit annoyed and hitched a plan. Blossom is always cheerful and filled with enthusiastic energy. She wasn't as smart as her owner… it's just that she's too nice… and gullible. All the pets ran well except for Beauty. She walked… but wasn't last… weird. "Hey um, Blossom," Sultan said. Blossom got her attention to him.

"I think some of the pets here don't like you," he whispered in her ear. Blossom was shocked… "Who is it Little Brother?" she gasped. "No, everybody actually… sorry to break it 你 but I think I'm the only one who…likes you," Sultan 说 trembling saying "likes you" to Blossom. "What about Treasure and Berry? They're my best friends," she mentioned.

"Well, there's always a reason why somebody dislikes another, why do they dislike me? I'm nice to them and I'm not a bully," Blossom pouted. This is too easy he thought. "Okay, well they think your too cheerful, too nice, and unsafe and a trickster possibly," he whispered.

"Then why do they hang out with me in the first place?" Blossom asked. "Well Blossom, it's because if they say 你 don't like them, then you'll cry and tell 花木兰 and they'll all get in trouble,"

Blossom almost felt like crying… Sultan's 心 was beating fast…Is he really taking advantage of this small cub and her energy? Once she finds out, all the pets won't even look at him! "I won't be nice anymore," Blossom promised with her paw on her heart. Sultan smiled… Blossom got out of line just to cut in front of the first pet, which was Pumpkin. "Hey! People don't cut in line here! This is a no cut zone!" Berry growled.

"I don't see any sign," Blossom smiled… a mean smile… that nobody liked. "Now give me six smoothies! Pronto, oh and give me all your bamboo too," Blossom snapped… she actually snapped… her paws. "Hey don't be such a meanie Blossom 或者 else!" Beauty said… then Blossom noticed that the stand was made of Bamboo. "Hey! 你 偷了 my bamboo!" she yelled. Sultan didn't want that to happen… he was just hoping for a 日 of silence from Blossom, not like Berry is less annoying. It's just that Blossom will eventually succeed while Berry won't.

"Well, It was leftovers… so I decided to borrow since it looked like 你 weren't using them," she smiled… it was trembling as she saw the panda glare at her and gritting her teeth. Always give a smile to the customer she thought and gave her a smoothie; it was green with a piece of bamboo. "What I didn't even order a Bamboo Deluxe! What kind of service is this? An orphanage?" she asked.

She rolled her eyes, "Though… I suppose this will do… I prefer a Bamboo Shake but whatever," Blossom said. "Also give me a…" she then yelled to Sultan.

"Hey Sultan what do 你 want?"

南瓜 was feeling a bit concerned and crossed at the same time. She didn't want to release her hot tempered self. Still though, she hates it when people pick on her friends. What are even worse are her 老友记 picking on each other. Though that was usually Sultan but nobody minded because that's the way he was, and Sultan was pretty nice… pretty.

"Blossom; I don't like your behavior! Say sorry to Berry this instant 或者 else!" she snapped. Blossom said, "Or else what? Pumpkin… 你 think you're so great… well you're just a bossy pants!" she yelled.

"Bossy Pants?" she asked… a little hurt, "I'm not bossy," she 说 and sniffed… and went in small slide. "Darling, what did 你 just say to my best friend?" Beauty asked… 南瓜 and Beauty were best 老友记 since they first met, and Beauty won't hesitate to stand up for her. "Oh be quiet, Beauty, 你 think you're so beautiful well we're all pretty too, oh and I think you're wearing fake eyelashes," she said. "Ugh… how rude," Beauty yelled.

Sultan felt a bit guilty… "Come on Sultan! Don't keep me waiting!" she yelled and Sultan stuttered… All the other 由 standing pets looked at the nervous tiger. "Uh… water… just water please," he says. Blossom glared at Berry again… "You heard him! Give me water!" she yelled.

Berry gave her the water… and Blossom walked away and grabbed Sultan's tail… and took him to the beanies…Berry hid under her stand and put down a sign 'Closed' all the pets were groaning… not one of them got a drink. Blossom sat down on one of the taking the Purple and her putting Sultan on the orange. "So, Sultan, how do 你 like the new me?" she giggled. Sultan looked unsure. "I didn't see them happy though and 你 did make 南瓜 cry," Sultan remarked…

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" Blossom asked and started crying… all the pets looked at her…"OMG! Sudden crying!" 说 茶碗, 茶杯 to her best friend Lily. Berry started crying in Beauty's chest… "This whole morning she was ok and now after the ponies left and my store started…," she cried some more. Beauty patted her head.

Sultan rolled his eyes… a 小狗 crying, a bunny crying and now a panda cub crying. "Well, I meant to be 更多 quiet… be silent as a fish," Sultan said. Treasure suddenly went to Sultan… "Did somebody say fish?" she asked… "I 爱情 鱼 but Ariel wouldn't let me eat them which break my fish-obsessed heart! That's why I trained myself to swim," Treasure explained.

"Ok… "Sultan 说 a bit annoyed out. Honestly everyone here is nearly annoying! He thought then Blossom nodded, and smiled so hard that not even she was used to, and she was always smiling. Sultan raised his eyebrow and turned back to Blossom. "So…" and Treasure walked away. 茶碗, 茶杯 was balancing three teacups on her nose. "Do 你 know how to do anything Hun?" she asked… "Let me be 更多 precise, other than… balancing teacups on your nose?" she asked.

"Um… I don't know…" 茶碗, 茶杯 answered. "You're kidding… you're an entertainer just like me, Treasure and 南瓜 and 你 know one trick?" the shocked kitten asked. 茶碗, 茶杯 bit her lip.

Meanwhile with Pumpkin

Beauty and Summer looked at each other… "Um… Pumpkin…" Beauty said. "I'm not here, too bossy," she 说 with her words trembling as she spoke.

"Don't cry," 说 Beauty and she and Summer walked in the slide. "But I'm a bossy pants!" she yelled and it made a scene through the whole room… the room became quiet… 茶碗, 茶杯 and Lily stopped chatting. Treasure and Berry stopped talking. 南瓜 looked at everyone look at her and burst out in tears until a few ponies busted the door open. It was Bayou with all her 小马 friends. When 南瓜 saw Bibbidy she heard bells light up in her heart. Bibbidy was a mother figure for her so as the other pets with the ponies… though everyday they have training and miss half of their adventures. They come when training ends 或者 before training… sometimes the pets gets to race them. The ponies always 爱情 some competition… they train with Maximus and the other horses. They get special training though with Maximus sometimes.

"That was a quite a bust there Bayou," 说 Blondie and she smiled. Bloom scoffed at them, "You girls rarely spend time on your appearance… does only I and Bloom care?" she asked.

"Well I care I suppose. When I'm at a ball 或者 something," Bayou said. The pets watch their adult conversation silently. One thing they've learn is to never interrupt. That is what their trainers teach them… they just train them normal tricks except Teacup. She's a fast learner so Belle decided to do something 更多 advanced than the others. The others don't mind… what she does is too hard anyways. "Summer cares about hers 更多 than me… she wouldn't be caught dead without her bow," Goldie mentions… Bibbidy was about to speak… "Never Mind, 你 proved your points!" Bloom 说 and walked to her friend. Bibbidy and Blondie followed while Petit and Bayou walked to 茶碗, 茶杯 and Lily. "Hey girl;" Lily smiled and climbed on Tiana's friend. "Hey girl!" responded Bayou. Then Petit went to Teacup… "Bonjour Teacup!" Petit 说 in her French accent and bumped her which made 茶碗, 茶杯 bump into the sky and land on Petit… 茶碗, 茶杯 giggled as they started

Bibbidy noticed Pumpkin's crying… so did Goldie and Bloom. "Why are 你 crying dear?" she asked and nudged the white retriever. "Nothing… really, it's no big deal… and I don't want to tell you!" she 说 but then snapped in her last sentence. Bibbidy was shocked. "You can't snap at Bibbidy like that! She's a grown up pony!" Goldie said, "Exactly like I was thinking! It's just different words," Bloom said.

"She's just sad Goldie, don't make her feel guilty," Summer explained and Bibbidy comforted her. "If 你 won't tell me what's wrong then fine! I'm not going to tell you," Bibbidy responded turning her back on her.

"Tell me what?" 南瓜 asked, "Nope; Zip, I was supposed to tell 你 but I suppose it's no big deal, speaking of which… Bloom and Goldie," she said, "When 你 tell Summer and Beauty the news don't let 南瓜 hear it," she said…

"Ha! 狗 have sensitive hearing!" 南瓜 说 with a devious look in her blue eyes… "Then I suppose 你 can't tell them now, sorry girls," Bibbidy 说 and trotted away she giggled because not because of her crying but Pumpkin's reaction.

Summer and Beauty looked at their feet a bit disappointed. "Can 你 please tell her?" Summer blurted. Beauty smacked her head. "No Summer! She's not going to tell," Summer said.

"What if it was a ball and we didn't know and looked ugly!" asked Summer to Beauty. "Now I can't afford to look ugly!" Beauty 说 and begged to Pumpkin. "Please! I need to know!" Beauty and Summer cried. Then they used puppy… I mean kitty eyes on her. "Mew!" mewed Summer and a tear came off of their eyes. "Curses!" she yelled and went to Bibbidy she tapped her leg as she was speaking to Petit and Bayou while 茶碗, 茶杯 and Lily spoke about

"I was sad because Blossom called me a bossy pants," 说 南瓜 and she was about to cry again. "Bossy Pants? Did that really make 你 cry?" Bibbidy asked. 南瓜 nodded then sniffed. "Pumpkin baby, you're one of the strongest 小狗 I know, and you're considered a leader to all these pets! I'm proud to say that we have the same owner, but when being leader you'll have to risk being called bossy 或者 bossy pants." 南瓜 wiped her tears. Summer and Beauty soon came rushing up to her with Bloom and Goldie following, "We're going to the spa! Aurora is taking us," Beauty smiled. 南瓜 smiled, "You guys are so lucky!" 南瓜 said.

"I need some pampering myself," the retriever 说 looking at her satin soft 毛皮 and sparkling 领, 衣领 and lovely tiara. "Yeah, I totally need some pampering," she 说 and went to Bibbidy. "What's the news?" she asked and Bayou and Petit looked at her in shock.

"You still didn't tell girl?" Bayou asked the white pony. "She didn't tell me something… so it was kind of a trade 或者 something," Bibbidy explained.

Blossom and Sultan watched Berry hide inside her stand watching her throw her plastic cups with a teensy bit of 水果 冲床 in it. "I didn't say 你 had to be mean, what I was trying to say is they think you're annoying. You're kind of making it worse… 你 should probably say sorry," Sultan said…

"Oh Sultan, I already made one of my best 老友记 cry!" Blossom 说 holding his paws. "I don't know how I can ever make any 老友记 again and what if 花木兰 finds out?" asked the Panda now having tears in her eyes. Sultan felt really guilty. He'd better admit yet no palace pet would ever forgive him.

"I know and don't forget Berry was never your friend," Sultan said… "What about Treasure… who gave me her shell?"

音乐 came up as the oblivious pets sang…

Sultan: She was never your friend, just wanted to make 你 happy for your sake… make 你 feel as an equal

Blossom: What about Teacup, and Lily, and 南瓜 too they performed on my birthday and when I had a cold… when I couldn't go to the roller coaster and performed all the songs, dances, and tricks that I know.

Sultan: They just like to preform those three would get a 演出, gig of anywhere… too the fanciest of ball to a house of dolls… they were never your friends!

Blossom: I feel stupid wait that's a bad word, I feel dumb, and yeah that's the word does any pet will give me the 爱情 I want… I want to go back to China with all my panda friends… where this trouble ends… but I'm just glad that 你 admit and that's sweet!

The song ended with Blossom giving him a peck on the cheek. Sultan blushed and flustered up his face. "You welcome… Blossom," Sultan nodded and ran out of the palace pets' room he ran through the 城堡 crying. He didn't know what he was thinking… Blossom will probably beat the meow out of him once she finds out the truth. He had to find Jasmine, Sofia, Raja, 或者 阿拉丁 for comfort. He went to find Jasmine's room… he went to the guards guarding the room.

He mewed and the guards opened the doors. Sultan found 茉莉, 茉莉花 with a disguise. "Hello Sultan!" 茉莉, 茉莉花 smiled cheesy. Sultan purred at Jasmine's leg. He then noticed 茉莉, 茉莉花 wearing the ugliest clothes… being royalty and not quite remembering his old life as a loner; he was used to silky pants, belly shirts, and dresses. He raised his eyebrow… "Shh… don't tell anyone," 茉莉, 茉莉花 说 and jumped out the window… "Okay that was weird… 嘿 this must be my solution! Never Run Away from your Problems!" Sultan roared… "Good cub!" she yelled and the voice got 更多 and 更多 distant, He then heard a loud thud. He looked out the window still and saw a carriage with 茉莉, 茉莉花 covered in 花 with brown eyes sticking out.

Sultan smiled… "Wow… 茉莉, 茉莉花 is such a terrible influence!" Sultan mewed to himself and ran out the door. Racing to the palace pet room he burst through the door which surprised everyone. "Sultan there's something wrong with Blossom! Can 你 help us?" asked 南瓜 with the ponies looking at her with worry. "She hasn't been talking since 你 left!"

Sultan lowered his eyebrows…

茉莉, 茉莉花 is an awesome influence… now I know why she's a princess… wait that was Aladdin's movie. Oh Disney, help me

"Guys… I have to tell 你 something…" Sultan sighed…

The time passed 由 with Sultan explaining the story and Sultan and Blossom giving apologies to the pets. The ponies smiled as the pets learned their lesson.

"Have 你 heard… of Ariel's new horse?" asked Bibbidy to Goldie. "Really… is she here…" Goldie 说 then started asking.

"She's just settling in Ariel's castle," Bibbidy said… "Yay, 更多 trainees to train with… being a guard horse is hard!" Bayou groaned…

Blossom giggled as she burst into song and all the other pets… oblivious.

Although 你 lied and made me lose my smile and made most of my fun end… I'm so glad 你 admit and that's… kind of sweet!
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