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由 the end of the 迪士尼 Renaissance, layered characters weren’t enough. Now, the princesses had to be heroic as well. This is where Pocahontas and 花木兰 come in. Pocahontas saves her village and her prince. 花木兰 takes it up a notch and saves her country and her prince. Both princesses have been accused of problems with her personality. Pocahontas has been 说 to lose it halfway through the movie. 花木兰 has been 说 to have a flat personality.

Pocahontas was a bit of a stepping stone between the early Renaissance “I want more” princesses and the later Renaissance heroines who were made to have 更多 development and be stronger role models. She does want 更多 in a sense, but she’s- frankly, less whiny about it (don’t get me wrong, I 爱情 the early Renaissance girls too.) She still has some hallmarks of the first three princesses of the 90s while being 更多 self-sufficient and heroic.

Positives: Pocahontas is wise. She understands peace and works to make bridges between her tribe and the Englishmen. She also understands the interplay between man and nature and they must work together. She also knows how to convince the two sides to work together and put their troubles aside. Pocahontas has strong diplomatic understanding. She knows how she can bring peace between the two sides. She is also mature. She can communicate effectively with the others, even if they are not the same as them and hold different values. She also wants to find a way to intellectually reason instead of mindlessly fighting. Pocahontas is also very strong. Not physically, but emotionally. Pocahontas is strong enough to stay with her people instead of leave with John Smith. She sees that her people need her, so she is able to let Smith leave and stay. She doesn’t know what will happen to John on the journey, but she is able to serve her people and put aside her worry and uncertainty to stay with her people she knows need her. She is also selfless. Again, she is able to put aside her own desires in order to serve her people. Pocahontas is compassionate. At the end, even after killing Kocoum, Pocahontas puts her hand on his shoulder kindly. She also reaches out to others even when they are different from her. Pocahontas is open-minded and accepting of others. Even after attacking their soldiers, Pocahontas believes that the white men can’t be all bad- and just like with Snow White and Grumpy, she was right. Pocahontas, unlike many other 迪士尼 Princesses, will also listen to the wisdom of those with 更多 experience than her, such as Grandmother Willow. Unlike many of the others, who don’t listen to anything their elders 或者 others would say, Pocahontas takes their advice. I think this is something very good about Pocahontas.

Negatives: Pocahontas is indecisive- in case 你 haven’t picked up on that already. She can’t find out what her path is, she had no idea what she should do about John Smith. She waits until the VERY LAST 分钟 to try to save Smith, 或者 even come up with an idea for how to do it. Pocahontas also doesn’t speak up for herself enough and can be very indirect. Instead of telling her father that she doesn’t want to marry Kocoum, all she says against it is that “he’s so- SERIOUS.” This leads to a lot of problems with Kocoum. I won’t directly say that was why he died, seeing as someone would still have gone after her and probably attacked when he saw her and John Smith 接吻 each other. Also, Pocahontas doesn’t actually talk to her father when he takes Smith as a prisoner. She could have told him that he wasn’t the one who killed Kocoum and that he had wanted to make peace with them, but instead she waits until it is almost too late. Pocahontas, while being mature, can also be childish. One really good example is when she is in the lake with Nakoma. She turns over Nakoma’s 独木舟 for no apparent reason. Pocahontas also spits in her face. Pocahontas is also somewhat insecure. She is doubtful of herself when she is talking to Grandmother Willow about her interaction with John Smith. Also, when she tries to speak up for John Smith and her father cuts her off, Pocahontas stops trying to speak up and stays back behind the rest of the group.

Neutral: Pocahontas is free-spirited. She “goes wherever the wing takes her” and is unafraid to approach a stranger. She jumps of cliffs and flips over canoes. She rides her 独木舟 over cliffs and takes the narrow, winding river. On the other hand, Pocahontas is also calmer than her preceding Renaissance princesses. Instead of the hallmark loud outbursts that define the “Threatening Three” (I just coined a new term,) Pocahontas speaks levelly with her father. Instead of angry outbursts about how she will NOT marry Kocoum, Pocahontas says in a perfectly calm tone, “I think my dream is leading me down another path” and asks her father whether he would talk with one of the Englishmen if one was willing to talk. Pocahontas is also curious. When the settlers came, instead of turning and running, she stayed awhile and watched. She followed John Smith across the forest and went to watch him at the waterfall. She was also very interested in life in London. She wants to know all about the roads and tall buildings, as well as the English language.

Border: Pocahontas is brave. This is a good thing because she is willing to put herself in danger for others and jumped onto John Smith to save his life (even if Chief Powhatan was her father, would 你 be confident jumping under a club?) However, this can also cause her to be reckless. She does things such as jumping of cliffs and canoeing over a waterfall. Pocahontas is also a very spiritual person. She believes deeply in the spirits around her. She communicates with them and she does what she believes they are telling her. She waits for the spirits’ guidance before deciding what to do. However, this can lead her to be passive and wait for the decision to come to her instead of being proactive for herself. This also leads her to her indecisiveness.
 A steady but spirited diplomat
A steady but spirited diplomat

花木兰 was the first princess to really develop in her movie. She was also a big step away from the “I want more” mentality of the “Threatening Three” (I rather like this new term.) She had initiative and did things with others as her motivation. Instead of seeking what she wanted, 花木兰 fell into situations that brought her development.

Positives: Where else to start? 花木兰 is brave. She went into war to save her father. After being raised to believe that no woman would ever be able to survive in the man’s world of war, 花木兰 went into war against one of the greatest warlords of all time in order to protect her father. She also did everything she could to protect her fellow soldiers. 花木兰 is also selfless. She gave everything to protect her father. The stakes were incredibly high for her. She could have died in battle 或者 if she was discovered as a woman- and she almost did. She stayed to try to find someone who would listen even though she had been shunned 由 everyone. 花木兰 is super intelligent. She is creative and very analytical. She can find ways to turn her disadvantage to her advantage. She is emotionally strong. After thinking all is 迷失 in the mountains, she can put it behind her to pursue the Huns in the city and try to tell Shang and the others. 花木兰 has a very strong sense of duty. She does what she has to in order to bring honor for her family when she goes to the matchmaker. She also gives everything to protect her father and country. In the Imperial City at the end, we see that 花木兰 is very humble. After the Emporer bows to her and gives her his honor, all of China does as well, as we all know. 花木兰 has a look on her face that shows that she is unhappy with everyone bowing to her and giving her the praise. She is a very good team player. Her plan to protect the Emperor involved the soldiers working together and working as a team. 花木兰 is also humble and obedient to her parents and authority. She goes to the matchmaker even though she doesn’t want to because she knows it is important for her family. After the Emperor asks her to stay in the Imperial City, 花木兰 says she would rather go back to her family (and just to point out, she does that in the original story too.) She also gives Fa Zhou the sword and Imperial crest so that he will have the family’s honor, 展示 her humility and obedience to her father.

Negatives: 花木兰 is socially awkward for basically the entire movie. That can often happen in people who are hyper-intelligent. At the beginning, 花木兰 does not know how to handle herself when she is in the test. She immediately isolates herself in the army. At the end, when Shang approaches her, it’s basically a social awkwardness showdown. Shang has no idea how to act, and then 花木兰 just sort of responds with “Oh- ah- sure- see ya.” 花木兰 can also be very 苦 in her movie, and at times, she even seems kind of vindictive. After Fa Zhou is drafted and tells 花木兰 not to challenge it in the street, 花木兰 erupts at dinner. She is very angry and runs out in her charged state. 花木兰 also kid of wallows. Also, when she is in the Imperial City, after Shan Yu shows himself again, we pan back to 花木兰 and see that she had this sort of “I-told-you-so” expression on her face. She also is undisciplined and unmotivated 由 nature. She is just lazy. She put off her studying until the last 分钟 and then has to cheat and write notes on her arm, which then leads her to be late starting her chores. She couldn’t memorize “Fulfill your duties calmly and respectfully, reflect before 你 act; this will bring 你 honor and glory”- I clearly have just memorized it from watching the movie. She is late to her first 日 of training. She needs the motivation of the army and Shang constantly being on her to actually put in the effort she could have. I 说 earlier that 花木兰 wallows. She can be very self-pitying. She has a tendency to perceive things as being against her. 花木兰 is a very melancholy person. She is rarely optimistic and very clearly does not see things through rose-colored glasses. There are several times in the movie where she feels that all hope is lost. She goes to the war and fights for her family, but wasn't interested in the matchmaker and family honor enough to memorize one short paragraph. She is extremely smart and can find split-second solutions to extremely tight binds, but she doesn't think things entirely through and doesn't put effort into learning. She has a ton of talent and ability, but needs someone else to push her for it to be realized. She moves on in situations, but also is self-pitying in Reflection and because she can't measure up (though she didn't put the effort in.) 花木兰 can be rather pessimistic.

Neutral: 花木兰 is not very social. She’s a 更多 introverted person. She only has four 老友记 in the army including Shang. However, if she is a friend to someone, she will be very loyal. She doesn’t seek out the company of others. She bathes 由 herself (well, there are logistical issues at play there) and no one seems to think it strange that she isn’t in the swim party all the other soldiers had. 花木兰 is also, like Pocahontas, a much calmer princess than the “Threatening Three” and Snow White (unless 你 count the sequel, where they totally botch her personality.) Other than her one outburst back at her house, she is very temperate when speaking with anyone, even when she disagrees. When Shang wouldn’t listen to her, 花木兰 never really raised her voice. 花木兰 is also very resourceful. She uses what she has to create a new solution. Of course, we all know these times. She uses the weights to climb the poll; she has Yao, Ling, and Chien Po dress in drag to get into the palace; she has Mushu light the fireworks to kill Shan Yu. Of course, the most obvious and well-known is that 花木兰 using her 粉丝 to wrest the sword out of Shan Yu’s hand.

Border: 花木兰 has a hero complex. Remember in Harry potter and the Order of the Phoenix when Hermione 说 Harry had a “saving-people thing?” That fits 花木兰 perfectly. Yes, she is 《勇敢传说》 and selfless, but she has a compulsive need to take on the role of the hero if she can. One example is when she stays in the city to try and find someone who will listen after Shang turns her away. She could have felt that Shang made his 床, 床上 so he should have to lie in it, but instead she had to find someone who would listen. However, the scene I think shows this 更多 than any other is the matchmaker scene. She knows that speaking out of turn and messing up her tea-pouring will result in failing the test, but she HAS to try and keep her from drinking the 茶 with the cricket in it. It is a good thing because she wants to protect others, but it can also get her into bigger trouble than the situation might be worth. 花木兰 is also very unique and original. She is neither the ultimate femme fatale nor a tomboy. Now, there is nothing wrong with this in itself. However, life is difficult for the odd one out. This is part of the reason why 花木兰 struggles with who she is in the movie- she tries to fit into what society tells her she needs to be. She has difficulty with her test at the matchmaker because of this. However, because she is so different, she also is the intelligent, opinionated (she has them- just because she doesn’t shout them at every opportunity doesn’t mean they aren’t there,) awkward, heroic character we all love.
 Heroic but with a realistic personality
Heroic but with a realistic personality

Sorry if I came across like I was bashing the “Threatening Three,” I really do 爱情 them (well, I have my mixed feelings about Jasmine) and they are all great characters as well.
 Let's see who has the best voice gurl friend!!
Let's see who has the best voice gurl friend!!
So most women in this world, they find males looks to be hot. Well, I find the way that they talk to be hot Favorite 显示 is Sherlock, you'll never guess why? Yes! Najma is in it

11: The Prince
Yes, the Prince's Fangirl put him down in last. Well 你 see...I 爱情 his 唱歌 voice...he speaks like a middle school boy that has yet to grow into it. Cute but not my dream man's voice.

10: Eric
What?! Eric's Biggest 粉丝 putting him down low again?!?! How can she do that?!?!*Screams, the world ends, Justin Bieber becomes the 13th Doctor, Sherlock dies, and Percy Jackson sells his soul to Najma* Anyway...
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added by jessowey
Source: disneywallpapers.info
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: me
posted by DreamyGal
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
It’s so hard to choose the right path.
If I choose wrong, I will feel my Father’s wrath.
He simply won’t understand,
And will insist that I do as he commands.
Deep down in my 心 I know that it’s right,
And I am willing to put up a fight.
I fell for a pale face.
The feelings I have can’t be erased.
I have shown him all the 颜色 of the wind,
And he was finally able to comprehend.
We could have one adventure after the other.
I never want to be with another.
I told my Father I don’t want to marry Kocoum,
But he doesn’t know where I’m coming from.
I have to keep our two worlds from going to war.
They must know we don’t have to fight anymore.
I must create peace,
或者 the hate will just increase.
They have to see my side,
或者 else our 爱情 will be denied.
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
I just got done 写作 an 文章 on my 最喜爱的 soundtracks, and I wanted to do one strictly on my 最喜爱的 scores, because that 列表 is different. 音乐 is very powerful. It can alter your emotions. It can make 你 feel happy, 或者 even make 你 feel depressed and want to cry. I did a research paper back when I was in high school on this very subject. Anyways, on to my list...

10. The Princess and the Frog

I know, I know...BIIIG surprise with this coming in last place. Poor film seems to ALWAYS come last on my list! I'm just not a big fan. It lacks a lot of emotion, and magic in my opinion....
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added by purplevampire
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://alex2424121.deviantart.com
added by MissAngelPaws
posted by zikkiforever
This is why I LOVE Ariel and this is an 文章 to protect her. I know some others done this a few months back, but this MY one. I will be doing the exact same with Merida, but why I prefer Ariel over her will be included. That will be 发布 soon.

First of all let's start with the most common argument against Ariel

Statement-Ariel is selfish

Now let see some definitions of words relating to the word selfish and the defintion of the word selfish.

Selfish-(of a person, action, 或者 motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit 或者 pleasure.

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added by THEDisneyFreak
The biggest 问题 about Frozen? How did Elsa get ice powers. Over the past few weeks, I have observed many theories have got her powers. Please note that none of these are mine, but I can't find the original source. If 你 came up with one of these, tell me and I'll credit you.

1. Elsa was born on the Winter Solstice

We learn that Elsa was born with her powers in Frozen. That seems to suggest that there was something 'abnormal' about her birth. Maybe, like one 粉丝 suggested, she was born on the 21st of December (Winter Solstice). This would connect her back to the theme of ice and winter....
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There's no doubt to a single person on here that Snow White is sweet, optimistic, and caring, but there's really so much 更多 to her, and I want to delve deeper into that here. Sorry for lack of pictures, I kind of just threw this together and wasn't in the mood to go searching for pictures.

I 爱情 how Snow White is confident, yet insecure at the same time. She's confident in the fact that she's not scared to go into the Dwarf's 首页 and boss them around. She's quite assertive and doesn't strike me as a passive character whatsoever. If something isn't going the way she likes, she isn't scared...
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 Michelle Yeoh (Bond Girl) and me in 1998, guess how old I was here.
Michelle Yeoh (Bond Girl) and me in 1998, guess how old I was here.
Name: Dee Na Nagara (Call me Dee)

Born: 30th March 1988

Living in: Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

About me: I 爱情 to see the world and travel, I enjoy meeting new people and to enjoy their culture. I grew up watching 迪士尼 films and as he taught me to 爱情 and the meaning of family harmony, this is why I would 爱情 to become a kindergarten teacher, I 爱情 to sing and dance, though I don't consider myself a good dancer! I 爱情 marshmallows and English tea, I am 1/4 Thai and 3/4 Chinese. I also one younger brother is autistic and he loves music, this is why he always listen to his i-pod whenever he goes...
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posted by PrincessVT
嘿 everybody! Happy DMLK day! I'll celebrate 由 some mixed people...

Lottie and Tia!

I like that even in their racist times Tiana and Lottie were 老友记 all the way... I'm sure in events before the movie, Charlotte's light skinned 老友记 judged her because she was 老友记 with Tia and Tia's darker dark skinned 老友记 didn't trust Lottie... I found this relationship sweet... she even risked a life-long dream for Tia. Can this friendship get anymore sweeter???

:') They've been 老友记 since they were 5 或者 7... unlike Pocahontas and her BFF... we don't know a lot about them... she seemed like a character after those sailors... but Lottie and Tia have that kind of friendship. The highlight is their times. Talk about racist! So yeah that's it!

This Friendship is perfect for today!

[I] I'll do it but for 你 Tia, no marriage included![I]
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
posted by Straggy
 These bitches better watch out, because srsly, we're gonna steal their men.
These bitches better watch out, because srsly, we're gonna steal their men.
It's been a long time since I wrote an article, but I guess we could say "I'm back".
In honour of Princes month, I decided to write an 文章 on the hottest pieces of ass- I mean, the hottest princes. >.>
This'll probably be fun to read because I'm trying to eat and type at the same time whilst there are a gazillion fireworks going off outside (Google Bonfire Night. :/) which is all helped 由 me literally making this 列表 up as I go.
SO, yeah, same as always, I'll swear as much as I fucking want, let's go look at those fine men. ;D

9) The Beast
 Turn back. Not because we have beastiality, but because you're ugly.
Turn back. Not because we have beastiality,...
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posted by sweetie-buttons
The first Gary Stu test. His 爱情 interest Rapunzel is the biggest Mary Sue, so let's see if he is as well.

Unique traits without contacts 或者 hair dye- No, he has dark hair and eyes.
An odd name- No. Neither of his names (Flynn Rider and Eugene Fitzherbert) are too odd.
Looks constantly 评论 on- Only 由 himself, and only to 显示 how arrogant he is.
Always the hero- No, that's mostly Rapunzel. She even brings him back to life.
Multiple characters falling for him- No, only Rapunzel.
Gets into the relationship(s) he wants- No, he didn't want a relationship with Rapunzel at first.
No flaws 或者 any...
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added by LiveLoveDance
added by LiveLoveDance
Source: Pinterest
posted by elsafan1010
"Elsa? Elsaa? When will the guests arrive?" 说 Anna.
Elsa shook her head.

"I think don't be too happy, they're coming here to argue. We're going to pick the best princess and from now on she can be the princess of not only her kingdom, but the whole world and Fanpop."

"And are we participating in this race, too?" asked Anna.
"Even though we're not well liked in Fanpop, aren't we being talked about everywhere?"

Before Elsa could answer, a fat maid came in and 说 that guests had arrived.

Elsa wiped the bored expression off her face and, with a perfectly queenly demeanor, opened the door. The moment...
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