Christian Bale Club
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added by Ashley-Green
Source: Baleheads Blogspot
added by Ieva0311
added by bale_fan345
christian bale
empire of the sun
added by karajorel
Source: tumblr
added by alessiamonari
added by yashar_safavi
added by bale_fan345
added by xXxJDloverxXx
added by A-Gie
added by alessiamonari
added by Ashley-Green
added by bale_fan345
added by yermam
added by karajorel
Source: tumblr
posted by jesus_bale
Christian Bale: Hot 或者 Not?
By Ted Berg

Christian Bale’s beauty cannot be put into words, but I will try.

That which does not kill Christian Bale only makes him hotter.

Before I expound, let me state for the record that I am a fiercely heterosexual man. I have engaged one woman to marry me and spend every morning on the subway attempting to engage several others in mutual eye contact. And it’s not because I am in any way nefarious. I am loyal; I just want women to acknowledge me in some small way because I find them mesmerizing. Achingly beautiful.

Just not quite as beautiful as Christian Bale....
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added by Ashley-Green
Source: for original pictures, me for callaging them
added by Ieva0311