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He loves Boromir.
But could care less about his younger son Faramir.
To point he tells Faramir, to his face, he wishes Boromir was one that survived.
And sends Faramir on a sucide mission.

He redeems though. But dose in the worst possible way.

He falls into madness when he believes a wounded Faramir is dead from a futile effort to retake Osgiliath, leaving Gandalf to command the city defences against the Orc army under Gothmog. But as Gothmog's forces eventually force their way into the city, Denethor tries to kill himself and Faramir on a bonfire. Luckily, Pippin alerts Gandalf and they save Faramir while Denethor throws himself off the 最佳, 返回页首 of Minas Tirith as Théoden and the Rohirrim arrive..

Mr. Turner's role on the 显示 occasionally surpasses even that of Cosmo when it comes to being dimwitted. But usually Mr. Turner tends to be simply deranged. This insanity usually results in him neglecting Timmy 或者 putting his family in otherwise avoidable danger. While Mr. Turner does 爱情 Timmy, he and Mrs. Turner still like to go out often and enjoy themselves without him. They even ignored and destroyed a legal document that 说 he was not to be left with a babysitter on Saturdays, preferring to use it as a 鱼 包, 换行 instead. He also hates his neighbors, the particularly Mr. Dinkleberg and his wife, Mrs. Dinkleberg, because they constantly beat the Turners at contests and have 更多 money to spend on themselves, since they are childless. This fact is one that the Turners seem to sometimes wish for themselves, since they are apparently the only couple in the neighborhood with any children, except Vicky and Tootie's Parents. Their 更多 最近的 behavior shows a greater air of indifference toward Timmy. Such examples include: constantly forgetting his birthday, allowing to be sent to military school so they can rent out his room, and sending to Camp Learn-a-Torium, not caring if he has fun, so long as he is out of their way..

We all shall how cruel Diamonds mother can be.
I don't doubt her father is any better..

At first, Jack was the fairly likeable protagonist and a loving husband and father. He was a writer who accepted the job of winter caretaker for the Overlook Hotel, despite being informed of the building's grisly past and reputation as a cursed place (which he shrugged off as a superstition) and he took his wife Wendy and son Danny with him to the hotel, and thought that the solitude of the place would help him in his 写作 as well. However, Jack soon descended into madness that was never fully explained, depending on the view of the audience he could've either suffered an intense mental breakdown 或者 he was possessed 由 the spirits of the Overlook Hotel -- whatever truly happened to the unfortunate Jack was never fully explained. Yet, the demonic possession was further implied 由 all the ghosts that haunted the hotel, especially the ghosts of young kids who frequently appeared to Danny as well. The ghosts were apparently attracted 由 the boy's power and seemingly tried to drag him into the Underworld.
Jack attempting to murder his family
At any rate, Jack soon 迷失 his mind completely, and became increasingly abusive toward Wendy and Danny while holding conversations with a ghostly bartender (who appeared to be the ghost of the 前一个 caretaker) that apparently only he could see -- he also had a traumatic experience with a ghastly phantom in a hotel room and ultimately descended into a murderous psychosis in which he tried to kill his wife and son with an axe (much as the 前一个 and son with an axe (much as the 前一个 caretaker had done years previously).
However, Jack was outsmarted 由 his family after a fearsome manhunt, and ultimately left to freeze to death in the giant maze outside the hotel after Wendy and Danny escaped the hotel..

Among the members of his family, he tends to treat Meg with the least respect; in "Peter's Daughter", for example, he reminisces about the various pranks he played on her, including tripping her, flicking her nose with his finger, and even shooting her at one point. Also, he wipes a boogie on her hat saying "Hey Meg...Proud of you". He is known to embarrass her at times and with things that mean the most to Meg; the entire family once huddled together to read her diary and continue after Meg catches them. However, later episodes of the series 显示 Peter developing greater respect and unity between himself and his daughter such as in "Road to Rupert" and the aforementioned "Peter's Daughter", though these moments tend not to last for very long..

Despite his usual good intentions.
Randy's lack towards most forms of common sense leaves him and his family into trouble. Partially Stan.

Randy is shown to be very violent at times. He often is in mobs and flips over Korn's truck. He chops off a man's hand, and perhaps kills him, in order to stop Stan from knowing that he was a fake in My Future Self n' Me. He is shown in the end of 'I'm a Little Bit Country' fighting with Skeeter. He is shown to be very violent again in 'The Losing Edge', beating up rival baseball dads. He shoots off a man's head and when he fears the man is becoming homeless when homeless people take over the town. He beats up a woman in 'T.M.I.' after she 问题 his theory about penis sizes, implying that Randy is hostile to anyone who accuses him of having a small dick (which also explains Cartman's personality). He also gets sent to anger management, and then takes over a FedEx building with Cartman, Tuong Lu Kim, Michael, and Butters. He also joins the civil war re-enactors with Cartman and loots, rapes, and tortures.

In "Night of the Living Homeless", he was armed with a shotgun, while hiding with other parents on 最佳, 返回页首 of the community center. While he did not use his weapon against the surrounding homeless, he did decapitate Glen as punishment for being homeless..

Being a heavy alcoholic, Stuart is drunk most of the time. He is shown to often argue and abuse his wife, but it appears to go both ways, as in some episodes Mrs. McCormick berates him without direct provocation. Although he and his wife have been shown physically abusing each other, it has never been shown 或者 implied that Stuart abuses his children.
Imagine growing up to this..

While he started out as a mild-mannered chemistry teacher, 由 the end of Breaking Bad's five-season run, Walter is a drug kingpin living a double life, responsible for untold criminal activity and human cruelty. Sure, he makes a 显示 of caring for his family, but in the end the only thing he cares for is himself..

Sure, he's a brilliant military commander, and sure, his children are incredibly driven and successful. But this man brings a whole new meaning to "tough love."

Even Jaime and Cersei had a tough time with dear old dad, but that's nothing compared to what Tyrion endured. (Just ask his first wife.) All in all, Tywin's not exactly father of the year..

Like many bad fathers before him, Brody abandons his family to go on the lam. But that's just the start: Most absentee fathers aren't also former decorated soldiers turned sleeper agent jihadists bent on infiltrating Congress. Nick gets some bonus badness points for cheating on his wife with a CIA agent and getting branded a traitor 由 the U.S. government..
Saten: (opens the front door) ... Trixie?

Trixie: Hello

Saten: (hugs her tightly) Oh thank god! 你 have NO idea how much I need 你 wait now.

Trixie: (moans softly) Well, I could use some comfort myself.. I 迷失 my job.

Saten: Shit? Really?.. That was always your thing.

Trixie: Yes, but there is a bright side.. 你 clearly need me wait now.

Saten: Ohh, 你 have NO idea.. Derpy dead, Glaze in jail.. I'm so depr-

Trixie: (suddenly kisses him on the lips).

Saten: (serprised, but kisses her back.. Well. Tries too, but AlexMane walks in, ruining the moment).

AlexMane: I'm leaving now.

Saten: Uhh.. Great.....
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It's like MLP.. 你 can give this 显示 an honest try, and STILL not like it.
And I already know Light goes nuts, and he seemed like the only decent person of the show.
Everyone else is annoying.
Even l (sorry Aqua)..

#2: ONE 日本动漫 IS ENOUGH:
I really need to FOCUS on that 显示 Monster.
Death Note was always just a side review, wasn't my main focus.
Everyone is always telling me
"Watch Monster", "Watch monster".
And it's not too bad so far.
Getting kinda boring, but I won't give up on it.
It's sort of my "job"..

Something about it all, just bugs me..
#1: RANDY:
This dude is IMPOSSIBLE

#2: The magicians:

I just gave up eventually.
Espically after having wasted an entire MG gun on him.
And FUCK that healing!

I HATE that friggin tiger!

#5: LEON:
Well, I don't mind fighting him actually, but it takes forever with him rarely sitting still, and I didn't have the time, Katie needed her medicine

To all my Alpha and Omega fans, it's a rarely known fact, but the very first 粉丝 fiction I EVER 发布 (Fatherless) was 发布 BEFORE I have seen the actual film. I already knew all the characters from online sites, and from "other" 粉丝 fictions I read before 写作 my own.
I only watched the movie to SAY that I watched the movie.. Ironically.. The movie was TERRIBLE.
But yet, it caused me to be where I am now..

I NEVER played Farcry 3.
That entire crossover was supported 由 youtobe 视频 and character biography's..

I mention this a lot.
But the original reason I started watching MLP...
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You don't even have to know the 电影院 to know who Jason is. And he gave us a new look at old hockey masks..

He's scary, he's funny, he's friggin Freddy Krueger!
Like Jason, he became one of the biggest names in 斯莱什 movie.
And the greatest evil laugh. 下一个 to, well, many others, but still..

Once more, He is the biggest names in 斯莱什 movie..

I myself make fun of him. He is a bit of an idiot, he keeps monologing, and had so many chances to do that spell on Andy, but didn't.
But still. We all know who he is. And we all 爱情 that...
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你 like gun battles, 你 will get LOTS of them.
Certainly can keep 你 interested..

Certainly makes it 更多 interesting than most other drama's. Less of the talking, 更多 of the killing..

It's awesome!



It's like that 显示 monster. 你 better get use to Rick, cause 你 really DON'T want to try having any other 最喜爱的 character. They're just gonna die MOMENTS after we meet them..

It's one of those shows 你 can't miss ONE episode, 或者 your miss very important details..

They seem to be hinting at the fact the zombies may NEVER die out. Humanity is gone. Joy is gone. EVERYTHING is gone..
John's death at the hands of Ross is a poetic end to his life. His journey has been about what he would do for his family: He certainly kills for them, he helps swindle people in order to get at Bill Williamson, he works for both sides of the Mexican Civil War, he tortures a man with an prolonged beating to get information about Javier Escuela, he confronts the man who raised him, and in the end he sacrifices himself to save his family so they could lead a better life - the reason he sought redemption in the first place.
But when his son Jack Marston (unaware John's death was...
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* The menacing laughter from Avenged Sevenfold..
* The scene from WILL FARRELL..

纸杯蛋糕 3:
* The menacing laughter..

纸杯蛋糕 2:
* The intro guitar..

纸杯蛋糕 1:
* The dramatic scream moments..

* Just about all of it..


The film pretrays the British military as similar to Nazi's.
Killing prisoners of war and wounded soldiers, and burning a church filled with innocent townsfolk.

Stephen Hunter, a historian of the era, said: "Any image of the American Revolution which represents 你 Brits as Nazis and us as gentle folk is almost certainly wrong. It was a very 苦 war, a total war, and that is something that I am afraid has been 迷失 to history....[T]he presence of the Loyalists (colonists who did not want to 加入 the fight for independence from Britain) meant that the War of Independence was a conflict of complex loyalties."[37] The historian Richard F. Snow, editor of American Heritage magazine, 说 of the church-burning scene: "Of course it never happened—if it had do 你 think Americans would have forgotten it? It could have kept us out of World War I."
#1: Mark Wahlberg:
I am still yet to see ANY movie where I don't enjoy this guy's perfamance, he is good at EVERYTHING..
(except the shitty movie cover of Max Payne)..

#2: Seth Marfarlene:
He has done it all.
Movies, voice acting, singing, just about anything.
And he's good for all of it..

Same as I 说 for Mark.
I'm still yet to find a bad performance 由 him..

#4: Ice Cube:
He raps, he acts, he's good at BOTH.

#5: Jim Carrey:
He is actually GOOD as a serious actor.
I respect that..

#6: Will Farrell:
Everyone hates him.
I don't get that..

#7: Brucie Willis:
He is 说 to be a bit of a dick in real life.
But so is Farrell.
I just like them anyway..

(same as Ice cube).

posted by Canada24

Inside a prison.

"You ok, kid?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm sorry about your brother" Niko said, ironically sense he secretly killed him.

"[if Derrick is dead] Ah... me and Derrick had quite a few problems, but he was my brother... and it hurts. Poor fucking bastard. He believed in something once, which is better than me... I guess. Ah fuck, I'll miss him. [if Francis is dead] Gerry Ah... me and Francis were never exactly close, but he was my brother... and it hurts. Poor bastard. He believed in something once. That's a hell of a lot better than me, I guess. Fuck, I'll miss him" Gerry...
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Shortly after finishing the battle and getting back Maureen's stolen items. Niko, knowing their both lonely, and need to 移动 on from Kate. Ended up asking Dash out.

"Oh.. Jee Niko.. I. I don't know... I mean.. I'm a mess!.. I'm a homeless, ill tempered, mess" Dash said, sadly.

"Oh come on.. Your a beautiful girl, who needs someone to care for you" Niko insisted.

"Well... I guess that's true.. But I try not to get close to people.. Just gets them hurt 或者 killed" Dash 说 sadly.

"I'm the same.. But Roman says I shouldn't let Kate's accident stop me from getting close to people.. And I've decided.....
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Princess Luna has a problems that a lot of us have. Family problems for the most part. She's always in the shadow of her sister. She's not appreciated for what she does. She's an lone wolf, alone for the most part. Lot of ponies judge her from her past and not what she is now. Unable to except her new self..

I never noticed at the time.
But she reminded me a bit of myself.
Never really having the time for friends.
Till I met them..

Zuko feels like an real person who goes through a lot in the world. His father abandoning him from...
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posted by Canada24
Why dose everybody hate Roman Bellic.

Sure he probably isn't the best ROLE MODEL.

He drinks, swears, gambles, lies to his cousin about his "american lifestyle", and is sometimes a dick.

But for the most part.
Roman is so sweet.

He calls 你 a bit too much.
I get that.

But think about it.

He hasn't seen his own cousin in years.
I for one enjoy hanging with..

But I would let Roman haters go.

But there's a certain running joke that annoys me.

the joke of
"Cousin. Let's go bowling".

It's not even true.

Roman dose call me a lot.
But it's NEVER for bowling.

I only went bowling with him once so far.
And it was me who asked 'him' to go.

Every other time I am obsessed with asking people to go eat somewhere..
#1: Led Zepplin - Immigrant song:
Most people don't even have to LIKE Led Zeppelin to recognize the famish scream moment.
It's in so much 电影院 and other things, that 你 don't have know who the band even IS..

#2: Lep Zepplin - Kashmir:
Well, actually it's 更多 of the intro than the chorus.
You don't even to like 或者 even KNOW Zeppelin to recognize the main guitar.
it's known as the James Bond theme song..

#3: Nivarna - Teen spirit:
We all know the chorus, don't we :).
I myself don't even know any Nivana song BUT this one.
So that kinda speaks for itself, don't it..

#4: 欧洲 - final countdown:...
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Been seeing it about four months now, and it's the most "quotable" series EVER...


(live audience scene):
Peele: What I often do.. I take note of things my girl dose wrong, and call her on it at the right times.
Key: (pretending to be the girl) Jordon, why'd 你 leave the toilet 座位 up?

(live audience scene):
Girl in audience: (laughing too hard)
Key: Ma'am... Breath.

Key: (texting angrily) do 你 even WANT to hang out!?
Peele: (texting calmly) Like I said...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: Hello everypony.
Master Sword: It's such a beautiful day, and nothing can ruin it.

Then, it started raining.

Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: I wish I brought my umbrella with me.
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: I can't believe this is actually happening.
Master Sword: Well, it could be worse. Oh wait, it is.
Tom: Why?
Master Sword: There is no crossover parody today. Instead, we will be having a musical performance...
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Everyone knows about Squidward torture.
But I recently started noticing that Spongebob gets tortured himself...

Even modern Spongebob doesn't THIS much punishment..


Spongebob immediately got himself a splinter. Throughout the episode, Spongebob tries to not deal with it. but couldn't due to his thumb's injury. Should he used his other hand instead? (PLOTHOLE!) So, he decided to hide it, but Squidward (who told him nothing but lousy crap of hiding it and didn't solve anything) and s. Patrick only WORSENED the situation....
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The abridged version of Alexander Anderson is vastly different than his 日本动漫 counterpart. Like the original, he is a devoted servant of God. Unlike the original, he is ALSO shown to be downright insane. And speaks with an stereotypical Irish accent..


This verison of Jan is almost exactly like his original counterpart. Who, itself, is very dark humored and comic relief, but also very disturbing and perverty. In this verison, he appears to "fuck anything that movies" as he says he'll skull fuck both sir ingeriga, and the...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - 彩虹 Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's 超能英雄 - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland 显示 - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin. 彩虹 Dash was with Fluttershy in a parking lot full of Buicks.

Rainbow Dash: Now, what have we learned?
Fluttershy: Nothing.
Rainbow Dash: No! We learned something.
Fluttershy: Lots of control.
Rainbow Dash: Good.
Fluttershy: Screaming, and hollering.
Rainbow Dash: Yes, and most importantly...
Fluttershy: Passion....
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