亚瑟和格温 Club
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Part 1: link

    “Merlin?” Gwen gasps, blinking her eyes and wiping her face.
    “I’m… I’m sorry, Gwen,” he says, his voice soft, almost inaudible.
    She stands and walks to him. “Sorry? You’re sorry?” she exclaims. “You were supposed to protect him! 你 were supposed to take care of him, make him better!” she shouts, tears starting anew, and she realizes she is pummeling his thin chest with her clenched fists.
    “You were supposed to bring him 首页 to me!” she sobs, pounding him mercilessly.
    He makes no 移动 to stop her, as he knows he deserves every blow he receives. Finally she collapses against him, and he brings his arms around her, holding her as she weeps against his chest.
    “Sorry,” she mumbles, resting her forehead against him now.
    “No, 你 have nothing to apologize for, Gwen,” Merlin says. “I failed you, and I do not deserve your forgiveness.”
    “You already have it, Merlin,” she says, wrapping her arms around his waist and squeezing him in a tight hug.
    “Thank you,” he breathes, his rigid body melting as he squeezes her in return, his own tears falling onto the 最佳, 返回页首 of her head.
    Merlin’s hands rest on her back, holding her gently. “Gwen?” he asks, sounding just slightly startled 由 something.
    “You’re taller than Arthur,” she notes absently, pulling back and looking up at him. His eyes are as red-rimmed and bleary as hers. Merlin moves his hand then, around to her stomach.
    “There is life within you,” he whispers, his voice awe-struck. “I can feel it.”
    “You sound surprised,” she says dumbly.
    “I’m surprised that I can tell,” he blinks down at her, dropping his hand.
    “I was surprised as hell that I am at all,” she answers, walking to the 表 and sitting.
    “Timing, hey?” Merlin sits down beside her at the table. There is a knock at the door.
    “Yes?” Gwen calls, her voice a sigh.
    The door creaks open. “My lady, will 你 be taking lunch in – Merlin!” the serving girl gasps, seeing Merlin sitting there with the queen.
    He waves, but says nothing.
    “Yes, please bring lunch for both myself and Merlin, here, Lily, thank you,” Gwen answers.
    “Yes, my lady.”
    “Lily?” Gwen calls after her, staying her. “One moment.” She turns to Merlin. “Who knows 你 are in Camelot?”
    “No one,” he answers, giving her a tight look indicating that is not looking for a reunion at this time with anyone other than her.
    “Lily, tell only Sir Leon of Merlin’s presence here, and impress upon him that he is to keep the news to himself. And tell him I wish to remain undisturbed. I have much to discuss with Merlin and I do not wish to be interrupted.”
    “Yes, my lady,” Lily bobs another curtsey and scurries away.
    “Gwen…” Merlin protests.
    “Merlin,” Gwen turns back to him, “I want to know. I need to know.”
    “I know,” he answers, his voice breaking.
    “So talk.”


    By the time Merlin finishes the tale, they are both crying and their 食物 is hardly touched.
    “Gwen,” Merlin sniffs, “please eat. For the baby, 你 need to eat.”
    Gwen sullenly stabs a green 豆 and puts it in her mouth, finding it cold. “Cold,” she grumbles. “Where is Arthur now?”
    “Avalon,” Merlin says. “It is a place of deep, ancient magic. It is written that he will return when Camelot needs him most.”
    “Where is that written?”
    “Where is anything written, Gwen?” Merlin sighs, gesturing vaguely. “So many things are prefaced with ‘it is written,’ but no one ever sees that writing.”
    Gwen almost laughs at him. “When Camelot needs him most, hmm? What about his wife, bearing his child? Does that count for nothing?”
    Merlin sighs and squeezes her hand. “Gwen, I came back for two reasons. The first was to see 你 and face you, like a man, and own up to my failure,” he sighs, still tremendously grieved 由 the loss of Arthur.
    “And the other?”
    “I have something for you,” he says, releasing her hand and reaching into his satchel.
    “When I left Camelot, when I didn’t accompany Arthur to Camlann, it was because Morgana had found a creature that robbed me of my magic, rendering me unable to help him,” he says, digging into the bag.
    “Did Morgana know about you?”
    “Mordred told her. After he left here, he fled to her side, blinded 由 his own grief and fury.”
    “He could not see what Kara had become,” Gwen says, shaking her head sadly.
    “Love will do that,” Merlin says absently, still digging. “Morgana had been searching for ‘Emrys’ for years. Mordred was able to solve that mystery for her.”
    “He knew? Mordred knew?”
    “Of course he did. He was a Druid, Gwen, and he had magic himself. But that is another tale for another time,” Merlin says. He has something in his hand now, something small, but Gwen cannot see it. He is not ready to reveal it yet.
    “Anyway, Gwaine accompanied me to the mouth of a cave leading to a place I had been to once before, 说 to be the 来源 of all magic. I intended to go there to restore my gift.”
    “Obviously it worked,” Gwen says, smiling.
    “Yes. It was never really gone, in fact. But I did have help,” he smiles wistfully.
    “Who helped you?”
    “My father.”
    “I thought 你 didn’t know your father,” Gwen furrows her brows.
    “Remember the dragonlord Arthur and I searched for?”
    “Yes, he died, if I recall.”
    “He was my father. I did not know until just before Arthur and I set out.”
    “I am sorry, Merlin. To finally meet him, only to lose him… that must have been heartbreaking.”
    “It was. He appeared to me in this place, though, and helped me find my way again. 你 would have liked him very much, Gwen. He was wise and gentle, like you,” Merlin sighs sadly.
    “What is this place called?” she asks.
    “They call it the Crystal Cave. It is filled with large crystals, and if 你 gaze into them 你 will see many things. Past, present, possible futures: things that may 或者 may not come to pass.”
    “Oh, my.”
    “It is both fascinating and dangerous. A person could get 迷失 entirely down there, gazing into the crystals.”
    “I can imagine.”
    He opens his hand, and there is a small crystal sitting on his palm. “This is but a tiny crystal from that cave. I would like 你 to have it,” he says.
    “I… I couldn’t…”
    “It is too small to be of any harm to you, Gwen, I promise. I would never give 你 anything that would hurt you,” he whispers.
    “I know that, but… to possess a magical item like this…”
    “So 你 plan on keeping the ban on magic?” he asks, closing his hand around the crystal again.
    “No,” she sighs. “I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. I’m going to lift it. I think. It seems… right that I should do this.”
    “It is. Remember that magic itself is not evil, Gwen, only people can be evil.”
    “I know that.”
    “So 你 will accept my gift?”
    “Yes, Merlin, I will.”
    Merlin stares down at his closed fist, lifting it to his lips for a moment and closing his eyes. He whispers a word against his fingers and Gwen watches, transfixed, as his eyes flash gold.
    Merlin opens his palm again, and the crystal is wrapped in silver filigree and hanging from a silver chain. He stands and affixes it around Gwen’s neck, and she lifts her hair over it. It settles against her skin, the metal cool and oddly comforting against her neck.
    “Do not take it off,” Merlin says. “Not to sleep, not to bathe. This crystal… how can I say this to not put 你 off? It wants to be with you.”
    Gwen’s hand closes over it where it is nestled against her bosom, and she is surprised to find that the crystal is warm. She nods, saying nothing. It is an odd request, but somehow I feel… better… with it on. My 心 feels a fraction lighter.
    “The silver will not tarnish; the chain will not accidentally strangle 你 in your sleep,” he finishes.
    Merlin squeezes her shoulder comfortingly, and picks up his satchel.
    “You’re going?” she asks, turning.
    “I cannot stay, Gwen. Not now. Perhaps not ever. I don’t know yet.”
    Without Arthur, he has no direction, she realizes. “Please tell me 你 will come back, Merlin, even if not permanently. I’ve 迷失 Arthur forever, I cannot lose 你 as well,” she pleads, tears in her eyes.
    “I’ll be around,” he promises, wiping her tears away. She hugs him tightly, her head against his chest. “You can do this, Gwen,” he whispers. “You will bring Camelot to its glory. Finish Arthur’s work.”
    She leans up and kisses his cheek. “Thank you, Merlin. I 爱情 you, and so did Arthur. Remember that.”
    “I know, Gwen. I will never be far away,” he promises. He sniffs once, and Gwen sees a tear escape from his eye just before he sweeps from the room.


    “Guinevere.” The voice is distant, but clear as a bell.

    Queen Guinevere turns in her sleep, her hands reaching out for someone who is no longer there. They close around his 枕头 and draw it to her chest.
    “Guinevere,” the voice is louder, 更多 insistent.
    Gwen is walking in an empty, bare white room, approaching a door.
    “Open the door, my love.”
    She reaches out and places her palm flat on the wood. It is warm, like her crystal, and the barest touch swings it open.
    Gwen steps forward, through the open door, blinking as her eyes adjust to the dim light beyond. There is a figure before her.
    “Arthur…” she breathes. She wants to rush to him, into his arms, to squeeze him to her and never let go again, but she finds she is rooted to the spot.
    “Guinevere,” he steps closer, smiling. He looks beautiful and whole, clad in his white tunic and black trousers, his 带, 皮带 hanging at his hips. No heavy and harsh chainmail, no restrictive armor. Not even a sword. Just Arthur, as she loved him best: soft; accessible.
    “Is this a dream?” she finally says.
    “Yes and no,” he shrugs, his eyes dropping to the crystal hanging at her cleavage.
    “Merlin,” she guesses, and Arthur nods.
    “That crystal,” he nods at it, “that crystal was born when I landed here, in Avalon.”
    “This is Avalon?” Gwen looks around, frowning, unimpressed.
    “This is a gateway, Guinevere,” he says. “Your world is back there, through that door,” he points at the door through which she entered, the light pouring in from it their only light source.
    She glances back at it a moment. “Where is your door?”
    “You cannot see it,” he says, looking over his left shoulder. “To keep 你 from following me through, I guess.”
    “But I would like to follow 你 through it,” Gwen says, taking a step closer.
    “No, Guinevere,” he says sadly, holding his hand up. “It’s not yet your time.”
    “Can 你 follow me back, then?”
    “No. It’s not yet my time.”
    “You sound like Merlin,” she says suddenly, squinting at him.
    Arthur laughs. “I have learned a lot since I’ve been here. And 你 can’t follow me into Avalon, my love. Not yet.”
    “But one day?”
    “Yes, one day. Just not now. Definitely not now,” he says, raising his eyebrows at her.
    “You know,” she whispers.
    “Of course I know,” he says simply. “I put him there, didn’t I?” he grins.
    “Him?” she gasps, her hands on her stomach.
    “Him,” Arthur nods, the pride evident on his face. “Guinevere, I’m sorry,” he says, his face falling.
    “For getting me pregnant?” she puzzles.
    “For dying on you,” he sighs. “I know… I know it was always your greatest fear, every time I went to battle 或者 out on a quest 或者 even a hunting trip.”
    “You did what 你 had to do for your kingdom,” she whispers, looking down, ashamed at the selfishness of her grief.
    “My kingdom is nothing without my queen,” he tells her. “Merlin blames himself for my death, I know this now. But what he does not know is that I do not blame him, I blame myself.”
    “I blame Morgana,” Gwen says. “It was her hand that guided Mordred’s, it was she…”
    “My hand should have been the one to guide Mordred’s!” Arthur interrupts. “I failed him.”
    “No, Arthur, he failed you. He was blinded, he could not see what was right in front of him.”
    “Neither could I,” Arthur says quietly. “Merlin. All those years,” he chuckles suddenly. “It’s almost funny. Well, it would be funny if I didn’t come off looking like a blind idiot.”
    “You are being too hard on yourself, Arthur,” Gwen says.
    “Oh? What did 你 say when he told you?”
    “He did not tell me,” she admits.
    “Gaius, then?”
    “Not exactly. I kind of… drew the conclusion myself based on 最近的 events and some evasive 评论 from Gaius.”
    “You see? This is what I mean. This is why 你 must go back. Guinevere, 你 are smarter than I ever could have been. 你 are able to see what is in front of 你 for what it is. It is one of the many reasons I 爱情 你 so much,” he sighs.
    “I always knew Merlin was special,” she says quietly. “I just had no idea how special.”
    “None of us did. Except perhaps Gaius.”
    “I’ve missed you,” Gwen says suddenly.
    “And I, you,” he answers, smiling, remembering another time when these words were exchanged between them, bittersweet and passionate. Only this time there is no narrow cot, no bandaged ribs, no desperate embrace. This time they stand, face to face, gazing at one another, afraid to move.
    “But I am always with you, my love,” he adds, pointing to the crystal again. “As I said, that small shard was born in the cave when I came here. It called to Merlin, told him to come retrieve it.”
    “Merlin 说 that… it wanted to be with me,” she whispers.
    “Yes,” Arthur says, “it does. I do. That crystal is my heart, and it is meant to rest beside yours, always.”
    Gwen feels tears wetting her cheeks now. “Merlin told me not to take it off, ever. And I won’t, I promise.”
    “Thank you,” he breathes, sounding strangely relieved.
    “I don’t actually think that I could if I wanted to,” she says, fingering the chain, finding no clasp.
    “Tricky wizard,” Arthur mumbles, smirking. “Is… is he all right?”
    “I don’t know. I think he feels 迷失 right now. We all do, to varying degrees. He’s devoted his life to you, Arthur, and now he has no direction, no purpose.”
    “Tell him I’m sorry,” Arthur frowns.
    “He’s gone,” Gwen whispers.
    “He left?” Arthur is incredulous.
    “Not forever,” she soothes, knowing he’s upset not because Merlin left, but because he left her alone.
    Arthur looks over his shoulder and scowls. “It’s time, Guinevere. 你 have to go back.”
    “Yes, it is nearly sunrise. 你 have a kingdom to run, my love.”
    “I will finish your work, Arthur,” she promises.
    “I know 你 will. And make sure 你 eat,” he adds. “I want my baby to be healthy.”
    “Still giving orders,” she sighs.
    “I 爱情 you,” he tells her, and she notices he is fading, his color, less vibrant, his lines, less defined.
    “I 爱情 you, Arthur,” she says, “with all my heart.”
    “With all my heart,” he repeats, and she turns and walks back through the door, into the whiteness.

Part 3: link
Hi ladies,

Here is the letter for the write-in campaign (please thank Stacey for all the time and effort that she put into this). Please have a read through it and let us know if there is anything that we should add 或者 change before we send it in. Also please pay attention to the spelling and grammer and let us know if there are any spelling 或者 grammatical errors that we shoud fix. Thank 你 all for submitting your wishes, this is truely a community effort. Cheers!

PS: The 图片 that I have included will be going at the 最佳, 返回页首 and the bottom of the letter when we 提交 it; the journey image will...
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posted by kbrand5333
My 圣诞节 gift to 你 all! Hope 你 like it! I just want to thank all of 你 so much for all your kind words and encouragement about my writing. I honestly never had done any 写作 since school (150 years ago), and that certainly was not 写作 of this sort. 你 have all been so wonderful to me, and your praise only encourages me! Kisses and hugs to everyone, and have a fantastic holiday season, however 你 celebrate.

    It is the winter solstice in Camelot, a time for feasting and gift-giving. 冬青, 冬青树 branches and mistletoe are everywhere, and the chill in the air makes...
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I just felt the need to share my heart. And I didn't know where else 或者 how to do it. We're here to have fun and boy do we. I 爱情 this place to pieces. I 爱情 all the joking around about our couple and about the actors who play them. I 爱情 all 你 guys. This is just a TV 显示 and the whole deal is all make believe, but most of us do tend to recognize that and try to keep our emotions over something that's not real in check.

But I have a heavy 心 right now, because I am a bit invested in this couple. I hope I'm wrong about what I'm feeling. 你 don't know how much I'm hoping I am wrong....
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To all my arwen/brangel merlin loving peeps out there....

I am like the seasoned wind, bristling 由 and taking every detail with me to heart.

I anxiously wait for the photos, vidz, 文章 and 评论 on a 日 to 日 basis...they mostly almost always bring a smile on my tired face.

The other night, my flatmates (2 horrid college guys) addressed my "obsession with those two was becoming concerning".

Perhaps it is becoming concerning to them, because they too find themselves watching the episodes with me.

But the issue was that after dissing the 显示 and yet at the same time admitting that they...
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Check out Digital Spy's ten teasers for this week's Merlin below:

1. "I've been playing a dangerous game since the first time I set foot in Camelot."

2. The prince is not too happy with the "entertainment" at his birthday feast.

3. "I think that a lot of sorcerers are in the charcoal business."

4. The elderly Merlin returns and confronts Arthur once more!

5. "You've got *******, ******** and ******** to entertain you!"

6. At one point, Arthur forgets to put on his trousers.

7. "I take it 你 didn't come all this way just to smash my favourite pot!"

8. Arthur begins to suspect that there is something wrong with Merlin's bladder.

9. "Finally 你 will get all that 你 deserve, old friend."

10. Arthur gives Merlin a piggyback ride.
Bradley Jame’s Arthur is one of the reasons I got so drawn to the 显示 Merlin. I was curious to see his journey to become king.
I think the creators of Merlin did good when they chose Bradley James for their Arthur. Sure he has the perfect look. With great bone structure and a beautiful appearance. He really looks regal. He looks like a prince and the king to be. An actor should have skill in physical movement. To make the expressions and movements typical for the character. Bradley has the skills and physical appearance to play a legendary damager.

However playing a character like Arthur Pendragon...
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Guinevere is some kind of wonderful. That is why she is perfect for Arthur. She is the embodiment of inner-strength. Which in my opinion is the best strength to have. She gets accused of sorcery and thrown in the dungeon. She is lying there all tiny and vulnerable and it breaks my heart. Through tears she comforts Merlin saying there is no need crying about it. She stays 《勇敢传说》 and strong in the most difficult situations. She holds it together when a lot of others would be falling apart.
She is elegant, beautiful, gracious, tiny and so feminine. She is not afraid of fighting to defend her loved...
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A few days 以前 I 发布 a few 问题 on S2E2, "The Once and Future Queen" and received spectacular answers. But I was so taken with the answer 由 Stacey (EPaws) to 问题 3 that I wanted to frame it! So I'm doing the 下一个 best thing 由 posting it here as an article, instead of broken up in several parts as it is on the 答案 page. Please read and enjoy...I know you'll all 爱情 it. A worthy dissertation of the epic 吻乐队(Kiss) that we all 爱情 so much 由 our dynamite couple!


The Once and Future Kiss

The 心 wants what the 心 wants.
Impulsive it might have been, but the impulse comes...
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"i have never loved any other than 你 nor i had 爱情 in return , for the sake of 爱情 alone , 你 are one alone , special , a single bright 星, 星级 shining in the darkness"

"im bound to 你 由 a chain of iron unbendable , unbreakable , even death shall not free my soul from yours"

"my 爱情 for 你 is like the the full moon ,sailing high and clear and bright , only occasionally a 云, 云计算 drifts across hiding her from sigh.We cannot see her , all light has gone yet we know for certain she is still there , waiting for the wind to blow the 云, 云计算 away
My 爱情 for 你 is like that...ALWAYS THERE BUT SOMETIMES HIDDEN "
HC: Also in the finale, we discover that the monarch who will lead Camelot in a golden era of peace is Gwen, not Arthur. Was that a decision that came as the result of Arthur’s death? 或者 was it something deliberate you’ve been planning for a long time?

JM: It was, actually. We’ve had that in our minds for about three series. We felt that with Gwen, to take Gwen from a servant girl to a powerful and strong queen, a person who can bind the kingdom together, was the journey we wanted to do, and I think 天使 delivered that brilliantly. And some of the most moving scenes in that last episode...
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added by EPaws
Source: againststars

    Gwen’s 心 thumps quickly as she and Uther near Gaius’ chamber. She hasn’t released Uther hand since she grabbed it in the corridor on their way to meet Arthur. She is scared and doesn’t know if she has the strength to see Arthur at all, especially in the condition Gaius explained to them a while ago. But she wants to. She needs to. It’s her husband lying there, possibly dying, and he needs her. She wants to see, but how will she cope? How will she endure? They near the chamber and as Gaius opens the door, Gwen wants to rush in. But she doesn’t, instead...
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added by EPaws
Source: Whythatswhy
天使 coulby
added by MISAforever
Source: me
added by alessiamonari
added by MISAforever
Source: me
added by MISAforever
Source: kciemoo.tumblr
added by RoseLovesJack
added by EPaws
Source: artemistlist