《丛林有情狼》 Club
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posted by TheChriZ1995
蝴蝶 were now in my stomach was we headed up the raise to her parents den, she looked back at me and could probably tell how I was feeling. A reassuring smiled appeared and I returned it before she turned and headed into the 巢穴, den, 书房 with me right behind.

"Ah Kate there 你 are, I was beginning to worry" I heard Eve say

Only her parents were in the 巢穴, den, 书房 who look all ready and eager to head down to the valley, I just silently stood there until Winston noticed me.

"Humphrey? What are 你 doing here, 你 should be down in the valley with the others." He said

"Well I..." I began but Kate cut me off, I had no idea what to say anyway

"He's fine dad, in fact there's a reason he's here" She said

"What do 你 mean?" He asked

I watched as she walked back to be and sat beside me so I did the same, I decided to just stay quiet and let her do the talking. "Mom, dad there's something we need to talk about"

"Alright but make it quick, everyone is waiting down there for us." Eve said

"I have to call off the wedding" She said

"What? Kate 你 already agreed to go through with it, why can't 你 now?" He 说 surprised

"I don't 爱情 him dad, I barely even know him and I'm sure he doesn't 爱情 me either."

"I don't expect 你 to 爱情 him, it's both of your responsibilities to go through with this for our packs." He reasoned, I could already see this was going downhill

"I'm not giving up my freedom and 爱情 life just so 你 all can be happy" She sternly argued looking at both of them

"Kate 你 说 你 would do this not even a 日 ago, what made 你 change your mind?"

"I finally got the chance to stop and think about what I was doing to myself and I quickly realized that my 心 belongs to someone else." She said



"Humphrey!" He gasped as there was a thud on the ground, Eve lied passed out on the hard dirt floor. "You can't be serious Kate he's an omega"

"I don't care what he is dad, I 爱情 him and he loves me so I ask for your approval in marring him." She 说 placing her paw around my shoulder as she continued "He's always been there for me and only now have I realized it, he makes me happy and has shown me the fun side of life."

I took pride in hearing her say those words, Winston on the other hand looked like he wasn't happy hearing this. "You realize that if allow 你 two to marry Tony will be furious with me and declare war on us, is that what 你 want? A war?" He said

"Well I'm telling 你 now there's no way I'm going down there and doing what 你 want me to do, it's either 你 let us marry 或者 we just leave. I'm sorry dad but I'm not giving up my life just to be sad the rest of my life."

"You are not leaving Kate, not until I figure out what in the heck is happening right now." He said

"I told 你 what's happening, and 你 aren't going to stop me for I am old enough to be making my own decisions without you." She said, this was only going to end in disaster at this point.

"Marrying Garth is your responsibility and that's final, Tony and I have worked for far too long to just let this fall through all because 你 爱情 someone else, and an omega at that. 你 know the law and I can't make any exceptions to it just because you're my daughter."

That had to be the final straw because Kate stood up "You know Humphrey was right about 你 dad, 你 do only expect me to go through with life staying with the law just like everyone else has. I don't even think I know 你 anymore because 你 sure don't sound like my dad right now. So 你 can be left to think about what to do about wedding on your own, goodbye dad I won't be coming back for quite some time, come on Humphrey let's get out of this place."

She quickly turned and stormed out of the den, I got up and only looked at Winston before turning to leave as well but I didn't get far. "Humphrey wait" I heard him say

I froze not knowing what to do, I looked back at him and saw that he looked upset "I don't know what the end of today will bring for us but I want 你 to promise me one thing, take good care of Kate for me, she may be upset with me right now but I still 爱情 her as much as I always have. I want 你 to know that I accept her choice in 你 as a mate, just understand that I'm only doing what's best for my pack.

I never expected him to see me as a fitting mate to his daughter, I'm just an omega that only knows just that and yet he thinks highly of me. "I will protect her with my life sir 你 have my word" I replied

"I know 你 will, now go on I need to get down to the valley and figure out some way to stop a war." He said

"Best of luck sir" Was all I 说 before continuing out of the den.

I couldn't help but feel sorry about leaving here, I don't think Kate and I both fully realized that leaving would cause a war, but I guess this is just the way things have to be, even how unfortunate it sounds. We both vowed to stay together no matter how bad things turned out. I saw Kate standing below waiting for me to catch up to her, I took one last look down at the valley and all of the 狼 there and shook my head before heading over to her.

"Ready to go?" She asked

"Yeah, it sucks to have to leave but it's the way it's got to be" I replied

We began to walk in no particular direction away from the 巢穴, den, 书房 grounds, as far as I knew we hadn't even thought about where we should go. "I know, I am going to miss it here, but we'll be back to visit for sure as long as nothing bad happens..." She sounded upset which I didn't blame her for.

She had to leave her family behind just so she can live the life she wants with me, it made me feel guilty inside. "I'm sorry Kate I don't want it to be like this for us, I mean 你 have to leave 你 family behind in order to be with me and I feel like it's my doing." I said

"Don't blame yourself, I 爱情 你 and I am not going to leave your side even if I'm not with my family."

"Thanks Kate, but if 你 ever change your mind and want to go back I won't mind, I just want 你 to be happy." I stated

"I am happy Humphrey, it might not look like it right now but I am glad that I get to be with 你 instead of someone else." She replied "I just hope things go well with the packs and they still unite with a better way than marriage."

"Yeah hopefully" I smiled "So where are we going to go?"

"I'm not sure but its best that we get far from here fast just in case my dad changes his mind." She said

"Well as long as my alpha is leading the way we can go anywhere" I 说 looking at her

She smiled as we went on to walk in silence giving me some time to think, where could we go that was 安全 and special? One place came into my mind and that was Sawtooth, it was a nice place and I was sure that it would be 安全 considering humans sent us there expecting us to thrive in a way. It was the afternoon already meaning we wouldn't be getting very far once night came, that is if Kate wants stop 或者 wants to press on through the night. She was the leader, I was the follower and I liked it that way.

As we neared the territory border a voice called out to us from above "Ah there 你 two are" we both stopped and looked around to see where the voice came from.

I smiled when I saw who landed down in front of us "Hey Marcel and Paddy, what brings 你 here?" I asked glad to see them again

"Why we came looking for 你 to see how 你 were doing being back 首页 again." Paddy replied

"Yes but we never saw 你 with the other 狼 so we've been looking around for a while." Marcel added "So what are 你 doing out here?"

"Humphrey and I are leaving to go live elsewhere" Kate said

"Ah see Paddy I told 你 they were meant to be together" He said

"Just took some time but yes 你 are right sir" Paddy agreed "Why are 你 leaving and not just staying here?"

"Because there's a law that keeps us from being together here so we have to leave and live as lone wolves." I answered

"How terrible to hear, and to think 狼 of all creatures would have laws like that." Marcel said

"Yeah, but it is what it is and were making the most of it" I said

"Well Paddy and I are here to help 你 get to wherever it is 你 are going." He smiled with Paddy agreeing

"Oh thank 你 guys, but that's the thing we don't know where to go." Kate said

"Don't know where to go? Why 你 can go anywhere!" He said

"Yes quite a lot of nice places around north and south of here" Paddy added

I could tell Kate was thinking of somewhere but I decided to suggest a place I had in mind "Why not just go back to Sawtooth?" I asked looking at her in particular.

"You know that isn't a bad idea Humphrey, it's safe, pretty and we've been there before." She agreed

"Yeah that's why I like it" I said

"Alright that settles it then, we're going back to Sawtooth!"

"Wonderful, we help 你 get all the way here just to go back again" Marcel 说 sarcastically

I laughed "Yep"

"Guess that means Sawtooth will be seeing 更多 狼 around in the future, eh?" Paddy teased

I smiled "Who knows..."

I could see Kate just roll her eyes and look away for a moment before turning to back to ask them something "Is there a train we can catch?"

"Hmm I'm not too sure, there should be one at some point that 你 could catch and take most of the way there." Marcel replied

"Perhaps 你 could head to the tracks and we'll fly ahead and see of any are coming" Paddy suggested

"That would be great, we'll be waiting for you" She said

The both nodded before taking off and flying away, we began to walk in the direction of the railway tracks that weren't too far from the territory's border.

"I'm glad we talked to them because I would have no idea where to go to get back to Sawtooth." She 说 as we walked side 由 side

"Yeah if it wasn't for them who knows where we would be now" I agreed

"Lost in the forest somewhere I imagine"

The tracks appeared along the mountain side as we climbed up to meet them, I was looking 前锋, 期待 to getting to spend some 更多 time on a train. I found that it was nice to sit and watch the world to 由 with the wind going through my fur, especially with my new mate 由 my side. Who knew what our future was going to be like once we got to Sawtooth but I was going to make the best of my time there. Perhaps I would learn to hunt and even fight, that way Kate wouldn't be stuck doing all of the work 由 herself.

I suddenly realized one thing, if we're going to be lone 狼 than how are we going to get married? I mean normally the pack leader has to be there to make it official but we're not going to have that in Sawtooth.

My thoughts were interrupted when Kate put her forearm on my shoulder "You okay?" She asked looking at me

We had been sitting on a rock 由 the tracks for a bit now "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking is all" I smiled

"About what?"

"About spending my life with 你 in our new 首页 when we find it"

She smiled and nodded, "I do have a 问题 though" I said

"And what's that?"

"Well how are we going to get married if we're living alone?" I asked

"You don't need to be in a pack to have a wedding, we can do the ritual on our own." She replied

"Ah then we'll have to do that once we get there."

"We could always do it right now" She suggested

"No I want it to be somewhere special for us" I said

She smiled "I agree, that way it will be 更多 memorable too"

We continued to talk as time passed by, soon an 小时 had passed 由 fast since we were so busy talking about things. Finally she noticed Marcel and Paddy flying towards us along the tracks, we both got up and stood as they landed before us.

"See anything?" I asked

"Yes there is a train making its way to here" Marcel answered sounding a little tired from flying so far

"Great! How far out is it?" Kate asked

"I'd say about half 小时 at most, maybe less" Paddy said

We both smiled "Thank 你 so much" I said

"Not a problem, anything for friends" He said

"Yes, now we got some things to attend to but we will see 你 along the way" Marcel 说 "This time stay on the right path okay? I don't need to be any 更多 of a travel agent than I already am."

We all laughed "Alright see 你 guys" Kate 说 as they both took back off and flew into the distance.

Clouds have been rolling in and now covered the sun darkening everything just a bit, we both admired the view we could see from the rock we laid on. 你 could see some of the valley but not enough of it to see where we used to call 首页 due to the way the terrain and trees were. Soon a faint rumbling sound could be heard which had to be the train approaching us, we waited as the noise got louder until the train appeared down the tracks.

"Alright I'll jump in first and I'll be there to help 你 up if 你 need it" Kate 说 getting up

"Do we just run alongside and jump in?" I asked, we had never done this before since last time we both landed inside one of the cars via a log sled.

"That's the idea I guess, as long as it's not going to fast" She replied

I nodded my head before looking back at the train which was making its way closer, she told me to start running once it got to us which is just what we did. As planned she jumped into the first open train car and looked back at me while I prepared to jump, I had no idea if I was able to make the jump but I had to try. I noticed the land sloped up alongside the track so I used it as the spot to jump, I flew through the air before landing hard on the cars floor.

I got up and made sure I wasn't hurt which thankfully I didn't have a scratch so I turned to look at Kate who smiled "Good job that was a better jump than so expected from you" She complimented

"Yeah I'm always full of surprises aren't I?" I said


We sat and watched as the sights of Jasper began to disappear from view as this train took us to our new home, I was glad how things turned out for me. Sure I had to leave the pack and all my 老友记 but I got what I wanted which was for Kate and I to become mates.

I gave her a lick on the cheek which she giggled and returned "I 爱情 你 Humphrey"

"I 爱情 你 too Kate"

We smiled for a moment "So we got a lot of time sitting on here, what do 你 want to do?" I asked

"I'm feeling tired since I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm going to take a nap." She replied

"Yeah same here, I'll 加入 you" I said

We both walked to the back of the car and laid down together with our backs touching, I sighed and closed my eyes happy that I had Kate 由 my side.

Unknown to the two 爱人 as they slept things back in Jasper had been going well after a short bit of conflict, the packs both united through a different marriage that was for 爱情 and not responsibility. It turned out that Garth and Lilly had developed a 爱情 for one another during the short time they spent together, which is just what saved the pack from starting a full blown war. The news of Kate and Humphrey's departure was saddening and a shock to everyone considering the reason why they did.

Tony wasn't happy about hearing how his plan to unite fell through and argued to Winston that he needed to go find her and force her to comply with her responsibility. But Winston couldn't do that, he knew and understood that his daughter was happy with Humphrey and that they would be fine living together alone. It was at this moment while the leaders argued that Garth decided to step 前锋, 期待 and put an end to this, he knew a way that the packs could still unite and it will be for the better for everyone.

He confessed that he was in 爱情 with Lilly and wished that he could marry her in order to unite the packs, at first his father refused but eventually saw how it would work. So they agreed to abolish the alphas over omegas law and unite the packs as one, everyone was happy and relieved after Garth and Lilly completed their marriage ritual. A great peace had begun for everyone what was ensured to last for many years and generations to come, however Winston was feeling upset now that his daughter and mate could come back and live here as one.

To think that if they stayed through all that has happened they would have never needed to leave their true home. Maybe if they decide to ever come back to visit they will learn what really happened and maybe even come back to live here. But it is what it is now and there's no way to change it, he knew they would still be happy wherever they decide to live. Winston was just glad that things had gone the way they did and did not turn into a major conflict between two packs. His job was complete and now he headed to the moonlight howl to celebrate the peace with his pack mates.

As for Kate and Humphrey they are living happily together as mates in Sawtooth, they found a 巢穴, den, 书房 near a mountain side and have been enjoying each other's company. Humphrey told Kate that he wanted to learn how to hunt which pleased her and was 更多 than excited to help teach him her alpha knowledge. Everything was the way it was meant to be and all Kate and Humphrey had left to do now is live their lives to the fullest…


A/N: Another short story complete and I like how it turned out for being something that follows a song, I feel like sticking to short stories mostly because they don't take much time to complete. This won't be the last of song inspired stories, I already got two 更多 possible ones in the future so keep an eye out for those. Thank 你 for 阅读 and I hope 你 enjoyed this installment of FanFiction, peace.
Hutch was still the form of a demonic beast, what he was doing right now was digging and digging, looking for the entrance of Hell, he knows its around the forest. Then an idea popped in his head, the entrance wasn't there already, he had to make one himself. He got a stick, traced a 圈, 圈子 in the dirt, then traced an upside-down five-pointed star, then he drew the number 666 in the middle of the star, then put some wood on the drawing, and set it on 火, 消防 with his breath. Then a dark red 火, 消防 burst up immediately it was burning pretty big. Hutch had noticed that the 火, 消防 had not burned the...
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posted by CODkiller14
Before I get started, sometimes the chapter name won't be there because I'll forgot (like a derp) 或者 have no 标题 for it. Well chapter 3 us here now!
WARNING: Please Read Rating
Violence: 3/4
Sex: 0/4
Language: 3/4

Ch. 3 Living in The Plains

POV: James

I woke up in a strange way. I had a dream of my life-hood. To when I was born, parent death, the escape and now.
I stood up and walk around. The pain kick in and i went to my knees. "Agh!" I cried. I saw Henry with a dead deer. "Morning. Here 食物 for a couple of week."
"Or days."
He just laughs and...
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posted by CODkiller14
Well alot of 你 guys 爱情 my story so its a success so far so Ch. 3 is possibly be bad 屁股 also please add a youtobe link some of it is dubstep people don't like I do a little. Here u go Ch. 2
WARNING: Please Read Rating
Violence: 4/4 - OVERRATED
Sex: 0/4
Language : 4/4 - OVERRATED

Ch. 2 Escape
POV: James

As I sleep on the roof I felt footstep and thought it was Henry, but when a weird feeling on my hand where i'm still holding my Tomahawk. I woke up and grad my Tomahawk and threw it. It miss the person. "Hey! Listen!" It wasn't Henry, it was Tom,...
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The Life of 帽
                    Chapter 17 Oh hatred where have 你 been?

A 年 later....
Well since we left Cap, Jasmine, their pups, Thunder, Amber, Angel, and Shadow. And Rick. Thunder and Amber were believed to be the alpha’s, so 帽 and 茉莉, 茉莉花 sent them to Alpha school. For Shadow and 天使 they’ve made their names for being the jokers for both Western...
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I woke up Early. Still dark outside. I climbed down my ladder and walked groggily to the bathroom with my jeans, T-shirt, hairbrush and deodorant.

After I got dressed and was ready to go I went back to my room to get Bret, BJ, and Britnee up.
“Wake up now!” I yelled and BJ and Bret sprang up and ran tot the bathroom but Britnee lye in the 床, 床上 unmoving.
“Wake up now!” I yelled right in her ear. Then I didn’t want to do this but I tapped into her mind and woke her up.
“Hey! That’s not fair! I was having a great dream!” She yelled sleepily.
“Britnee! Be quiet 你 yelled louder than...
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Her Father Okari, a dark male 狼 about Five foot nine with blue eyes had finally stopped abusing Tesla, a Blue-ish Female 狼 about Five foot seven with Silverish eyes, all for nothing.
I watched out from the window, witnessing the tragic scene.
Tesla tried not to cry as her Father told her not to.
Her bumps and bruises were forming from her face through body; she spitted blood across the broken floors about three to four inches… her beautiful looks, drained from her Father’s paws.
Her tears dripped down, calling for her Mother back and for help.
Just standing behind the window made me feel...
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( I wanna thank SnowfangXI for helping with alot on chapter 2! thanks! )

As Garth and Lilly arrived at Humphery and Kate's 巢穴, den, 书房 they greeted each other in the usual fashion with a friendly hug and hello. Kate noticed something was wrong with Garth and Lilly. "Is something wrong?" kate asked in curiosity. "We were attacked 由 a southern wolf. He jumped me and chased Lilly down like the wild dog he is. I found her screaming for help and I feared for her life." garth 说 with a not to hopeful look on his face. "Did 你 get his name 或者 anything?" kate said, trying to see if they could give anymore...
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Marvel productions.
Alpha and omega 交叉, 十字架 over the punisher

Death has a new name....his name is now the Punisher.
It's been years since my family got killed 由 a mob family. They thought i was dead. But they were wrong! Humphreys dead. Now they call me... The Punisher. i nevered smiled since they died. But if I did. This could be it.
Humphrey was in a room at the prison island. He was arrested 3 weeks ago. The two cops came in to the room. One was female and one was male. The male had a suit on and he was large. The female had red and was smoking a cigerette, her eyes were also bloodshot. Looked...
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Her Father Okari, a dark male about Five foot nine with blue eyes had finally stopped abusing Tesla, a Blue-ish Female about Five foot seven with Silverish eyes, all for nothing.
I watched out from the window, witnessing the tragic scene.
Tesla tried not to cry as her Father told her not to.
Her bumps and bruises were forming from her face through body; she spitted blood across the broken floors about three to four inches… her beautiful looks, drained from her Father’s paws.
Her tears dripped down, calling for her Mother back and for help.
Just standing behind the window made me feel uncomfortable,...
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Humphery picked kate up in his paws and ran the other direction of the circle. The wizard that humphery threw 5 ft away started to get up and started to run to humphery. Humphery started to run faster and that is when his paws started to inch there way off the ground."I can fly!?", so humphery jumped with all his force and shot up into the sky leaving a trail of dust. The dust made the wizard trip on a rock and face planted into the dirt. Humphery flew through the sky like a jet, holding his 爱情 in his paws. Kate started to wake up and see humphery flying with her in his paws.
"humphery you...
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Recruit Smart Wolf
Ambush Troops Alphas
Day 2 00:00 AM
Location:near eastern's Headquarter
the mission starts the alpha's soldiers lookin at 30 enemys moving at headquarter.
Lt.Bread:"lets 移动 soldiers."
Rec.Smart and cpl.john:"Roger That."
the group moves to headquarter at stealth speed until....
rec.smart:''Sir, i Confirmed 6 enemys Eastern 狼 moving to our direction but not alerted, there are behind us."
lt.bread at radio:"i need 6 狼 to kill eastern's enemies!"
Alpha's Wolves:"Roger That."
then the alpha's 狼 attack the 6 enemies.
lt.bread:"lets 移动 hurry!"
then the group moves in direction...
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posted by WolfRaider577
Note this is based on the 1989 San Bernardino derailment.
The sun rose and jasper city slowly turns to life
Kate and Humphrey were getting Their pups for school, Garth was at his dads house after his 日期 with Lilly last night all of them live in a part of jasper city Jasper 街, 街道 the only part of the 街, 街道 they don't like are the train tracks every 日 and night the trains pass 由 blowing their horns speeding 由 at 25 to 30 mph.
Meanwhile CN 71554 reaches the Highest point of the Canadian Rockies From there its all down the Mountain Hutch leaves the Train at slow speed down the Mountain what he and the train crew don't know that their train is already out of control
and there's nothing they cant do to slow it down
end of Preview
As we left off Humphrey, Winston, Garth, Tony, Lucas, and Mark had arrived at Hunters original pack.

They walked up to the pack leaders ledge to find Hunter and what looked like his father to be laying down on the ledge. "Sir!" Says the tougher looking Alpha Elite. "Yes?" Asks Hunters father as he stands up.

"We found these one walking into our territory looking for him." Says the scrawny Elite pointing his paw at Hunter. "Humphrey?" Asks Hunter. "Yeah." Responds Humphrey. "What are 你 doing here?" Asks Hunter suprised.

"Taking 你 home." Says Humphrey. "No your not." Says Hunters father. "I...
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Sunbeams streamed threw the opening to the 巢穴, den, 书房 and made lightning like patterns on Janice and Brian's bodies. Rudi and Azra were already running about chaceing 蝴蝶 and grasshoppers in the dew covered grass. Brian opened his green eyes and yawned sleepily. Janice rolled over and put her paws on her chest and relaxed in the sunshine. Everything was so nice until the couple heard someone yelling out, "Janice! Where are you!? 你 better come out right now!! And if I find 你 with Brian I'll beat 你 better than last time!" It was Moonlight.
Janice jumped to her feet and started to trot...
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"did this had to do with that spider? did it lend its abilitys to me? hmm" humphrey thought, then remembered. "Some of the spiders can not be touched, cause thier being tested." humphrey remembered. "maybe the 蜘蛛 had some chemical 或者 radio active." humphrey keeps thinking about it. "hmm, i should go back to my house." humphrey said.

11:00 at night.

"yes, it works i call it 'web shooters' these device allows me to make webs, abserve!" humphrey thought. he put on the device and put it on his paw, he made a web and made a 摇摆, 秋千 set. humphrey gets on it. "hmm... i should test my abilitys in...
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posted by KingSimba4Ever9
Furry type:Wolf
Fur color:Black
Eye color: Dark blue
Age:14 ( furry years)
Favorite food: Ham, 玉米 beef, Roast.
Favorite color: Dark green and blue.
Mate: (I have no mate and can't have one but I do have a crush on someone)
Best Friend: Humphrey-Real3
Family:Humphrey (Brother)
Children: Mawana, Hitima, Upendi, Rudi, Azra, Upenda, Azira, Jess, Jon, Rose


Q:When did 你 加入 Fanpop?
A:Febuary 2012. I used to look at 潮流粉丝俱乐部 but never joined till then. I thought it wasn't free lol.

Q:When did 你 first see A&O?
A:I saw it a few months after i joined.

Q:Who is your favorite...
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all i see is death, people struggling for thier lives all i feel is paine, all i feel is sorrow, ALL I SEE IS DEATH WHEN THEY fall 天使 die all i feel guilt why couldnt i help, why does this end why does this sad world never implode, i just want to explode i never want to live i never want to see, the worst, when i fall i will not bow satan wont die and i will never fall, all i se is DEATH---- why wont i bow , why wont they fall, why did they die, will they ever live, to see the light again all i see is DEATH I WILL NOT BOW I WILL NOT FALL! i will never fall in the face of the enemy i feel...
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As the sun raised it made my eyes hurt when i woke up, it was a nice 日 first of spring i think, it was a cool morning about 15 degrees. i was still looking for someone to accept a lone 狼 like me. the sun shone through my curtains in my little lonesome den. It meant it was time for me to get up and start the 日 looking for a mate. i got up out of my 床, 床上 high hopes for today thinking today was the 日 i find a mate. i walked over to the window opened the curtains and just stood there for a 秒 taking in the lovely warmth of the sun, i walked into the 厨房 made myself some breakfast...
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posted by trueshadowwolf
the 下一个 day...
Matt was just walking through the town and they were really really running low on money on the forest. but when he was walking. "PLEASE LET ME GO!!!" a 狼 said. "GIVE ME THE MONEY NOW!!!" the criminal said. Matt was just spying on them. but then... the criminal took his mask off. It was his dad! "GIVE ME THE MONEY 或者 ELSE!!!" Matts father said. "Dad?!" Matt said. "(shocked) Son... I'm sorry, Matt." Matt's father said. "...Your a criminal?!" Matt said. then the victim got away. "Matt, please! we needed the rent." Matt's father said. then Matt ran away. "MATT!!! MATT!!!" Matt's...
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Garth - Matt Murdock/DareDevil

Lilly - Electra

Steel from balto - Bullseye

A 熊 - The Kingpin/Fisk

Tony - matts father
Stan Lee presents, Marvel Comics.

Part One, age 4 months old
Matt was just a pup That went to 狼 school everyday. Just a Good pup That cares for his father, but his father was low on payment for the rent for the den. Matt was just walking in the Woods alone. "Hello natt!" Jason said. A 狼 school bully That picks on Matt everyday. "Leave me alone!" Matt said. "Whos gonna make me!?" The Jason pushed Matt on the ground. "Go to hell!" Matt said. "I guess That means 你 want...
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