《丛林有情狼》 Club
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Chapter 3: Hutch meets his Match
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"So as 你 can see," Humphrey tells Wildflower after they enter a clearing with different ledges, "The pack is much bigger than it used to be. That's because the Western and Eastern packs were united due to multiple failures during hunts."

"Wow." Wildflower says, a bit astonished, "I have a question, is your mate an Alpha?"

"Yes, Kate is an Alpha." Humphrey replies. "Why do 你 ask?"

"Just curious." Wildflower says, then she turns her head away for a moment.

"Wow, Humphrey must be an Alpha too if he married Kate. But I thought he was an Omega, like me." Wildflower thought to herself.

"Is something wrong?" Humphrey asks Wildflower, a bit worried about her.

"No, I'm fine." Wildflower replies.

"Okay." Humphrey says, then he looks in the direction he's going to see Winston, Eve, Tony, Marcel, and Paddy. "Oh good, I was hoping we'd find them."

"Find who?" Wildflower asks.

"You'll see." Humphrey says, turning toward Winston and the others. "Hey! Winston, Tony, Eve!"

"Yes?" Winston replies.

"I want 你 to meet someone, this is Wildflower, she's my younger sister and she used to live here in Jasper Park a few years ago." Humphrey says, introducing Wildflower to the others. "She already met Kate, Lilly, Garth, Claw, and my omega friends, so 你 won't have to introduce her to them."

"Nice to meet you." Winston says, walking up to Humphrey and Wildflower. "I'm Winston, father of your brother's mate and ex-leader of the western side of the Central Pack."

"Nice to meet 你 too." Wildflower replies.

Then Eve walks up. "I'm Eve, Winston's mate and mother of Kate and Lilly. Nice to meet you." She says kindly to her.

"Same here." Wildflower replies.

Then Tony walks up, "And I'm Tony, father of Lilly's mate and ex-leader of the eastern side of the pack. Nice to meet 你 too." He says.

"Same here as well." Wildflower responds, "I can see where Garth got his good looks from."

"Very funny." Tony says in a joking way.

The Marcel and Paddy come up.

"And these two here are Marcel and Paddy," Winston says, "They helped Humphrey and Kate get back here when they got relocated to Idaho."

"Technically it was Sawtooth National Wilderness, Idaho, sir." Paddy interrupts.

"Paddy, please," Marcel interrupts, "It was Sawtooth National Wilderness, Idaho to be exact sir."

"Same thing." Winston chuckles. "Not to mention they helped me and Tony find a hobby when we retired."

"Golfing, to be exact." Marcel says. "Pleasure to make 你 acquaintance 由 the way."

"Pleasure's all mine and it's nice to meet 你 too." Wildflower says. "What is golf to be exact?"

"Let me 显示 you." Winston says. "Paddy?"

Paddy pulls out a golf ball sized/shaped rock a branch shaped like a golf club and hands them to Winston.

"Just watch." Winston says, standing on his hind legs, holding the club with his forepaws and slowly moves it behind his head.

"Fore!" Winston yells as he swings the club, hitting the rock and sending in a far distance.

"Wow! That was cool!" Wildflower exclaims, surprised 由 what Winston did.

"Oh, but it's 更多 complicated than that." Winston says, holding the club on his left shoulder "When 你 play the game, 你 have to get the ball into a small hole in order to gain points and 移动 to the 下一个 course. The smaller the number of how many times 你 hit ball, the higher the score, if the ball gets into the hole."

"Wow, I'd like to play it sometime, but Humphrey's giving me a tour around the territory at the moment."

"Well, I have no problem with that." Winston handing Paddy his club and standing on all fours again, "Continue with your tour, Humphrey."

"Okay, see 你 Winston!" Humphrey replies, walking off.

"Those guys seem very nice here." Wildflower says, commenting on Winston, Eve, Tony, Marcel, and Paddy.

"That's true." Humphrey says, "However, Eve does have a short temper and a mean viscous streak, so it's best to stay away from her when she gets mad, she even tried to strangle me to death once!"

"Ouch!" Wildflower says, shocked at what Humphrey said.

"And that's not the worst of it," Hutch says, "She even says evil things like ripping out someone's tail and shoving it down their throat."

"Double ouch." Wildflower says.

"Exactly." Humphrey says, "But she's a good mother though as she cares for Kate and Lilly."

"Oh, well that's nice." Wildflower says, now relieved about Eve.

Then Humphrey and the other two climb onto the ledge where Winston and Eve's 巢穴, den, 书房 is.

"Here we are, the 巢穴, den, 书房 where Kate and I live, come on in." Humphrey says entering the small cave.

"Hey, Humphrey?" Wildflower asks her brother, "If 你 don't mind, I'd like Hutch to 显示 me around the area some more."

"Well, I was hoping we could spend some time together after being separated for a while, but go ahead." Humphrey replies, noticing the tone of Wildflower's voice and her expression meant she was in 爱情 with Hutch.

"Okay, come with me." Hutch says and walks off with Wildflower following.

A few moments later…
"So tell me about yourself," Wildflower says, "What do 你 like to do?"

"Well, mostly I'm the second-in-command for Kate and Humphrey and I take lead of the pack when they're not around, I also patrol around the area to keep anyone suspicious out the territory. Unlike 你 however." Hutch says.

"So, I take it you're an Alpha then?" Wildflower says with a somewhat sad expression on her face.

"Yes, is there something wrong about that?" Hutch asks, noticing her expression.

"No. I'm good with someone being an Alpha." Wildflower says, trying to hide her sad expression.

"Okay," Hutch says, "Want to see something an Alpha can do?"

"Sure." Wildflower says, following Hutch.

A few moments later…
Hutch is hiding in tall grass, then he jumps, leaping off of trees and lands on a log and tosses a smaller one in the air and spins it around with his hind feet as Wildflower watches. Then Hutch releases the log and kicks it, causing it to break into pieces and each piece lands on 最佳, 返回页首 of one another, forming a stack.

"Vola! 晚餐 for two!" Hutch says, "It's a new 移动 Garth taught me for stalking prey."

"Wow, that's pretty good!" Wildflower says, wagging her tail.

"Thanks!" Hutch says, "Now how about 你 try?"

"Oh, no thanks, I'm not much of the hunting type." Wildflower says, backing into some tall grass.

"Come on, it'll be easy." Hutch says, trying to encourage Wildflower, "Just do what I do."

"Okay." Wildflower says.

Then Hutch gets himself into position to grab a pinecone off a nearby 树 and Wildflower copies his movements.

"1…" Hutch says,

"1…" Wildflower repeats,




Hutch jumps toward the tree, stunning Wildflower for a moment, then she jumps screaming as she just misses the branch after Hutch grabs a pinecone.

"Wildflower!" Hutch calls to the pink-gray 狼 after she flies past and runs in the direction she went to see her stuck halfway in a 树 stump.

"Wildflower?" Hutch calls to her and she pulls herself out of the stump, landing on her back on a piece of bark that spins over to Hutch with her on it. Then the bark flips over, putting Wildflower back on her feet.

"You okay?" Hutch asks Wildflower.

"I told 你 I don't hunt." Wildflower says sadly after lying down and backing into the alcove the half-pipe shaped piece of bark made on the ground.
Hutch, feeling bad for Wildflower, lifts the piece of bark off her and looks into her face.

"Maybe, this will help." Hutch says softly and brushes her 毛皮 back with his muzzle, revealing that she has purple markings surrounding her sapphire blue eyes and that she has a light 粉, 粉色 colored marking on her muzzle which goes to her forehead.

"Wow." Hutch says, amazed at how she looks.

"What?" Wildflower asks.

"Your eyes and markings," Hutch 回复 softly, "They're beautiful!"

Wildflower blushes and looks away from Hutch, trying to hide her expression.

"What do 你 say we try again 或者 do something else?" Hutch asks Wildflower,

"I think I'll try the hunting technique again" Wildflower replies.

"Okay." Hutch says, walking off. "Come on."

Wildflower stands to her feet, but her 毛皮 falls in front of her face again, she rolls her eyes for a moment then uses her forepaws to push the 毛皮 back again and follows Hutch.

Later, at sunset…
Hutch and Wildflower walk up to a small cave and walk into it.

"And this is where I live." Hutch says to Wildflower,

"Nice." Wildflower says, looking around the den.

"Thanks." Hutch says,

Just then Humphrey comes in.

"Hi there." Humphrey says,

"Hi." Hutch says, looking toward Humphrey.

"So Wildflower, how was the tour?" Humphrey asks his little sister.

"Pretty good." Wildflower says, "Hutch even showed me some skills Alphas could do."

"Being a showoff again, aren't we?" Humphrey says to Hutch in a joking way,

"Very funny." Hutch jokes back to Humphrey.

Then Humphrey looks back toward Wildflower notices her 毛皮 was out of her eyes.

"Wildflower, you're wearing your 毛皮 back!" Humphrey says in a surprised tone.

Wildflower is confused 由 what Humphrey says, but quickly realizes what he meant.

"Oh, sorry." Wildflower says, brushing 毛皮 back into its original position with her paw, "To much, wasn't it?"

"No, I liked it that way." Humphrey says, brushing Wildflower's 毛皮 back with his paw.

"Oh." Wildflower says, "Mind if I sleep here for tonight? Hutch was the first one I met when I arrived after all."

"Depends on if Hutch is okay with it." Humphrey says,

"I'm good with Wildflower sleeping with me tonight." Hutch says.

"Okay then, I'll see 你 tomorrow." Humphrey says as he leaves the den.

"See ya!" Wildflower says, then she looks back at Hutch, who is moving some leaves around to make a 床, 床上 for him and Wildflower to sleep in.

"There 你 go." Hutch says, lying down, "You can sleep 下一个 to me tonight if 你 want."

"Okay." Wildflower says, walking up to Hutch, then she lies down 下一个 to him,

"Good night, see 你 in the morning," Wildflower says as she closes her eyes.

"Good night." Hutch says as he doses off with Wildflower.

The 下一个 morning, Hutch awakens and looks down at Wildflower.

"She's still sleeping." Hutch thinks to himself, "She looks cute when she sleeps though."

Then Hutch gets to his feet and walks out of the 巢穴, den, 书房 and looks around.

"Sure is a nice day." Hutch says to himself, then he looks back into his 巢穴, den, 书房 and
Wildflower. Then his thoughts went to how nice he thought her name was, then he got an idea.

"Wait here, Wildflower. I'll be back." Hutch says, running off.

Then Hutch reaches a field of 花 of different types.

"Now let's see, which one should I get for Wildflower?" Hutch asks to himself, "Red, pink, white? No."

Then out of nowhere, Hutch bumps into Garth and both fall to the ground, sending a couple 花 petals airborne as they hit.

"Sorry about that." Hutch says to Garth, after getting back on his feet.

"Don't worry about it." Garth replies, "What brings 你 here anyway?"

"I was looking for 花 that might be perfect for Humphrey's sister." Hutch says.

"Cool. I was also looking for a perfect 花 for Lilly here too." Garth says, "I looked all over, but I don't see any that could be good for her. White wouldn't do since it'd blend in with her fur, I don't think red 或者 粉, 粉色 will do either."

"Same here, I can't a perfect 花 for Humphrey's sister either." Hutch says.
Then Garth walks down a little further and sees a red 花 with a white border on its petals.

"Perfect." Garth says, taking the 花 in his mouth and snapping the stem so dirt wouldn't stay on it.

"What do 你 think? Think it'll do for Lilly?" Garth asks Hutch.

"I think it'll be perfect." Hutch says, then he turns his head and sees a 花 in different shades and tints of blue. "Hey, this one'll be perfect for Wildflower." Hutch says, "It matches her eyes."

"Indeed it does." Garth says,

Then Hutch takes the 花 in his mouth and snaps the stem, and hides in his
mane, wanting it to be a surprise for Wildflower.

"Okay, now that we've gotten the 花 we were searching for, let's go." Hutch says, walking off.

"Right behind you." Garth says, following Hutch.

Later, Hutch reaches his 巢穴, den, 书房 and looks inside, but doesn't see Wildflower.

"Hmm, she must've left to look around the area." Hutch says, walking off to find Wildflower.

Hutch looks all around the area, but finds no sign of Wildflower. Just then, he sees Humphrey and Winston.

"Winston! Humphrey!" Hutch says, running up to the pair.

"Hutch?" Winston says, "What is it?"

"Wildflower." Hutch says, "I can't find her anywhere."

"Really?" Humphrey asks,

"Yes." Hutch says, "I already got her scent, now I just need to figure out where she is."

"Well, where've 你 looked?" Winston asks Hutch,

"I looked all around the dens and checked Howling Rock." Hutch says, "But she's not there."

"Where is your nose leading 你 then?" Humphrey asks,

"Hold on." Hutch says, sniffing around, "I got something… this way!"

Hutch runs off with Winston and Humphrey following, then Hutch stops in front of his 巢穴, den, 书房 and sniffs the area.

"Wildflower was here last night, and her scent leads off in this direction."

Hutch says, walking off in direction Wildflower's scent leads him to.

"I wonder where she can be." Humphrey says in a worried tone,

"You know, 你 can try howling." Winston says, "That usually works."

"Good idea." Humphrey says, then he tilts his head back and howls.

After a moment, the trio hear a feminine howl from the distance.

"I know that howl," Humphrey says, "It's Wildflower!"

"And I think I know where her scent leads." Hutch says, "This way!"

Hutch runs off with Humphrey and Winston chasing after him.

Then after what seemed to be endless searching, Humphrey calls out to Winston and Hutch,

"Over here, guys! I found her!" Humphrey says,

Hutch and Winston walk over to where Humphrey saw Wildflower and they see the pink-gray 狼 lying down near a small ledge as if depressed.

"Hey Hutch," Humphrey says, "What'cha waiting for?"

"You go first." Hutch says,

"What? Why?" Humphrey asks, confused.

"I think I may've angered her yesterday 由 mistake and I don't to make it worse if she's still upset with me." Hutch answers.

"Oh." Humphrey says, "I see. I'll go talk to her first then."

Humphrey enters the clearing and walks toward his younger sister.

"Hey, Wildflower" Humphrey calls to his sister, catching her attention.

"Oh, hi Humphrey." Wildflower says in a depressed tone before turning away.

Then Humphrey, knowing something is wrong with her, walks over to Wildflower's side.

"Hey, sis, what's wrong?" Humphrey asks Wildflower softly.

Wildflower stays silent for a moment, then turns to Humphrey, slightly noticing Winston, who had just walked up behind her.

"Promise 你 can keep a secret?" Wildflower asks her brother sadly.

"Of course, why?" Humphrey replies.

"Well, I've had a crush on Hutch for a long time, but I feel that I can be his mate because he's an Alpha and I'm an Omega. Me and him mating would go against the pack law." Wildflower says.

"Technically, it doesn't." Hutch says, who had come out of hiding after hearing what Wildflower said.

"What do 你 mean?" Wildflower asks Hutch.

"A few months ago, Tony and I agreed to let my daughter Lilly and his son Garth to mate in order to unite the West and Eastern packs to avoid failures during hunts." Winston says, "However, Lilly was an Omega and Garth was an Alpha, so Tony and I abolished the social rule between the classes to allow their marriage."

"And Alphas and Omegas can mate now." Hutch says, finishing Winston's sentence.

"So, even though I'm an Omega, and Hutch is an Alpha, he and I can-?" Wildflower asks Winston and he nods in agreement, much to Wildflower's joy.

"Hutch!" Wildflower yells out, tackling Winston's second-in-command, knocking him onto his back with her on 最佳, 返回页首 of him.

Then Wildflower and Hutch share their first 吻乐队(Kiss) as Humphrey and Winston watch smiling.

"Looks like I have another son-in-law." Winston says

"Yep, and a new brother-in-law for me too." Humphrey 回复 to Winston.

"Hey, Wildflower," Hutch asks his new mate, "I got this for you."

Hutch pulls out the blue 花 he picked earlier from his mane and gives it to Wildflower. "I thought it would bring out your eyes."

"Thank you." Wildflower says, taking the 花 from Hutch.

"Oh, and Wildflower?" Hutch asks, "The Moonlight Howl is coming up tonight and I was wondering if 你 would-"

"I'd be honored to 加入 you." Wildflower interrupts, 接吻 Hutch again.
It was a wonderful 日 in New York as a German Shepard was woken 由 the warm sun as he woke his dream disturbed. His 爱情 接吻 him it was the 牧羊犬, 大牧羊犬 down the 街, 街道 her name has Sophie. Then Sophie came to visit ninja (the German shepard.)

Hi ninja" 说 Sophie

Ninja blushed "hi

Are 你 ok?

Me oh yeah

You seem stressed

No I'm fine

They started a Conversation as they walked together but, Sophie kept blushing why? Beacuse she was secretly in 爱情 with him but she was to scared to tell him.

Are 你 sure Ninja? " 说 Sophie

Well.. There has been something on mind" 说 Ninja shyly

What is it?...
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嘿 fellow 狼 please 评论 and enjoy : )-

When Nathan found out Jon wasn't at the hospital he knew Wright away he had to save him. But how he was miles away from jasper park and one human verses 70 狼 who will win. nate thought,
So Nathan got the best transportation thing he could get, a doge ram from a house a couple houses away from the hospital.
" Come on work , work." ( ZAP ) " aahhh fuck " Nathan 说 while getting a electricated. " that's a good way to start the 日 " he 说 while putting the truck it in drive.
When he drove away no one noticed him driving, " jasper here I come...
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posted by kingdom123
as i stepped out into the moonlight i knew i wasnt alone.... i felt a... presence, another wolf! it had to be! i could sence that from a mile away! cala...it had to be here she had been hunting me for months she just could never find me, i had been in hiding, but i have finally come out.... but she has found me! i started running as fast as i could! sticks cracked under me as i ran, how could this be? how could she find me! i was stunned as another 狼 jumped on 最佳, 返回页首 of me, nala why are 你 running so fast? wew! it was only my brother, konar my fellow pack brother, oh konar i was just..uhh...
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posted by lonehumphrey
I have to give credit to ( kateandme) for the ideas so thank 你 for the help. Hope 你 injoy.

When Nathan woke up he found himself in a cave with his head pounding from dehydration but his foot seemed better somehow. When his eyes adjusted to the light he saw a ( human) but he looked just at it and it was a golden beautiful wolf.
" o holy crap " Nathan screamed while jumping up but only to rebreak his already injured foot.
" Its ok its ok " 说 the golden wolf. " Wwhere am I " Nathan asked. " Your in jasper park its ok I wont hurt 你 I just want to ask 你 a few questions".
The 狼 说 while...
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嘿 guys, Mack 狼 here, i'm just posting this to tell 你 guys im 写作 a new artical and news on my other one.

Ok the new artical "Life with the Pack" is my 秒 粉丝 fic ever

it's about a week since Kate and Humphrey and Lill and Garth became mates and life is great tell they run in with a very odd 14 年 old boy who know's how to hunt, and after they meet, the 3 pack leader's: Winston, Eve, and Tony make a very odd questian for the boy to 加入 the pack. how will Humphrey, Kate, Lilly , Garth and the whole pack deal with this boy and how long befor they start a fight 或者 become friends?

so that's the new artical, now on the news with "Life with Wolves" i have not giving up on it i'm just on writers block and i've thought of all these other articals to write so im just taking a break don't think i'm giving up im not.

well that's basically it so im done, peace bro's and bra's

-Mack Wolf
posted by Red_Pyramid206
Fellow Alpha and Omega Club Members,

I am Chris' Son Leon, the eldest of his children. Lately I have 说 that my 心 is broken and I 迷失 my job. Yes, that is true. I forgive the girl who hurt me and we are best 老友记 as of right now. However, I am embarassed to say that I did not take it well earlier.

After I got the text from my GF, My world shattered. I had just gotten 首页 from a 月 long assignment and was going to propose to her. After the breakup. I spend most of my morning crying, then it got worse. I turned to alcohol and ended up drinking 2 and a half bottles of liquor. I...
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posted by MarvelousAlpha
The four 狼 were still waiting for the black 狼 to wake up. Kate saw a small area of red on the girl's side. Blood. Kate walked over to an area of 草 and picked the longest and widest one. She took it and wrapped it around the black wolf's body, covering up the blood. Confused, Humphrey asked, "Umm, what are 你 doing?"

She tied a knot on the blade of 草 to keep it in place and answered, "It'll keep her blood inside her body, where it belongs."

"Good thinking," Garth said.

"What do 你 think her name is?" Lilly asked the others, after a few 分钟 of waiting.

Kate wondered the same...
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ok so this is my first 粉丝 Fic so go easy on me.

so basicaly this is a "Life with" story and 你 can see it's about alpha and omega.

so the story is about me and my five good friends/band mates and what happens is that their live start suck 更多 and 更多 and when they kill one of thier rivals men, they leave thier old lives behind 由 getting help 由 their 音乐 teacher who lends them a medium sized truck and load ther 音乐 equipment, clohtes, and other things and set off but when they get to Jasper park a misteryus thing happens.... read it to find out what it is?

oh and in this 粉丝 fic Kates...
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posted by MarvelousAlpha
Chapter 4: An Injured Black Wolf

The group of wolves: Kate, Humphrey, Lilly, and Garth were still walking. They hadn't seen 或者 thought of anything fun as long as they had been in Helena National Forest. Garth was smiling to himself. Kate noticed the smile and wondered what he was thinking about, her 问题 was asked for her when Lilly asked, "There's nothing to do, what's with the smile?"

"Humphrey's head stuck in the tree. It was just a funny sight for me."

"Shut it, Gar-" Humphrey began, but was interrupted 由 a loud noise. He stopped in his tracks and looked back, wondering what the loud...
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posted by lonehumphrey
It was a warm 日 on June 18 2,001and it was also the best 日 for 2 adult alphas but the their last.And their names were Mike and megan. It was 9 am and the exact time of birth of two 狼 named Humphrey and Lisa. Their beautiful 说 megan. yes yes they are 说 mike but they didn't know they were being watched. Snap the two 狼 turned their heads but not quick enough. Bang the noise went across the jasper park woods. Its clear 说 the two black market hunters said. 嘿 their are two pups left what do we do. Lets leave them the 动物 theyll take them.After the black marketers left...
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A slight nudge was enough to wake her. She could hear light breathing, and the sound of a paw shifting slightly on dirt. She moved her paw around and felt the surface that she was laying on. Dirt, with some small bits of rock mixed in. She opened her eyes and immediately shut them again. Not because of what she was looking at, though that could be considered a reason, but because her vision had gone black and white, as opposed to the color she had used to enjoy.

What she was looking at was the reason she had been turned into a dog in the first place. Bolt. Of all the places and times for him...
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posted by MarvelousAlpha
I've actually been working on this series since I joined Fanpop. Sorry for keeping it from you!!!! Anyways this story might end after 15 chapters 或者 so. I've had the prologue, chapter 1, 2, and 3 done so far. Those chapters should be up in a few minutes.

Chapter Prologue:

After the moonlight howl, Kate and Humphrey started their walk down the mountain. Humphrey struck a conversation, "It's nice that alphas and omegas can be together now, isn't it?"

"It sure is." Kate answered. She rubbed her head under his chin, making Humphrey wag his tail and smile. He thought back to the fun adventure they...
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She stopped running when her legs gave out. She crashed to the ground in a small 云, 云计算 of dust and 草 and simply laid there, sobbing. She stayed there for well over half an hour, and when she had finished, she didn't feel any better.

Filled with a sudden rage that she couldn't control, Mittens turned to find out where she was, and to see if there was possibly anything she could destroy. She was in an alley, surrounded 由 cardboard boxes, rusted oil drums, and a junked car. Her eyes lit upon the boxes and she pounced on them, biting and tearing them to shreds. Having been declawed, her paws...
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As we walked into the room that housed the NOVA gas chambers a great deal of grief dropped off of all of our shoulders. But our victory was short lived, Dragovich wanted to see the effects of the gas first hand. Me, Reznov, and Neciev were thrown into one chamber and Demetri and Yachov went into the other chamber when Kravchenko turned on the gas i watched Demetri, the man who fought 下一个 to me and Reznov and myself in stalingrad dieing a very painful death, his eyes turned red and bulged out then he fell and vomited all over the glass seperating the two chambers and finally his face turned...
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Later that day, after we'd both managed to fall back asleep from the story, we got up and made our breakfast: French 烤面包, 吐司 with bacon. Scar helped, 由 morphing into her anthro form and helping cook the bacon, though I saw her nomming on an uncooked piece. I 说 nothing, and that was the end of it.

At around one in the afternoon, I was talking to Phil online, and he was telling me all about how Jenna, his new girl, was the best and everything. I'll admit, I was starting to get jealous, and I heard Scar laughing at me.
"You trying to replace me?" she 说 jokingly.
"Nah. I'm thinking about how...
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posted by Shepard_
Vorkuta prison,
"Alexi, my father was a musician in Stalingrad. During the German occupation, the sound of his violin filled the air with magnificent music-Korsakov, Stasov- many of the great nationalist composers, to my countrymen, it was a symbol of hope. To the Germans, it was a symbol of defiance.
Even now his 音乐 still haunts me. The Nazis slit his throat while he slept. Collaborating with any Nazi is a betrayal, a betrayal to all of mother Russia. Dragovich and Kravchenko were not troubled 由 such matters. They looked only to advance towards their own interests and agendas..."

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Very early the 下一个 morning, I was woken rather abruptly 由 Scar as she tossed and turned under the blankets. For a moment, I 说 and did nothing, hoping it would cease on its own. It didn't. After a few minutes, I reached out and gently rubbed her head, hoping to calm her down. Instead, what happened was her eyes snapped open and her jaws clamped down on my hand almost hard enough to puncture the skin. Fortunately, it didn't, and once she had come to, she released my hand with an apologetic whine.
I took my newly liberated hand and scratched behind her ears. Her eyes closed and a smile stretched...
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posted by Red_Pyramid206
 Red Devils
Red Devils
Since its my 1 年 anniversary on Fanpop, I thought I would post my first series ever!

Humphrey was walking alone one night, on his way to see Kate. He had been having this sense that he was being watcher. Every now and then he would hear this loud sound like a metallic scrapping although he could never tell where it came from. "God please make it stop!" Humphrey cried. The sound became 更多 frequent and louder. Humphrey broke into a run as he dashed through the trees. They sounds began to follow him.

"Leave me alone!" Humphrey cried. He was about to make it to the caves when he saw the most...
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
The cars in my 文章 series "The Race" are a wide variety of supercars that are modified to be race ready.

Wolfpack Motorsports: 2010 Maserati GranTurismo MC GT4
07: Sweets Spaur/Rich Spaur/Jon Gies
89: Phil Loth/Jenna Loth/Angelina Jolie
97: Colby Browning/Scar Browning/Sasha Thompson

Risi Competizione: 2010 Ferrari 458 Italia GT
12: Todd Corey/Brittany Chase/Adam Taylor

Omega Racing: 奥迪 R8 LMS
36: Daniel Lucas/Crystal Lucas

Shadow Racing Team: 宝马 M3 GTS

Falken Motorsports: Mercedes SL65 AMG GT

The other cars are as follows: Jaguar XKR-S GT, Porsche 911 GT3 RS, and the Lamborghini LP560-4 Gallardo.

I'll get pics made of the cars soon, and I'll get them uploaded
posted by lonewolf82
Ok so if your wondering what happened with my last series I basically ditched the idea and now I'm starting a new one hopefully this one will be better and I'll get 更多 comments. Note that this series will be in my pov. Read my bio to learn 更多 about my character.

God, am I hungry. I thought to myself as I walked alone thru the woods alone. "Huh? Who's there?" I sat for moment and listened closely to the sound of the birds. Then I 冶炼, 闻到 a wonderful smell, blood. Oh yeah I'm eating tonight! I thought as I slowly moved towards the smell. As I moved I heard a low growl coming from the dirrection...
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