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House Boss apologizes to Huddys :]



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this has made me a VERY happy fangirl
AHHHH *jumps around like a loon*

:Echoing Shore's comments, Jacobs said the fake sex will have very real repercussions for Huddy once House is sprung from the asylum (House returns Sept. 21). "I don't think he hallucinated that scenario with someone he works with and someone he has feelings for in some random way," she pointed out. "I think that was his mind telling him something, and I think fans can count on that story not being over yet
posted 一年多以前.
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wendus92 said:
"Shore said he's "absolutely open" to the possibility of Huddy having actual sex this season."

And god, I love Lisa... =DDD " STAY WITH ME, GIVE HUDDY TIME" :D:D
I'm so happy right now!!
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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posted 一年多以前.
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yunioshi said:
Shore said he's "absolutely open" to the possibility of Huddy having actual sex this season. "That's not to say it will happen or won't," he hedged. "We are just starting to work on next season and it is not all decided. But clearly he wants it to happen -- at least subconsciously. And I think we know that Cuddy likes him, too."

*is drooling*
posted 一年多以前.
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Yeess!!! I am soo happy for it!!

Huddy ruleees!!! Next Season pleasee! Lol! xD
posted 一年多以前.
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This just made my day!!!great news.....Huddy rocks and Lisa is so awesome
posted 一年多以前.
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Ayma said:
"I don't think he hallucinated that scenario with someone he works with and someone he has feelings for in some random way"
I love that quote, basically because some shippers (not House/Cuddy, of course) said after the finale that Cuddy was just a representation of what House wants: an idea of a generic woman saving the man. I'm not a bellicose shipper, but that's just like IN YOUR FACE!
LOL, sorry I have to say that.
posted 一年多以前.
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I agree with Shore, they were and are still absolutely right!the show was perfect the way it went....we just have to wait till september, but who cares?! ultimately we are gonna see some Huddy real stuff!! I love them both !!
posted 一年多以前.
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I still long for Hameron, or Thouse...
posted 一年多以前.
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Well of course Huddy's not over. Anyone who thinks it is is being foolish. And Both Sides Now was the best mindfuck I've ever experienced, so I've long since forgiven them for making the sex a hallucination.
posted 一年多以前.