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selena180 我支持 my images
could 你 add me! thank 你 very much! :) 发布 一年多以前
don’t really understand how julie plec is 写作 Caroline. How can Caroline dislike/hate Damon, but like and “supposedly” feel a connection to klaus. It doesn’t make any sense. Stupid 写作 to satisfy stupidity is sacrificing the quality of the show.
Bad character development/writing 发布 一年多以前
Manonx 评论…
It's Caroline being a hypocrite. Hopefully the writers will let her understand this soon. Only because Klaus isn't the one who did horrible things to her, it's okay to be "friends" 或者 whatever with him? Suuuure.. 一年多以前
Manonx 评论…
It's as bad as Damon being a "manslut" is worse than Stefan being a Ripper. 一年多以前
fa567 评论…
well, I think if Damon would open up to caroline 或者 maybe did something good towards her ,then she will start like him , I mean in TVD , Damon only shows his real self to elena and stefan and sometimes he only cares about elena and nothing but her !! 一年多以前
@fa567 Damon already did many selfless things for Caroline's sake, he saved her when she was being tortured 由 Brady, he saved her when Klaus wanted to sacrifice her to break the moonstone curse, he freed Tyler when she asked him to do it  even though Tyler was turning into a 狼 and it was extremely dangerous for them to be near him Damon even got bit to save her 屁股 from Tyler, he tried to make things better between her and Lise  when she was convinced Caroline was a monster. He actually did 更多 things for her sake then all her 老友记 combined ever did! Yet she always says that Damon doesn't care and bashes him every chance she gets. 一年多以前
I missed when TVD is Elena-Damon-Stefan-Bonnie-Caroline-Jeremy-Tyler. :( I blame the originals 发布 一年多以前
thisthat12 评论…
Don't forget Matt!!! 一年多以前
big smile
I think Caroline is so ugly #sorrynotsorry #dontlikeyourhairoreyebrows 发布 一年多以前
iandamonfan 评论…
Are 你 really saying Candice Accola is ugly? wow 一年多以前
crimson_lipsz 评论…
lmao! speechless! .. 一年多以前
rooooooro123 说关于 Damon & Elena
in twitter one of stelna 粉丝 tweet this for julieplec

"." well I hate the idea that Elena is dating Caroline's rapist! and Elena is supposed 2 b her bff "." 发布 一年多以前
rooooooro123 评论…
All SE 粉丝 treating Caroline like a 皇后乐队 and 爱情 her 更多 than elena this is ridiculous 哈哈 一年多以前
delenaluv 评论…
then keep it 2 agreeing 2 disagree and not elevating urself 2 a status of presuming 2 simplify someone's opinion as being shallow & immature and with no legitimacy simply cuz u choose 2 turn a blind eye 2 obvious bullshit hypocrisy of 1 character simply for ur 爱情 of another character who is hot 4 that character and then have the balls 2 imply that anyones feelings aren't justified cuz we're just pissed that caroline isn't delena's cheerleader! i think we can manage deeper thoughts and arguments then that 2 justify our opinions! it reminds me of people that say d/e 粉丝 turn a blind eye 2 all damon has done just cuz they want him with elena cuz he wants that & themselves turn a blind eye 2 caroline's blatant hypocricy & betrayal of trust cuz they 爱情 klaus & know he wants caroline neither she is accountable 4 her actions. it's like the pot calling the kettle black!! 一年多以前
badg1rl 评论…
Vote for Delena plzzzz link 一年多以前
rooooooro123 说关于 Damon & Elena
STORYLINE have nothing better to with their lives than sit there and gossips about Elena 发布 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
hmm, tell me bout it. they really should get a life, their two sad losers, who have nothing better to do than ruin elena's life just because they can't have their own way. 一年多以前
Have they done something different to Caroline's eyebrows 或者 something? She seems different past few eps. , I'm sorry, but caroline's eyebrows are horrible 发布 一年多以前
agirl16 评论…
OMG! I thought it was just me. She looks different now..the same for rebekah..I can't quite put my finger on it but they both definitely look different. I think it's the eyebrows for sure 一年多以前
iandamonfan 评论…
Caroline has her hair different, but I didn't notice the eyebrows... 一年多以前
LoveSucksVamps 评论…
Something about Caroline looks different.. 一年多以前