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projectz 说关于 Crush
if summer only lasted one 日 would 你 do 发布 一年多以前
dose anyone think that amon could be someone else i mean i know they recvel him but it dose not seem like he could be amon i think thier somthing going on. and if amon is not him who could it be zuko azula sokka mabey even angg let me know what 你 guys think 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Simplu because Korra was only supposed to be a season long I think Noatak was defiantly Amon. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
*Simply* 一年多以前
Magicalgirl12 评论…
Um Aang is dead so he wouldn't be Aang 哈哈 一年多以前
projectz 说关于 迪士尼
just found out they might make a new twlight 发布 一年多以前
Jayden-G 评论…
Oh my goodness, why? 一年多以前
im not really excited i think they ruch it a lot they allready gave a 爱情 intrest i just afrid it would be boreing 发布 一年多以前
bakes2389 评论…
Agreed.....I'm hoping the 显示 becomes 更多 intriguing and the characters develop. Right now, I truly despise the avatar.....isn't that terrible? 一年多以前