My Wall

Have 你 realized that in the first PJO book Percy 说 that 坦莉雅 had stormy green eyes, but in the remainder she had electric blue? 发布 一年多以前
darange 评论…
hmmmmmmm. do 你 think it means something? 一年多以前
darange 评论…
maybe because she was a 树 at the time? 一年多以前
Spikegilfer1997 评论…
Yes. I agree with the 树 thought. 一年多以前
jason_fan73 说关于 哈利·波特
Do 你 think that Chris Collins could have been a great Cedric Diggory? (He is not an actor but still...)

Chris: link 发布 一年多以前
ladylana65 评论…
Robert Pattinson was perfect for the role, in my opinion. But maybe Chris Collins could have been good for the role too. he's handsome. 一年多以前
jason_fan73 评论…
Yeah, Robert Pattinson did awesome 一年多以前
Have 你 realized that in the first book Percy 说 that 坦莉雅 had stormy green eyes, but in the remainder (plus, HoO) she had electric blue? 发布 一年多以前
I think that if in the future Jason and Piper have a daughter, they are going to name her Hazel; Hazel Grace 发布 一年多以前
pink-bookworm 评论…
Why do 你 think that? Wouldn't be a but weird since Hazel Levesque? 一年多以前
darange 评论…
unless Hazel dies again and Jason and Piper thought out of respect the name their daughter Hazel after Hazel 一年多以前
Spikegilfer1997 评论…
I can't hear 或者 see the names *Snow, Storm, Sand, Rivers, Water, Pyke, Hill, Stone, 或者 花 without thinking the person is a bastard. Thanks, a song of ice and fire. 一年多以前
I know I have a problem when I wonder wether Annabeth has got a navel 或者 not- I mean, she was born from Athenas brain, wasnt she? 发布 一年多以前
extremeriordan 评论…
Rick acknowledged that in the MoA, she does. 一年多以前
pink-bookworm 评论…
What's a naval? I probably look stupid but anyway 一年多以前
8xchristellax8 评论…
belly button 一年多以前
pink-bookworm 评论…
Ohh ok haha 一年多以前
Frank is an unregistered Animagi... 发布 一年多以前
Bianca4556 评论…
haha 一年多以前
pink-bookworm 评论…
How? They only turn into one animal, not multiple 一年多以前
wildchild_rids1 说 … i 发布 坦莉雅 and Hazel's dress :) 发布 一年多以前
jason_fan73 说关于 Beanies
This club needs people ... 发布 一年多以前
big smile
jason_fan73 说关于 Neon Trees
Yeah! I´m the 粉丝 #400 发布 一年多以前
wrc99 我支持 my articles
嘿 if 你 can friend me ok, have a great day. 发布 一年多以前