潮流粉丝俱乐部始于September 2015年

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anaveragelemon has not joined any clubs yet


MoreThanFangirl 说 …
Welcome back. 发布 一年多以前
I wonder how the young kyle 粉丝 of today are? Is anyone still around? Do people still like this show? I wonder if anyone i used to talk about kyle with/argue with on here is still around? If so... i'm very sorry. Anyone who's new here, if 你 look way back in the early pages of this 墙 你 can see what i used to be like when i was the world's most embarrassing 11-year-old. There's hope for us all (i guess.) 发布 一年多以前
MoreThanFangirl 评论…
I know who 你 were. And yes, I am still around. I used to be the world´s most embarrassing 14-year-old, y´know. :) 一年多以前
MoreThanFangirl 评论…
the young Kyle 粉丝 are like the "old" ones, but don´t worry, they´ll grow up. And I only like the older SP episodes (although I think Kyle´s great in every season). I´m still a huge Kyle fan, but not as fanatic as I used to be. 一年多以前
dragons0214 评论…
I try to be on here as much as possible but I've been very busy. 一年多以前
MoreThanFangirl 评论…
that´s okay, me too 一年多以前
I was such a little shit that they deleted my old account. but looking back, i have a lot of fond memories of this place-some fun times. When i'm old i'll 显示 my kids screenshots of me yelling 'I LUV KYLE 更多 THAN U' and 'FUK U FUCKING PIECE OF FUCK KYLE HATING PUSSY' at strangers on the internet and saying 'well this is what i was like back in the day.' Yesterday i watched an episode of SP for the first time in over 3 years and it all came back to me. The internet is a hell of a place, kids. 发布 一年多以前