^_^ Gabriela

潮流粉丝俱乐部始于April 2011年

  • Female, 32 years old
  • Romania
  • Favorite TV Show: The Tudors,The Borgias,Merlin,Once Upon A Time,Lost,Hannibal,Robin Hood,Downton Abbey,Death Note,Sailor Moon,Inuyasha
    Favorite Movie: THIS IS IT,GWTW,The Misfits,Some like it hot,The Thorn Birds,A beautiful mind,Dorian Gray,Perfume, Benjamin Button,Awake,A Royal Affair,HP
    Favorite Musician: Michael Jackson <3
    Favorite Book or Author: A lot of 图书
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Dedicated Fan in 27 clubs Dedicated (27) Die-Hard Fan in 51 clubs Die-Hard (51) Fanatic in 5 clubs Fanatic (5)


LowriLorenza89 我支持 my videos
A 支持 for your Jack/Kate 粉丝 视频 发布 一年多以前
:) 发布 一年多以前
Gabri3la 说关于 艾伦·里克曼
I can't Believe :'( RIP Alan 发布 一年多以前