Yoga Meditaion Club
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posted by FansofWaiLana
Yoga is not just for fitness. It's a lifestyle that not only improves your health, but 总体, 整体 quality of your life.

Yoga makes the mind to concentrate itself upon one object only. It also has mental and spiritual benefits. Controlled breathing and meditation are parts of most yoga practices.

While WebMD states that people get the most health benefits out of yoga poses that make them move, there are some poses that involve little 更多 than just sitting still and breathing that will help calm your mind, which is also beneficial to your health

3 Yoga Poses for Being at Peace

1. Lotus Pose: It is also known as Padmasana and often performed while meditating, it helps calm the brain.

2. Corpse Pose: It is is also known as Savasana. This pose relieves muscle tension, mild depression and headache.

3. Standing 前锋, 期待 Bend Pose: It is also known as Uttanasana; mainly stretches legs, hamstrings and back. It helps dissipate stress and anxiety 由 filling your mind with peace.

Yoga today is a forceful tool for stress management. That helps 你 to find a way back to yourself even in a busy lifestyle.