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posted by xXjakeloverXx
    I stared out the window, my mood matching the gloomy weather outside. I took in the lush green landscape of Forks, Washington, as it flew past my window. My dad was a professor who was fascinated with old Indian legends. We were on our way to La Push, a reservation occupied with Quileute Indians. Apparently, the Quileute’s were descendents of shape shifters, people who could change shapes and become wolves. Yeah right. I wasn’t convinced at all, but my dad was completely sold on the idea. This wasn’t the first time we had moved states chasing these crazy stories. We moved around from one reservation to the other so many times as I grew up, I didn’t care anymore. I never made 老友记 because I knew eventually I would have to leave. It was so much easier to leave when I had no attachments. I learned pretty fast; it only took me about two heartbreaks before I just stopped trying. I was loner and got made fun of a lot because I was always 由 myself. I was probably the only seventeen 年 old on the planet that had never had a steady boyfriend before. I always got noticed on the reservations because of my light blonde hair and blue eyes. The attention was unwelcome but I learned to deal with it.
“ Mika, honey, are 你 ok?”
I glanced at my dad.
“ Yeah. I’m fine. I’m used to moving around.”
My dad frowned, deepening the wrinkles around his eyes. His shock of crazy ‘ professor’ hair stood up in a crazy angles all around his head. His glasses were tilted to the side. I was a little concerned they might fall off.
“ This is it, Mika. I can feel it! Especially since I know the people here. I’ll be able to get the scoop. This will be our big break. I can finish my book and we can settle down for good!”
I sighed and leaned back, resting my head against the car seat. I had heard this speech a million times before. I knew it wasn’t true but I always smiled and went along with it anyways, just to make him happy.
“ I have a little surprise for 你 when we get there.” He smiled and attempted to smoothe down his hair. In two seconds, it sprang back up again. He went on without noticing.
“ I bought a little house 下一个 to my old friend Billy Black. He has a son. He should be about your age now.” He glanced over and smiled, his eyes silently pleading for me to be happy. I forced myself to smile. My face felt like it was going to crack. This had to be the fakest smile in the world. I knew he wouldn’t notice.
“ Cool. I’m sure we’ll be friends.” I rushed to assure him. He nodded, looking relieved to be assured.
“ We’re just about there now.”
I glanced out the window again, hoping to see the ocean.
“ What about the ocean?”
“ The ocean isn’t very far from here. I’m sure Billy’s son will take you. Maybe 你 can work on your tan.”
I frowned and looked over at him. Could he really not see that it was raining? I had done my research before we had left Arizona. Forks had like two days of the 年 that it wasn’t raining 或者 cloudy. I shook my head and watched as we pulled up the driveway into the little house. Wow. It was small. Another house sat nearby. Must be the Black’s. Dad wasn’t lying when he 说 neighbors. They were close.
“ Look. There’s Billy!” Dad jumped from the car and walked quickly toward a man sitting in a wheelchair on his porch. He had dark hair and skin, with a slightly wrinkled face.
“ Billy! It’s good to see you!” My dad grasped Billy’s hand and pumped it up and down, obviously very excited. I slowly climbed out of the car and tucked my hair behind my ear. My dad glanced back at me and frowned, knowing I only did that when I was nervous.
“ It’s good to see 你 Steven. It’s been too long.” Billy’s voice washed over me like a calming balm. For some reason, it sounded wise and reassuring.
“ I would like 你 to meet my daughter, Mika. Mika this is Billy Black.”
I stepped 前锋, 期待 and offered a tentative smile. I wasn’t very good at meeting new people.
“ Nice to meet you.” I held out my hand. As he met my eyes, Billy stiffened like he had just seen something he didn’t like.
“ She was right.” He muttered. I shrank back a little. Who was right?
I started to drop my hand but Billy caught it in a firm grip.
“ Nice to meet 你 too, Mika.” I stared into his almost black eyes and saw warmth and a touch of turmoil.
“ My son is sorry he can’t be here to meet 你 but he had some, uh, business to take care of. He will be at school tomorrow to help you, Mika.”
I nodded and stepped back.
“ 你 go on and start unpacking, honey. I need to catch up with Billy.” Dad offered me a smile. I nodded and turned to the task of unpacking our small suitcases.
~    “ I can’t do this!” I sucked in a deep breath. The thought of going to this school left me breathless. “ It’s Friday. Why can’t I just wait to go on Monday?”
“ Because I want 你 to get started as soon as 你 can. You’ll be fine. Here’s the keys. I’ll see 你 tonight.” Dad absently mindedly threw me the car keys and walked into the other room. I narrowed my eyes and exhaled in a whoosh.
“ Thanks for the support.” I muttered darkly as I walked out the door. Finding the school was not hard, it was not that far away. As I parked, I noticed all the kids. They all seemed beautiful to me. I knew I would stick out like a sore thumb with all these dark skinned beauties. I took another deep breathe and got out of the car.
“ 嘿 there. 你 look lost. 你 need some help?”
I turned to the friendly face. She looked trustworthy. She was shorter than me, but 总体, 整体 very pretty. She looked like a girl who I could be 老友记 with. I smiled back.
“ Yeah. That would be nice. Could 你 please point me toward the office?”
    After getting directions, I settled my schedule and headed toward my first class, AP English. I had always been a reader, and loved English. I made it through the class with no problems. I was relieved to find out that I had done most of this stuff in my last school. I made it through the 下一个 two classes no problems at all. I was headed toward the outside courtyard to eat my lunch when the trouble started. It took me a little longer to find my way there compared to the other students and the halls where deserted 由 the time I got there. There was only one guy leaning against the lockers in the hall, smoking. I tried to walk a little faster and avoided eye contact.
“ 你 must be the new girl.”
I turned to face the sneering face. He inhaled his cigarette and leaned back. His hair was long and stringy and looked greasy. He had a long nose and a sharp face that reminded me of a hawk. There just had to be a creep hanging around every school.
“ I’m just trying to find the courtyard.” My voice wobbled. I cleared my throat, trying to cover my fear.
“ Oh yeah? I think 你 should just stay here with us. I guarantee you’ll have 更多 fun.” Two 更多 dirty looking boys slipped around the corner, smiling.
“ No thanks.” I turned and started walking away.
“ Get her,” I heard one of them snarl. I started to run. I just had to make it down the hall and around the corner. I was almost there. As I started to round the corner, I glanced back. They were slowing down with a look on their faces that looked at little like fear. Good. Maybe they were giving up. Just as I started to turn my face back forward, I ran into something that felt like a brick wall. Hot fingers grabbed my upper arms, so large they wrapped all the way around my arms and the tips touched each other. I looked up into warm 浓情巧克力 eyes that threatened to melt me.
“ 你 ok?”
I nodded mutely. I took in the rest of him. He had slightly shaggy black hair and a nice face, and holy cow. He was huge. I was 5’10’’ and had always been taller than most of the guys I knew. This boy was tall. He had to be at least 6’7’’ easy. Maybe taller. I blushed as I realized that I was still up against his chest, staring at him like a dumb blonde. I took a step back and for the first time noticed the other three people standing behind him. Two were boys, almost as tall as the first. One had cropped black hair but the other’s was so short it was almost buzzed. The third was a girl. She was athletic looking and very pretty. She pulled off her short hair style with no problems. She stared at me with… hostility? What could I have possibly done to make her mad at me already?
“ 你 sure you’re ok?”
I turned back to the boy I had run into.
“ Yeah. I’m fine. Thank 你 so much.”
“ 你 gotta be Mika Malone.”
I glanced up into his warm eyes, startled. How did he know my name?
“ I’m Jacob Black.”
I blinked in shock. This good looking boy was my neighbor? Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
“ Nice to meet you.” I held out my hand. I noticed it was trembling slightly.
What was wrong with me? A boy had never made me shaky before.
Jacob had never stopped looking at me since I had run into him. His hand reached out and engulfed mine.
“ Nice to meet 你 too.” His eyes bored into mine, melting me to my soul.
One of the other boys cleared his throat. Without breaking his eyes away from mine, he said, “ This is Quil and Embry. And that’s Leah. Seth‘s around here somewhere.”
It was hard to look away from Jacob’s eyes but I glanced at Quil and Embry. They were smiling. I smiled back. I glanced at Leah. She was glaring. My smiled died a little. I turned back to Jacob.
“ Thanks again for helping me out. I have to go eat.” I 说 reluctantly. I didn’t want to leave him. Something was pulling me to him, like metal to a magnet. He was the magnet and I was the helpless metal, not able to fight my attraction to him.
“ Would 你 like to eat with us?” Jacob asked quickly as I started to turn my face.
I glanced at Quil, Embry and Leah uncertainly.
“ Are 你 sure 你 guys don’t mind?”
Quil glanced at Jacob who was still staring at me and rolled his eyes , Embry smiled and Leah stilled glared. I took that as yes from her. Oh well.
“ Well…If you’re sure.” I finally answered.
“ Great!” Jacob smiled and I felt everything else fade away. His smile was like the sun, chasing away all the gloominess around me. He tugged my hand and it hit me that he had never let it go. A boy had actually held my hand! I couldn’t believe it! Jacob led me toward the courtyard but as Quil and Embry fell in behind us, I heard Quil whisper, “ I told 你 it would happen to him one day.” Embry snorted and answered, “ I hope he doesn’t act as lovesick as 你 do when you’re with Claire.” A muted thud followed which I suspected was Quil hitting Embry. I smiled and glanced up at Jacob. He smiled down at me. This was going to be better than I thought.
~    After school when I got 首页 with plans to hang out with Jacob, my dad was sitting at his desk, scribbling furiously.
“ 嘿 Dad. I’m gonna go to the 海滩 with Jacob, ok?”
“ Mmmhmmm…..”
I could never get him to listen to me when he was in a ‘zone’.
I wrote him a note and left it where he would see it, grabbed a hoodie and headed outside, where Jacob was leaning against a tree. His eyes met mine and I felt breathless yet again. I wondered when I would actually be able to breathe around him, if ever.
“ 你 ready?” He asked, waiting until I was standing 下一个 to him.
“ Yeah.”
    As we walked, we talked. Mostly about me. Where I was from, what I liked to do and some other things. I tried to make him tell me the same things but it was different. His eyes looked guarded and I had a feeling he wasn’t telling me everything.
    When we got to the beach, I had just sat down and leaned back against a log when something flashed in the corner of my eye. I stiffened and looked again. A dainty girl was walking toward us. No, that wasn’t the way to describe it. Dancing was 更多 like it. She had short, dark hair that was spiked and was dressed like a model. When she stopped in front of us, I noticed her golden eyes and unnatural paleness. I blinked and she smiled, revealing shiny white teeth.
“ 嘿 Jake. I thought I might find 你 here.”
Jacob‘s lips lifted in a small smile. “ 嘿 Alice.” His smile died a little and his eyes narrowed.
“ Why are 你 across the line?”
I frowned, slightly confused. It sounded like they were talking in riddles.
I noticed she ignored his question. “ And 你 must be Mika.”
I glanced up into her golden eyes, noticing they had light purplish circles underneath them, like she was tired.
“ Yeah.”
“ I’m Alice Cullen!”
She smiled again and seemed to dance in place.
“ I’m so happy to meet you! I told Jake to wait but he didn’t believe me when I told him 你 were coming.”
I smiled, but I’m sure I looked puzzled. I was so confused.
“ It’s nice to finally meet you.”
I stared at her beautiful face, wondering why I, the not so pretty one, had to be dropped in the middle of this town full of beautiful people.
“ It’s nice to meet 你 too, Alice.”
“ Now, Jake. I need to talk to you. It’s important.”
Jacob stood and followed her a few paces away. I almost laughed at the sight they made. Alice was so tiny, probably around 4’10’’, while Jacob was a giant, towering over her. Alice’s mouth started moving, so fast I couldn’t read her lips. They were talking so low I couldn’t hear them. I saw Jacob stiffened and start to tremble. But it wasn’t a scared tremble. It was 更多 of a mad look.
Alice put her hand on his arm and he jerked away, starting to shake now.
“ Jake. Stop. 你 don’t want to do this here.”
Jacob relaxed a little, and the shaking slowed. Alice suddenly froze, her eyes taking a blank look. They finally cleared. She shook her head and said,
“ I have to get back. Come to us when you’re ready. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.” She gracefully danced away, much quicker than when she had come.
Jacob turned back to me, his 浓情巧克力 eyes burning with anger.
“ Are 你 ok?” I reached out and touched his hot skin. His shudders stopped as soon as I touched him. His fingers curled around my arms and he pulled me up, staring into my eyes.
“ I would never hurt you. 你 know that right?”
I blinked, confused for a second, and frowned. Why was he talking about hurting me?
“ Yeah.” I shivered as the cool air rushed over me as he let go. He was always so warm.
“ Ok. 你 remember that. No matter what happens.” He started back toward our houses. I shivered again, 更多 because of the gravity in his voice than the cold. Without looking at me, he absentmindedly slung an arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him. I was instantly warm, happy and content.
~    Later that night, I was almost ready to go to 床, 床上 when a howl pierced my thoughts. I ran to my window. A dark shadow slipped around the corner of the Black’s house. As the moon broke through the clouds, I saw a huge russet 狼 start for the woods, four other 狼 joining it until they disappeared into the woods leading to Forks. Even in the dimming light, I could see that there was no chance that these were regular 狗 或者 wolves. These were huge animals. Almost as tall as a small horse and very muscled. I blinked and pressed my hand to my temple. Maybe I was just imagining things. I tried to think of all of the possible explanations of what it could have really been, but I came up with nothing. Something was happening here, in this tiny place called La Push, Washington. And I was pretty sure Jacob had something to do with it. Another thing I knew. I was going to figure it out.
~     I concentrated on the rhythmic pounding of my paws against the ground as we headed toward the Cullen’s house and tried to get Mika out of my mind. I knew I was driving the others crazy but I couldn’t help it. She was wonderful, everything I always wanted.
(Jake, can 你 please stop?) Quil complained.
I shook my head, trying to concentrate on the problem at hand. But all I could see was Mika’s blonde hair and blue eyes.
(Now 你 know what we feel like when 你 think about Claire all the time.) Leah snapped. She sped up a little bit. She was 由 far the fastest of us all and used every opportunity to rub it in our faces.
(I’ll meet 你 at the Cullen’s.) She quickly disappeared.
My thoughts returned to Mika. When I had first saw her, I suddenly knew what Quil was trying to explain to me about what had happened when he had imprinted on Claire. Everything else faded away and there was only her. She was my sun and everything I did revolved around her. It was really, really hard to walk away without pounding those creeps face’s in.
(I think I’m going to be sick.) Quil tried to make a gagging sound but it came out just as a gurgle. 狼 usually didn’t make gagging noises. This one grated on my nerves. A growl built low in my chest and before I thought about it, I whirled and he was pinned underneath me. Seth whined from a few feet away.
(Cool off, Jake. He didn’t mean anything 由 it.) Seth was always the peace maker. He hated fighting amongst ourselves. I quickly released Quil and he stood up.
(Sorry man. I don’t know what’s going on with me.) I apologized and stepped back.
Quil shook, his 浓情巧克力 毛皮 flying around before settling neatly.
(It’s fine. I shouldn’t have pushed you.)
I glanced over at Embry and Seth. They both stood out so much in the dark, Seth with his sandy 涂层, 外套 and Embry with his dark silver and spotted coat.
(Lets get going 或者 else they’ll be done before we get there,) I ordered and started running again. As I ran, my thoughts roamed over everything that had happened over the last couple of years. My 心 being broken from Bella choosing Edward over me and being turned into a vampire, the excitement of almost fighting the Volturi, the slight disappointment when Sam and the rest of his pack moved to Canada, and now the great happiness of finding Mika. I should have trusted Alice a hundred percent when she told me not to be discouraged when Bella chose Edward. She had told me that she saw someone coming to La Push and then disappearing. She was convinced that it meant since she disappeared that I would have something to do with her. But I didn’t believe her. Now I would have to apologize. It had been easier for me when Edward, Bella and Renesmee (their daughter) moved to the island where they had their honeymoon. It helped me stop grieving over Bella. But now that I had Mika, I don’t think I would care if they moved back. Which might happen since Alice sounded so serious when she had come to me at the beach. Even over everything that had happened, me and the rest of my pack where still 老友记 with the Cullen’s. I thought they were good people. Except for the fact that they were stinking bloodsuckers.
    Before we broke through the last of the trees, we all stopped and shifted, putting on the sweatpants we carried with us. As we walked out of the trees and into the clearing where their white mansion sat, Leah joined us, already in her clothes. That was the only thing that made it awkward, having a girl in your pack.
Carlisle was waiting, along with Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmet and last of all Rosalie. Ah. She was my favorite. I could always count on her for a good fight.
“ 嘿 Blondie.”
“ Hi dog. It’s been a while.” She sneered and flipped her perfect blonde hair over her shoulder. Emmett chuckled and folded his arms across his chest, his muscled biceps bulging. I was only a couple of inches taller than him and we were just about the same strength wise. It was interesting to arm wrestle. He was the only one who I had to actually work at beating. A calm washed over me. I glanced over at the lean, blonde vampire. I was positive Jasper was controlling the emotional atmosphere just in case my pack got mad. Alice looked slightly perturbed, just because it made her mad she couldn’t see the future when we were around. Carlisle stepped 前锋, 期待 and smiled.
“ Thank 你 all for coming, Jacob.” He glanced at Quil, Embry, Seth and Leah, including them in the thanks. Seth nodded and smiled. He was stronger 老友记 with the Cullen’s then the rest of us. He had gotten real close to Edward when we were fighting Victoria and her newborn groupies.
“ Sure, sure.” I nodded, anxious to get back to Mika.
“ I’m sure you’re anxious to get back to Mika, Jacob, so we’ll be brief.”
I glanced at him quickly, wondering how he already knew I imprinted on her.
“ I told him Jake. I figured 你 wouldn’t care.” Alice spoke up quickly.
I nodded and turned back to Carlisle.
“ Alice has foreseen another group of newborns coming to Forks. We don’t know when, why 或者 who created them. We were wondering if we could count on 你 and your pack again if things get messy.” Carlisle stepped back, allowing us a 分钟 to think. I realized I had started to tremble, mad that another group of newborns were coming to Forks.
I glanced at my pack. They all were slightly trembling too. I knew I could always force them to help if they didn’t want to but I hated doing that. I never wanted to be too controlling. Seth was already nodding. I knew I could always count on the kid to help the Cullen’s. After a second, Embry nodded, followed 由 Quil. We all looked at Leah, knowing she despised any vampire, even if they were nice like the Cullen’s. Her eyes narrowed and she shifted from foot to foot.
“ Ok.” She finally muttered and looked down.
All of us smiled.
“ We can never thank 你 guys enough for all that 你 have done.” Esme 说 quietly. I looked over at the motherly looking vampire.
“ No problem.” I answered and looked at Alice, figuring she had something to say. I was right.
“ I’ll let 你 know when I see anything new, but don’t make any plans right now, like fighting strategies 或者 anything. If 你 do that, they’ll all disappear and I‘ll be totally in the dark. I’m trying to see who created such a large group. Hopefully we can get this cleared up before the Volturi is notified.” All of my pack nodded. We knew how much the Cullen’s depended on Alice’s seeing the future. As we started back towards the woods, Alice stopped me.
“ Jake, Edward and Bella are coming back. Just in case.”
I waited for the ripping, tearing agony to rip my 心 to pieces like it did anytime I thought of Bella. Nothing happened. I grinned. Mika was even better for me than I thought.
“ I figured as much. I’ll be fine.”
She nodded and I started for the trees.
“ Come back soon, mongrel. I’ve been itching for a fight!” Rosalie called to me.
I smiled and called back, “ 你 let me know when 你 want to lose, Blondie. And Emmett, anytime 你 want to lose at arm wrestling, let me know.”
As I entered the woods and got ready to shift, I heard Emmett’s booming laughter and Rosalie’s angry hiss. I hurried, excited to get back closer to Mika. Until Alice notified me, I was going to be with her as much as possible. She was my everything now.
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: 谷歌
posted by xXjakeloverXx
Somethine i wrote a LONG time ago..Dont laugh..haha.. but anyways, i thought maybe this would keep 你 somewhat entertained while i try to write something else ;)

Chapter 1

    Alexandra Evans scanned the sky. There wasn’t a 云, 云计算 in sight. Alex looked down at her reflection in the watering hole. Her blonde hair reached almost past her waist only it looked a little bit shorter because she wore it in a braid almost always. Her green eyes had little 金牌 chips in them that her family told her glowed like 火, 消防 when she was angry. Suddenly, a bump pushed her sprawling into the...
continue reading...
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: 谷歌
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Ctaim2
Another one of my 最喜爱的 songs and 音乐 videos! 爱情 IT!
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Google.com
posted by Maybelle840
Chapter 1

Today was the worst 日 of my life. I Linny Lock was left alone in a cruel world. I had just 迷失 everything I loved my mom, dad, and older brother, Lian. They had gone on a cruise and when the ship came back they weren't on it. Nobody knew what happened to them. The police searched for weeks, but they were no where to be found. That week I had stayed with my best friend, Renne' Jones. I was devastated. I had no relatives to go to. My moms whole family was caught in a 火, 消防 and I didn't know any of my dads relatives. So now I was staying with Renne' until it was arranged for me to...
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added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: 谷歌
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Google.com
added by vanillamoon08
Here's a really funny Twilight spoof!!! :D Taylor 迅速, 斯威夫特 is Bella and this was on SNL. :D
added by kladida_22
Well.....Im still trying to get this somewhere...Where? i'm not sure yet... Sorry the details arent very good.. Im using that im sick as my excuse...lol.

Chapter Five

    Gracie tightened her grip on the steering wheel of her little truck, squinting into the pouring rain. Her fingers screamed in protest. Gracie swallowed and leaned 前锋, 期待 into her seat. She couldn’t hardly see a thing. She groaned and wished for the millionth time she had taken Nate up on his offer to drive her to school. Gracie peered around her wind shield wipers that were flying as fast as they could....
continue reading...
added by kladida_22
It's an awesome song hope u guys like it!! 评论 please.!!=p
added by monLOVEbrucas
Source: mon
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Myself
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Google.com
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Ctaim2
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Ctaim2
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Google.com
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: 谷歌 .com