So, I got bad news. I was on my night elf Mage earlier asking a draenel Hunter which MLP couple they think is best couple and they replied 由 saying they're putting me on ignore just for saying I ship TwiDash. Seriously?? 你 don't 报道 someone just because they ask a question! That's not even right!
发布 一年多以前
嘿 I'm trying to start a guild in the server Norgannon anyone want to join? I kinda just want to make some 老友记 that i can talk to and laugh with on WOW. Name suggestions are also welcome 你 can reply to this post, send a message to my character Emae 或者 let me know if 你 want to speak privately I will send 你 my email. Thank You!
发布 一年多以前
嘿 if 你 like 写作 fanfics and enjoy a Competition to see who writes the best Fanfic, plz joing my club "The Fanfic" here is the link to it - link
发布 一年多以前
I don't have world of warcraft but i have warcraft 1 orc and humans warcraft 2 tide of darkness warcraft 3 reign of chaos and 《冰雪奇缘》 throne.I play to muchi good warcraft 1 it's much easy and three but i't 更多 hard.I have too hard to play warcraft 2 because i don't have to much to I buy it.My parents will buy me world of warcraft soon.
发布 一年多以前
Is it alright to 提交 stuffs from the Warcraft 3 RTS game in here? Like screenshots from the cinematics of Reign of Chaos 或者 The 《冰雪奇缘》 Throne? I only played the RTS games of Warcraft & not the online games so... I've been wanting to 提交 in here since the Warcraft 3 spot only has a few 粉丝 & isn't really active. :/
发布 一年多以前