Winchester Girls Club
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Chapter 6

Bewildered of the new twist of events, Sam looked at Dean, who took the opportunity to Q & A their doe-eyed trench-coated angel.

“Ah, Cas 你 wanna run that 由 us again?” Dean retorted, pinching his temple; almost as if he had a headache coming.

Castiel tilted his head sideways, lifting his gentle firm eyes to each brother. Then he caressed his hand on the 床, 床上 poll. “Kay is an empath, a human with the capacity to share another person’s feelings and emotions.”

“Wow that’s original.” Dean snorted. “A babe with a bad case of the warm-fuzzies. Didn’t see that coming.”

Sam thoughtfully glanced at his brother, regarding his attention back to the angel. Obviously he was now certain of Kay Forster’s situation. The only thing that puzzled him was her connection with the other victims and why this girl’s empathic ability was taking a violent toll.

“That makes sense,” he agree, which bewildered Dean. “It’s why Kay told Sarah her feelings weren’t her own and why she was channeling other people in the area. She must’ve been channeling that girl Susie who jumped off her roof.” He paused briefly then continued, pacing the floor. “But then…why are these transfusions physically hurting her?”

“I actually haven’t been able to understand that myself.” Castiel imputed, carefully observing the sleeping girl in the bed. “A normal empath is only supposed to mildly absorb human emotion from an individual person… However…Kay’s empathic abilities are astronomical. It’s as if they’ve dangerously manifested into a physical state…she’s channeling every person’s most excruciating pain.”

The stress in Dean’s face, as his heartfelt gaze lingered towards the innocent girl, was literally crushing him. At this point he envisioned himself as Atlas with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was supposed to save this girl from evil monsters 或者 demon possessions…but this empath thing was way over his head.

“So what are 你 saying exactly?” he harshly applied, “That she’s sponging up too much manic-depressive?”

Cas stared back at Dean sourly. “I’m afraid it’s not as simple as that. Kay’s abilities are unstable. She’s never been in control over them…which could result to something catastrophic for everyone around her…including the people in this building. At the rate of Kay’s weakened condition...her body won’t be able to sustain another attack.” The angel’s voice became grave. “She could die.”

“No, that’s not an option for us damn it!” Dean snarled, nostrils flaring. He was squeezing his fists so tightly, his body began to shake.

“Isn’t there a way to help this girl before it’s too late?” Sam asked heavily, rubbing his mouth anxiously. “We can’t just sit back and watch this girl suffer. There has to be a reason for all this! I mean how was it that Kay was only picking up on the emotions of suicidal victims in the last two years?”

Castiel swallowed back his growing tension. He’d been too involved with humans since he crossed paths with the Winchesters three years ago. The angel’s duties as a warrior of heaven seemed to frequently conflict with his better judgment, his weakness was human compassion. Cas wanted to remain loyal to his calling but when it came to Sam and Dean…his feelings for them betrayed everything he stood for.

“I can’t answer the 问题 你 want,” he said, velvet voice raspier, approaching his human friends. “But I will help 你 in any way I can, which is why I’m here now. My orders were to earthbound immediately because of this girl…but I’m uncertain of the reason as of yet. I do know however that her existence has caused some sort of ripple in the cosmic balance of the universe.”

“Sounds big.” 说 Dean sarcastically.

“What do 你 mean a ripple?” Sam pondered curiously “How is this girl connected to anything that threatening? She’s only an empath.”

“Oh she’s a very unique empath Sam, as I’ve mentioned before.”Cas reminded the younger Winchester firmly. “In all my knowledge I have never come across a human with such powerful empathic abilities. We can only pray the damage isn’t severe enough to destroy her.”

Suddenly the room erupted with intensified screams of pain, nearly breaking the sound barrier. Kay’s body viscously thrashed about in the 床, 床上 like a junkie deliriously relapsing from drugs. Sam and Dean quickly hurried to the girl’s aid as Castiel instructed them to hold her down before she went into shock. The monitors were gyrating off the walls, signaling nurses to bolt into to the room and running back out to find a doctor 或者 a sedative.

“Cas, what the hell’s wrong with her?” Dean shouted through gritted teeth as he fought hard to keep his weight over 最佳, 返回页首 of Kay’s chest. Sam struggled locking his grip on her legs, trying to avoid being kicked in the face.

“She’s slipping out of consciousness!” gasped the angel, joining Sam to restraint the girl’s ankles. “This hospital is like a hive of pain and suffering, her ability to sense it all is accelerating uncontrollably. If we don’t sustain Kay in time her body will deteriorate!”

“Please make it stop, make it stop!” she screamed, radiating into Dean’s eardrums. Her strength was increasing the 更多 she thrashed, nearly whipping the brothers off their restraint positions. Kay was suffering immensely and if they didn’t figure out a way to help her…she was going to die. “It hurts! It hurts so much.”

As Kay struggled against Dean, he could think of nothing else but to try and break through to her rational sense.

“Kay! Kay can 你 hear me!” he cried through the desperate screaming. “Kay, listen to me! 你 have to fight this! Don’t die on me damn it!”

“I can’t it hurts so bad!” her frail bandaged arms were paralyzed 由 the pressure of Dean’s hands. If he could avoid it, her 识骨寻踪 would be shattered during the attack. “Please it hurts!”

“You have to focus Kay,” Dean continued directly to the girl, “Concentrate on my voice! 你 have to block out those feelings! I know it’s painful…but 你 have to!”

Kay scrunched her eyes desperately fighting through the tears and the pain of hundreds locked away in the tomb of her mind. Then unexpectedly, Castiel touched her forehead with the palm of his hand until she gasped out her final shudder of pain. She could feel the dark emotions that pierced through her slowly draining from her body….everything felt lighter to her. They’d saved her just in time for Sarah and the rest of the medical staff to come splurging in the room, checking her vitals for any sign of critical trauma.

“Kay!” Sarah cried, trying to push her way to her friend’s bed, “Is she going to be alright?”

A nurse checking the monitors replied. “She’s going to be fine, her vitals are normal. I don’t understand how this happened but… she’s going to be okay, don’t worry.”

Sarah covered her mouth bitterly, burying her tearful face into Sam’s chest. After everything that happened in the last four hours, she was relieved to know her friend wasn’t going to die. Just picturing her torn up in a floor of glass and blood, sent chills down her spine.

Once the noise settle, Sam offered to take Sarah out for a breathing moment while Dean and Cas decided to consort with Kay about her condition. Since the attack, the elder Winchester felt compelled to be the one to explain what had been happening to her. Whether it was his voice that pulled this girl out of death 或者 Castiel’s imprinted hand, this girl was alive because they refused to abandon her.

Sitting up in her bed, Kay took a sip of water from her paper cup a nurse had 给 her. Though the pain of the hospital still surrounded her, she’d found an unknown strength to block them out.

“How are 你 feeling?” Dean asked the girl focused on the cup in her hands. “No more… psycho impulses?”

A lighthearted smiled tugged at Kay Forster’s lips. “No I…I think I’m okay thanks.” She gently rubbed the bandage on her temple. “Wow that was…I’ve never felt anything like that before. What’s wrong with me…why do I…feel like this?”

Castiel stood calmly cross-armed, collecting his thoughts. “I know this might be difficult for 你 to understand but…it’s important for 你 to know the truth.”

Kay regarded the strange man in the trench. Although she’d never laid eyes on him until now, something about him either fascinated 或者 frightened her. “What do 你 mean?”

“You’re an empath Kay.” replied the 天使 strongly. “That’s why you’ve been experiencing physical outbursts of the emotion you’ve been channeling. Everything that 你 feel from everyone around you…is being absorbed into your body.”

Kay nodded skeptically, twisting her mouth. “Great, so I’m crazy and a freak? That’s just terrific thanks for telling me.”

Dean’s hands instantly moved overtop of hers and she stared back at him bewilderedly. The soft layer of her fingers was like cream, he liked that feeling. Something about the way her eyes looked into his paralyzed him with curiosity.

“You’re not a freak trust me,” he told her. “I’ve been to hell and back and done things 你 could never imagine so… as far as I’m concerned the only freak here is me.” he glanced at his 天使 buddy with a clever smirk. “And that guy over there.”

“Is that supposed to comfort me?” Kay chuckled miserably, sweeping some hair behind her ear.

“Honestly, I have no idea,” he chuckled lightly, biting his lower lip. “But how am I doing so far?”

Kay sighed. The pain was enclosed around her and yet she managed to feel spark of energy from this young man that attracted her attention. “I applaud your effort and… I want to thank 你 for what 你 did…you and your brother. I don’t know what would’ve happened had 你 not been here.”

Dean humbly brushed off the sentiment. “Ah it was nothing.” He assured her. “My brother and I are kind of in the business of rescuing damsels in distress... sort of a family curse. Anyway… I’m pretty sure Cas spiked 你 with his 天使 mojo so…”

Kay curiously lifted her eyebrow. “Angel?”

“It’s a long story.” informed the older Winchester brother.

“Well whatever the reason…” she started to say, innocently glazing deep into his green eyes. “You saved my life back there. I could hear your voice Dean…it was like…you gave me the will to push back through those dark feelings of suffering… And I’m… sorry about before when I kinda told 你 to get lost.”

“Oh 你 didn’t tell me to get lost. It was 更多 along the lines of "stay away.”

They both laughed together, but Castiel wasn’t in the moment. He knew something was coming…something deadly. And as long as this girl was alive… she was connected to the 随意 events that were about to unfold before the Winchesters.
added by tazoulini