Warriors (Novel Series) Club
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posted by akatsuki_lover9
 flippy when he's flipped out
flippy when he's flipped out
Chapter 2
I had just finished introducing flippy to brick and bone. Their expressions were blank. “he seems pretty weak scourge.” bone meowed. “he almost killed scourge! How is that weak?!” brick argued. “why exactly did he do that?” bone asked, glaring at flippy. Flippy sighed. “I'll tell 你 why, but it's a long story.” brick and bone exchanged a glance. “go on.”bone mewed. “it all started one fateful day, I was called out to serve in a war.” flippy began. “it turned out, two of my 老友记 were called to serve too. The 日 we got there I knew it wouldn't be easy....
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posted by BubbleBruschi
The two small 小猫 cried out feebly. Their mother a young, beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat set them down and curled around them. she licked their small heads then washed herself. the 小猫 had been born the 日 before, and their eyes should open very soon. their mother pushed them closer to her stomach with her skinny tail. Her usually beautiful spotted pelt was dirty and her paws were sore from walking so far. She realized she had never named the kits. The spotted she-cat looked down at the two kits. She touched the tortoiseshell she-cat
"Splash" she said. Then she touched the other little...
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posted by BellatrixCissy
The sun was almost risen when the elders took Hollystar's body. It was a silent 日 in the Clan. Everyone did what they had to do all but me. My mentor died so i was left with no mentor. Flowerpaw went out to hunt with a hunting patrol. Cloverpaw was depressed since today would have been her warrior ceremony. It was sunhigh when the hunting patrol came back. I went to take some fresh kill from the pile. Flowerpaw was back now. We all ate 由 the rock 由 our den. Raveneye had gone to a cave to receive his name and nine lives from StarClan. As the 日 went on warriors returned from patrols and...
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added by Blazefur
added by wolfcat47
On September 9th, 2014, new book jackets were revealed for the first series. I am here to not only tell 你 about them, but to review them.

 Into the Wild
Into the Wild
I honestly think that this one is a lot better than the original. This one looks a lot 更多 realistic, and it shows Rusty/Firepaw/Fireheart/Firestar's personality and future in one look. Also, I've always wondered what he looked like as a real cat.

 火, 消防 and Ice
Fire and Ice
Tigerclaw/Tigerstar's glare along with that ominous background makes this cover look even better than before! and that was one of my 最喜爱的 covers! Burning embers speak of...
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posted by SapphireCat22
Rainwhisker bolted back up the 爬坡道, 小山 to where Silvertail and the apprentices were standing. "What was she doing?" asked Honeypaw. "Being a mouse-brain." He replied shortly. Silvertail dipped her head. "We should head back. It looks like a big storm." Rainwhisker tilts his head to the sky. Dark clouds are rolling over the sky. "Yes, let's head back." he agreed. Smokepaw and Honeypaw rush ahead and Silvertail stared at Rainwhisker. "What's wrong?" she meowed. He looked away. "Nothing. Let's go." He ran ahead and followed after the apprentices. Silvertail looked over her shoulder. Right, I'm sure...
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posted by prim17luvr101
The kitten tries to wriggle out of my paws as I rub the chewed up burdock into his cut. “Stop moving, Tigerkit!”
“But it’s cold!” he squeaks.
“It doesn’t matter! It’ll make your cut heal faster. 你 don’t want 更多 pain, do you?”
“Oh, no!” Tigerkit meows, terrified. He’s so amusing. He’ll act 《勇敢传说》 in front of the other kits but when it comes to pain, he can be such a little baby.
I finish rubbing the burdock into his cut then let the squirming kitten go, getting a few scratches myself in the process. I’m about to go back into the herb storage when I start to hear...
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posted by JayHollyLion
Lol, what really happens in TC

Sound recorder one 日 as ' paws '

Lion- okay ready

Jay and Holly- yep

Music turns on


( three dance around )


Holly- ( is laughing on ground ) dented potatoes


Lion- FOR THE WIN ( bro fist with 松鸦, 杰伊, 杰伊 · )

Lion- 你 still have catmint supply Hollypaw

Holly- YEP, IT'S ALL HERE!!!!!!


( three dances again )

Jay- I'm putting marbles in my nose

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posted by Nightfrost
"How many times have I told 你 Lillypaw, 罂粟 seeds do not go in traveling herbs." Lillypaw shuffled her paws in the dirt. "I am sorry Dapplefern, it will not happen again." "Humph. I've heard that one way too many times. I'm starting to wonder why i ever made 你 my apprentice. Listen go into the forest and see that 你 find some moss." "Yes Dapplefern."
Lillypaw dashed off into the woods to look for moss and other herbs she thought might please Dapplefern. Then she saw saw something in the distance that wasn't familiar to her. It was a fence made from the two legs.
Curiosity took over...
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posted by ANonbinaryBee
I need help with a suffix for my apprentice Snowdriftpaw(In a roleplay)
Here's some info:
She is a snow white she-cat with black front paws and tail that fade to grey and white. Her tail is very fluffy and her chest 毛皮 is mildly fluffy, keeping her warm in LeafBare. One of her eyes is a soft hazel color and the other is an icy light blue. Her nose and a little bit of her muzzle is black, looking like frostbite, despite it being her pelt.

She was originally calm and sweet, before a Dark Forest cat named Nightclaw got to her after she accidentally murdered a rogue named Tundra. He helped her control...
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added by KJBiggestFan
Source: InvaderKel on deviantART
added by Scourgestar
Warriors The 迷失 Omen
#1 Signs of the Stars
Chapter 1/ Part 1

"Manny! Get down here now!" Yelled the mother from downstairs, in the kitchen.
Manny, who was only a poor 9-year old boy, was snoozing away until his mother had woken him up. He was always bullied at school and never had any friends. Even his so called "family" never liked him; calling him scumbag, kicking him around, 或者 just never cleaned him. "I'm coming mom!" Shouted Manny while scrambling out of his bed.
He could hear his mother muttering to herself till she...
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added by rainheart344
Source: Me
 The Four
The Four
Allegiances ~

MarigoldClan -
Leader: Goldenstar, golden she-cat with amber eyes
Deputy: Mintheart, black tomcat with yellow eyes
Medicine Cat: Brownfern, brown she-cat with green eyes
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Lakepaw, ginger she-cat with blue eyes
Streamsky, grey she-cat with 紫色, 紫罗兰色 eyes
Cloudflight, white she-cat with grey eyes
Ashstone, blue-grey tomcat with green right eye and blue left eye
Hailfoot, grey tomcat with brown eyes
Rainclaw, tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Gorsefire, brown tomcat with yellow eyes
Ivyspring, tortoiseshell she-cat with brown eyes
Willowpaw, brown...
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Warriors: The 迷失 Omen
#1 Signs of the Stars

The stars were shining brightly as a gray cat sat on a rock, meditating her thoughts and actions. She shook her furry head as she soon started to cry. Thin streams of tears lined down her cheeks. "Why?" She stuttered out. "Why did I not help them in their time of need?"
"It's not your fault mother," a voice behind her replied.
The gray cat whipped around to see her son, 涂层, 外套 shining like a 星, 星级 in the night sky. "Oh, Stonefur! Sorry about this. It's just that-" she cut...
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Based on Real Recordings

Bramblestar: I meow all 你 Twolegs and Twolegettes Bramblestar and Squrrielflight here!

Squrrielflight: YESS!!!

Bramblestar: Now why we have not posed these for so long because we where at War with some species called Happy 树 Friends!!

Squrrielflight: Happy 树 Friends, My they where Evil.

Bramblestar: Thank 你 i was just about to say that.

Bramblestar: Now we are on a World call Erin Hunter witch is in the Twoleg System 你 know.

Squrrielflight: Twolegs oh yes and they where on our side.

Bramblestar: They where and have 你 seen this before.

Bramblestar gets in his Flying...
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posted by Jayfeather1215

A small shrek came from the nusery.It appered as Moonshine's kits were finally comeing."Its ok, just bite on this leaf."-Mistcloud,her sister said.
"But...ug!"Moonshine 说 grunting
Awhile after,2 small she-cats and 2small toms were born.Tallkit, a small gray tom with green eyes, Lakekit a small white tom with black tabby stripes. Dawnkit, a small tan she-cat with black tabby stripes,and the last kit was Saphirekit, a ice white she-cat with blue tinted tabby stripes an ice blue eyes.
They were happy joyfull kits. "Come on! Moonshine we want to go outside!"Tallkit...
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