Vampire Knight - Yuki + Zero Club
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1. The fact that Yuuki was willing to risk her life in order to provide Zero with blood, even with her phobia of 吸血鬼 at the time, seems to me to be proof that she loved him even before she was aware of this fact.
2. The fact that, with what they both are, they really ought to be enemies but circumstances led to them falling in 爱情 instead. That seems "meant to be" 或者 "fated to be", to me.
3. A pureblood vampire with a vampire hunter/ex-human vampire really fits the pacifism and co-existence theme of the story.
4. The fact that Zero's blood alone seems to have sated Yuuki for a thousand years.
5. The fact that they were both obviously thirsting for the other's blood when they were separated.
6. The way parts of their story seem mirrored 由 other, background pairings in the story.
7. The way Zero let Yuuki go because he just wanted to let her be happy. I'm always a sucker for that one.
8. The fact that he resisted 接吻 her and didn't tell her he loved her because he didn't think he was good enough for her and thought she deserved more.
9. 由 the end, Zero had changed his mind and was willing to fight for her.
10. The fact that they both broke through memory erasure to remember something about the other.
11. The fact that Ichiru's final message to Zero eventually turned out to be about Yuuki, after all the confusion about it.
12. Yuuki gave Zero her only handmade chocolate.
13. When Zero threatened to kill her, Yuuki 说 that she'd keep running to give him something to live for. Not to save herself, 或者 to live for Kaname.... for Zero.
14. The way Yuuki is just constantly doing things to save 或者 protect Zero. From offering her blood, to stopping him from shooting himself and running away, to running from him, to wiping his memories of her so that he wouldn't mourn her after she'd sacrificed herself.
15. The fact that Yuuki didn't sacrifice herself to turn Kaname human until after Zero had died. It shows that she didn't want him to be mourning her, and 你 can just imagine the pair being reunited in some afterlife.
16. The fact that Zero changed his mind about dying after killing Shizuka Hiou, and wanted to live on for Yuuki
17. Zero saying "Don't take anything 更多 away from me!" when Shizuka threatened to turn Yuuki into a vampire.
18. Yuuki being willing to be turned into a vampire if that'd save Zero, and thinking she'd be OK because she'd be the same as Zero and that he'd be with her.
19. The scene where Zero grabs Yuuki's hand from behind and admits that he'd been able to live on because of her.
20. Zero telling Yagari that Yuuki isn't little, that she means the world to him.
21. Yuuki remembering that her nightmares about her lack of a past became less frequent after meeting Zero, because she was concerned about him instead.
22. Zero saying that he doesn't mind using what's left of his life for her and that she can do whatever she wants with his life.
23. Zero saying that what Yuuki 说 sounds as if she's desperately telling him she needs her (she does).
24. A newly reawakened Yuuki being relieved that the blood she's smelling isn't Zero's.
25. Yuuki openly crying because she believes that Zero now hates her.
26. Yuuki and Zero fighting Rido side 由 side
27. Their 吻乐队(Kiss) in Enemies. I just 爱情 the fact that it's shown upside down.
28. The fact that every time Zero threatens to kill Yuuki, 你 know he'll never be able do it, and he weakens in it each time. First it was the 下一个 time he'd see her, then he was waiting for a legitimate excuse....
29. Zero's flashbacks of the human Yuuki as he realises that he can't shoot her.
30. The way Zero hugs Yuuki after revealing that he'd just learned Kaname had planned his parents' deaths and him being turned into a vampire.
31. The way Yuuki wanted to look at Zero's face before she drank his blood. She did the same before her "almost bite", too.
32. Zeki have an almost 吻乐队(Kiss) then a kiss, and an almost bite then a bite from Yuuki's perspective. I find this cute.
33. Yuuki thinking of Zero while they're separated, wondering what he's thinking about right now and 写作 letters she could never send.
34. Yuuki (finally) admitting that a part of her 心 is still tied to Zero.
35. When she speaks of wanting to drink "his" blood just before her admission, it sounds as if she could be speaking about Zero too.
36. In the ball, Zero was so affected 由 Yuuki he didn't want her even touching her, and 你 could see the blood he'd gained from her reacting afterwards.
37. Yuuki holding onto her gloved hand and remembering touching Zero's arm.
38. Zero telling Kaito that Yuuki couldn't have killed Ouri and the unnamed hunter.
39. Zero carrying Yuuki away after she'd been injured 由 Toma.
40. Zero being drawn to the cemetery gates 由 Yuuki's presence and the scent of her blood which makes him dizzy
41. Yuuki becoming jealous when Maria suggests that she might take Zero from her.
42. Zero saying that he never considered Yuuki's true identity and its concealment to be a betrayal
43. Zero offering Yuuki his blood for their shared common interest
44. The way she then just lunges at his neck once she'd gotten a taste of his blood.
45. The blood-drinking scenes in general. They're just hot.
46. Yuuki saying that Zero should respect himself 更多 and not just offer up his blood because she needs it. This reminds me of how Rima earlier snapped Shiki out of Rido's possession.
47. Yuuki continually wanting her and Zero to return to their earlier simpler relationship, missing that and wishing they didn't have to keep hurting each other.
48. Yuuki's thirst and mind calmed the 秒 she drank Zero's blood, even though she'd 说 she'd only take a little.
49. Yuuki tapping Zero's shoulder when she tells him that she'll leave the 日 Class girls to him, and just the way she says that - it sounds like she's saying she trusts him.
50. The way she acts all freaked out and embarrassed afterwards. Wondering if she'd been 表演 normal. She's like a girl with a crush there, and it's cute.
51. Zero pushing Yuuki behind him to shelter her from the hunters in case a fight breaks out.
52. Zero getting so protective of Yuuki when some of the Night Class students bite her that he instantly aims the Bloody Rose at them, and then having to tell her to stay away because the scent of her blood is too enticing for him.
53. Maria saying that she can't help Zero with his hunger for blood - only Yuuki can - and Yuuki admitting that she understands what Maria's implying.
54. Yuuki saying that the reason she's not approaching Zero to get him to drink her blood once 更多 is that it's her way of 展示 respect to him.
55. Yuuki saying that she knows Zero has always wished for her happiness.
56. Yuuki saying that she knows Zero so well, and admitting that she knows him much better than Kaname.
57. Yuuki immediately knowing that Zero shooting her was an illusion created 由 Ruka, because Zero wouldn't blame her like that.
58. Zero carrying Yuuki to get her past the traps in the Hunters' Association Headquarters. He could have used the excuse to leave her behind, 或者 insisted she enter chained, but he carried her over bridal-style instead.
59. Yuuki cutting her hair (her short style is the one linked with Zero, while the longer one is the one associated with Kaname - the one she grew at the same time their engagement was revealed, and the one he's admitted to preferring). It seems a bit symbolic.
60. Yuuki promising that she won't let Zero down again.
61. Yuuki thinking of melting Zero's 心 alongside thinking of her own 迷失 in a deep dark forest.
62. Zero grabbing Yuuki and pulling her back when the origin metal was trying to absorb purebloods as well as weapons.
63. Zero insisting that he goes along with Yuuki, even though this is against orders, and even fighting Kaito over it.
64. Yuuki being worried about Zero's slow-healing hand wound.
65. The 伪装 ball. I just 爱情 that idea.
66. The metaphor of masks running through that chapter. It describes them both as wearing masks over their hearts, the following chapter's 标题 picture shows masks being discarded and then Kaname is speaking with Isaya it shows a mask breaking.
67. Yuuki trying to get Zero to drink her blood again. And licking the droplet of blood of his cheek when he refuses.
68. Yuuki and Zero dancing at the ball. They look so beautiful.
69. Using the feeling of anonymity from the masks to talk 更多 openly about their emotions, talking as if they were speaking about other people.
70. Yuuki having flashbacks of her time with Zero.
71. Yuuki admitting to herself that her feelings are real, that she cherishes and loves Zero.
72. They 吻乐队(Kiss) again :D And it looks at first like another almost 吻乐队(Kiss) and that Kaname interrupted (I was thinking "moment-killer" at him then), but a later flashback shows that they actually did kiss.
73. Yuuki's little all-human fantasy.
74. Yuuki wiping Zero's memories to prevent him from mourning her if she sacrifices herself for Kaname.
75. Yuuki saying that Kaname should have just removed her memories of Zero
76. Even without his memories, Zero still notices that Kaname's making Yuuki uncomfortable and tells him he should let her go.
77. Zero, still without his memories, feels concerned about Yuuki being unwilling to be turned human and begins to remember her.
78. Zero raising Ai with Yuuki and Ai saying that Zero's her dad even after being corrected.
79. Zero saying that he regrets how he reacted when Yuuki was turned back into a vampire, that he should have tried to hold onto to her then.
80. Other characters within the 日本漫画 shipping them: Maria seems to be constantly trying to make Yuuki jealous over Zero.
81. Kaito encouraging Zero to regain his memories and prove to him that forgiving his enemy wasn't wrong.
82. Yori saying she's been looking forwards to an invitation to their wedding.
83. Even Aidou ships it, on occasion. He told Zero that if he were in his place, he'd try to steal her away from Kaname no matter how many times it took. And Aidou is one of Kaname's most loyal, so for him to say that is big.
84. Kaname admitting that his 爱情 can't make Yuuki smile from the bottom of her heart. His last words were a request for Yuuki and Zero to be together.
85. They're not related. Even though Kaname and Yuuki aren't truly siblings, they're still ancestor and descendant and that does creep me out a bit, especially when 你 consider the fact that their family is so inbred that they'd be closer genetically than normal. They were also raised as siblings and the relationship began with Yuuki still believing he was her brother.
86. Zero isn't manipulative like Kaname, which is a personality trait I strongly dislike. When he does everything like that for Yuuki it just makes me hate that ship.
87.Zero isn't as assuming either. There was one scene early on, where Kaname says that Yuuki will eventually return to him (and I've seen one translation saying "where she belongs"). Such arrogant presumption is annoying.
88. Yuuki and Zero's relationship seemed to develop 更多 naturally. With Kaname, Yuuki's feelings were initially just a result of being told as children that they'd be married when they grew up. Then without her memory she had an idolizing crush on the vampire she remembered saving her. Then she regained her memory and it was as if she was completely in 爱情 with him, just like that.
89. I don't like the fact that Yume were engaged as children, without giving them any choice in the matter. It makes me wonder if they'd even be together without that. It feels forced.
90. I don't like how Yuuki takes so long to reproach Kaname for anything. For example, after he threatens to kill Zero even if she'd hate him for it, her response is only to say that she doesn't want to make him say something so sad.
91. In the context of the story, Zeki is 更多 original. Pureblood pairings like Yume have been happening for generations. It's boring.
92. I just really loathe the way Kaname treats Zero. As if Zero living was entirely his decision and up to him. As if he's just a tool to fulfil the purpose of killing Rido then being discarded, and with no consideration of his emotions towards Yuuki 或者 the pain he endures as a result.
93. I also dislike how Kaname treats Yuuki. I understand that he's just trying to protect her, and that things like the dresses and long hair are how pureblood women are expected to be, but he's so controlling! He practically locked her in the house!
94. In the context of the story, Zeki is the pairing which is breaking the conventions and rules. 你 have to 爱情 forbidden love.
95. I don't like the way Kaname kissed Yuuki to give her his blood. He could have just bit his wrist and put the bleeding cut to her mouth. I know it was meant to be romantic, but she was so delirious from her hallucinations she wasn't exactly consenting there.
96. I don't like the way Kaname keeps manipulating Yuuki's emotions either. He only admitted his 爱情 for her, originally, to stop her from questioning him. And he keeps reminding her of the years he spent lonely missing her. He even threatened to kill himself if she left him (it wasn't exactly what he 说 but his words did convey that message).
97. Zero makes Yuuki smile from the bottom of her heart.
98. Yuuki and Zero are radiant, as Kaname described them.
99. If Yume was the endgame, the 日本漫画 might as well have finished halfway through, after the Rido arc.
100. Y and Z are right 下一个 to each other in the alphabet.
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