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posted by groovychicklisa
Gossip and Butterflies

"Come on in." Angela opened the door before I had finished knocking, and ushered me inside the house quickly. "Let me see."

I gave her the picture from the ultrasound, and she studied it in silence for a moment, her eyes wide in astonishment.

"Wow. It actually looks like a baby!" She exclaimed, giving the 照片 back to me.

"I know, it caught me completely 由 surprise. I thought it would look like a 花生 或者 something." I carefully placed the picture between two pages of a book in my bag, not wanting to ruin it. Charlie had another copy, and we'd gotten one to send to Renée too – she was totally bummed out about missing the ultrasound.

"Let me look at you." Angela turned me sideways and looked at my stomach through narrowed eyes. "I think I can see a little bump."

"No way!" I knew that my jeans had gotten a little tighter, but there was definitely no bump. Not yet, anyway, I added silently. It was only a matter of time, after all.

"Just kidding." Angela giggled. "Don't be so touchy."

"It's not nice to have fun on the expense of someone who's pregnant. My hormones aren't cut out for being mocked." I grumbled, but Angela just laughed at me.

"I won't do it again." She promised, but I didn't believe her for a second.

"Sure 你 will." I replied, smiling so she didn't think I was too serious. "And I'll complain, and you'll promise never to do it again, and it'll be a vicious 圈, 圈子 without end."

"You're probably right." Angela acknowledged. "Do 你 want to watch TV for a while? My parents won't be 首页 for a couple of hours, some meeting at the twin's kindergarten."

"Sure, lead the way."


A week and a half after I'd had the ultrasound, I couldn't button my 最喜爱的 jeans. I pulled them off and stood in front of the full body mirror, warily studying myself in profile. Yep, definitely a bump there. Not a very large one, but still plainly visible. I was sure it hadn't been there when I had gone to 床, 床上 the night before. Luckily, it was Saturday, so I did the only thing I could think to do. I called Angela.


"My jeans don't fit." The only response I got was laughter. "It's not funny!"

"It is a little funny." She insisted, but stopped laughing. "Relax. I'll pick 你 up in half an hour; we'll go to Port Angeles and get 你 something that will fit."

I tried on another pair of jeans while I waited for her to get to the house, but only got the same result. In the end, I pulled on a pair of decent looking sweat pants before heading out the door.

Angela gave me an amused look when I got into the car, and I scowled at her.

"I didn't say a word." She giggled as she headed down the street.

"Let's keep it that way." I snapped a little 更多 harshly than I had intended. I knew Angela didn't deserve to be the object of my bad mood, but couldn't help it.

"My my, are we testy today." The hint of laughter in her voice assured me that she wasn't taking my attitude personally.

"Sorry." I apologized, making an effort to sound a little 更多 pleasant. "I guess I'm just realizing that I won't be able to hide this much longer."

"Probably not." Angela agreed. "But I hear baggy shirts are making a comeback this year. You'll be totally fashionable."

"That's the silver lining I was looking for." I 说 sarcastically.

I already had a bunch of those in my closet, in anticipation of this moment.

"And look at it this way." Angela added. "At least now we can go baby shopping soon."

That was true. I had been wanting to start getting things right after the ultrasound, but I was terrified that we would run into someone from Forks in the store. It wasn't all that unlikely, after all. Renée had already sent a couple of things from Florida, though; a tiny, yellow onesie, some knitted booties that I suspected she had produced herself – and Renée definitely didn't knit – and a t-shirt with the text "If 你 think I'm cute, 你 should see my Grandma".

"Yeah." I admitted. "That's a plus."

"I actually might have jumped the gun a little." Angela glanced over at me. "I ordered something online."

"OK…" I gave her a suspicious look. "What is it?"

"Nuh-uh, I'm not telling you." She shook her head. "It's a surprise."

I didn't like surprises; something she knew very well.

"Can I at least get a hint?" I tried, well aware that I wasn't likely to succeed in my attempt.

"Nope." She smirked evilly. "But it's supposed to get here on Tuesday."

"That's three whole days from now." I complained.

"I'm not telling you." She was determined. "It's not even really for you, anyway."

I decided to surrender. When Angela had set her mind to something, I had learned that there was no use in arguing with her.

We went straight to Gottschalks when we got to Port Angeles. At least there, we could pretend to have accidentally wandered into the department with maternity clothes if we spotted someone we knew. Angela laughed when I pointed that out, until I reminded her that if we actually did meet someone from Forks, they could very well jump to the wrong conclusions. She was the one with a boyfriend, after all.

I bought a pair of regular jeans that I could actually button, and, upon Angela's insistence, a pair of maternity jeans with an elastic waist.

"You know we'd just have to come back in a couple of weeks otherwise." She wisely pointed out to me as I paid for the clothes, and I had to admit that she was probably right.

"You know, sometimes I actually think about accidentally letting something slip to Jessica 或者 Lauren, so that I can just get this over with." I 说 as we headed back to the car. "It's getting old having to constantly think about what I say around people at school."

"I know, sweetie." Angela put an arm around my shoulder. "But pretty soon, 你 won't have a choice."

"Thank 你 for pointing that out." I 说 dryly, and then sighed. "Maybe I should have taken Renée up on the offer to live with her and Phil. At least in a city the size of Jacksonville, I would be yesterday's news after a week 或者 two. Here, I'll still be the talk of the town years from now."

"Probably." She replied matter-of-factly. "But I'm glad 你 stayed."

"Me too."


I started wearing baggy t-shirts to school that Monday. I did get a few glances, but nobody 说 anything about my new "look".

On Tuesday, Angela asked if I wanted to come over after school – the surprise was supposed to arrive that day. Since I wasn't working, I happily agreed, anxious to see what it was that she'd gotten.

I followed her 首页 after our last class of the day, and parked in the street.

"Mom?" Angela called as we walked through the front door. "Did I get any mail today?"

"In the kitchen." We took off our coats before following Mrs. Weber's voice. On the 厨房 counter, there was a flat package addressed to Angela.

"OK, I have to put it together first, just stay down here until I call you." Angela grabbed the package and headed out of the 厨房 with a big smile on her face. I shook my head at her enthusiasm, but couldn't help but smile too.

"A surprise, I take it?" Mrs. Weber smiled, and I nodded.

"Yeah." I grimaced. "She knows I hate them."

"Did 你 expect that to stop her?"

"Not anymore." I joined in on her laughter.

"I hope 你 don't think that I'm being too forward." Mrs. Weber 说 after a moment. "But I want 你 to know that if 你 need anything, just to let us know. We're here for you."

"Angela told you?" I wasn't upset that Angela had talked to her mother, but the situation was a bit uncomfortable.

"No, honey. I have three children of my own, and I have eyes to see with." She patted me on the arm. "I know that a lot people in this town will give 你 a hard time, but don't let them get 你 down, OK? 你 are worth so much 更多 than any of them."

"Thank you." I mumbled, slightly embarrassed 由 her words. Luckily, Angela called me at that moment. "I'd better go." I gave Mrs. Weber a smile and left the kitchen.

"OK, close your eyes." Angela met me outside the closed door to her room.

I obediently did as she told me, and she led me into the room.

"Hang on… OK, 你 can look. "

I opened my eyes, and gasped.

"Oh my God, Angela! It's adorable."

She was holding up a mobile in front of me, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore dangling from the four arms.

"Where did 你 find it?" I wondered, gently touching the little plush Eeyore.

"Wal-Mart." She replied. "And it plays music, too." She wound it up, and the theme from Winnie the Pooh started playing as the figures rotated.

"I 爱情 it." I gave her a tight hug, tears in my eyes.

"I'm glad." She said, hugging me back.

I pulled back, wiping a few tears from my eyes, feeling silly that my emotions were so obvious.

"I'll never complain about your surprises again." I vowed, and she giggled.

"Of course 你 will."

"OK, I probably will." I agreed. "But I'll try not to."


We sat down on the bed, the mobile still playing its tune.

"Your mom knows, 由 the way." I 说 after a moment.

"She does?" Angela frowned. "I swear I didn't tell her."

"I know, I know." I hurried to assure her. "She figured it out."

"I'm sorry."

"It's OK. She was really nice about it." Much nicer than I had expected.

"She can be kind of cool."


My four-month check-up went fine; everything was still going the way it was supposed to, and Doctor Jamieson was happy that I had finally started to put on some weight. She told me that she would do another ultrasound at the following check-up, and that, if I wanted, I could find out the sex of the baby. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to know 或者 not.

"Don't 你 want to be able to prepare?" Angela wondered one day.

"I don't need to know if it's a boy 或者 a girl to be able to do that." I objected.

"I guess not. But it would be a lot 更多 fun." She insisted.

"We'll see." I shrugged.

"Do 你 have a gut feeling?"

"I think so…"

"Me too." Angela said. "On three?"

"OK. One… two… three."

"Girl." We both 说 at the same time, which made us laugh.

We were curled up on the 长椅, 沙发 in our living room, eating 浓情巧克力 做傻事, 福吉 Brownie ice cream straight from the tub and watching American Idol.

It was Sunday evening, and I had asked Angela to come over, because I was in desperate need of a confidence boost for the following day.

I was going public.

It was really becoming inevitable; I was almost eighteen weeks pregnant, and the small bump I had discovered three weeks earlier had grown considerably and was getting 更多 and 更多 difficult to hide. I had hoped to be able to make it to the 圣诞节 holidays before having to resign to the unavoidable, but there were still two weeks left, and I had realized that it would be impossible. I'd even started ditching Gym, so I wouldn't have to get changed with the other girls.

I knew that Principal Greene came into work an 小时 before school started every day, so I was going to talk to him before first period that Monday. I wanted to settle all the practical details before the rest of the students found out. Charlie was going with me, which I was grateful for. I could use the moral support.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Angela asked, as if she had read my mind.

"Not even close."

"I'll be there, don't worry." She squeezed my hand, and I gave her a grateful smile.

"I seriously don't know what I'd do without you, Ang."

"Good thing 你 don't have to find out, then."


"Come on, Bells. Let's get this over with." Charlie knocked determinedly on Principal Greene's door while I hesitated a few steps behind him.

"Come in." We heard through the door, and Charlie opened it.

"John." Charlie greeted as we entered the office.

"Charlie." Principal Greene got up and the two men shook hands. "What are 你 doing here at this time of day? Hello Bella."

"Hi, Principal Greene." I mumbled, eyes fixed on the floor.

"We have a matter we need to discuss with you, John." Charlie sat down in one of the visitors' chairs, and I took the other one.

"Oh? I do hope everything is alright." Principal Greene frowned.

"Well…" Charlie hesitated. "Bella?"

I reluctantly looked up and met Principal Greene concerned eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh, I see." He nodded. "And I assume this will interfere with your school work at some point?"

"Not for a while. The baby's not due until the middle of May, but finals…"

"I'm sure we can arrange something." He interrupted me. "I will of course have to talk to the board, and your teachers, but I am sure 你 can take the finals later in the summer. I assume 你 won't be going to college in the fall anyway?"

"No." I shook my head.

Charlie and I had talked about this during the weekend. I was going to wait a 年 to apply to college, and ask Mrs. Newton if I could work at the store a couple of hours a 日 when the baby was a little older. This way I might even be able to save up some money for college, and afford the things I would have to get for the baby.

Angela had also investigated the idea she'd had about funds for single parents, and it turned out that Seattle U did indeed have some I could apply for. They even had special apartments on campus for students with children.

"Well, then, I'm sure it won't be a problem." Principal Greene stood up, signaling that the conversation was over. "I'll inform the teachers about your situation. Good to see 你 Charlie." They shook hands again, and Charlie and I left the office.

"That went well, don't 你 think?" Charlie 说 encouragingly on the way out of the building. I glanced up at him, but he was looking straight ahead and didn't notice my anxious appearance.

"Yeah." There was no need to tell him that it wasn't the principal's reaction I'd been dreading.

"I've got to head to work, you'll be OK?" We had gotten to the parking lot and he opened the door to the cruiser, eyeing me with a concerned look on his face.

"Sure." Class was starting in fifteen minutes. "Angela should be here any minute."

"OK. I'll see 你 tonight then." He patted my shoulder, the closest thing to a public display of affection that Charlie would ever get. "And don't let them get to you, got it?"

I nodded quietly. I wasn't so sure it would be that easy. But, again – no need to tell him that.

Angela drove into the lot a few 分钟 later, and we walked to Spanish together. I really didn't want to leave the 安全 cocoon of my parka, but I had made up my mind. So I wouldn't be able to chicken out and change my mind, I had put on a long sleeved t-shirt that clung closely to my protruding abdomen.

I took a deep breath and unzipped my coat, pulling it off and hanging it on one of the hooks just inside the door to the classroom. I looked straight ahead as I turned around and followed Angela to our seats at the back of the room.

Even if I didn't look anybody in the eye, I could still hear them whisper.

"Oh, my God! Is she pregnant?"

"She is! Look at her."

"No doubt about it."

"Should have known there was something going on with the clothes she's been wearing lately."

"Guess that explains why Cullen took off like that."

The last sentence hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was grateful that I had finally reached the 台, 办公桌 and could slump into my seat. Angela squeezed my hand tightly.

"Don't listen to them." She mumbled under her breath as Mrs. Goff entered the classroom.

"I'm trying." I mumbled back, desperately struggling to shut out the loud whispers that were coming from all sides.

由 the time Angela and I were headed for P.E., the entire school was buzzing with the news. I felt dozens of eyes on me as we walked down the pathway towards the gym, but kept my own firmly on the ground in front of me.

"Just ignore them." Angela mumbled 下一个 to me.

"Believe me, I'm trying."

Coach Clapp caught up with me just as Angela and I were about to enter the locker room.

"Bella, the principal filled me in on your… situation." His eyes inadvertently traveled to my belly. "You don't have to participate, we don't want any incidents."

"OK, coach." I willingly agreed. Instead of following Angela into the locker room, I went over to the bleachers and sat down, shrugging my 涂层, 外套 off and pulling Hamlet from my bag. We were 阅读 it for English, and I might as well use the suddenly free period wisely.

I didn't look up as I heard the rest of the students enter the gym; I didn't want to meet any of the looks that I had no doubt most of the students were throwing my way. The mumbles coming from the other kids in the gym distracted me, and I had trouble concentrating on the book in front of me.

Angela came over to sit with me until coach Clapp blew his whistle to start the class. They were playing soccer.

I kept my attention firmly on what was happening at the Danish 城堡 until I noticed someone sit down 下一个 to me when I was waiting for Angela to get changed.

"Hey Bella."

The voice told me that it was Mike who had joined me, and when I averted my eyes from the page I was on and met his, I saw that he had a concerned look on his face.

"Are 你 OK?" He asked, and I realized that he was actually worried about me. That sent a wave of gratitude through me.

"I've been better." I admitted, putting the book away.

"Vultures." He muttered, glaring at two boys who were slowly making their way out of the gym, every now and then glancing over their shoulders at us.

I let out a sigh of relief at having found another ally. I just hoped Jessica wouldn't ruin it. I had no doubt that she at least would be avoiding me like the plague from now on. She valued her reputation way too much to risk it 由 socializing with the school's most 最近的 outcast.

"Everyone's just happy that people aren't gossiping about them, they don't care who the target is." Mike had a tone of revulsion in his voice. "It's sickening, really."

"It's high school, Mike." I shrugged. "I was expecting this." And worse, if I was honest.

"I'm on your side, just so 你 know." I had figured that out, but it was nice to have confirmation. "If 你 need to talk 或者 something… anything."

"Thanks, Mike." I gave him an appreciative smile.

Just then, Jessica came out of the locker room and glared at us. Lauren followed closely behind her, and when she spotted me and Mike sitting together, she mumbled something in Jessica's ear.

"I'm not so sure you're girlfriend is too happy about that, though." I noted.

"She'll just have to deal." He said, but he got up. "See 你 at lunch."

"Bye." I watched as he, Jessica and Lauren left the gym. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it looked like Mike and Jessica were arguing, and she threw several annoyed looks at me over her shoulder.

Mike didn't sit with us at lunch. When Angela and I entered the cafeteria, he threw me an apologetic look from his 座位 下一个 to Jessica – the table, where Angela and I usually sat too, was full. I didn't doubt for a 秒 that it was the doing of Jessica and Lauren, letting me know that I was no longer welcome. I shrugged at Mike, letting him know that it was fine.

Angela and I found an empty 表 close to the exit, and I sat down with my back towards the room. A few 分钟 later, Ben and his friend Austin joined us. Ben greeted me with his usual cheerfulness, seemingly oblivious to all the looks our 表 was attracting. Austin seemed a little 更多 uncomfortable.

"You don't have to do this, Ben." I 说 quietly. "I'm doomed to be the school pariah for the rest of senior 年 and a few class reunions; I don't want to drag 你 guys down with me."

"Hey, you're my friend too. And 老友记 don't care what other people think." Ben objected. "Right, Austin?" He added pointedly.

Austin mumbled something unintelligible, but grudgingly nodded.

Jessica and Mike seemed to have come to some sort of agreement about Mike's interaction with me; he would talk to me during the classes we had together and on breaks – when she wasn't around – but he sat with Jessica and her 老友记 during lunch.

Our new lunch 表 turned out to be a lot 更多 fun than sitting with Jessica and the others had been. After a few days, Austin seemed to have gotten over his initial embarrassment, 或者 whatever it had been, at sitting with us, and started joining in on the conversations. He and Ben had the same kind of dark humor, and Angela and I were always laughing 由 the time we left the cafeteria.

Mrs. Newton had, of course, already heard about my "situation" when I came in to work on Tuesday.

"Hello, dear, how are you?" She greeted me with a smile.

"I'm good, Mrs. Newton."

"You OK to be working? It won't be too much for you?"

"No, of course not." My 心 dropped. "But I understand if 你 would rather find someone else, I'll just…"

"Nonsense, dear!" She cut me off. "Who cares what people gossip about, anyway? And who knows, 你 might even be good for business!"

I had to laugh at that, glad that she was joking about it.

"Thanks, Mrs. Newton."

"Don't mention it, dear. And 你 just let me know if there's anything 你 need."

"Well, actually…" This might be as good a time as any to broach the subject of my continued employment the coming fall. "I'll be taking a 年 off before going to college, obviously, and I was wondering if I could perhaps keep working here? Not during the summer, but maybe a bit later in the fall?"

"Oh, but of course! 你 don't even have to ask. You'll always have a job here, as long as 你 want."

"Thank 你 so much."

She just waved off my gratitude with one hand.

"When is the little one set to make an appearance?"

"May." I said, rubbing my hand over my stomach, something that I had started doing almost unconsciously ever since I had first discovered the bump.

"A spring baby, how nice. You'll want stay 首页 over the summer then, of course." She pondered something for a moment. "You could start out working a couple of hours a 日 in September, does that sound good? And then take on 更多 as he 或者 she gets older."

"That sounds great, Mrs. Newton."
posted by Tatti
Cullens residence

It was quite an intensive arguing. Rosalie, Emmett and most of all - Jasper was absolutely sure that police detective appearance was a sign of threat while others were a bit calmer.
"If this really has nothing to do with us then why was she searching our house?" Jasper was extremely persistent. "We should 移动 on immediately"
"She wasn't searching. She just look through magazines which were in an open place and opened a drawer. It could be a simple curiosity. She's a cop after all." - Edward tried to be rational
"And the place? Of all the possible choices she came in front of...
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posted by a-jforever
“Bella, 你 don’t know what it’s like to see 你 best friend and then with a stupid decision your brother makes, lose her for as long as your brother can keep away.” 由 the end Alice, sounded 更多 like she was talking 更多 to herself than to me.

And she was right. I didn’t know what it was like, because I wasn’t Alice. But in a way I did know what it was like, because when HE had left; I had to lose Alice just like she had 迷失 me. But 吸血鬼 could forget if they wanted to. Alice could have forgotten me, 更多 easily than I could have forgotten her if she wanted to.

“Wants you...
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 Nessie Black
Nessie Black
Jake and I haven't been really speaking today. He thinks I messed up big time yesterday 由 telling the truth. I think he messed up big time 由 being rude. Sometimes girls just get moody, and he should know that 由 now.

The problem with being upset is that it brings all the negative things in your life to attention. Jake and I are not doing so well money wise. His repair 商店 is okay but not making enough money to support us. I haven't been to work since the wedding. I thought that once I was married, I wouldn't have to worry about working. Wrong idea.

I kinda feel like I am just useless, and...
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posted by a-jforever
I stood up, shrugging Jakes arm off my shoulder. I couldn’t be around anyone when they were 表演 like this, especially not Jacob. Why would dad be right? I loved Jacob and he loved my right? That’s how imprinting works.

“Renesmee.” Jacob called after me.

I ignored him. Did he really think that? When I was younger I always dreamed that when I graduated, Jacob would ask me to marry him. That we would be happy together, for eternity. That we would have our own children and our own house. But life isn’t a fairy tale, 或者 something 你 can just plan out in front of you. It’s something...
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posted by kiwi12

I followed Carlisle into the living room. Rosalie sat in a rather secluded chair. I knew she didn't trust us. Carlisle and Esme headed toward a couch, so I walked with Jasper to a loveseat across from them. Esme smiled when she saw Jasper wait until the ladies were seated before sitting 下一个 to me. I took Jasper's hand and looked at Carlisle. "Well.. I umm... well I saw 你 and your family I can see the future and I don't want to kill people and neither does Jasper (Jasper and I are mates) so we came here and we're all going to be great 老友记 so can Jasper and I please stay?" I offered...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
"A son, bella" Edwards hand caressed my face adoringly.
My ribs hurt with extreme pain. I was exhusted, and like being kicked in the gut put on top.
"Emmett, fetch my 更多 morphine" Carlisle struggled, holding my new screaming boy.
"Who wants to cut the chord?" Edward suggested.
A small voice sounded from the the back of the room. Rosalie.
"I will" She slowly approuched me and smiled a wide grin once she came into my eyeshot.
Emmett wiped back with a large needle.
oh god, i dont like the size of that needle. I graped onto Edward wrist.
"It's alright Bella, it wont hurt" Carlisle assured me....
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posted by a-jforever
Finally finished part four. Its not the most interesting but I hope 你 like it

Edwards POV

It was just another normal day. There was a new girl, who every male was already picturing them with. She had long brown hair and muddy brown eyes. She went 由 the name of Isabella although she preferred Bella. I didn’t really see what was so special about her. She was looking at us but we didn’t pay any attention. I was surprised to hear her asked the other human girl, Jessica, who we were. “Who are they?” Bella asked throwing a glance in our direction. I looked from Jessica to Bella who quickly...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
I'm so sorry It's been so long! Sorry I don't think this chapter is as long as the other's. I've been really excited because I heard Kristen Stewart! Is coming to Australia!!! Then I got really upset because its most likely that I can't go! Because mum has to work that day! So i've also been really sad lately :( Anyway hope 你 enjoy, Please comment! Also sorry it just stops, I thought since I haven't put up a chapter in ages I should do it now, but i promise that I will try to get chapert 5 up within the 下一个 week, if not 你 guys can keep on bugging me until I do get it up. Please Comment!!!...
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posted by KATYrebekah

"Oh for goodness sakes, Emmett, just stand up already!" Edward hissed from underneath him. "Not until 你 come to your senses!" Emmett said. Rosalie ran across the room at an almighty speed just as Edward reached out to grab Emmett, and she thumped him on his chest. "ENOUGH!" Esme spoke for the first time in the whole 7 and a half hours we'd been here. Everyone turned to look-even Emmett. "This is madness! Emmett, 你 and Emmett are the closest of brothers- so why throw away all of that time on one stupid decision? Edward, I want 你 to stay as much as Emmett, maybe even more-...
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Team Edward versus Team Jacob - Twilight 粉丝 will surely become one of the two largest Clan , whether it vampire clan 或者 werewolft clan . When the official Press New Moon on the 问题 of who would win if a war between Team Edward and Team Jacob. Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner have a different opinion about this. wether it will be add to scene in film?
Cek This Out in www.free-writing.com
it still fresh and come on this is hot topic if u are truly twilight fans

It Snippet Opini from Robert And Taylor
Robert Pattinson laughed when he 说 who would win between his character Edward Cullen and the character of Cullen Taylor Lautner Jacob Black.
art video I wouldn’t do something unless I had a weapon. "
Meanwhile, Taylor responded with 更多 analysis. "Oh man. I do not know between me and Rob. He often exercises boxing when he was off duty. This will probably be the fight interesting. we've already discussed this when filming,
After the little scare we had, it has been confirmed Kellan and Ashley will be in Breaking Dawn.

The actors have reached an agreement with producers and will get an increase of $1.6 million. Both Ashley and Kellan had asked for a whole lot more, but they decided to take a lower amount and be in the 电影院 than refuse and not finish out the saga.

All Twilight 粉丝 out there can breathe a sigh of relief because these two important actors will be staying on board. It is hard to lose 或者 change a character so far into the saga, because those who follow Twilight develop a relationship with the actors, especially Alice.

So, with all these money matters settled, the two actors will be ready to promote Eclipse and start filming the rest of the saga later this year.
posted by Darktimes104
(It feels like forever since I updated this story.)

Emmett's POV:
The footsteps continued to come closer then a voice came to match them, "You two better get back to the house and be social, stop running off, Carlisle 说 so."
I know that angelic voice anywhere, it was Rose. It slowly stepped out from the cover of the tress and then I knew It was the right time to ask her to be my wife.
Edward started to run off into the forest and called after us, "you better hurry 或者 I will send Irina."
"We are coming Edward." Rose 说 as she started to run after him but I caught her and spun her around to...
continue reading...
posted by KATYrebekah
 Edward after being with the Volturi for around 3 或者 4 years.
Edward after being with the Volturi for around 3 or 4 years.
Carlisle's P.O.V.

Emmett growled. He seemed to be doing that quite a massive amount of time these days. It all started when Edward went away to Vancouver. Or, at least, that's where we though he had gone. 你 see, the only way he would be able to go to Italy alone, to confront Jane, was to tell the rest of us he was heading somewhere completely different. His reasons for leaving to go to the Volturi were not intentional. Jane was hazing him, willing him near her if 你 like. Edward wasn't at all wary of his decisions, as he wasn't the one making them. That was when we got the call from Aro.....
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sorry i have took so long in writeing this 哈哈 i was really busy so i wrote a little 更多 and i promise i will try and be quicker im 写作 them :0 hope 你 enjoy and onse again i am sorry about the spelling and please 评论 :)

"edward whats happerning?" esme asked
"its nothing he is just talkin to her" what els could i tell them ?? oh yeah i asked jacob to ask bella that he would help her make a baby if she wonted? i couldnt tell them i mean what would they say?.
this was something that was i could live throught sure bella might fall for jacob but that didnt matter to me. all that matter is...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
嘿 guys, Thank 你 all for your support!!! Sorry it took me so long to write. I had a lot of homework. And sorry I left 你 guys on a cliffhanger for so long. This is dedicated to 3434girl, Thank 你 for all your support! 爱情 ya!

Bella's POV

As I walked over too the single 床, 床上 I woke up in, I wasn't feeling well, it must have been from hitting my head twice, why did I have to be such a Klutz? The Vampire sat down, I sat crossed legged 下一个 to her.
"So bella, I know 你 probably want to ask me a thousand 问题 right now but before 你 do i just want to say something first, if that's okay?"...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
 Nessie in the rain
Nessie in the rain
My eyes flutter open and I see Jake kneeling beside me. His face is crossed with worry.

"Nessie, can 你 hear me?" He says gently as he strokes my face. I feel a sudden pain on the back of my head.

"Ow.." I muster. I must have hit my head when I passed out. Normally I would not have felt that but I guess all that has changed.

Jake lifts me off the floor and carries me to the couch. He sets me down and leans in and kisses my forehead.

He starts to walk away, but I reach for his arm just in time to brush it lightly. "Wait," I say as he turns around. "where are 你 going?" I ask once his body...
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According to HitFix, Academy Award winner Bill Condon will direct Breaking Dawn!

As reported earlier, Summit Entertainment has found its 下一个 “Twilight” filmmaker and now formally locked up Oscar-winner Bill Condon to direct “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.” While none of the stars have signed deals yet, the entire cast including Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are expected to return. This is possibly one reason the studio has not confirmed whether, as rumored, there will be one 或者 two “Breaking Dawn” films.

“I’m very excited to get the chance to bring...
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We had just gotten 首页 from a camping trip/ hunting trip when we heard this 心 beat and a baby's cry. I looked out the front door and saw nothing. When I looked down there was a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a box.
Carisle! There is a baby 由 the front door. I said.
Esme was right 由 me, she picked the baby up.
Esme followed Carisle up stairs. They were going to make sure that the baby was okay.
Why should we name her? I asked as I appeared at the door.
We can't keep her, I am sure she has a family. Carisle said.
I walked out of the room and to the front door. I wanted to check...
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由 Twilight_News

So there’s a bunch out there circulating. Here’s what we make of it.

Rumor 1: The Host casting in full 摇摆, 秋千 and Ian Somhalder cast as Ian. Now as much as Alphie would personally 爱情 nothing better than to have this be true, at the moment it’s rumor. A number of sources that we checked with were surprised to learn of this because the movie is still actively being developed. What we think sparked this was a German fansite stating Ian would be great for the role combined with a casting website that puts out general information about projects.

Rumor 2: Kristen Stewart is...
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posted by Darktimes104
Thanks 4 reading...I was able to post this one earlier than I thought, I got off early...YAY, I get to write(type). :D LOL

Emmett's POV

We continued to sit on the log and wait for the rest of her family to come. I was looking in her eyes listening intently as she told me how and why Carlisle changed Edward, Esme, and her. As I was listening to her story my mind trailed off into another direction. I was thinking how beautiful her eyes are, like pools of gold, I felt as if I would drown from the depths of her eyes.
A rustling of bushes and footsteps on the dead leaves brought my mind back in the...
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