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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 30: It All Comes Together

“Wait Alice,” Rosalie interjected. She turned to me her brow furrowed in concern, “we need to go talk for a moment.” She took my hand and led me down the hallway to her room. We sat down on the 床, 床上 that she never used, and she looked at me carefully. “I support your decision fully, but I want to know why 你 are so determined to go to your memorial service.” I looked at her blankly I couldn’t find the words to explain it. I needed closure. I needed to see if my father and sister even cared enough to 显示 up, although part of me knew that they wouldn’t. Perhaps it was a final masochistic act that I desired before leaving my life as Sienna behind. How could I explain that to her without looking crazy? I looked down and had trouble finding my voice, I couldn’t meet her eyes. “I just need to know what happens… how it ends.” I finally looked into her eyes earnestly. “I have to know if they even care that I died.” She looked at me sorrowfully and wrapped me in a big hug. “I know 你 do, I just needed to hear it from you. I will do what I can to get 你 there. The family is concerned that 你 can’t control yourself around so many humans,” she took my shoulders in her and looked into my eyes seriously, “but I know 你 can.” Again I felt as though I didn’t have control over my thoughts 或者 emotions, just like I did in the woods when she stated that I wouldn’t hurt her. I nodded in agreement, “I won’t let 你 down, I promise.” She looked at me with her head cocked to the side, “I know 你 won’t let me down Amore, there is nothing that 你 could ever do that would”. As she touched me I could hear her voice although her lips didn’t move, “I am just worried about who may let 你 down today.” I gasped and stepped back from her, “Did 你 just say something?” I asked her. She looked at me in alarm, “No, what’s wrong?” I calmed my breathing and chalked it up to nerves, “Oh, I thought I heard 你 say something.” I focused on my thoughts and turned back to her, “Now can I ask 你 a question?” She nodded patiently, “Why me? Why do 你 and Emmett want me?” She looked at me and a silvery laugh emanated from her throat, “What kind of 问题 is that?” I looked at her somberly, “I’m serious what would make 你 want me 你 are both perfect.” She looked at me a hint of anger flashed through her eyes, “Amorita Esme Cullen that is the last that I want to hear of 你 speaking so poorly of yourself. I don’t care how long it takes but we are going to retrain your thought pattern. 你 are very special. I felt a connection with 你 instantly because both of our lives involved heartbreak and unhappiness, as well as our untimely ends.” She trailed off. I looked at her curiously; I couldn’t remember what had caused my death. Just as I was about to 问题 it, she changed the subject, “It was meant to be, I needed a daughter I have desperately wanted to be a mother, and 你 deserve a mother. I know I’m not perfect but I will be there for 你 as much as I can. Don’t 你 understand that Emmett and I would do anything for you?” Her eyes frosted over and a look of agony passed through them and then she closed them as she spoke in a whisper, “The past few days were 由 far the worst in my entire existence. I was so worried about you; I couldn’t leave your side. I feel horrible and cannot believe I am admitting this but I owe Seth a huge apology. I was horrible to him.” Choking sobs started to form as she attempted to get the rest of her confession out, “I blamed him for what happened to you, but it was my fault. I should have been watching you. How am I going to be your mother, I couldn’t even protect you.” She broke down and I put my arms around her, “Sh, its ok. I looked at her; whatever happened to me wasn’t anybody’s fault”. She looked into my eyes doubtfully, “You are going to be a wonderful mother and I am so grateful that 你 want me, I will try to be a good daughter.” She looked at me and smiled through her heartache and kissed my cheek. She took a deep breath and looked at me, “How about we make a deal. Today is the last 日 that either of us can dwell on our pasts. After today the past is just that and we 移动 前锋, 期待 together.” She held out her hand with a hopeful look on her face, “We will 移动 on and get through this together,” she 说 firmly. I smiled at her and took her hand. Again I heard her voice without seeing her lips move, “I don’t deserve her, I hope that I can be a good mom and do right 由 her,” I gasped and dropped her hand and put my hand to my head. She looked alarmed, “What’s the matter?” I shook my head at her, “I’m not sure but I swear I heard 你 talking again.” She looked at me curiously. She raised an eyebrow, “what did 你 hear both times?” I told her, “The first time 你 说 something about worrying about who would let me down today and this time 你 doubted yourself as a mother.” She looked at me her eyes widened and her face became even paler than normal. “Amore, those were my thoughts, 你 heard my thoughts.” I looked at her in shock. She helped me up from the bed, “Come on, let’s go talk to Alice and get 你 ready so that we can find Carlisle.” I stopped her, “Wait, listen to me 你 need to believe in yourself 你 will be a wonderful mother to me I know it.” She smiled at me and squeezed my hand as she led me down the hall to the bathroom where Alice was waiting.
She was tapping her foot on the ground in annoyance. “I was going to come and get 你 but then I saw that 你 would be coming any minute. Come on sit down we have a lot of work to do!” Rosalie ran up to her still gripping my hand, “Alice I think that she has the ability to read minds. Alice looked at me in surprise, “What?” Rosalie recounted everything that happened while we were talking in her room and her mouth opened wide. Suddenly, my mind started to wander the walls seemed to stretch and disappear and then I was in the school auditorium. I was standing in the back row with Rosalie and Emmett in the shadows no one noticed us. There was a large picture of me on a projector screen behind a make shift stage. Students filled the bleachers, I could see Nessie, Jake and Seth, and they looked horrible. I could hear Mr. Banner speaking about how I was a good student and that I was too young and would be missed. I looked for my father and sister but didn’t see them. I felt as though I was choking and suddenly I was back in the bathroom on the floor while Rosalie held my hand, her face a mask of foreboding. Suddenly Alice ran back into the bathroom with everyone behind her. Carlisle came up to me first, “Amore, can 你 sit up?” He asked gently. I looked at him in confusion as I thought, “Sit up? What does that mean?” He carefully helped me up. Rosalie continued to look at me in shock, “I saw everything,” she 说 in astonishment. Emmett went to her side, “What happened, baby?” She looked at me in wonder, “I was holding Amore’s hand and she saw what would happen at the memorial. She saw a teacher speaking about her; she even saw Nessie, Seth and Jake.” She looked at Emmett, “and we were there with her. It was ok; nothing happened we were in the shadows. Nobody even noticed us”. She looked at me in concern, “they weren’t there, were they?” She whispered. I squeezed my eyes shut willing the dizziness to melt away. I felt her arms around me, “if 你 don’t want to go we don’t have to,”she told me lovingly. Carlisle looked at Alice and then looked back to me, “I think that 你 have some powers that we need to figure out young lady, “ he 说 with a glittering smile. Emmett nudged my arm, “this is what Carlisle lives for,” he said. Alice looked at me in wonder, “So 你 can share your visions?” I shrugged at her and she placed her hand on me comfortingly, “It is a little scary at first but I will help 你 as much as I can, do not be afraid.” Suddenly I heard her voice in my head, “Wow, I can’t believe she can project visions that is amazing I hope she can teach me how that would save me a lot of time!” I giggled and she looked at me curiously. I smiled at her, “I would be glad to try,” her mouth hit the floor. “Did 你 just hear my thought?” I nodded and Carlisle smiled even bigger. “My, my, what a powerful little one she is.” Nessie’s dad came up to Emmett and smacked his back playfully, “you know how 你 teased me when Nessie gained her strength?” Emmett hooted with laughter, “You mean when she almost crushed 你 with a tree?” Nessie’s father put his arm around him and laughed too, “Yea,” he started laughing even harder, “now your kid is a mind-reader who can see the future on 最佳, 返回页首 of having newborn strength,” he was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe, “Good luck with that.” Emmett slowly stopped laughing and looked at me cautiously. I laughed at them and shook my head. Rosalie broke it up and helped me to my feet, “Alright 你 two go taunt each other somewhere else.” She looked at me gravely, “you still want to do this, don’t you?” I nodded. She turned to Alice. Do 你 see any problems? Alice’s gaze drifted for a few moments it seemed as though were completely absent from her body. I wondered if that was how I looked when it happened to me. She slowly came back smiling at me. “It will be fine, 你 will look amazing of course,” Rosalie rolled her eyes, “Alice…” Alice smiled and continued, “Everything will be fine, just stay in the back like 你 saw in your vision and no one will even notice.” She turned to the crowd that was gathered in her bathroom, “Ok all guys out, Bella and Esme 你 can stay.” The guys filtered out and Bella cam up to me with another cup of blood. She smiled at me kindly, “we could be here for awhile, and I thought that this might help.” I smiled at her thoughtfulness. She touched my arm and I heard her thoughts. “I’m not one for emotional scenarios but I want to thank 你 for being there for my daughter I am so happy that 你 are part of this family. Thank 你 for being there for Rose and Emmett too, 你 have no idea how important 你 are to them.” I smiled at her and nodded as I took the cup, “Thank you,” I 说 shyly. She patted my arm and stepped back so that Alice could get to work.
It was kind of sad to completely change who I was. I understood the necessity, but it was making my death even 更多 real. I guess it was symbolic, I was closing the chapter on one life and beginning another. First Alice died my hair black. Black of all colors! Then she added extensions to my petite tresses. “We can change this later on if 你 prefer it short, but for now it is crucial that 你 look completely different”. It took forever to do the extensions, I was grateful for the cups of blood that Nessie’s mom kept bringing me, each time she would touch my hand and offer me a bit of silent encouragement that only I could hear. When she was finished she looked at me with satisfaction beaming from her pretty face, “Now for the contacts and make up, then we will get 你 dressed and 你 will be ready. She gave me a pair of golden contacts that I slipped on awkwardly I had never worn contacts before. Oddly enough I didn’t need a mirror, which was handy because it was forbidden for me to look inth e mirror before I was finished. “Come on Alice,” Rosalie pleaded, “just let her watch.” Alice set her jaw firmly, “no, it is bad luck for an artist’s painting to be viewed before completion.” Bella chuckled, “ok 面包车, 范 Gogh.” Alice playfully whipped a brush at her that she caught without even looking. Alice finished up 由 doing my nails red. She applied my make up with the skill of an artist and then once my nails were dry she led me into a bedroom. “This is Edward’s old room but for now it is yours”. There were clothes lying on the leather 长椅, 沙发 she guided me towards it. “Here 你 go get dressed and then meet me back in the bathroom for the unveiling,” she squealed and then left the room. I was never one for make up and girly things but I was kind of excited to see how I would look. I appraised the clothes that Alice had selected for me and groaned. A black mini 短裙, 裙子 with a cropped leather 夹克 and black 衬衫 with a pair of black boots, I hesitantly put it on and slowly walked back to the bathroom. Esme, Rosalie, and Bella all gasped when I walked in Alice stood there smiling she knew that she had done an amazing job. She led me to the mirror and I froze in place. The girl who stared back was hauntingly beautiful. She had long and lustrous black hair that waved and curled out at the ends. Her skin was a milky white and her topaz eyes were catlike (I smiled to myself at least the shape of my eyes was similar). When she smiled her whole face lit up and her pouty lips revealed a set of perfectly straight and gleaming white teeth. She was impeccably dressed. All of a sudden I had a flashback of a dream. A dream that seemed to have happened a lifetime 以前 only though it was only a 月 或者 so ago. It was a murky human memory at this point, but I slowly realized that I was looking into the face of the girl in my dreams and drawings. I started to get dizzy, I felt hands grab me in every direction before I went down. “What is it?” Rose asked me. “I was having visions even as a human. I had dreams of a girl with black hair, I drew her.” Alice looked at me with a small smile, “I’m not surprised. 你 see Carlisle believes that our powers are based on the strengths that we had as humans, they are carried over and become dominant.” I stood there in awe. Rosalie looked at me worriedly, “Maybe we should stay 首页 this is just so much at once for 你 to deal with,” I shook my head, “I have to do this,” I whispered. She nodded her consent, “Ok I will be with 你 the whole time”, she smiled “you look absolutely stunning.” I smiled back. She took my hand as we all walked downstairs. The room fell silent as I walked in. Emmett looked at me his eyes wide, almost like he had seen a ghost. “What is wrong?” I asked him. He didn’t say anything but walked away. Rosalie went after him they walked outside and spoke quietly I looked to Bella in confusion and Edward stepped up, 你 just reminded him of his little sister.” I looked at him in awe, “you mean Alice?” He shook his head, “no his human sister, she died from small pox at a young age.” “Oh,” I looked down quietly. Alice looked upset, “I didn’t mean to…” Edward comforted her, “it’s alright. He will be fine.” I turned towards the door and went after my new parents. They were standing outside looking at each other I walked up to Emmett, “I am sorry if I upset you,” I started. He looked at me kindly, “you didn’t do anything wrong. I was just surprised at how much 你 looked like her...” he trailed off, “your sister?” I asked. He nodded. Rosalie looked at him anxiously, “should we change the hair color?” He shook his head and smiled at me as he gingerly touched my hair, “no, she is perfect the way that she is, it is not an unpleasant reminder.” I walked over to him and hugged him, “I am sorry about your sister,” I told him. Rosalie put her arms around the both of us, “it seems that all three of us need to let go of human heartache.” Emmett looked down at me in concern, “are 你 sure 你 want to go through with this Amore?” I nodded and he smiled at me, “Well then let’s get going, 你 don’t want to be late for your own funeral.” I snickered at his dark joke as Emmett held us both tighter and led us back into the house. At that moment I felt 更多 connected to them than I had to my family in my human life. I knew that we would make it through anything.
posted by decullen
i woke up to hear jake shouting my name i jumped off the 长椅, 沙发 and stood crooked waiting for him to come in "im so sorry bella i've been cheating on 你 " he 说 in a calm tone and he then ran out the house , i lifted my hand and shot a strong bolt of electricity shuddering at the door as it torn through its structures , why had he been so calm? why didn't he explain? my 爱情 torn and trampled on once again i heard a child crying i flung my body sideways to see a small baby that looked like jake, he was covered with a blanket witch had a word on it , 'canowicakte'. I lifted him gently and...
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posted by xroylex
slowly a young lad stepped out from the front door he looked shy but as soon as he saw me his face lit up as if we knew each other did we?
"nessie meet jacob jacob meet my grandaughter nessy"
he leaped with such grace such speed of the porch and came closer and as he did i got a smell that had me backing away/
"nessue?" charlie asked consern crossing his voise as jacob started to vibrate? what was wrong with this kid really 1st he smelled 秒 he looked really familiar and last he was vibrating?
ok then this was not normal and trust me i have seen not normal but i think this is the biggest...
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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
Actress. Born March 2, 1981, in Los Angeles, California. Bryce Dallas Howard is the oldest of four children born to movie director Ron Howard and his wife, actress Cheryl. Like her three younger siblings, Howard's middle name comes from the city where she was conceived.

From an early age, Howard, who attended the renowned Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts camp in the Catskills region of New York state with close friend Natalie Portman, knew from an early age she wanted to be an actress. Exposure helped, and Howard is no stranger to the showbiz profession. She is the third generation of her family...
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posted by kiwi12
part 20

As I stood still, with Seth's hand on my arm, I wondered why I wasn't following my conman sense. I always had before. Perhaps I was afraid of angering Seth. Maybe I just liked the warmth. Being cold because of vampire default was uncomfortable, but the warmth that came with werewolf default was wonderful. It felt like sitting too long in front of a 火, 消防 when it was snowing outside. I knew I shouldn't be that warm, but I couldn't walk away. Seth soon lowered his hand, but I remained warm.

Renesmee asked me if I would use my shadow of her gift to 显示 something to her and Claire. I chose...
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posted by She_wolf
Chapter Six (is anyone 阅读 this, if so please 评论 cos I might stop 写作 cos theres no point)

She came bombing around the corner; astride an old mud splattered black dirt bike. Her short spiky black hair was tousled 由 the wind, her dark brown eyes showed no hint of fear as she came round the corner and saw that she would collide with us. She only smiled 展示 off her almost perfect white teeth. Seth swerved out the way, narrowly missing a 树 but I stood my ground. It wasn’t like I would be the one to die. 狼人 healed too quickly.
I actually didn’t think she would...
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First off, I, of course do not own any rights to any of the characters in this FanFic, it's merely a 'What if?' senario.
The Story: It's basicly Twilight and New Moon, up until chapter ten, The Meadow, where the 'What if?' comes in. I'm going to write a page 或者 so from the actual chapter aswell. Try not to be harsh, I'm just bored. XP

Page 240

"Me?" I squeaked.
He shook his head and chuckled. "I know, it seems a little backward to me, too. But James was her mate, and your Edward killed him."
Even here, on the point of death, his name tore against my unhealed wounds like a serrated edge.
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posted by w33bs99
 Jacob vs Edward
Jacob vs Edward
When I first saw Twilight I was so on Edwards team! I tohught he was the cutest thing ever! I thought Jacob looked very weird. I didn't like his long hair. I read online that Jacob had long hair becasue it made him look 更多 manlier. I started looking for info on Jacob(Taylor Lautner. I found out a lot about him. Then I saw New Moon. I thought Edward looked weird. And I thought Jacob was the cutest thing ever. Expecially when he took off his shirt! He looked 更多 that cute! 更多 that hot!! So unbelievbley hot it can't be described in words. Are 你 on EDward's team. 或者 Jacob's team? If your on Edwards team 你 ned to find 更多 out about Taylor Lautner. But 你 need to change teams. I am just kiddin 你 can be on either team 你 want. I reccomend Jacobs team.
Thanks for reading!
posted by twilight_james
I satred down at the bump on my stomach. It could only mean one thing. Pregnant. I started hyperventiltaing and fell into Edwards arms again.
"Easy Bella," he comforted me. "Take it easy, okay?"
A feeling of calm suddenly washed though me. Jasper. I glared at him out of the corner of my tear-stained eye.
"Bella?" Carlisle asked. "How do 你 feel?"
I gaped at him. Then I recovered and touched my stomach gingerly with the finger of my right hand. I winced. It still stung a little bit.
"Bella?" Carlisle asked me again. 'Can I see 你 upstairs. 你 know, check the baby out and everything."
I nodded weakly,...
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Bella POV

I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it and was shocked yet once again.

"Hello" He 说 friendly, and then laughed

"Hi Edward, what are 你 doing here?"

"Well 你 forgot one of your biology 图书 in the class rooms. I walked 由 and Mr.Sholt asked me to give them to 你 tomorrow. I just told him i could give it to 你 today. So here." He 说 smiling

"Thanks. Do 你 want to come in?"


Edward went right to the 长椅, 沙发 like he had been here befor. Weird I don't ever remember him bieng here befor in my life.
I went to work in the 厨房 again.

"So uhh... how do 你 know where I live"...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
"So let me get this straight, the Volturi are coming after me?" Jacob asked, still confused as to what was going on. I got 首页 and he was waiting in my room for me. I tried to explain to him, but he just does not get it.

"Well... That's what Alice said. But they do not know what happened yet. So they aren't coming yet," I 说 reassuringly.

"Why the hell are they coming after me?" Jacob said.

"I told 你 this already!" I said, frustrated.

"Are 你 safe? Jacob asked. He is really concerned. Aw that is so sweet of him.

"I think,"

"Good because nothing is going to happen to 你 on my watch, you...
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posted by lollipopszx3
Gun shots. That's all I heard for a moment before silence filled the air. Everyone fell to the ground. We were always told to drop and cover your head when 你 heard a gunshot.

Some men came joining that one of the man with a gun. They all pulled out guns. "Get in." one yelled at all of us and pointed at an army tank.

Rosalie didn't get up. She stayed on the ground. I was about to speak up when a men put tape over my mouth.

The men drove for a long time. All us little kids stayed in the back bumping into each other. They tied our hands together. I don't really know why.

Soon the door opened. The...
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posted by VanessaBrooke
Renesmee's POV
As I reached the 厨房 of my parent’s cottage, I pulled on some black 匡威 shoes and sprinted out of the house with my super human speed. Then my mind started to wander, the topic: Jacob. I thought about our relationship. It wasn’t extremely serious, I mean yes we kissed and held hands and he slept 下一个 to me (full clothing included, which means for a werewolf, only a pair of pants/shorts) I mean my parents know this, and my mom is OK with it, and my dad tries to 显示 no emotion about it but I can tell, it pisses him off. The only reason they allow any of this is because...
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posted by DeadlyDarkness
Chapter 4

Screams were coming from all around me. Foot steps of the humans running. I closed my eyes and covered my ears. How could they do this to those poor humans? I thought. They hunted quick. Which means I had to leave. Leave now.

While they weren't looking I sprinted towards the door. Suprisingly, it wasnt locked. I didnt know my way around the 城堡 yet so I phased into a white 狼 with bright green eyes. Oh great. I thought. This is when I wish I had black fur. But if I ran fast enough maybe they wouldnt see me.

I ran as fast as my legs would could go. I ran into walls often but...
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posted by anna0789
emma' pov

"emma darling we miss 你 so much !" my grandparents 说 and hug me

" i miss 你 too" i 说
"do 你 want some 薄煎饼, 煎饼 for breakfast?" my grandma ask
"yeah i 爱情 your pancakes!" i 说 and went with my grandma to the 厨房 while my grandpa stay in the living room watching tv

"the 薄煎饼, 煎饼 are great gran" i 说

"thanks sweety and now do 你 mind telling me where have 你 been all night ?" gran ask me and look at me angrily

i look down ..i forget to close my door before i went out of my room and run to seth's house

"i was at seth's gran" i 说 casually

i usaully did this 或者 sometimes...
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I put down my last box when the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs carefully so I didn't knock down any boxes on my way.

"Why thank 你 Edward. So kind of you." 说 my mother, Renee before she closed the door on someone. Who was that? Edward?? Very old name. Was he our neighbour?

"Bella. 你 just missed him. Edward, our neighbour, just came and dropped off his mother's homemade cookies." she smiled. "Chocolate chip... your favourite." "How old is Edward?" I asked. "He's 12. Same as you. I think he told me he is in Ms. Kerko's class at Fork's Junior High." she said. "Really? Didn't 你 tell...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
Before Twilight, Cam Gigandet has mostly appeared in recurring roles on TV and on some small-budgeted movies. But that all changed when he was cast in last year’s Twilight, where he played the bad vamp James opposite Robert Pattinson. According to the actor, Twilight has opened new doors for him in Hollywood.

I imagine since being part of Twilight you’ve been able to make a lot 更多 choices in terms of the roles 你 take.
Yeah, that’s opened up so many doors, and I’m so grateful for what that movie’s done. It was really kind of a special little slice of life that brought me where I...
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posted by teamalice_0
YAY! I'm on the 12th one. Thanks 你 guys for reading!

I sat on the bed, looking out the window. Watching the clouds drif infront of the clouds, listening to the sounds of night. Almost peaceful. Everytime I closed my eyes, I saw flashes of that night I was changed, the same night my mom died.

I looked over to the clock it read 3 AM. Four 更多 hours, until everyone will be awake. I closed my eyes trying to remember my human days. I remembered me and my mom sitting under the will willow 树 in grandma's front yard.

I remember her sitting...
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posted by surfergal
Sorry for the wait on this chapter. I have major writers block. Sorry if this isn't that great I'm trying to get through it.

Once we got off of the plane we got into a car and drove to a small airport. I don't even know if it would be classified as an airport. I saw the plane that we would be flying in. It was a small plane, although it was bobbing up and down I couldn't quite figure it out. I turned toward Nathen and I was about to ask why but he seemed to know my 问题 already.
It's a float plane, Addi don't be scared. Nathen told me.
Oh, okay. I 说 looking up at him smiling.
Nathen leaned...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Taylor's POV
I wanted to ask a ton of 问题 but I didn't know how 或者 what to ask. I was confused, this was a weird exsperence. Bella drove us to Jake's house. It was quiet no one 说 anything. We told her thanks for driving us, she 说 no problem. I wonder what it us going to he like with Billy. I don't even really know what happen to. I wanted to know but than again I didn't want to know anything. Thank goodness you're both okay. Billy 说 as Bella drove off. I just gave him a funny look. Sam was was inside sitting at the table, I walked in and sat on the couch. I saw Jake and Sam...
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posted by Twilight597
Chapter 2

“Lamia?” I asked slowly.

“Vampire that can age and have children.” she answered.

“Who are you? What are 你 really?” I asked slowly again.

“My name is Victoria, and I’m a made-vampire, there are three types of 吸血鬼 in the world. Made-vampires like myself, Lamia, 你 and venomous vampires.” Victoria replied.

“Venomous? How can 你 come up with this stuff? Your sick making me drink your blood. What are you? A cannibal?” I said, and ended up with an inhumanly 拍击, smack, 味道 on my face. I will never believe this bitch.

She walked back up the stairs as I fell unconscious from...
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