暮光之城系列 Club
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posted by mikaela_isabela
The growl came from none of the 吸血鬼 in front of me, but from one of my brothers behind me. I turned and saw Nate, already slipped into his crouch, his lips pulled over his lips in a menacing expression. Thackery and Thai were leaning 前锋, 期待 expectantly, waiting for the right margin of opportunity. Out of no-where hot hands gripped my waist and spun me around so fast that even with my super eye-sight, it was almost hard to see…almost hard. I saw Emmet, Jasper, Edward and Alice slip into their crouches with their teeth bared as well, and the 狼 trembling head to toe. All the 狼 were there except for Sam, so it must be him holding me. The room stopped moving, and the hands holding me disappeared. I was facing the 墙 on the other side of the cafeteria. I spun quickly and saw Edward and Jacob at the front of the assault team. Not caring if they saw, I ran as Edward and Jacob sprang. I jumped at them as their feet left the ground. I connected with Jacob first and the impact flung us into Edward before any of my brothers could get hit. The floor seemed to come towards us at an amazingly short time, and I hit the floor first breaking Edward and Jacob’s fall. A renowned snapping sound reverberated around the walls and I felt the pain as the bone in my right shoulder snapped from my 领, 衣领 bone. My high pitched scream of pain, snapped everyone out of their urge to fight, although none relaxed their ready stance.
“Bella!” Leah cried running to me. I felt Jacob and Edward’s weight leave my body, but I barely acknowledged it. I was trying to concentrate. Thackery told me, that when freezing people, a large emotional climate would change the spell and unfreeze them; it was the same with any spell really, but I was concentrating on this one for now. Warm hands wiped the hair out of my face, and ran their fingers down my cheeks, leaving a wet feeling behind them.
Bella, I got this. They won’t unfreeze. Ben was still running to the cafeteria and hearing and feeling my pain through my thoughts, he was trying to help.
Thank you. I stammered in my head, still trying to ignore the pain.
I opened my eyes, and saw Leah standing over me anxiously, with both Edward and Jacob standing over her shoulder with horrified looks on their faces. I sucked in a deep breath. Healing was the worst part of this whole mess; it was painful and made me feel less human. I sat up, trying to ignore the pain I felt. I heard Edward and Alice gasp and turn away. I looked down and saw the bone sticking out of the skin. Huh, didn’t feel that bad. The bleeding had already stopped, so that was a good sign. I looked up at Leah, and held out my good hand, a sign for help. The tenors of Sam’s thoughts were not kind.
Don’t do it, Lee Lee, she’s dangerous…
I ignored him and focused on her my hand still reaching limply. She took it quickly and helped me to my feet. I felt the tears spring into my eyes as the movement jostled my arm.
“Thanks,” I panted at Leah. She smiled and let my hand go. I turned towards Nate.
“A little help?”
Nate slowly shook his head, never taking his eyes off Emmet and Sam. I was about to let him have it when Ben walked through the door. I sighed in relief. At least now, there were two sane people.
“Ouch, Bella…” his was pained and slightly nauseated as he took in my ravaged arm. “Want some help?” his voice was kind though, I was glad I had someone on my team right now.
“Yeah, that would be great, Ben. Thanks.” I smiled at him, ignoring the pain as it ripped through my torso when I turned.
“Wait…” Emmet spoke, finally looking away from Nate. “Help with what? You’re gonna drive her to the hospital 或者 something?”
Nate, Thackery and Thai all laughed and Ben grinned. The idea that any of us having the need to go to the hospital was absolutely hilarious, what with our ever under-aging bodies and healing abilities, that would be one shocked doctor.
Emmet and Jasper’s eyes narrowed at their laughter, and glared at me.
I looked at them briefly, before I went to Ben.
I grabbed the 最佳, 返回页首 of his arm with my good hand, and clapped my mouth shut, trying to hold back a scream. Ben had apologies in his eyes as he grabbed my bad arm and jerked it upward. I cussed as it pulled at the cartilage, and flexed my arm. I opened my eyes and saw everyone staring at me with shocked eyes.
“What?” I asked innocently.
Alice took a step towards me. I tensed, but somewhere in the back of head, my voice was telling me that she wouldn’t hurt me.
“H-how did 你 do that?” her eyes were ful of confusion and pain; she was afraid that I’d hurt myself, and had no idea how I managed to heal. She reached her hand out hesitantly as if to grab my arm, and I saw Jasper lean further down into his crouch, prepared to strike at any certain time.
Alice, lightly touched my arm where it had snapped, and her eyes widened, she couldn’t understand.
“How…?” her voice stammered over that tiny little word, barely a whisper.
I moved my arm from under her light grasp, and looked down as I said, “I heal fast.”
I took a small step backwards, trying to get close enough to Nate and Thackery in case something happened. Ben could handle Thai.
“Bella, what’s going on?” Jacob had followed my step lithely, putting himself closer to me, and putting his hand on my shoulder, ignoring it when I cringed away. “We have a right to know what’s happening…”
I looked up into his black eyes and saw uncertainty and pain, and through it, felt my own pain course through me like venom.
I looked from his eyes to Edwards, who was standing directly behind Jacob, his eyes intent on my face. The 金牌 was smoldering as it always did, but there was something different about it. Was it reluctant? They seemed wary, as if he didn’t want to hear, 或者 that I was dangerous…
I turned to catch Thackery’s eye.
“Thackery…” I started in a small voice, would it really be so bad if I told them the truth?
“No.” he hissed through his teeth, no resolution in his eyes.
I ignored his attitude.
“We have to tell them eventually…I can’t hurt them…” the pain in my voice was real and Nate, Thai and Ben could tell.
“She’s right…” Ben murmured looking at Emmet, trying to help me.
“Yeah, she is…” Thai was still in his crouch, but he knew that if we told them, than that would be better than avoiding them, and hurting people, mainly me.
Thackery’s eyes narrowed as we ganged up on him. He glanced down at Nate.
“Thackery…we have to tell them.” Nate 说 this, straightening out of his crouch, but never taking his eyes off the threat. “But when they’re all together. Half of the pack is gone, and I’m sure the Cullen’s would want their leader present as well…” he looked from Thackery to Ben and Thai to me.
“They can meet us after school, at a secret place which we know, they can feel better about the situation, and no humans could be at risk…” he 说 frowning at me.
Thackery was starting to consider it.
“Alright,” he agreed slowly. “Two of us will take 你 to a place we know after school…until then, leave us be…we will explain everything to you, whether they need to hear it 或者 not.” He added throwing an angry glare at me.
I sighed. I was gonna get hell for this.
“We’ll be there. No funny stuff, otherwise I will enjoy watching the light leave your eyes...” Emmet’s words were menacing, and made me shiver slightly.
“Go back to where 你 were sitting, and try to look as 你 did before this happened,” I commanded, leading them back to their seats.
“No, Alice, 你 were here…Emmet and Jasper swap places…right there, Seth…very good. Now don’t move.” I backed away swiftly to take my 座位 at our table.
Wait to go Bella…Thai was thinking glumly. Now we all have to suffer.
I rolled my eyes, and concentrated, everything came back with a flicker of life. I opened my eyes and glanced at their 表 and met Edwards’s eye. I gave him a half-smile, and turned back to my conversation…this 日 was definitely gonna drag…

由 the time lunch was over, and I was safely in my 座位 for Spanish, I started to dread what I was going to say to Edward. “Oh, 嘿 Edward, um, when 你 left me a few months ago, the pain caused me to inherit my birth right against my will, and I cant get rid of it unless I die, which I only can if 你 或者 Jacob bites me…I’m a witch 由 the way…” yeah that would be a great conversation starter. I was still thinking of what to say when it was time for gym. I walked to gym slowly, biting my lip as I went, but before i could even open the door, I got the strong scent of vampire, werewolf and witch…all mixed together with the scent of blood. I burst through the door, prepared for a fight, but what I saw stunned me to stillness. Emmet and Edward were helping Nate to his feet, while Sam kept pressure on the cut on Nate’s forearm. I don’t think they realized I was there until they looked up.
“Bella…” Edward was starting to say, he was trying to defend himself, I could feel it in his thoughts.
“I know. What happened?” I asked moving 前锋, 期待 slowly, keeping a ready eye on Emmet and Edward’s eyes, making sure they weren’t gonna do anything rash.
Nat was the one who answered.
“I was walking to close to the bleachers, and got my arm caught on a metal bit…Emmet and Sam heard it and came to help…”
I told 你 they were good guys… I thought smugly. Nate rolled his eyes at me and I laughed. The bleeding had stopped now but there was a tear in the fabric along his right arm.
“We should find 你 another shirt…” I 说 frowning at it, trying to think where I could find one. I felt movement behind me; I turned and saw Edward slipping out of his shirt. My eyes bulged and my jaw dropped, he grinned at my reaction and handed the 衬衫 to Nate. I looked at Edward and he looked at me. a strange electric type feel was in the air around me, and face started to get all hot.
“Wha-what about you? Don’t 你 need a sh-sh-shirt…?” I managed to splutter out.
“I’ve got my gym clothes and a spare 衬衫 in my locker. I don’t get cold anyway, remember Bella?” he was having fun. He could see the blush on my face, so he still knew that I was crazy for him. The gym door opened, and Mike, Tyler and Eric walked in. Tyler and Eric waved, while Mike threw an angry glare at Edward.
展示 off for her again…probably wants to get back with her…but I think she likes me now, so good luck with that, idiot!
I stifled a laugh and turned back to the group. Edward was trying not to laugh as well. Coach Clapp wandered in, and told everyone to get into their gym clothes, and then to get into groups. I changed in a daze, and walked out into the gym. It took me a 分钟 to realize why there were four kids standing on front of everyone else. Team leaders. Mike, Jacob, Sarah and Mel, I realized as I approached.
“Thank-you for joining us, Miss Swan.” Coach Clapp 说 in a reedy voice. I blushed and pulled out my rubber band, and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. “All the teams have been selected so, I have to put 你 into one…” he trailed off looking around at all the leaders. Sarah and Mel were shaking their heads profusely; too many unforgiving memories off me falling down and taking them down with me. “Okay, Bella you’re with Newton…your in the boys group, so try to be gentle with her guys…” Mike, Tyler and Eric laughed at Clapp’s joke. My eyes narrowed.
“Oh, I don’t think they need to be that gentle with her,” Nate 说 coming up from behind me, and put his hands around my shoulders. “She’s tough.”
Coach Clapp laughed and walked away.
“Cool it, Bella…” Nate whispered softly. I shrugged out from under his arm, and moved towards Mike.
“What are we playing?” I asked tentatively, people still thought I was a klutz when it came to sports, but that was not exactly the case. I had to tone down the adrenaline, so no-one got hurt.
“Newton!” Coach yelled from across the stadium, standing with the girls teams. “You’ll be playing Black’s team. Mr. 天鹅 and Mr. Cullen will explain the rules.”
Nate and Emmet came towards us laughing. I felt my jaw dropped and struggled to fix my expression.
“Okay, 你 guys know how to play…Jacob, 你 and your team over that side…” Emmet started.
“Mike and your team on this side…” Nate finished moving towards the other side of the hall.
When everyone else moved I stayed still.
“Bella, what’s wrong?” Nate asked, confused.
“I don’t know what we’re playing…” I admitted, looking back and forth between my team and theirs.
“Oh, we’re playing dodge-ball.” Mike answered a look of fright in his eyes. I grinned. We were playing a team with people who can’t die, 或者 don’t feel much pain? Perfect.
“Great!” I enthused, repressing the urge to laugh at the strange looks I was getting from my team and Jacob’s. Nate went to each team and handed them their balls. I noticed for the first time who on Jacob’s team. Embry, Quil, Jared, Paul and Edward all standing about two steps behind Jacob, were looking at me curiously as I counted them. Mike, Eric, Tyler, Pete and Ben were on mine.
I heard Coach Clapp shout to Nate and Emmet, that they were supposed to supervise our teams, while he watched the other one.
Nate turned to us.
“Okay, I want a nice, clean, game, guys.” He 说 pointedly at me.
Who me? I asked sarcastically in my head. He chuckled and moved out of the way of the court.
“Divvy up your opponents guys, it makes things easier.” Emmet 说 in his booming voice, looking between our teams.
“I want Cullen.” Mike’s voice was the first one I heard. “You guys take whoever 你 want, but I want Cullen.” He was glaring at Edward in such a manner, I had to put my hand over m mouth and pretend it was a yawn to cover up my laughter.
“I want Newton.” I heard Jacob say from across the room. “He says he wants to take 你 down, but it will surprise him if I do.” He grinned wickedly at Edward, who extended a fist and to my shock and disbelief, punched hands with Jacob.
“I want Bella.” I turned my head towards the voice and saw Paul watching me with baleful eyes.
I smiled at him and winked.
“Who wouldn’t want me, right Edward…right Jacob?” I asked, my voice perfectly flirtatious, but so low; only the super hearing people in the room would hear it. I had the satisfaction of watching their jaws drop.
“All right…” Nate called loudly, “On your marks…”
“Get set…” Emmet added just as loudly.
“GO!” they shouted in unison.
In a matter of 秒 the air seemed to be filled with big, red, rubber balls. I laughed as I saw them all dance past me. a look of tense concentration was on Mike’s face, as he tried to aim the ball directly into Edward’s face. But the 秒 the ball was out of his hands, Edward moved gracefully out of the way. Not just out of the way of Mike’s ball, but all of them as well. I barely noticed when Eric was hit, only when I heard him swearing under his breath at the bleachers. I looked across the court and saw Paul looking at me, with his hands tight around the ball. Other balls flew past my head, and I realized I hadn’t even thrown mine yet. As I was choosing my targets, Paul launched the ball straight for my stomach/ I moved quickly and silently out of the way, not knowing that Tyler was behind me. I permitted myself a fast glance at the loser side, and saw practically all of the team there, except for Mike and me.
Naw, did the big bad 狼 get 你 out Benny? I asked in a baby voice. Even though he was a witch before me, he’s never gotten over being the youngest. He poked his tongue out at me.
A whistle blew.
“All right guys, time out.” Emmet’s booming voice made me jump. “2 分钟 break, then it’s back to the game…loser’s, stay where 你 are…its an even match up now.” I looked over at Jacob’s team. Embry, Quil, Jared and Paul were all sitting on the bench with an upset look on their faces. I suppressed a grin; they hated losing.
“Come on, Bella.” Mike 说 tugging on my sleeve towards my team-mates. I followed obediently, uncomfortable 由 his touch.
“This game is rigged.” Tyler muttered annoyed.
“We’ll just have to make do…” Ben was trying to ease everyone’s thoughts…I cant even fathom the headache he must have right now.
I had an idea. But it might be considered cheating.
嘿 Ben…I thought timidly running through my idea.
He grinned hugely.
Do it! his voice was enthusiastic.
你 know that’s cheating Bella…Nate thought disapprovingly.
Shut up Nate, go for it Bella! I should have known Thai and Thackery would be listening.
I took a deliberate step back.
“I’m just gonna get a drink, ok guys?” I asked blinking my eyelashes flirtatiously.
They all nodded at once, their eyes wide.
I walked across the gym to get to the water 喷泉 which was located right behind Edward’s team. I fanned myself on the way, holding my ponytail high, so 你 could see the condensation running down my slender neck. I watched Jacob look towards the other direction very deliberately. I smiled and turned the tap on, and put my water bottle underneath the faucet and waited, twirling the hair from my ponytail around my fingers. When the bottle was full to the brim, I picked it up, and held it close to my face. I pulled out my ponytail in a fluid motion and poured the water over my face and hair. I peeked over my shoulder and saw Edward staring at me, his jaw dropped. I giggled and walked back over to my team.
“Right-o,” Nate called, “Let’s get back to the game…Jacob, Edward? Looks like it’s 你 guys against Bella and Mike.”
He and Emmet handed us the balls and told us to take it easy.
No 更多 cheating Bella. Nate thought indignantly.
I stared at the boys standing across from me, lightly tossing the ball up and down in my hand, and noticed for the first time in my new eye sight, the beauty of them. Edward, with his bronze colored hair, and piercing 金牌 eyes, attached to his long, lean and muscular body was 更多 god than man. And Jacob, my Jacob, was a rare creature indeed. His mid-length black hair, pulled back behind his ears, framed his handsome russet colored face, filled with pure white teeth.
A whistle blew disrupting the new revelations running through my head, but I barely acknowledged it. A red ball flew at my face. I merely picked my own ball up to knock it out of the way. I heard a huff and I saw Mike kneeling on the floor holding his stomach.
“Newton, you’re out!” I heard Coach Clapp shout, closer than I expected. “It’s up to you, Swan.”
Both Edward and Jacob held a red rubber ball in their hands, ready to strike. I felt Mike’s ball roll to my feet, so I was ready for the attack.
Jacob threw his ball; at such a speed I barely missed it when I ducked. I grabbed Mike’s ball from the ground, jumped up and over Edward’s ball and threw both balls at the two of them at blinding speed.
“You’re OUT!” Coach Clapp shouted at Edward and Jacob. I beamed with satisfaction, and my team came around me. Mike picked me up and put me on his shoulders and did a Rocky running dance. I was laughing at that, when I saw Nate and Edward having a mental conversation I couldn’t make out. They eventually put me down so I could change back into my clothes. I dressed in a hurry, trying to figure out what they would be talking about.
I walked out of the gym, and there Nate, Ben, Thai and Thackery were waiting.
“Congrats, Bells,” Thai 说 thumping me on the shoulder.
“And as a reward for winning…” Nate started to say.
“You and Ben get to ride with the bats and the 狗 to the baseball clearing…they’re waiting for 你 outside the gym.” Thackery finished smiling at us coyly. My mouth opened in horror, and Ben grabbed my arms, so I couldn’t do anything rash.
“Let’s just get it over with…” Ben’s voice was soothing, trying to calm my sudden hostility.
I sucked in a deep breath and walked with Ben out of the gym, towards the parking lot. There we saw them.
The Cullen’s standing 由 Edwards Volvo, and the Quileute’s standing 由 Jacob’s rabbit.
I turned to Ben a half smile on my face and pulled out a quarter.
“Heads I go with the Cullen’s…Tails I go with the Quileute’s…” he smiled and nodded. I closed my eyes and flicked the coin. I opened my eyes as it made contact with the floor.
I stared at it blankly. Ben chuckled.
“Have fun,” he muttered, still laughing, as he walked towards his ride.
“Thanks so much.” I 说 icily. I bent down to pick up my coin with a sigh.
It was tails.
posted by 2bearz
Sorry for the delay, hope 你 like it!

Edward caught her and ran with her inside and up a huge set of stairs. " Carlisle!" He yelled desperately.

" What is it?" Carlisle said, suddenly right 下一个 to Edward. Right away he started to check her pulse, then turned his head towards me and 说 " Who is that?"

" Oh, that's the girl Seth imprinted on." Edward 说 destractedly. He was holding Bella's hand and was staring intently at her closed eyelids as if to try and will her to wake up.

" Well Bella just needs to rest, she'll wake up when she's ready. 你 must admit that she's been through a rough time...
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Chapter One - Little Miss Katrina

I looked out to the clouds. Renee-uh I mean Mom-stares at me. Phil, eh, dad, keeps his eyes on the road.
"Ughh! Why do 你 have to bring me to meet my new sister? She doesnt have to know about me, CAN WE PLEASE GO HOME?" I beg. Renee smiles.
"Kat, Bella will be glad to see you."
"Its not her I dont want to meet," I pout.
"Oh, Edward. Dont worry, he wont bite."
I scowl.
"Dear God, PLEASE LET ME LIVE!" I beg. Phil and Renee laugh.
"You will 爱情 Nessie," Phil assures me. Who names their daughter Renensmee? Who? My...
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posted by twilight-7
i know that it sounds like twilight a bit but i didn't know how else to get her through the day. chapter 3 coming up!!

His eyes searched mine, almost as if he was trying to read me. His eyebrows creased together and his gaze became 更多 intense. The small dark haired girl turned around, wanting to know why her partner had let the shuttlecock fall. She followed his gaze to me and gave me a smile, 展示 bright white teeth. He gave me one last gaze and returned to his game. I looked away from him and back to Mike who had been watching me watching the boy.
“Who’s that?” I asked, nodding at...
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posted by mwalsh
hope 你 like it please comment

chapter two
(girl's pov)

i opened my eye's and looked around the room there were eleven people looking at me, they were all standing at the door except one he was holding my hand and then suddenly i remember my 天使 seth who saved me. i looked around the room at all there faces and paused at seths i just stared into his beautiful eye's, someone cleared there throat while a girl giggled. seth laughed and tightened his grip on my hand, i turned my eye's back to the other ten people in the room the leader steped 前锋, 期待 he had blonde hair and he was extreamly beautiful...
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posted by dinosteph

I literally am standing in my kitchen, multitasking between making curried chicken and 写作 haha.

I know it sounds very Breaking Dawn-ish, but don't worry. It's not that... (my trying not to spoil breaking dawn for anyone who hasn't read it)

“Bella?” I heard a muffled voice coming from downstairs. I slowly opened my eyes, not exactly ready to wake up yet and looked at the alarm clock. 6:45. Crap. I slept in.

“Shouldn't 你 already be showered 由 now” I heard Charlie as he made his way up the stairs. “You better get a 移动 on 或者 your gonna be late” He said...
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posted by dinosteph
For those of 你 who are new, Here is chapter 1, 2 and 3.

Chapter 1 - link

Chapter 2 - link

Chapter 3 - link

Ending of Chapter 3

It wasn't raining as much in the woods, the trees protected me from the rain. I didn't realize how cold it had gotten until I noticed the 鹅 bumps tickle on my arms. I wrapped my arms around myself, still crying and kept walking until my legs and feet grew tired. I spotted a rock and wiped it off before I sat down. I hugged my knees close to my body.

“I can't say here. Where can I go? Renee is traveling with Phil. Would Charlie even let me leave? He wouldn't understand....
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posted by mikaela_isabela
fourth chapter...very sad...=[ enjoy

4. Goodbye’s

Ms. Cope and Alice were gone a very long time. Some part of me 说 to worry, but that part was being overshadowed 由 the part that told me Alice could take care of them both. I was having a good time sitting and talking with Leah. She wasn’t as mean as I thought. She was actually pretty…cool. When Alice and Ms. Cope finally did come back to the classroom, (Ms. Cope smelling strongly of vomit), they saw us sitting on the floor laughing at the story Leah just told me, about Jacob thinking about me naked when talking to Sam, and Sam finally...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
okay, you've seen the prologue, this is the first chapter...enjoi!

I knew it was too early to get up, yet I couldn’t just lie there any more. If I didn’t do something, I may just go mad. My beautiful, immortal vampire boyfriend was out hunting with his brothers and wouldn’t be 首页 until later today. His sister Alice was supposed to stay with me, but thanks to her 爱情 of dressing me up like a 芭比娃娃 doll and my clever planning, she stayed at her place to arrange a whole new wardrobe for me and I got to spend the night without being babysat. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock....
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**This is the continuation of "Football" but this one is in Jasper's POV** I know its short, I'm sorry **When you're 阅读 and 你 see something like this: ~anger~ then that means Jasper is getting Anger vibes**

Edward and Emmett just got back from the purgatory they call high school. I gently nudged Alice's legs off my lap and got up to go meet them at the door. They barely got in the house good before their moods hit me.
~guilt~; Edward
~annoyance..humor..~; Emmett.
Whats going on? I asked Edward.
"Just prepare yourself." he said. I immediately suspected danger.
"Just towards me." he...
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There was a light tapping on the front door.....

Carlisle was already at the door waiting for them to come in. Emmett and I were in the living room and Esme was in her office upstairs, and Edward had gone hunting. Carlisle opens the door in 8 tenths of a second. I got up because there was a new smell, something like lilacs, and another 更多 chesnut flavor. I went to the door and i saw this short girl who looked to be at least 17 and a male who looked to be like 19, they were there at the door with huge smiles on their faces, but their eyes were not 金牌 like ours, they were a deep burgundy.
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posted by team_edward_
PART 1 Bella POV

I whispered"I 爱情 你 too"In his ear."I think we should get going Bella.Are 你 ready?"This took me a 分钟 to answer.Who`s ever ready to tell their father that they are divorcing their best 老友记 son?"As ready as i`ll ever be.Bye Jake."I kissed Jacob on the cheek and I left leaning on Edward for suport.

On the way to Charlie`s I kept my eyes closed and didn`t talk."We`re here."I opened my eyes to see Edward geting out and opening my door."Come on."I got up not sure if I could still walk."I`m not sure if I can tell him.He was so happy and Jakes his best 老友记 son."Edward...
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As soon as Edward heard this, he rushed to Jasper’s side and helped him up. On Jasper’s other side was Emmett, who was now helping his brother up too. A tear rolled down Alice’s cheek. I never knew 吸血鬼 或者 邪恶力量 creatures could cry. This meant that something was really wrong. I put my arm around Alice.
“Get Jasper upstairs as fast as 你 can,” Carlisle said.
Emmett and Edward nodded and rushed Jasper upstairs to Edward’s room. Alice pulled my arm away and started heading toward the stairs. Carlisle stopped her.
“You four stay here,” he said. I knew he was referring...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
sort of a short one, but I'm typing as fast as I can on Chapter 18!!!

We got some unexpected news from Grandpa the 下一个 morning. My stomach bulge had grown twice as large as it had been the 前一个 morning, and the baby was even 更多 active. Grandpa 说 the baby was even growing fingers and toes. He jotted down the growth, and the results lowered my pregnancy 由 another month. The baby shifted a little and Grandpa looked at us excitedly. "Do 你 want to know the gender?" he asked. I looked at Jacob, and he nodded. I took a deep breath. "Sure." I wanted 更多 then anything to give Jacob his...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
He-he I'm sooooo jealous of Renesmee now!!! ESPECIALLY in the end...well read it!

Jacob and I were making our rounds among the guests while we waited for the brilliant sunlight to fade. No use in starting the reception in the yard if half the guests couldn't even come with us.
"Congratulations, Nessie!" Grandpa Charlie said. He gave me a strong hug. "You look beautiful. As beautiful as your mom at her wedding. Congratulations, Jacob." They shook hands. "You guys are going to have a wonderful life together..." His eyes misted over and Grandma Sue gave me hug as well before leading him away.
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Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have finally premiered their vampire 爱情 epic, 'Twilight' in LONDON

Ouch! And ouch again!

Method acting? Vampire-playing Robert Pattinson admits he sometimes slips into character when he's out with the ladies.

"I've been known for a little nibble," he told reporters at the 伦敦 premiere of his film Twilight.

Mr. Pattinson's co-star, meanwhile, shared one of his less-successful efforts to impress the opposite sex. "He tried to pick me up ... and he pulled his groin," 说 Kristen Stewart, 18. "It was hilarious! He was hurt, but he was laughing."

posted by mrsblack_1089
This is sort of a short one...

"Hey, Renesmee, wait up!"
I didn't have to turn to know the voice. It was Mrs. Malagwa, my art teacher, the only person at Brenton who insisted on calling me 'Renesmee.'
I turned and smiled at her. "Is there a problem, Mrs. Malagwa?"
"No, no problem." she panted, out of breath, though she'd only jogged a few steps. I waited for her to continue. "The Valentine's 日 Dance is coming up," she said. "And 你 have such artistic ability. We need 更多 members on the Decorating Comittee." she held up a sheet that was half filled with signatures.
Ah, the dance. I was...
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Twilight co-stars and BFFs Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart stick close together at the their 秒 stop on the Twilight Hot Topic Tour in Garden State Plaza on Friday in Paramus, New Jersey.

Nikki, 20, recently told InStyle magazine about how she likes to be comfortable: “I feel comfortable in this [her clothes] because it’s loose-fitting, and I get to sit down in a chair! They put me in 12-inch stilettos [in the movie] because I am supposed to be taller than my sister… It was the running joke that we might not be able to shoot because I might not be able to walk. I was like, ‘Can 你 just have us sitting and put me on a pillow?’”

The Twilight soundtrack is currently in the #1 spot on Billboard.com and iTunes! The film opens in theaters 下一个 week.
OK i told my 老友记 about how i 发布 my story on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 and she was 写作 one 2 so she wanted me to post her story 2. Her story is about 吸血鬼 but different stroy so here it is........

Chapter 1:
I’m dancing in a big mansion with lots of light everywhere and I feel somebody’s hands around my waste while I’m dancing, but I can’t see anything since the light is blinding me. I can only touch, my hand is on his shoulder, he has some lend and muscular shoulders, I know he can’t be fat, so all I know he is skinny and muscular. His touch sends an ice cold feeling down my spine, his...
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So, the past week had been filled with Twilight pictures. Everyday we got at least 2 amazing pictures. Well, now that the Twilight Illistrated Movie Companion is out, there are scans of pictures from the movie in the book on the internet.

And someone from LiveJournal really caught my eye... in a bad way. This particular person is saying stuff like "**** Summit" 或者 "**** Twilight Illustrated Movie Companion". What I don't get is... Why do they choose to look at the pictures?! The person who 发布 these pictures warned that they would be spoilers, and announced not click the link if they didn't want to see them.

Those who want to be surprised 由 the movie, that's fine. But they shouldn't go around cussin Summit 或者 Stephenie Meyer 或者 any other fansite because they chose to view them.
posted by thebellacullen
ok people, i am sick and tired of people who tell me 吸血鬼 don't exsist and ask me how is edward hot if he is imaginary? first off, this is my rant.......
second, edward cullen can not be counted out of anything, real 或者 imaginary...it is just impossible.....
no one can slam edward cullen without me hunting them down like james does
third, i don't care that he is fake, edward is probably the only man i will ever love, and since no one can ever be so awesome i will end up the old cat lady
fourth, i will turn all 你 non-believers into 吸血鬼 so 你 finally believe i was right and 你 were all...
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