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Chapter 17: Less Worry - 更多 Sun.

This is a small book i am 写作 about the life of Renesmee cullen after (Breaking Dawn) It is in he rpoint of view for almost the whole time (with a few exceptions) I suggest starting from chapter 1 to get the full impact and information (:

I have been out of town and unable to write, although i am working on the 下一个 chapter as we speak! (: Please Comment, Like, Share and become a friend! The higher demand i have, the 更多 i will write

Chapter 17: Less Worry - 更多 Sun.

I watched the towns pass below me, observing the mass amounts of builidings and ant sized people. The plane shook lightly, although i barley noticed it. I was quite used to traveling on short notices 由 now. I started to wonder, if maybe i was supposed to go to Italy, and this is interupting the path. Then again, things must happen for a reason. But on the other hand, i wasn't natural. I am not supposed to exsist. The truth, that Jacob will simply just not accept, is that i am a vampire. Well, partialy. But he only seems to want to see the human part, so i let him belive that. Every now and then i must tell him that i am not only human, and he'll just deny it. I sighed.

"It's just disaster after disaster" I whispered to Jacob who was silently watching my gaze.

"Well" He 说 quietly back "This isn't so bad" He 说 smiling

"Since when is a sadistic group of royals trying to kill me not bad?" i asked in a confused tone.

He grimaced at the truth, "I meant time alone" he 说 smiling at my confusion.

"Oh.. Yes, i guess this isn't bad" I 说 leaning closer to him.

"Renesmee?" His voice was 更多 solem now


"Were you- were 你 honestly thinking about going to Italy. 你 seemed so sure of yourself back at the house, like there was nothing to worry about. Then again your judgment of danger isn't quite.. normal."

"Newsflash Jacob, I'm not normal" I sighed "But, yes. I was"

He nodded without a word. I knew it meant he would pay 更多 attention though. I unlocked my eyes from the window and analyzed my surroundings. I noticed on the other side of us was a small toddler, yelling about and loling around. 下一个 to the small boy was his frustated mother, attempting to calm him down yet not succeeding.

Her orginaly professional, perfect bun that sat on her head was now a messy bunch of hair, and her perfect red lips were now smudged. Behind her sat a older man. He looked quite annoyed at the toddlers disturbing scene.

His eyes drooped, just a tiny bit as if he had been woken up from a nap. A small african-american lady sat 下一个 to him, yet didn't acknolodge the disturbance at all. She was staring aimlessly into space. I wondered what she was thinking about. I looked back at where the mother sat, except this time the 座位 was empty, i searched for her. It only took me a moment to realise she was franticly searching for her son. She called his name a couple times;

"Jeffery, Jeffery!" I noticed everyone was now engaged in the search. Although each didn't budge from their seats. I looked at the back, searching wondereslly as well. Then inbetween the curtains that seperated areas, somthing caught my eye. I saw a small foot peak out from the area covered with curtains.

Remembering how i used to worry everybody when i was smaller. I would hide in the corners between rooms, so quietly that nobody would notice. But playing hide and go seek with a vampire wasn't very easy, they usualy found me within a few moments. I carefully got up,

"I'll be right back" I shuffled my way down the aisle before Jacob could ask where i was going. I dissapeard behind the curtain, then a small voice startled me;


I turned to where i heard the sound escape from. And there in the corner hid a little boy, no 更多 then three years of age. He stared at me with a sheepish smile. He had bright blue eyes, like his mother and blonde hair. I knelt down beside him;

"What's your name?" I asked lightly, smiling back at him.

"Im jweffy!" He replied enthusiasticly. "Iwm one..two..three!" He held up three small fingers to match his words.

I smiled. I started to wonder about this boy, what he was like. If he had a father, where he lives.. I sighed, i get interested in people too much. They fasincate me. After being around 吸血鬼 and Werewolfes all your life, humans are quite extrodinary and almost predictable.

"Well Jeffery, maybe we should get back to your mom so she isn't worried?"

He smiled nodding "Wets Gwo!" He 说 giggling, i couldn't help but smile.He carefully stood up on his little feet and took hold of my hand.

Just as he did i saw an image flash through my mind, It was a replay of the little boy looking up at his mother. I imeditely recoiled my hand, and the image flashed away once I had. I let him follow me out to his seat. I was dazed for a moment, wondering what i had seen. Surely it had to be my mind wondering.. I did have vivid dreams.. His wonderess eyes looked up at me, confused.

And i was sure mine were just the same. I let him follow me out towards the aisle
I saw his frantic mother, talking to one of the stuartess. She was describing her son to the lady, but she only shook her head. Her panic look, flashed to relife when she saw me bringing her sonback to her.

"Mommy!" He exclaimed running towards her.
She looked at me, smiling in relife. "Thank-you" She mouthed. I nodded my head polietly, eyes still dazed and confused. A thousand things went through my mind, mostly questions; How did that happen? How did i do that? Was that a vision?. The biggest 问题 was What was that?

I silently sat back down in my seat, watching the reuniting of the child and mother. It was just like i had seen moments ago. Jacob noticed my expression before i had time to smooth it out;

"Renesmee what's wrong?" His urgent voice to slient for anyone but myself to hear

I looked back at him as i tried to think of it myself "I don't know.."

He eyed me cautiously, then let it go. He noticed i wasn't in any danger. I decided to let it go myself, it was most likely just my imagination running wild; 或者 so i hoped.

I stared back out the window as the large plane stopped at a smooth hault. When the time came, i stood up carefully as Jacob led me out the plane.
I felt the warm, humid air brush against my face. It was different, 更多 then forks that is.

Although warm and comforting it had an uncomfortable edge to it, yet it didn't bother me. Jacob took a hold of my hand, leading me throughout the airport. There was a sudden realisation that come over me, the realisation that if the Volturi were to go to Forks and not find me, all hell would break lose.

This is when i decided i would find a way to get to Italy. I would find out how to sneak past Jacob and get on a flight. I looked up at him, his face urgent. Had he noticed me scanning the flights. As soon as i looked foward pulling him closer to the exit, he calmed.
I secretly paid attention to the details. How long each flight was, how crowded the floors were. I watched for bathrooms and 食物 stands. I took note of every escalator and staircase. I secretly and silently prepared myself for what was to be.

After making a mental note of all of this, i decided the only way to not make Jacob suspicious and manage getting away without Alice seeing it, Was to stay with Jacob almost the whole time. And, when time comes, make a last mintue decision to escape.

I Looked up at Jacob once more. His eyes were wondering about. Probaly anyalizing the building for the same reason i was; For when i was to leave. This would make it 更多 difficult, but yet it would still be easy to mantain an easy charade. He suddenly looked down as we exited the building;

"Nessie?" Jacob asked in a soft voice

"Yes?" I responded

"Please - Don't leave, please." I heard him plead quietly.

I was silent. I was silent because i could not promise him this, instead i just simply nodded, acknowleging his staement. He sighed, his jaw 更多 ridgid;

"Then I'll just have to stop you.."

"You sound confident"

He flashed me a grin "Because i am"

I grimaced at his confidence. He knew meh all too well, and i couldn't lie to him. I had a feeling that he would be keeping a close eye on me, not letting me slip out of his sight. I felt almost guilty doing this to him, but Jacob would never even consider letting me go. I will do this to protect all of them. I knew to Jacob this sounded unreasonable and ridiculous, but he dosn't know what it's like to live with a family that have risked thier lives for 你 over and over and expect nothing in return. I want to be able to return that, even if it means risking my life.

"I Just don't want anyone to get hurt.." I 说 quietly

"Then don't go" He choked out.

"I won't try anything" I finaly promised. And that wasn't a lie. I wouldn't try anything. I would do it and succeed. I sighed at the meaning behind my own words, knowing that he wouldn't understand. One part of me wanted to tell him to stop me, while the other told it to keep shut. And so i did, keep shut that is. Jacob looked down at my anxious face and sighed;

"I'm glad i took 你 to florida" He 说 staring out at the sky.

"And why is that?" I asked confused 由 the many possible answers

"Because..You need less worry and 更多 sun, forks has really brought 你 down"

I smiled and nudged him playfully.
posted by Twi-Freak14
The party was pretty quiet yet it was a total crazy house, Nessie had wrapping paper all over the floor and had stuck cake in Jacob's hair.
While Leah and Jacob tried despretely to get the frosting out of his shaggy doo I went to my house to get the ticktes, they were last on the surprise list.
I looked for them on the counter, there was no sign of them.
I looked everywhere, trying to remember where I had put them.
"Love, they are under the 床, 床上 in the little purple gift bag."
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and then darted out of the room.

When we got out of the house, Jacob had 给 up and...
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posted by Edward_lover101
Finally! The weekend is here. I packed my bag, and got ready to spend the weekend with Alice. What Charlie dosen't know is that, everyone is going hunting. Except Edward. Alice picked me up in Edwards Volo. She drove us to her house. Everyone was there excpet Edward. Where was he? "Alice where is Edward." "Dont worry, Bella. Edward went hunting so that it would be easier for him to be around you." She took me to Edwards room. There was like 100 yrs. worth of journals. He also had a lot of music. He had a lot of my favorites. Clare De Lune, Debb Usee. I pushed play on the CD player. There was...
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yeah i completely forgot about this story because i was so wrapped up in Our Worst 显示 sob yeah its mostly just a filler of edwards POV of when Bella got kidnapped so here u go!!!please please review and 评论 it would mean alot to me and i will dedicate the 下一个 chapter to the first person to 评论 and id o put these on different and bigger sites, but this is the first one ok stop my blabbing and on with the story! this one is kinda short the 下一个 one will be longer i promise

Chapter 4 Bella (Edward’s P.O.V. of The Party)
    “The mutt is...
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it's totally something different isn't it

Bella's pov

We arrived at Charlie’s and I saw his police cruiser, so he was home. I took a deep breath and walked out of Emily’s car and gave her a smile
“Shall I go with you” he asked worried
“No, I’ll be fine, it’s just my dad” I 说 and walked towards the front door and knocked. I took a quick look at Mason and he was still sleeping like a rose, then suddenly the door opened.
“Omg, Bella, you’re safe, you’re okay, I was so worried, where have 你 been” he started saying worried.
“What” I asked him confused, how did he knew...
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posted by fegzii
hi! i wrote this few months 以前 but i didn't had the courage to post it a friend is making me doing this ... well i hope 你 like this and please 评论 even if 你 think it sucks ... be very honest! i prefer ... xoxo

Twilight B-day version !
I was terrified 由 the idea of having a party .. no no no im not that kind of person ... I will only embarrass myself in front of everybody. 'everybody .... i will have to talk with Alice seriously about this’ i thought to myself. Then Edward stop the car, we were in my house already.
- May I?. he opened my door taking my hand helping me get out of the...
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posted by just_bella
We walked down a path that we had never been down before. We walked for about a mile without seeing anything, when we crested the 最佳, 返回页首 of a 爬坡道, 小山 we began to see a large building with many smaller buildings off of it rising over the 下一个 hill.

I didn't know what this place was, but I was 更多 the sure that this wasn't going to be somewhere to eat 或者 get ice cream.

I'm sorry, I have to stop now. I hear someone coming down the hall. I have to hide this before it is taken away."

That must have been the end of that entry because Jasper put the book down and kissed the 最佳, 返回页首 of my head again, pulling...
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posted by 2bearz
My eyes opened and the first thing I noticed was I had tears running pretty hard down my cheeks. The 秒 thing I noticed was that I was on a couch, still in the Cullens living room. There were no cullens as far as I could tell. I had no vampire warnings, just werewolf. Where had they gone, and what about Alec? Did they kill him?

I turned my head to the left and saw a beautiful native girl that resembled Seth just a tiny bit, and she looked pissed. Seth was scowling, something I've never seen on his perfect face. The girl was telling him something, and he was trying not to yell. I could tell....
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Blood Lust
by: BuffyFaithfan1
I've never 给 much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone 你 loved, seems like a good way to go. Of course I'd miss him. And my dad: Charlie....
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Edward's POV

She lay 下一个 to me with her wide eyes staring right back into mine, a light 金牌 because I had satiated my thirst before. Her lips curved into a smile as she lowered her gaze. I leaned in closer to her, no longer to touch my beautiful angel. I no longer needed to fear her touch. Her pale skin glowed a pearly white, and in the moonlight she seemed ethereal.

Finally, her soft voice broke through the silence, “Well, I never expected it to happen quite like that.”

I smiled slowly, a crooked smile that I knew she loved, “Neither...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Ouch!” I woke up to a little pain in my stomach. I turned to look a Jacob but he wasn’t 下一个 to me in my bed. He must be out with the pack. I thought to my self. I got out of 床, 床上 and headed to the dresser which held the pain killers. Grandpa 说 that if I take one a 日 I shouldn’t feel the pain. I walked into the bathroom and got a glass of water from the sink and took the pill. I undressed my self and stepped into the tub. I was still freezing so I put that water in the tub on as hot as it would go. I filled it as high as I was able to with out it spilling out. I took a deep breath...
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posted by ktbminnie12
Charlie’s POV

    I sat watching the game. Red Sox vs. Chicago Cubs. The Cubs were leading 由 2 points and they were in the 8th ending. I was trying to keep my mind off of Bella and her boyfriend Edward. Bella is too young to have a boyfriend if 你 ask me. I didn’t want her to have a boyfriend until she’s at least in college. I must just be talking from a father’s point of view. No father wants to see his little girl grow up.
    Well, I didn’t like Edward Cullen so much anymore. Ever since my little girl went into a depression, I’ve never...
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Okay guys, 蛤, 文蛤 down. I would never let this end badly so don't get too worked up about it yo can relax k?
SO Carlisle just like so dissapointed and so hurt and mad right so this is what happened.
"Edward...a..how could..you, how could 你 do this to Bella?"
"Carlisle, CARLISLE, no, no it's not like that no way!
This is the story, well I promised Bella that I wouldn't go back to Italy so I had to get distracted so I went down to Finland and travelled around the world. On my way I ran into a non-vegetarian vampire, she was a friend at first but then she thought 更多 of me. Like Tanya but she isn't...
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posted by twilight-7
The first thing I did was find Jasper. The guy had saved my life, I needed to thank him. I know that he could have just carried on and drained my body of all the blood but he stopped. This was nice of him.
The 秒 thing I would have to do was call Charlie. Since there were no 吸血鬼 hunting me I had to go home. It had been three days since I had left. I knew what I was going to say. I would leave the immortal thing until I saw him. I wanted to do this face to face.
I found Jasper in the living-room, sitting on the sofa with Alice. They were just watching TV but I could see that they weren’t...
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posted by twilight-7
I went to go see Charlie the 日 after his ‘accident’. Carlisle had told the other doctors that Charlie had tripped while cooking and hit his head off the corner of the 厨房 table. Charlie didn’t disagree with that. I was surprised. I thought that he would turn me in, tell the police that I had tried to murder him. But he didn’t. When he saw he smiled widely. This shocked me. I know I wouldn’t be smiling at the person who had tried to kill me.
“Kayla,” he welcomed me, his voice full of warmth. His head was wrapped in a white bandage. “How are you?”
I sat down on the chair...
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posted by serenacullen93
*this starts with me in another world in forks i don't know how i got there but i in the forest with all the cullen and bella the 日 of twilight opening*

carlisle seeing me jump around on one leg he helped me on to a rock as. as he tended to my leg i could feel someones eyes on my back i didn't think of it as being around vampire. i heard a gasp then edward was at my side "how do 你 know this?" "know what?" the other were coming in "what we are ?" the other all let out one gasp all at once from behind "who told you?" "no one told me"carlisle looked at me "child we will not hurt 你 but how...
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Okey... I edited this 文章 already.. I screwed up the first one...There were a few 问题 involving whether Jasper was actually right 或者 left-handed. A few 说 that he was left-handed and some 说 right. So I went to 'investigate' and took a few pics of the movie.

Results? (ok this is where i screwed up)

In the 1st round, when it was Rosalie's turn to bat, Jasper was seen 'showing-off' when he twirled the bat with his left hand.

When his turn came to bat, he was seen holding and twirling the bat with his right hand. But he BATTED with his LEFT hand (this was the part that i was totally...
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posted by Twilight_F
This is chapter 5. I hope 你 like it. I got my ideas from the Twilight 图书 [For those of 你 that don't know] and so there are connections. Please read, rate and comment. Soryr this one is not very long. But there are loads 更多 to come. Enjoy!

Chapter 5

“Look at me Edward, I will never leave you, ever. Words can’t hurt me. And what’s in the past stays in the past.” I 说 to him in a stern voice.
“Yes, I know, but this thing is so terrible, I can’t face it now. Its hurts so bad” he 说 to me in barely 更多 than a whisper.
“We need to go back to the house” I thought to myself....
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2.Bella james really loves u
3.James can have your too disracting
4.Jacob can have bella i'll take my chances with a werewolf!
5.Rosalie is acually my girlfriend
6.I hate humans
7.Lets find a bear
7. go away bella!
8.lets go see jake and die today!
9. die die die
10. i perfer humans
11.Ihate 你 bella
12.you giong to kill me
13.I'm best 老友记 with laurent
14.James is my friend
15 Jazz calm me down 或者 i'll killl bella!
Ohh scary
或者 ekse
I 爱情 jacob
hiiii james
I 爱情 u jacob black
I hate 你 bella
I 爱情 britney spears
Stupid bella
oh my golly gosh
Like whatever!
posted by odd-duck
I don't know how true this is but I found this and thought that I would post this to let 你 all know. Please 评论 if with what 你 know.

Only 344 Days Until the 下一个 Twilight Movie
If you've got anything planned for November 20, 2009, 取消 it -- that's the 日 Summit Entertainment plans to release Twilight sequel New Moon. Which means there are only 344 days left to obsess over whether 或者 not the script is ready, who will direct, and will they keep 或者 replace actor Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob, a werewolf-friend of Bella Swan's who gets elevated from minor character to potential love...
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posted by Twilight_Lilly
Okay, i started 阅读 twilight-in like-july 或者 june-i got hooked.then i got new moon, eclipse, ect. ect. but main thing is, why the hell are we soooo attached? i mean last 月 i read this book "The lightning theif" which 由 the way is pretty good, but i couldnt stop comparing the charactors to the ones in twilight! like Annabeth in the lightning theif has long blonde curly hair and grey eyes-(daughter of Athena)so i think of Tanya- so i put the book down get up and get breaking dawn-what im saying here is, is twilight ruining our 阅读 experience? 或者 making it better? 你 decide.

Lilly sage.