暮光之城系列 Club
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Chapter 4: Sit in the corner and think about what 你 did.
Renesmee was having a dreadfully bad day. Jacob was out on patrol, Alice and Jasper were off on another pointless shopping spree with Esme. None of her usual pastimes could hold her attention for 更多 than a few minutes. She thought about working on the watercolour painting she started last week, but was afraid in her present mood she would only ruin it. Jacob, I need you!
“Hey Little Spider, where are you?”
Crap! Emmett. Why can't he just leave me alone?
“Come out, come out where ever 你 are,” he called in an annoying singsong voice.
“I wanna see how long I can tickle 你 before 你 pee your pants.”
Renesmee snarled at him and yelled, “Bite me!” before ducking into her room and slamming the door behind her. She ground her teeth and slid down the wall. It hurt when her butt hit the floor and jarred every joint in her body.
The growing pains were terrible. Worse than the 日 all her permanent teeth came through. When would it end? When would she be done growing? The pain, the freedom, Jake’s absence, Emmett’s idiotic teasing: all of it was just too much to bear!
Renesmee felt her frustration take on a life of its own in the 太空 around her. The air was heavy and harsh making it hard to breathe. She could feel the room closing in on her as she started to hyperventilate.
When she couldn’t stand it any longer, she climbed out her window and jumped, the balls of her feet hitting the ground. As she dropped to the ground from the window, Emmett appeared out of nowhere, grabbing her around the waist and started tickling her.
“Ha! I got 你 at last, Little Spider!” She could feel her self-control slipping.
“You wanna know why I call 你 little spider?”
She was going to lose her temper big time if he didn’t stop it.
“Not really,” she growled through clenched teeth, feeling the rage build as he continued to tickle her.
“it‘s because you’re like a spider, 你 climb just like......”
That’s all it took. She 迷失 control completely. She actually saw red, snarled at him from deep in her belly and bit him.
If Emmett didn’t have such amazing reflexes it would have been a lot worse. Emmett’s howl of surprise and pain was still ringing in her ears as the red haze began to fade. His face was pure white; his eyes wide in shocked disbelief and pain.
“Nessie? Why did you…? Oh, man….Ness, are 你 okay?”
You’re asking if I’m okay. I attacked 你 and 你 want to know if I’m okay? What have I done! Renesmee was shaking from head to toe, too stunned to speak. The fiery rage was instantly replaced with shame and fear.
Emmett was cradling his hand, his face twisted in distress when Jacob came crashing into view and yelled,
“What happened? Nessie are 你 okay?”
Oh no, Jacobs back. Did he see what I did? Oh please, I just want to die!
“I 说 WHAT HAPPENED?” Jake was glaring at Emmett as he roared out his question.
Renesmee hung her head in shame.
“I bit off Emmett’s finger.” It was barely a whisper.
Jacob’s face suddenly looked as shocked as Emmett’s and almost as pale.
“What? What was that?”
“I said...I bit off Emmett’s finger!” Quite a bit louder, that time.
“Why?” Jacob’s eyes were darting back and forth between Renesmee’s face and Emmett’s.
Emmett grimaced and answered through clenched teeth.
“It was my fault, I was teasing her and I guess I just went too far with it.”
“Nessie?” The disappointment in Jake’s voice crushed her. She felt her stomach yank and had to 吞, 燕子 back the anger in her throat. She wanted the ground to open up and 吞, 燕子 her. She wanted the house to fall down upon her and bury her along with her shame.
“Where are your parents, Renesmee? We need to talk to them.” Jacob sounded tired as well as extremely sad.
“Jake, man, it’s alright. Just hand me my finger will ya? I can reattach it.” Emmett was sitting on the ground, panting in pain.
“Edward and Bella left a while 以前 with Rose. They’re helping Carlisle with something. They should've been back 由 now.”
Jacob didn’t even flinch when he retrieved the disconnected figure out of the dirt and handed it to Emmett. Renesmee felt her knees buckle and saw the ground rush towards her face but Jacob caught her before she could hit the ground.

*Later that day*
Renesmee could hear the hushed sounds of worried voices, but she couldn't understand the words. They sounded so distant and distorted, as though she was underwater. What happened?
The first thing she was fully aware of was Jacob’s warm, comforting scent. He was cradling her against him with her head directly over his heart. The sound of his heartbeat always soothed her. What she felt now was something more. It felt as though Jacob’s strong powerful 心 was pumping courage and strength directly into her body.
“Nessie baby, open your eyes.” She tried, but her eyelids were so heavy. Renesmee was pretty sure she didn’t want to open them anyway. Ever.
“Come on Ness, wake up sweetheart.” She could hear the concern in his voice. Feel his palm tenderly patting her face. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a look of relief spread across Jacob’s face.
The other voices became clearer and 更多 distinct. She heard Emmett arguing with her dad.
“Oh come on Edward, no blood no foul, right?”
“Joking about your lack of a useful circulatory system is not helpful, Emmett. This is serious!” Edward was obviously distressed.
“I don’t understand Carlisle,” Bella whispered.
“Why would she attack him for such a small thing? That is so out of character! Even if he had been hurting her, she never would have bitten him. Do 你 think something is seriously wrong with her?” Bella’s voice was full of panic.
“Don’t worry Bella; I’ll give her a complete physical. I’m sure she is going to be fine. A lot of human girls go through harsh mood swings right before puberty, maybe that’s all this is.”
“Come on Carlisle, don’t 你 think she’s a little young for that!”
“Why don’t we discuss it a little later, Bella, I think our girl is awake now.”
Oh man, this is going to be bad!
It was just as bad as she thought it was going to be. Without the excuse of an undiagnosed mental illness, the full force of her parent’s rage was unleashed upon her. They never raised their voices, but somehow that made it even worse.
Emmett and Jacob were waiting outside of her parents’ room when they finally let her out.
“I’m so sorry Ness…”
“Please don’t apologize. I don’t think I can take it. I just want to say... I mean... I... Oh Uncle Em! I’m so sorry!” Renesmee flew into Emmett’s arms and sobbed.
He patted her back awkwardly with his uninjured hand, repeating.
“There, there, it’s okay. Don’t cry, please don’t cry.”

*When she had returned to her room*
Renesmee was so ashamed of herself that she didn’t mind the loneliness of her room one bit. She 鸽子 into her 床, 床上 face first and cried into her 枕头 for the first hour. She knew Jacob was waiting silently just outside her room and he would stay there until she came out. His scent, musical breathing and heartbeat helped soothe her. Finally exhausted, she rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling trying to figure out just what the heck was wrong with her. Renesmee wasn’t sure just how long she had been in her room when Jacob knocked on her door. She pulled her 枕头 over her head and mumbled,
“Go away, Jake.”
“Not likely, sweetie. Come on Nessie, 你 can’t hide in there forever. Please? I miss you.” He sounded so sad. Why do I have to make everyone so miserable? What is wrong with me!
She pressed her 枕头 firmly into her face to hold back the tears that threatened to return.
“Okay, come in.”
As Jacob opened her door, Renesmee peeked out from behind her pillow. He leaned against the 墙 just inside the door and slid to the floor. Jacob rested his elbows on his bent knees and held his head in his hands.
Renesmee flipped over onto her tummy. She just looked at him without saying a word. She couldn't remember Jacob looking so tired.
Renesmee got up from her 床, 床上 and crossed the room to Jacob. She knelt in front of him and placed her palm on his cheek. She projected an image of him asleep, his arms and legs hanging over the edges of her too small bed, while she sat on the floor and wrote letters.
Jacob smiled and laughed quietly.
"That sounds great, kiddo." Renesmee grabbed his hand and pulled him up on to her bed. He lay down. His head resting on her pillow. She grabbed her blanket from the end of her 床, 床上 and covered him with it but it didn’t cover his whole body

*After Jacob fell asleep*
Renesmee wrote formal apologies, not only to Emmett, but also to each member of the family. Jacob's letter was surprisingly the most difficult to write. She folded it into an origami 心 and slipped it into his hip pocket as he slept. She was afraid he might wake up, but he was so tired he wasn't even snoring.
It was almost dark before Jacob woke up, yawning and stretching.
"How long was I asleep, Nessie?"
"Just a couple of hours."
"Why didn't 你 wake me up? I'm not much company when I'm asleep."
"You were just so tired, Jake. I needed to write those apologies anyway so it worked out fine.”
"So, what are the terms of your sentence?” Jake looked at her seriously.
"I'm grounded to the house except for hunting and going to school until further notice. I had to write formal letters of apology to everyone and I have to spend an 小时 everyday in my room completely alone.” Renesmee knew the punishment wasn't too harsh, but her eyes started to water anyway as she thought of all the long boring days ahead of her.
“I can’t have any company at all, not even you.”
"Come here, sweetie.” Renesmee jumped into Jacob's open arms, clinging to him as she squeezed her eyes shut trying not to cry. Jacob patted her back and said,
"It's gonna be hard on me too, but I guess we'll both have to find something to do for an 小时 a 日 由 ourselves. It will give 你 a chance to get caught-up on your schoolwork. How far behind are 你 now?” Jacob asked with a chuckle.
"Very funny Jake. Ha. Ha. I just need a couple 更多 classes in every subject. Maybe it will give 你 a chance to catch up on your schoolwork." Jacob was studying with her grandfather to become an Emergency Medical Technician and Renesmee knew he was behind in his 阅读 assignments, only because he had been patrolling a lot lately.
"Sorry I mentioned it. Well, I'm off to bed... Hey, what's this?” Jacob started to pull Renesmee's note out of his back pocket.
"Wait ‘till 你 get to your house to read it, please.” Renesmee blushed.
"It's just your apology note."
Jacob tucked the note deeper into his pocket and patted it twice. He yawned as he leaned over and kissed her forehead.
"Sure, sure. 爱情 ya kid, Goodnight, Nessie."
"Love 你 too, Jake. Good night."
Sorry this chapter has taken so long -my computer brok so I had to re write it!!!- but enjoy!

Running, breathing, living, hunting, fighting and Jake. These were the only five words running through my head right now. We hadn’t been running long and I was still at the front of the 圈, 圈子 with Jake. As we ran I could almost smell the danger approaching us. I knew that the others were trying not to 显示 their anxiety around me but I knew that these newborns weren’t as new any 更多 and were becoming better fighters 由 the day.
“Stop,” I herd Alice call from behind me, “The newborns...
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posted by kiwi12
part 15

Jacob was pulling Seth into another room. Edward trailed behind them. The 狼 explained to me the Alpha command. The double voice of the Alpha (leader of the pack) had the power to make the pack obey. When Jacob, Seth and Edward reentered the room, Seth seemed to be trying not to stare at me. It was evidently a difficult task. The 狼 began to seem on edge.

Like a lightning bolt, Jasper ran to one of the 狼 and placed a hand on his shoulder. The 狼 soon dropped. Soon, Jasper was doing the same thing to the confused 狼 left and right, two at a time. Edward obviously understood...
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posted by She_wolf
short chapter soz

Chapter Eight (enjoy + comment/rate!)

I wondered idly what the headline of my death would be, as I rode up the winding path to the cliffs. I knew Jared would try to stop me, if he could get away from Collin and Sam that was. I smiled, that was impossible, expect if 你 were Leah.
I left my bike half way up and went to 搜索 for a suitable large rock. There were a lot of contenders, but none of them were big enough. I wanted one so big that there was no chance of me chickening out.
I found a massive boulder that I could only just lift. I carried it out to the clearing around...
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I am sorry the chapters are so short, I will try to make them longer. Thankz for reading, I hope 你 enjoy.

“We ran as fast as we could but they had a car waiting on the highway. We know who it is and so dose Nessie!” Alice exclaimed in a high pitched voice handing me a crumpled branch. I sniffed it delicately. Everybody held their breath awaiting my reaction.
All of my memories came flooding back to me as I arched my back and flipped back into a low crouch feeling a sudden burst of energy. I knew this scent; it was Nahul’s the only half vampire half human boy in existence.
“How could...
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I sighed. This was going to take a while, and I didn't feel up for it. I was exausted. Obviously I hadn't gotten much sleep last night...
But I did feel really bad, too. Poor Alice. She must have thought that...but I couldn't think about that any 更多 than I had to.
"Oh. I'm sorry Alice...I understand how that must have loooked, but..." I paused. "that's obviously not what happpened." I whispered.
"Bella, please. Just say it. I have no idea what happened, and do 你 know how insane that's driving me?" She asked, and it was true, there was mad curiousity in her eyes.
"Okay, well..." I started....
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Chapter 15- The End

Over the 下一个 few days I revolved everything I did around Andrew. I didn't sleep at all. I knew that if I did and woke up and found that he was dead that I would never, ever forgive myself and I would blame myself. Tom and Abby stayed because they were worried about me. I couldn't blame them. I must have been 表演 obsessive.

I sighed as I around at everyone as we sat in Lily's living room 由 the fire. It was silent other than the quiet even breathing of Lily, Abby, Tom and I. Andrew wasn't really breathing anymore. It was slightly surreal. He was dead.... I felt the tears...
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Stephenie Meyer Addresses Breaking Dawn Rumors
By Twilight_News | 12 January 2010

This was just 发布 on Stephenie Meyer’s personal website:

"Just a quick note on the subject of the Breaking Dawn film: there is no drama over whether the book should be one movie 或者 two. My personal feeling is that it would be very difficult to cram the whole story into one movie (as I’ve 说 in many interviews 前一个 to this), but if a great way of doing that surfaces, I’m all for it. Two 或者 one, whichever way fits the story best is fine 由 me, and everyone I’ve spoken with at Summit seems to feel...
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posted by demilovatirocks
When she opened the door she saw...

Bella's P.O.V
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!When I walked into that house I wanted to scream.I saw a major make out session going on.Emmett and Rosalie,Joe and Sonny,Kevin and ashley,Selena and Nick,Alice and Jasper, Edward and ?????

Regular P.O.V
Everyone but Demi:running away scared out of there minds
Demi:Whatever[Sat down and watched TV]
Joe,Nick,Kevin came in with Adam and Sarah holding their ears.Then Edward,Jasper,and Emmett came in with Carlisle and Esme holding their ears.All of the boys yelling because it hurts.The girls walk in after them...
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posted by teamalice_0
Heyo! I'm not really in a good mood, where's JAsper when 你 need him, lol. I couldn't wait to do this chapter so I AM!!
(and yes, I'm still doing this!)


"You know how I'm a werewolf and all?"

"Shapshifter, actualy."

"How 你 know that? Anyhow, remember Jake and Nessie?"

"What about them, I don't how Alice will rip off your head, for what their doing."

"Kinda, I did the same thing Jake did to Nessie, but different."

I waited for him to go on, I could possibly see anyway for this to be connected to me, 或者 us. I also didn't see where...
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Emmett's Comedy

Chapter One

It was the very first 日 of school in the small town of Forks, Washington. A pretty boring town if 你 ask me. Low crime rate, high optimism rate. Like I said- pretty darn boring!! Rose took the usual twenty hours to choose what outfit she wanted to wear. I was so close to just chucking her out the window, burning all of her clothes and making her go in a make-shift toga make out of a 床, 床上 sheet. But I am too nice to do that. (Though, doing that would add a lot of fun to this boring town!! Forks would have their first albino Greek Goddess!)

So it was upstairs with Rose...
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Chapter 13-

8 Months Later
I heard footsteps in the hall outside the room I had been occupying for the past several months. I looked up from the book I was 阅读 to pass the time. Suddenly the footsteps ceased right outside the door, 秒 later the door began to creek Open. A very familiar face appeared in the opening, “Tom!!” I smiled, forcing myself to sit up.

“Hello Es!” he smiled back and walked to sit at the end of the bed. “Don’t strain yourself,” he added.

“I’m not,” I laughed. It was true, that...
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posted by EdwardCullen604
sorry it took so long.This Chapter is dedicated to Vanillamoon08!

i was still in shock. 秒 before i'd expected Leah to land on me a sand coloured 狼 had lept on her. Seth i'd thought immediately. i couldn't stand 由 and watch them rip each others heads off, but what if i got involved and they both turned on me. Why would that matter? whats 更多 important Seth 或者 me? Seth ofcourse. I have to stop them i thought and so i lept at Leah i pinned her to the ground but did not attack her Seth would be upset later if i hurt his sister. Leah growled and wriggled trying to break free of my hold...
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posted by leisha4
okay this storys set between eclipse and breaking dawn. i'd 爱情 it if 更多 people to read this so i decided to try to post it on here. please read and if 你 like it then 加入 my spot the link will be in the 评论 and maybe 你 could also read my other story on my spot too? thank you.

Doubled part 1
***Bella’s pov***

I don’t know why I agreed to marry Edward, I was terrified of my parent’s reactions but I know I won’t regret it.

I used to think maybe if I had chosen Jacob, my best friend the person that I’d hurt again and again for my own selfish reasons, and the person that was...
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posted by Gabstaaa
 As Close To Tristan As I Can Get.
As Close To Tristan As I Can Get.
Ok. I know I’m a vampire. I am almost invincible. Hard skin. Quick reflexes. Super speed. Magnified Hearing. Hot and cold. Light and Dark. High and Low. No problem, Simple. But water. Drowning, choking. Water filling your lungs. No, not water. I’ve never liked it since I was dropped in a pool against my own will 由 my own father. My own father almost killed me. I’d never learnt to swim, even to this day. The way it dragged me down when I ran out of energy to stay afloat. Stung my eyes. Filled my mouth. Pushed its way down my throat. Deeper and deeper into the darkness. 更多 water down...
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Well at least I wasn’t the one pushing the boundaries this time. If Edward wanted 更多 of me then I would give it to him. I wasn’t complaining. He then started moving his hand further up, going over my chest and then slid back down and he left his hand under my bra line. I opened my eyes in pure shock to find his open too. He smiled.

“Did 你 decide to rethink your boundaries?” I asked breathless again.

“ Did I do something 你 didn’t want me to do?” He asked alarmed.

“ No, it was nice actually” I 说 blushing a deep ruby.

He stroked my crimson cheek as he answered.

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posted by teamalice_0
SO sorry I haven't been writting latley. I've been so busy! Good news is I got lots of ideas.
I was still in shock, but after Akice insisted on carrying me I snapped out of it. I didn't want her to carry me like a child.

I was sure of one thing. I needed to talk to Jasper. As much as I didn't want to, I had to. I ran alittle faster, Alice and Seth trailing behind.

I saw the house and jumped, not bothering to use the steps, I jumped right on the porch a foot away from the door. I opened it and saw everyone in the living room, except...
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posted by stepphy-rox
I lived alone in this neverending universe.
It wasn't fair being the only one of your kind. It wasn't fair to have no one to talk to 或者 relate to. I'm scared, even though I'm stronger than any other human 或者 animal, I had no choice of this life but sometimes i didn't mind it. I had forever to find a family 或者 friends, but i wasn't going to wait that long. I didn't have to wait really but I didn't wont those people to end up like me 或者 even worse I didn't want to kill them in the process. But if I wanted a better life than sitting around and wasting it I had to try, succeed 或者 not I would still keep trying.

I hope 你 like the start of my new story Midnight crest. Plz 评论 and rate.
Thanks for reading. Stepphy XD

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here

So if you're asking me
I want 你 to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
[End Chorus]

Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shared what I made

I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never...
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posted by anna0789
bella's pov

i slept really well the melody was amazing i hope that the pianist play every night ,i hope that i get to meet him

i change into some jeans and a blue polo tshirt
today again rose insisted to do my make up while she told me about emmet i was really surprize usually boys were the one that fall for rose not the other way around
"i can't believe it 你 hadn't spoke about yourself in 15 分钟 only about emmet 你 must really like him" i 说 teasingly
she slap my arm
"yeah i do he is just"
someone knock at the door and it was alice! i hug her
"hi alice"
"hi bella 你 are so lucky to...
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posted by anna0789
seth's pov

i was so happy im good at being a werewolf and that i can control my temper so i could finally see emma again
we were so close that being away of her was painful and nowing what happen last time i saw her..... i wanted to hug her and tell her everything is ok

i run in my human form to the 海滩 jacob and sam were also going to come to help me if they saw any problem but they are going to stay in the forest hidden i wanted to be alone with emma

i arrived at the 海滩 and saw her sitting on our 最喜爱的 spot she was wearing my lucky hoodie

i was suddenly very nervous emily's broken face...
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