暮光之城系列 Club
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posted by EnchantdEquinox
Chapter 3: Black and white rainbow.
夏洛特 and Peter didn’t seem to understand how tense the room was. Peter leaned in, his eyes wide and with shock.
“This is Nessie Jasper?” Jasper moved 前锋, 期待 and nodded, the light throwing his scars into a bright pattern of crescent moons.
“But she’s human,” 夏洛特 whispered. Her voice was sharp and small, and Renesmee noticed how she leaned towards her, her eyes bright with hunger. Edward stepped into her path.
“Why don’t we take a 座位 and talk. Alice why don’t 你 take Nessie upstairs. She probably has homework,” Renesmee noticed how Rosalie and Emmett glided in front of 夏洛特 and Peter as they sat down. Her mother hovered 由 the door for a minute, her eyes on Renesmee, and then joined her father on the floor in front of the stairs. Alice’s arm linked through Renesmee’s and they dashed up the stairs at a fast pace. She pulled Renesmee over to her window
“Where are we going Alice?” Renesmee asked, Alice’s eyes were calm, unlike everyone downstairs.
“Not us, you. You’re going to Jacob’s house, even if he’s not there. We already called Billy to let him know which 吸血鬼 were here so he could tell Jake. And he’s fine with 你 coming. Your mum and dad don’t want 你 near 夏洛特 and Peter because they don’t have the best control,” Renesmee sighed and then her thoughts jerked back to something else.
“Where are Carlisle and Esme?” Alice pulled Renesmee’s hair back into a ponytail for her and Renesmee glanced in the mirror, for the first time in a few days. Alice wouldn’t let her leave the house no matter where she was going unless she looked perfect. Even with the new rule, of Renesmee being able to choose what she wears. She sighed. Her skin was pale and had a subtle glow in the sunshine, not enough to keep her inside on a sunny day. Her eyes were 牛奶 浓情巧克力 and Her hair was curly bronze, falling in soft ringlets well past Her shoulders.
“Nessie! Come on before Edward tears my head off!” She whispered. She opened the window and shoved her out before Renesmee was ready. She gasped and fell down the two stories, landing on the balls of her feet. Alice smiled down at her from her window and Renesmee rolled her eyes.
“Ness!” she hissed from upstairs. Renesmee glanced back up at her.
“Make sure 你 hunt before 你 go to Billy’s” She disappeared from the window and Renesmee set out at a hard sprint towards the forest, her hearing fanning out for something to eat.

*Deep in the forest*
Everything was quiet except for the silent patter of the rain. Renesmee controlled her breathing, trying to make it quieter. She let her hearing take over with her smell. About three hundred yards away She could hear a couple of elks. She took off at the fastest sprint She could manage. She spotted a buck and 鸽子 gracefully through the air, taking it down with one quick movement. Hunting was so much easier when Jacob was with her, in the form of his furry russet brown wolf. She ate quietly as the other deer sprinted away, her thoughts on Jacob again. She really hoped he was 首页 when She got there, but She knew he would be on patrol. She sighed and stood, surprised to see she had managed to not be covered in blood. As She ran along the dark under 衬套, 布什 of the woods, twisting and weaving through, the rain managed to pick up again. She stopped in front of Billy’s small house, surprised to see that no one was there. Maybe he was over at Charlie’s. She opened the door and stepped inside. It was empty. She sighed and sat down on the familiar small couch, grabbing a blanket that She was sure Billy had laid out. She turned his TV on and let her thoughts fade, her eyes focused on the pouring rain outside. When She realized how tired she was she stood and took herself to Jacob’s tiny room. She opened the door and laughed at the mess. His clothes were slung everywhere, and his 床, 床上 was a mess. She grabbed a pair of his overly large shorts and a t-shirt, slipping them on, so She would not soak his bed. She climbed in and closed her eyes, sighing happily to herself. Jacob’s scent engulfed her and she fell asleep to his familiar smell. It was almost like my best friend was here with me.

*When she wakes up*
Warm hands were wrapped around her, a steady heartbeat under her ear. She blinked her eyes and her vision sharpened immediately. She stretched and looked up. Jacob was sitting under her, and they were on the couch. Had he brought me down here?
“How come you’re here Nessie?” he asked, his voice making her smile. He smiled back, waiting for an answer. But his eyes were impatient, worried even.
“Alice sent me. Well technically my parents, because 夏洛特 and Peter are in town, and there not ’vegetarians’. They’re worried they might hurt me, but I know they won’t. Alice called Billy and he 说 it was fine if I came down here,” Jacob’s eyebrows scrunched together and she giggled at the expression on his face.
“Ness 你 have to be 更多 careful when you’re out in the woods,” his eyes were dark and penetrating.
“Why?” she swallowed. He shifted his weight and sat her up, eyeing his clothes on her.
“Today when we were running patrols Collin sounded an alarm because he saw someone. He was about to attack and then I saw exactly who it was,” his fingers tipped her chin up.
“Ness, Collin almost took 你 down. But I got there in time and knocked him aside. 你 have to pay attention sweetie,” His deep eyes were worried.
“I was thinking,” she murmured, a blush running up her face and into her cheeks. His eyes narrowed and he held her tighter. She leaned her head back against his chest and looked at the TV. His breathing evened out and she turned suddenly.
“Why are 你 guys out patrolling if it’s only 夏洛特 and Peter?”
“They’re bloodsuckers Ness. We don’t know these leeches so we’re not going to leave our lands unprotected no matter how friendly they are with your leeches,” she pressed her hand against his cheek, letting the anger that she felt at his 评论 roll into him. Jacob flinched.
“Sorry Ness. They’re bloodsuckers no matter what,” she ripped herself out of his arms and backed away towards the door.
“I guess that’s what 你 think about me too Jacob!” she yelled. Pain lashed across his face and he stepped towards her.
“Just leave me alone Jake,” her hands pushed the door open and she darted into the pouring rain. she didn’t hear him follow her. She took off towards First Beach. The water crashed wildly against the rocks as the wind pushed at it. She glanced up at one of the many cliffs, one where her mother had once jumped from. She 说 that she was bored, but she had almost drown. Jacob had saved her. Renesmee walked through the heavy rain until she found what she was looking for. Her mother and Jacob’s driftwood bench, bleached pale white. She sat down on the ground in front of it, hugging her knees to her chest. She suppose Jacob would always be her mothers, never hers. He was only her best friend. She sighed. Her body and mind were maturing to fast, and she was growing so fast that sometimes things were confusing.
She laughed quietly to herself. It was amazing how many clothes she had gone through, though she knew Alice enjoyed all the shopping. Renesmee wasn’t that excited about shopping but she didn’t mind it. Which reminded her, September 10th was coming up in about a month. Her seventh birthday, technically seventeen. She would finally stop aging completely. She sighed and held her knees tighter.
She heard quiet feet hit the rocks behind her, approaching her. She closed her eyes. Jacob stopped behind her and She turned to look at him. He held his hand out to her but She shook her head. She heard him sigh as he came to sit beside her, stretching his long legs out. His arm wrapped around her shoulder and she realized how cold she was. Jacob spoke after a moment, clearing his throat.
“Nessie. 你 know I don’t think of 你 that way. You’re my Nessie, my favourite person in the world,” She made a scoffing sound in the back of her throat. What about the girl he had imprinted on? His eyes read hers and she ducked her head down.
“Ness 你 are. 你 know that I would do anything for you,” Jacob was impossible to stay mad at. She sighed and pressed her hand against his muscled forearm, not wanting to touch his cheek, and let him know what she was thinking.
“Okay Ness. Come on,” He held his hand out to her as he stood in a fast movement. She narrowed her eyes at him and took his hot hand. His hand was so big that it swallowed her tiny hand. She looked at the differences in their skin. Beautiful russet and glowing white. She sighed and he looked down at her. His hand pulled out of hers and hurt rolled through her, but he quickly wrapped his arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to his side.
When they got back to Jacob’s house she was so wet it wasn’t even funny. Her clothes were dried now and she changed in his tiny bedroom. When she walked back out to the living room, Jacob was asleep on the floor, a 枕头 under his head, shirtless of course. Jacob never wore a shirt. She sighed and leaned her back against the couch, sitting 下一个 to him. She turned the TV back on and settled for the cooking channel. Jacob and Renesmee were the only ones who could eat human 食物 and Esme was usually the one that cooked for them both. She made to large a portions but usually Seth and Jacob would come together and finish everything off. She realized that she was still hungry, but she wasn’t going outside again just to get soaked. Renesmee stood gracefully and slipped into the kitchen. she opened Jacob’s fridge and rolled her eyes. She ended up making sandwiches, one for herself, and left about ten for Jacob knowing he would eat them all. She curled her knees back up to her chest as she sat down at his table. There were finger marks in the 表 and she wondered what had made Jacob mad enough that he wanted to break the table. Looking out the window, she waited for Jacob to wake up. It was about an 小时 for him to come to. She heard him gasp in the other room and roll to his feet.
“I’m in here Jake,” she murmured. He heard her and flopped into the kitchen. He stretched and Renesmee slid the plate full of sandwiches towards him. He sat down and sighed.
“Thanks Nessie,” he flashed her a smile, eating slowly.
“Sure, sure,” she said. He smiled at the stolen line. When he was finished he looked at her, his eyes searching her face. She leaned across the 表 and put her hand against his cheek, replaying him looking at her, a 问题 in her mind.
“Nothing Ness. Your beautiful just like your mum. 更多 beautiful really,” she dropped her eyes to the table, a blush creeping up her cheeks. When she looked up Jacob’s eyes weren’t on her face but her wrist.
“You still wear it?” His voice was shocked. He lifted her wrist up, the heat sinking into her skin. She shivered.
“Yeah Jake. I haven’t taken it off since 你 gave it to me,” She looked down at the Quileute form of a promise ring. It was an intricately braided bracelet.
“You’re so different from your mum Ness,” he whispered, his voice heavy.
“Is that a good 或者 bad thing?” Her voice was taut. He smiled and she relaxed.
“She hates gifts Ness. She’s not as free as 你 are. Maybe that’s why I 爱情 你 Ness,” his words froze her. He still had hold of her wrist. But Jacob only loved me as my best friend. He stood and she stood with him. His head snapped towards his front door when a loud howl shook his house. He disappeared out the door and she followed him after a moment, staying under his roof so she wouldn’t get wet again. Seth was standing in front of Jacob, in his human form, only a pair of shorts on.
“Hey Ness,” he said, tipping his chin towards her. She smiled at him.
“Edward and Bella want Nessie to come 首页 now Jake. The vamps left so she’s all good,” he bounced onto his other foot. Seth was bouncy and excited all the time. He didn’t have a problem with any of the Cullens. He was actually good 老友记 with Renesmee’s dad. Something she would never understand. His sister Leah on the other hand could barely tolerate the Cullens.
“All right. I’ll take her home,” Jacob said. There was a hint of sadness in his voice. Why? Because he had to be alone with me for a few 更多 minutes?
“Go get some sleep Seth.” Seth nodded and took off through the rain, his hands trembling. Jacob stood there for a 分钟 and then he turned to her, some deep emotion hidden in his eyes.
“Come out to the 车库 Ness and I can drive 你 home,” she took his hand and he lead her across the uneven ground back to his garage. Two cars sat inside, both his. One was his old Rabbit, something he had built on his own. The other was a gift, something from her parents. Jacob had done so much for her parents and her dad knew that Jacob loved cars. He had 给 him this car a 年 以前 to Jacob’s astonishment. The Aston Martin Vanquish was a pretty black and sleek car. Jacob grabbed the keys off of one of the hooks and walked towards the Vanquish. Renesmee smiled and climbed into the passenger seat. It no longer smelled like her parents, but now it smelled like Jacob’s earthy wonderful scent. He started the car and it purred to life under them. He smiled at her and flew out of the 车库 and onto the road. He slowed down on the main roads, his hand inches from hers. She kept her eyes on the road, watching the trees fly past in clear detail. The rain seemed to pour harder as he pulled into her driveway, speeding up the winding path. The large white house was completely lit and even from the car she could hear all of their quiet breathing and conversations going on. She climbed out of the car and Jacob took Her hand, leading her up to the front door. He stopped outside.
“See 你 later Nessie,” his voice was sweet. She smiled at him and threw her arms around him. He hugged her back and kissed her forehead.
“Tomorrow?” She pleaded. He chuckled his throaty laugh and smiled, disappearing into the rain and down the driveway.
posted by a-jforever
This is my new fanfiction. Its a little different to the others i had 以前 at writing. But I hope thats a good thing.

Hell had just broken loose. “You can’t see Jacob for a while, 你 understand Renesmee?” What on earth was dad talking about why couldn’t I see Jacob.

“WHY?” I screeched


This just wasn’t fair. Jacob had nothing to do with school. My school grades were my responsibilities and if I wasn’t doing as well as I could, then that was up to me to sort out, not Dad. And banning me from seeing Jacob...
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posted by LexisFaith
The 下一个 morning I woke up and gripped the sheets beside of me. Hoping for Jacob all my hand swept across was a small peice of paper. I forced my eyes open and unfolded the paper.

Happy Birthday! I thought we would do something just me and 你 for your birthday before your party tonight. Put on your swim suit and meet me at First Beach. Don't forget your sunscreen; it's kind of hot out today.
I 爱情 you,

I quickly got up and brushed my teeth. I put on my 粉, 粉色 ruffled bikini, the one Alice had insisted I get for those "you and jake" days.
I laughed to my self at how right she was...
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posted by KATYrebekah
Carlisle's P.O.V

"Edward cant keep doing this!" I 说 to Esme. As tough as he was, it was killing me (obviously not literally) to see him hurting. If he didn't get over her now then he would never be able to. Ever since last summer, when Bella ran off with Renesmee and Jacob, Edward had been hurting. He never 说 this aloud of course, but any time he sees a young girl (mostly when they're with child) he flinches - and pain crosses his eyes. Esme 说 this was normal after a break-up, but Bella was the 爱情 of his life, and of course 吸血鬼 never forget.

"What are we going to do?" I asked...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
I 爱情 Twilight so Don't have a go at me please. I know it's a little out there but it will make sense when the story is finished.


“I hate you! 你 have ruined everything!” She stared at him with tears in her eyes. Then she stormed off crying.

* * *


“So young one, tell me, the so called werewolf, what did he do that was so bad?” Aro questioned interestedly.
“His name is Jacob and he-nothing much, well nothing at all really. I just over reacted. I’m a drama queen.” I confessed. Aro just tutted at me and shook his head. “Well Renesmee, 你 are a little devil aren’t...
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posted by rubytuesday101
this is my first story so please be nice.

My name is isabella 天鹅 but people call me bella.
today i am moving to Forks Washington to go live with my dad charlie.I am moving because my mum René and her husband Phil are going on the road.My dad charlie is the chief of police so everybody will know who i am.The plane has just landed in seatle and the captain says that it is a nice 日 but still raining.I am going to miss arizona but i cant thing like that because i will go crazy Forks cant e that bad at least it is safer right?.I step of the plane and there charlie is waitin in his police car.I...
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posted by a-jforever
Ok I know I chose a really weird character but o well. Please 评论 and please dont be to harsh this is my firts time at 写作 something like this.

On May 28th 1854 I opened my eyes to see my mother’s green eyes. My mahogany hair identical to hers. I had my dad’s blue eyes. I was the perfect baby girl they had always wanted.
6 Years later
My mum Jessica came 首页 with tears streaming down her face. I knew almost immediately what had happened. Last week my dad had been rushed into hospital. Into intensive care from a serious accident. He was only 33 my mum 32, so he had good survival...
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"NATHAN!" I yelled. I went into my son's room to wake him up. He was the only to sleep during the night. It was really quiet when Eliza was with Lucas and Serena was with Johnson.

The story this time was this : Johnson was my brother. Serena and Nathan were siblings. Lucas was going to be my dad. Eliza was his girlfriend and Serena and Nathan's mother. Lucas was Eliza's 'shoulder-to-lean-on' when her husband died.

"Hey mom..." 说 Nathan waking up and rubbing his eyes. He went and changed his clothes. They walked downstairs where Serena and Johnson were waiting. We all went hunting last week....
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I was shaken up. This is the first time I have been back in Forks since the incident, 93 years. The incident that changed my life.

"Bella are 你 sure 你 want to leave?" asked Charlie. He was looking like he would burst into tears. It has been a 年 since Edward left me. I already graduated. I am 19. I think it was time to leave. I convinced Charlie not to send me 首页 before. I hung out with Angela all this time.

"Yes. I 爱情 你 Charlie but I must go." I kissed him once again and got on to my plane, on my way to Renee's. She set up my college, and I was going to a pretty good one.

I sat down...
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posted by wanderingk
 How I imagined Elina.
How I imagined Elina.
Renesmee, my cousin, was the jewel of the family. She was the only birth child, and the most beautiful at that. With her glorious auburn hair and chocolate-brown eyes, she was gorgeous. A baby face still, but still gorgeous. She had an amazing gift, and already had a lover, Jacob, who was amazing to her.

Me, on the other hand, was adopted 由 Rosalie and Emmett, and I never knew my parents. My mother was a human, but my father was a vampire. When I was born, my mother had died, and my father left me to die in the woods, where Carlisle found me. He then took me home, and Rosalie fell in love...
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posted by 2468244
book #2 in the Twilight Saga: New Moon

*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - preface

I felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares, the one where 你 have to run, run till your lungs burst, but 你 can't make your body 移动 fast enough. My legs seemed to 移动 slower and slower as I fought my way through the callous crowd, but the hands on the huge clock tower didn't slow. With relentless, uncaring force, they turned inexorably toward the end - the end of everything.
But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn't running for my life; I was racing to save something infinitely...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


We were at the school now; Rosalie's 可兑换, 可转换, 敞篷车 was conspicuous in the parking lot. The clouds were thin today, a few streaks of sunlight escaping through far away in the west.
He got out and walked around the car to open my door. He held out his hand.
I sat stubbornly in my seat, arms folded, feeling a secret twinge of smugness. The lot was crowded with people in formal dressed: witnesses. He couldn't remove me forcibly from the car as he might have if we'd been alone.
He sighed. "When someone wants to kill you, you're 《勇敢传说》 as a lion...
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嘿 Guys it's me again! Here is chapter 4. of Bella Becomes a Vampire! Enjoy!

Chapter 4. Half-Breed

"Yea it's me, I'm guessing Jacob already told 你 why I'm like this." Charlie 说 walking towards Billy.
"Yea, I told him everything." Jacob 说 looking at Billy.
"You look like you're doing alright." Billy said, and then he saw me, 由 his expression, I'm guessing Jacob didn't tell him about me.
"Bella?" Billy 说 in shock.
"Yea umm I kinda didn't tell him about 你 Bella." Jacob said, his cheeks were getting red.
"Yes, it's me Billy, I'm a vampire too." I 说 trying to keep him calm.
"But why are...
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Hi! I read New Moon and when Bella puts her mortality to a vote. I really didn't like that she was going to wait till after graduaton to become a vampire. So I picked up after everyone says yes, and she goes ahead and gets turned into a vampire. I have writen 3 chapters so far, i'm starting chapter 4. After people read this, and I'm hoping 你 all will want the rest. 评论 below and tell me what 你 think! Here it is!

1. A New Life

Carlisle nodded toward me. "The floor is yours." I swallowed. Their gazing eyes made me nervous. Edward took my hand under the table. I peeked at him, but he was...
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Stewart had some apprehensions about shooting that scene. She didn't want the scenario of two teens, one being a vampire who happens to be many years older than his facade of 17, deciding to marry one another to look silly 或者 unbelievable.

"Well, to decide you're gonna marry someone at 18 is a pretty hefty decision," she told 音乐电视 News from the red carpet of the premiere of her new movie, "The Yellow Handkerchief." "And I didn't want to look stupid. I didn't want it to look like kids getting married. 你 know what I mean?"

Stewart 说 she had to find an emotional 太空 that allowed her to make a teenage engagement seem plausible. "I wanted to be, like, 'Oh! Wow! I would say yes too!' 你 know what I mean? So I don't know how 你 do that. 你 try to do it for real, and it felt good. I hope it turned out alright."
 Jacob in eclipse
Jacob in eclipse
10. “Sure, sure, I’ll stop 由 your crypt after school.” (Page 78)

9. “I’m so full I’m about to puke, but I think I can force it down. I won’t enjoy it at all though.” (Page 239)

8. “I’m useless these days, no wonder Billy’s always gone. I’m so boring.” (Page 326)

7. “I run at a toasty one-oh-eight point nine these days. I’ll have 你 sweating in no time.” (Page 490)

6. “Of course, you’d warm up faster if 你 took your clothes off.” (Page 491)

5. “Does my being half-naked bother you?” (Page 216)

4. “Go fetch a 太空 heater. I’m not a St. Bernard!” (Page 289)

3. “It’s enough of a pain to carry the shorts around with me, let alone a complete outfit. What do I look like, a pack mule?” (Page 216)

2. “Did 你 seriously just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that on TV.” (Page 119)

1. “Next time 你 want to hit me, use a baseball bat 或者 a crowbar, okay?” (Page 335)
new moon movie
If you're a diehard Twilighter, 你 might wonder just how different New Moon the film is from the book. Below, we name 20 ways the movie deviates from Meyer's tome – and works all the better for it.
Way 更多 shirtless boys!
We all hoped to get a glimpse of Edward's alabaster chest in Volterra, but who knew we'd get to see so much hot werewolf skin? Thankfully, the 狼 Pack run such high temperatures and explode away their clothes so frequently that cut-off jeans and no 衬衫 are their shared ensemble of choice.
We get 更多 fights, including an awesome Volturi throw down.
New Moon the book is...
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 This isnt the picture I wanted, But it was the closest I could find. :( *Disclaimer(
This isnt the picture I wanted, But it was the closest I could find. :( *Disclaimer(
I was moving to Forks, Washington. My mom and her new husand Phil liked to travel. My mom would stay 首页 with me but I knew it made her happy, so, I figured I could spend some time with my dad. It was the middle if the semester, great. Moving away from all of my 老友记 in Phenoix-where I was living now. I was always more-I guess 你 could say-mature than my mother in ways. I always cooked and everything. But, I think Phil and her will be fine.
Moving will be a good thing... right?

---In car with Charlie coming 首页 from airport---

Charlie's my dad, hes the cheif of police in the small town...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 19 - GOODBYES

I was staring back at Alice's headlights when the truck shuddered and a dark shadow sprung up outside the window.
16 My bloodcurdling scream lasted a fraction of a 秒 before Edward's hand clamped down on my mouth.
"It's Emmett!"
He released my mouth, and wound his arm around my waist.
"It's okay, Bella," he promised. "You're going to be safe."
We raced through the quiet town toward the north highway.
"I didn't realize 你 were still so bored with small-town life," he 说 conversationally, and I knew he was trying to distract me. "It...
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posted by Isabellaashley
So you've read The Twilight Saga books, you've seen Twilight and New Moon... probably multiple times, you've watched interview after interview with everyone involved, but did 你 ever wonder where the whole thing started? Stephenie Meyer, bless her heart, seems to be very happy to share just about everything with her fans, regardless of the certainly hectic schedule she has faced ever since the phenomenon started. She is a Brigham Young 大学 graduate where she earned a Bachelor's degree in English. Stephenie dabbled a little into writing, but admits that she never got very far with any...
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posted by melikhan
Meyer originally planned to write a companion book to Twilight called Midnight Sun, which would be the story of Twilight told from Edward Cullen's point-of-view. She stated that Twilight was the only book that she planned to rewrite from Edward's perspective.However, a rough draft of Midnight Sun's first twelve chapters was 发布 illegally on the internet. Stephenie Meyer has since put these twelve chapters on her website so that her 粉丝 can read it legally,but has put the project on hold indefinitely due to her feelings about the situation. She stated,
If I tried to write Midnight Sun now,...
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