
暮光之城系列 问题

I was wondering if parents are going to react the same way as they did with 'Breaking Dawn" part 1?

There are alot of sex scenes in the book and it isnot for children. Unlike the other Twilight movies, this one will be 更多 for adults and older children. It might not be that bad, But I do remeber parents reacting to it last year,enough not to let their children watch it.
MPAA Rating PG-13 (for sequences of violence including disturbing images, some sensuality and partial nudity) . Read the rating. This is pretty much self-explanatory unless its too inappropriate for you.
Renesmee_08 posted 一年多以前
 dragon3 posted 一年多以前
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暮光之城系列 答案

cparty721 said:
umm prob bcze they gonna have the sex scenes in their house but it not that bad and kids have to learn eventually. if u read the 图书 it no big deal.
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posted 一年多以前 
I agree but some of the kids are way too young to learn and there is a reason why it is pg13. I have read the 图书 and some parents will always say it is too graphic.
dragon3 posted 一年多以前
Lovehinagurl44 said:
Who cares if they complain? It was made PG-13 for a reason. I wouldn't care if those 电影院 were R-rated but the 电影院 are toned down because of some of the younger viewers. It's fine if the parents don't want them to go it's not my problem.
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posted 一年多以前 
I do agree it is not fair that parents willnot let their children see the movie,which is innocent.
dragon3 posted 一年多以前
cassie-1-2-3 said:
What are 你 even talking about? There are no sex scenes at all.

Bella steps into the ocean, then wakes up. I don't know many people who would consider that to be a graphic sex scene.

" He’d already swept me up into his arms, and his lips silenced mine as he carried me with inhuman speed to the blue room."
And that's the 秒 "sex scene".

If there are really parents to object to those graphic sex scenes, well they have much bigger problems.

As for the movies, the sex isn't nearly as important, so I don't see why they would feel the need to. If they got through the first movie fine, they'll get through this one too.
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posted 一年多以前 
There is sex in the books, and there will be sex in the movie.No offense sweetie but there is a section of the book that I can explain where they have problems having sex. I have read the book too.
dragon3 posted 一年多以前
I've read the 图书 too. I still saw no sex scene. It's pretty obvious they had sex, but that's vastly different from a "sex scene".
cassie-1-2-3 posted 一年多以前
Walking into the ocean and walking into a bedroom is not a sex scene, sorry to disappoint.
cassie-1-2-3 posted 一年多以前
Renesmee_08 said:
Really? This is just pathetic and ridiculous. As Cassie has already explained, there aren't any sex scenes in the 电影院 或者 books. Even if they were they're not too graphic, in fact they're not even graphic at all. If parents really cared about their kids, they wouldn't take them to see the movies, which they know has content they wouldn't want to see. Blame the parents, not the series. And, seriously, I can think of other things that these so-called "innocent" children do in today's world that are far 更多 inappropriate than a PG-13 movie. If the scenes are too "graphic" don't read the books, 或者 watch the movies, and come to us complaining. Read the ratings before 你 do, at least. If 你 know you're too young for this stuff, then avoid it. Seriously, get a grip. People these days.
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posted 一年多以前 
Like I have explained to Cassie parents will complain
dragon3 posted 一年多以前
Why would they even watch a PG-13 movie, if they know it has content they wouldn't want to see?
Renesmee_08 posted 一年多以前
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