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posted by alicia386
This is apart of the Society Chronicles featuring Somnium. I am giving 你 a sneak 预览 of Legacy which I hope I will be able to enter in NaNoWriMo

Chapter One

The hard, steady foot beats of the men behind me became louder and louder. They were gaining speed before my eyes. I couldn't seem to shake these guys. They must had Censored me before arrival. There is no way they could have known about my hideout. The cameras around that area were old and broken until yesterday. I saw them myself hook the latest model of cameras near the alley. I had stayed hidden but I realized that my days of wandering the streets of Legacy were over. No longer would I be able to get a hint of the gourmet 食物 they serve at the cafes. I would have to stay forever in the shadows. After several hours of sheer boredom, I decided to test my luck. I made sure to dodge the moving camera 由 climbing up one of the buildings. My dad always called me a 蜘蛛 monkey. I had made the unfortunate mistake of walking right in front of the cameras after coming back from my short trip. In minutes, they were already making their way towards me.
I had only 秒 before the Legion Forces came after me. I used many of my adapted tricks. I tried Switcher where I would turn 街, 街道 corners and go through thick forests to get away from whoever was after me. Ladder didn't work either. Ladder is where I climb tall buildings to get away. Nothing worked. They were persistent and very built.
Legion Forces a group of men that are the best of what Legacy has to offer. They train, they fight, and they kill. They are the toughest group of men 你 will ever meet. They have been known to contain special powers that no one else could possibly know of. Some have even 说 that President Griffin has simply built robotic machines that help train the Legion Forces. It wouldn't be the first time President Griffin as applied robotic engineering to a situation.
My 心 was beating a mile a minute. My palms were sweaty and I wanted desperately to end the madness and simply stop running away. I couldn't though. What they would do to me is unimaginable. I could be sent to the 首页 或者 worse. They could kill me on the spot if I stopped running. There is no way I will die 由 the hands of the Legion Forces. I have worked too hard to keep myself alive and breathing to only have my life end 由 them. My parents have worked too hard for this to all end now.
A surge of overwhelming power filled my veins. Fighting the Legion Forces was never the right choice but maybe, somehow, if I would get them to turn on themselves then I would be 首页 free and not on my way to the Home. I paused right in the middle of the silver street. The stars and moon radiated only enough light for me to see their hollow eyes and wicked grins tear into my flesh. Was it true that these men were cannibals? I always thought it was a lie but seeing them up close gave me 秒 thoughts.
"Aww good girl," cooed one man with a husky voice. "We don't mean no harm. 你 have just violated many rules tonight, young girl."
I nodded, "I know."
"Just stay put while we call for backup," 说 Husky Throat as he pulled out an small, circular disk. A holographic picture of a bearded man appeared. I could only see the back of his head.
Two men behind Husky Throat came and gripped my arms as if to stop all flow of blood. One had bald head while the other had a buzz Cut. Buzz Cut spoke first, "Don't worry, miss. We will dispose of 你 situation and get 你 immediately on your way." He might have been trying to reassure me but his tone was too harsh and strict for any signs of caring to be apparent.
Bald Head never took his shiny green eyes off of Husky Throat. In fact, Bald Head seemed to never 移动 as if he was made of marble. I tried getting a closer look at him but it was obvious that I wouldn't be able to 移动 with this strong grip still on me. If my plan was going to work, I would have to 移动 fast.
"Mister," I 说 as innocently as possible. Of course, I would not be able to get 由 with just innocence alone. Legion Forces were way too qualified and lacked way too much of empathy. "Would it be too much to of a bother to ask if I could possibly not go to the Home?"
"If back up agrees," 说 Buzz Cut with an empty laugh. "You definitely will not be going to the Home." I didn't like the sound if that.
"I'm sorry. I thought 你 were the leader. I better ask the backup instead since they seem to be making the decisions. Sorry for bothering you." If he was as thick headed as I believe then he would easily be consumed with offense.
A deep frown etched onto his 瓷, 瓷器 white face. "Backup doesn't make all of the decisions. I can make some of my own."
"I wouldn't want to trouble 你 sir." The grow grew deeper. "If 你 are not the leader then forgive me for my misjudgment. The leader would know what to do in this situation."
Just after I thought that the frown on his face couldn't get any deeper, Husky Throat finished his conversation with the holographic man. "It turns out that we have an orphan here. Backup is stuck on some other problem downtown. They may send someone later but they doubt it."
"Why do we need them? We can make this decision on our own," 说 Buzz Cut. "We are the Legion Forces. We have the strength, mind capacity, and skill to handle this ourselves."
"You're right, Elliot," 说 Husky Throat. "We could do this ourselves but we aren't."
"Well, we can't release her," dismissed Elliot/Buzz Cut.
"We're taking her into custody."

Being in the custody of Legion Forces is like being in a military training unit. Although, many can not relate to a feeling like this, I can. Legion Forces Headquarters 或者 LFH was a high tech area with only the best of the technology. Stage 1 或者 main floor was about as giant as any stadium. Instead of bleachers and cheering fans, there were computer monitors, men and women rapidly moving throughout the room, assistants trying desperately to help their employers, and the usual criminals, like myself, strolling alongside Legion Officials. It was a pretty busy Stage 1.
They quickly took me into the elevator. It was a glass elevator so I had the benefit of looking out as we past the hundreds of stages. They had pressed the Stage 400 button. The thousands of buttons lined up again the side of the door. Each of the buttons had a label that 说 where they led to. Stage 400 led to Unidentified Criminal Department. What did I do that made me an automatic criminal?
Stage 400 was basically a large, open area filled with cubicle after cubicle. People were either talking on their telephones 或者 typing away on the high quality computers. Bald Head, Husky Throat, and Buzz Cut attempt to make a 圈, 圈子 around me but it ended up as a triangle. Bald Head was leading the way with Buzz Cut and Husky Throat on each side of me. I was being escorted to my punishment, most likely.
We arrived to an office. The nameplate on the outside read: Mr. Truman, Head of Legacy's Criminal File. I imagined a middle aged man with bifocals, no hair, and wrinkles on 最佳, 返回页首 of wrinkles. So I guess 你 could say that the man sitting in the swivel chair taking animatedly into his phone was not who I excepted. In that swivel chair was truly a handsome man. I don't use that word lightly. He had a soft skin tone and mesmerizing grey eyes. His cropped brown hair forever got into his face. He made this seem simple yet sophisticated. I could tell he was a womanizer just 由 the way he carried himself. He had the demeanor that 说 he got everything and anything he wanted at whatever cost. It was admirable but also scary to think that one man could appear to have so much power.
"Yes, William," 说 Mr. Truman. "Criminal 4033 escaped two days ago. If I knew where he was, then we wouldn't be having that conversation." He let out an exasperated sigh before hanging the phone up.
"Sorry to bother you," 说 Husky Throat.
"No problem at all, Otis." Mr. Truman rubbed his temples without looking up. "Who is she?"
"This is a criminal we found in an alley. We want to know a complete Censor," replied Bald Head. This was the first time he spoke since I met him. Wait, no. Met isn't and accurate word, I didn't meet him because we didn't introduce ourselves. It is 更多 along the lines of this is the first time he spoke since him and his team attacked me. Yep, attack was a way 更多 accurate word. "She looks familiar like she belongs to the classified files."
Mr. Truman turned facing the file cabinets behind him. There was one cabinet at the bottom that was marked 'classified'. "Her name?"
They all turned to me. "Eliza. Eliza Cross." A sharp intake of breathe came from all of them. Bald Head seemed like the only one who wasn't surprised 由 my name.
"And 你 had the audacity to come here," mumbled Buzz Cut. "Especially after what your parents done."
"What did they do?" They seemed to think I already knew but I didn't. I knew my parents were against the Legacy Government but I know they wouldn't do anything drastic. They simply held secret meetings to talk about how cruel and unfair the government. They wouldn't do anything extreme. Besides, I was with them so I would have noticed if they had decided to do something life threatening.
"I don't even have to look at her file. Give her the Cleanse and then proceed with earlier arrangements," 说 Mr. Truman. He flicked his hand in a shooing motion. We all backed out of his tiny office. An eerie silence followed as we traveled back to the cubicle area.
We walked what seemed like a mile before we reached a corner that had what seemed like a shower. It was too odd to have a 淋浴 in the corner. This must be what he meant 由 cleansing. We're they going to bathe me 或者 something?
"Listen, maggot," spat Husky Throat. "You need to get in there and stay in there. 你 are forbidden to leave that and if 你 dare think about leaving, we'll kick it up a notch." A sneer appeared on each of their faces like they were going to kick it up a notch whether I left 或者 not.
I stepped inside. Nothing unusual. It was just how a regular 淋浴 would look like. I turned to my left where I saw Husky Throat, Buzz Cut, and Bald Head about to pull a lever. I didn't get why they were getting so worked up over nothing. This was going to be like a regular 淋浴 或者 so I thought. Once that lever was down, green rain started coming at me. Unlike normal rain, this rain was thick, slimy, and very hard against the skin. It felt like thousands of bee stings. I started panicking. I wanted to get out to escape but I couldn't. This was exactly similar when Legion Forces were chasing me. At first the only thought in my head was to leave but the longer I was in there the less will power I had to leave. They were sucking the hope of escaping away from me.
When I was finally allowed out, my knees were wobbly and I stumbled to the ground.

I woke up several times but they must have 给 me some kind of sleep induce medication while I was unconscious. The first time awoke, I was in the backseat of car. They were driving pretty reckless for Legion Forces Officers. I took one glance out the window and saw a blur of trees, roads, and other cars. This was unusual. In Legacy, our streets are mostly silver. We don't have any trees. We have tall buildings and extravagant homes. Cars are a usual thing there but trees are not. We have adapted to this futuristic vibe in Legacy. It is something I am accustomed too so I expect nothing different. A few 秒 later, sleep took over.
A Legion Force Officer shook my violently awake. My head was spinning and I was uncertain of where I was. I took mi uses before I saw the trees and old brick building standing before me. The building looked it hasn't be kept clean for centuries. I felt sad glancing at its broken windows, badly patched roofs, and unkempt lawn.
The Legion Force Officer was not Husky Throat, Buzz Cut, 或者 Bald Head. This guy was new. He had a badge with the name AIDEN M. plaster on it. He forced my out the car and if it wasn't for me quickly adjusting to the , he would have dragged me to the entrance of the place. This officer had shaggy blonde hair with 金牌 highlights in it and untrustworthy light blueish greenish eyes. He seemed oddly familiar.
A woman with greying hair and dark brown eyes stood waiting for me, expecting me. She stared me up and down before opening the door. Before I went in, Aiden took one last glance and stalked off. Odd.
The door closed behind me. I was trapped and not metaphorically. I knew where I was and I knew I was trapped. I was at the Home. The 首页 is basically an institution for orphans, criminals, 或者 anyone who has debt. When I say the 首页 is a death sentence, I'm not exaggerating. It truly is. Many people haven't made it out alive. Many usually die within their first 月 of living at the Home. It is beyond depressing. I remember the 日 they sent my father here.
It was three years before my family's deaths. My father had to travel to the Home. He was there for some secret research 或者 at least that is what he told me. He wasn't there because of a job request. He was there to recruit and deceive. It was the opposite of what I thought at the time. Once he came back from the trip, he was shaken up from the experience and it took him several hours to completely describe the trip to us. My little sister, Olivia, had argued that he shouldn't be telling us nothing if it disturbs him this much. She was always strong willed and sympathetic.
Regardless of what Olivia wanted, Dad told us. He describe the horrific devices they use if any of the residents get out of line. He even told us about how they maintain the house. There are roaches, spiders, and all sorts of disgusting bugs. It violated dozens of health codes but the building still stands today. It really made Olivia and me truly grateful for what we had. I was grateful but no matter how mush thanks 你 give, the governments always finds a way to destroy it.
The woman began walking at a rapid pace. She was up the third flight of stairs before I knew it. I tried my best to keep up but 由 the fourth and final flight I was winded. She stood there impatiently tapping her foot and rolling her eyes every time I gave out a fat breathe. "Don't worry, before 你 know it, you'll be walking up the stair like a pro. Now, hurry up before the lights go out." When I was finally 由 her side, she took off again. It wasn't like she was running but it wasn't like I was in the best of shape after the stairs. I did my best trying to keep up, again. She was really fast for a lady who looks like she a abused her body with cigarettes and liquor.
She was at a wooden door. The nameplate was missing and the wood was rotting. She kicked her foot at the door a couple of times before it finally swung up. It was surprising that she hadn't kicked through the wood.
A real thin girl was brushing the delicate strands of hair on her doll. Her back as facing us and her she didn't even twitch when the door was being pounded on. She looked barely over the age of 6 and yet she was stranded here. A single window was right a over her head Andy he moon shone it's dazzling light. She sat on a 床, 床上 with stained sheets. This scene would have been extremely melancholy if it wasn't for the low melody she was humming. It was silent in the room but I could barely make out the lovely notes she was singing. It made me want to scream, sleep, cry, laugh, and sing along.
"Eliza, meet your roommate, Carol. Carol has been a resident here since she was born. I think 你 two will get along." The woman strolled away leaving me with the malnutrition girl and her nearly bald doll.
Carol casually cocked her head to the side. Her hand was still brushing easily over her doll. A scowl presented itself on her face. She did not try to hide it. "Let's make one thing clear," she said. "You are on my territory and do 你 know what I do to people who trespass my territory?" I shook my head. "Of course 你 wouldn't, you're insolent. 你 are weak and pathetic especially since 你 got yourself trapped in this miniature Alcatraz."
I was being scolded 由 a 6 年 old. The statement is way 更多 unrealistic then it sounds. "You got yourself in here too." I 说 defiantly.
"I did nothing but be born. Just stay out of my way and your stay here should be a little bit 更多 tolerable, if 你 know what I mean." She strolled right pass me and down the darken hallway. She left her doll behind. That gave me an idea.
Before I could even 秒 guess myself, I went for the doll. My first impression about the relationship between her and the doll was that she was close to it. It must have some sentimental value to her and if I could somehow manipulate her 由 using then doll, then my stay here would be completely tolerable. She wouldn't be bossing me around anymore.
I examined the blonde hair, blue eyed doll. It wasn't unusual. I have seen plenty of these thrown around in Olivia's room. She doesn't really care for her 玩偶 like Carol does. I began petting its tiny head. It was soothing. I began to hear a voice. It was coming from the doll. She was speaking softly at first but it grew louder and louder until her words were piercing my ears. I threw the doll on the floor. This was some kind of witchcraft. 你 would rarely find witchcraft lingering openly in Legacy. It wasn't banned but it was something that everyone knew not to mess with.
"Why is my doll on the ground?" Carol was panting and speaking through her teeth. I hadn't even heard her come up the hallway. "You obviously didn't understand my threat. How can I make myself 更多 clear? Stay out of my way!" She ran full force towards me. I would have been scared but the shock of a 6 年 old talking with so much authority knocked away my senses.
Once the impact of her body connected with mine, it was like my very breathe was being taken away. She knocked the wind out of me. I think a bit of my blood was on the floor. It was awful. She began scratching and clawing at my face. She finally let me free. I crawled over to my bed. She stood there huffing and puffing with her precious doll in her hands.

Things weren't all bad there. My stay wasn't miserable but it was thrilling either. Carol and I never mumbled a word to each other and I was fine with that. I was still traumatized 由 what happened that night. She never went that ballistic again.
I was fortunate to find some girls that shared some interest with me. We soon became the Rebels, a small elite group that I hoped would soon have enough power to overthrow Griffin.
posted by alicia386
Sorry this isn't the best chapter but I didn't really have time to write it out better. I understand if 你 don't like it either

Please review and comment. Thank 你 and enjoy!

Chapter Eleven

It was the big premiere of his movie Hourglass and all of the 名人 showed up. It was a huge hit and he had to say that it was amazing. Since Cassidy and Milo were arrested, he had to re cast their parts. Actually the girl to take Cassidy's part really liked him. He would totally go for it but he just couldn't was not looking for a relationship. Her name was Amber Washington and she had dark...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Nine

The 下一个 day, Mason and Olivia were recommended to seek some help. Olivia just wanted a clue to her future. Her life couldn't have been any worse. Her parents were dead, Cassidy hated her and Mason was sending her mixed signals about there relationship. When she had called him, he seemed a little edgy. It could just be Olivia's imagination though. Mason needed mental help. On the outside he was solid as a rock but on the inside he was as fragile as porcelain. Mason went to a psychiatrist and Olivia went to a psychic. This would give them the 答案 they mostly desperately craved....
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Eight

Mason was a wreck this morning. He was embarrassed and ashamed. He had acted like an idiot especially when he confessed his 爱情 for Olivia. What was he thinking? Be had embarrassed himself, Olivia, and Cassidy. Couldn't he do anything right? Staying in 床, 床上 was the only way for him to keep his emotions in control. If he was lucky, no one would remember that night let alone what he said. He 说 some pretty awful and truly disturbing things. He wanted to apologize to Olivia that night but when she came downstairs she ran out the door and down the block.

He slumped in his 床, 床上 thinking...
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posted by sawfan13
He woke up all alone in the darkness. He felt something
cold and metallic around his wrist. What the hell? What's going on? He had been handcuffed before, but not like this. He's an escape artist, illusionist even. He's a very famous man, living in the sinful and colorful city of Las Vegas, Nevada. Yet, why is he locked in this room all alone? He looked down and noticed he was shirtless. Where's my shirt? His muscular tanned abs were exposed in the dark room, as he felt his long dark hair touching his shoulders and below his neck. He pulled on the handcuff. Damn it! I've escaped out of these before! Why isn't it working now?

He heard footsteps coming, as his 心 started to race. He heard a giggle, as a blonde girl wearing his symbols and clothing line stood before him. She smiled in a sinister way, "Hello, Mr. Angel! We've been expecting you!"
posted by hgfan5602
All these years...
Are so memorable,
Every bit of it.
Even though they are not all
Good memories,
Bad memories are just as memorable
As good memories.

Looking back on the past,
Remembering my life before,
How everything was so amazing,
How all my 老友记 changed my life,
Giving me memories that will last
My whole life long.

Do not worry,
I still remember all the good times
That we had.
Doing cannonballs into the cold water,
Laughing like we don't have a care
In the world.

I still remember
How 你 gave me all your courage
How 你 allowed me to 显示 myself,
To be content to share all my knowledge
With the world.

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posted by alicia386
Chapter Six

In the last week Olivia and Mason have been avoiding each other. She may be his assistant and he may be the boss but they didn't have to be in each other's company everyday. Mason stayed away because Olivia avoided him. Olivia avoided Mason because Cassidy tole her to. Olivia knew for sure that, that girl was dangerous but what did she possibly want from Mason. He has those amazing looks but Cassidy Golden wasn't the type to stay with one man for very long and the guys she usually dated were models.

Mason was literally in the middle of it all. He had numerous of things to do especially...
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posted by wantadog
Chapter one

    So here I was. Alone in a small Arizona town that up until today had housed a bustling community. I have no idea what happened either. I woke up to find everything the way it usually was. Hyperactive brother, overprotective father, working mother. A normal life for a normal girl. My name is Juliet Grim.

    “Jules, wake up! Now!”
Juliet Grim woke up this morning like all the rest. With her father making a big fuss over her waking up and taking care of the animals. They could wait and 小时 或者 two, right? But according to him, “They...
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posted by SweetHoneyBunny
Gunshots fired across the streets as soldier upon soldier fell before their brothers; the blood seeped through the thin uniforms, offering no protection 或者 comfort. The front line men had taken a beating, trapped in the city with the Bellators and cut off from their troops. Flames leap from between the buildings as reinforcements moved in with the flame guns, torching anything and everybody without the mark of the sword. Men and boys no older then ten could be heard screaming as the flames licked their skin and burning through the flesh. Battle had been going on all morning as battalion V35...
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posted by alicia386
"I would like the first option please."

"Very 流行的 choice," he commented. He motioned with his fingers for me to follow him down the hallway. "You will a completely different person but with very similar personality traits and because we can't really have 你 killing yourself off again, I've decided to make your life horrid. 你 will be mistreated and unloved. 你 won't have much and 你 will not want it either."

"No fair," I said. "That isn't any different from my old life. I thought in this new life I would have a better life like nice parents and maybe a sibling 或者 two."

"Actually, Ms. White,"...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy~
    Now, I’m not saying I was scared 或者 anything, but I couldn’t help but feel a chilling sensation when I saw the stone again, still glowing, but brighter than before. It was like some twisted sick foreboding object, something that, as beautiful as it was, I didn’t ever want to see 或者 touch again. We all stared at it, trying not to get to memorized as before. We were at some deserted park Terry use to come when she was a child, but after a kid died her parents shunned her from the place.
    How nice.
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy~
    “It’s a crystal, it’s a crystal, it’s a crystal, it’s a freaking glowing crystal!” Edith shouted staring at it with horrific fascination.
     “Should we keep it?” Iris asked, poking the thing hesitantly.
    Stilere glared at her. “Yes we should, this is what we’ve been looking for.”
    “What exactly is it?” Alex asked. “And why are we looking for it?”
    Stilere shrugged. “Well, for one I don’t think...
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posted by TheEvilHoodie
The twins woke early. It had been a dark, stormy night - even some of the big ones were scared. They sat up and stretched in unison before clambering out of their smooth wooden high-walled bed. They had previously found a way to push down the bars, making the jump on the other side much less challenging and not so hard on the derriere. They took the stairs one at a time, clinging on to the handrails on either side. The twins entered the living room, fumbling around in the dark for the matches to light the torches they had fashioned out of thick wood and coal. Once this was done, they crawled...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy~     
    I could barely conentrate throughout the day, my mind kept on wondering. Why did we need to learn at a time like this? It feels like it was just yesterday that we were almost killed 由 this storm created from the book, and the school knows it too. Why risk it?
    The 问题 asked for all layers, and I could tell I was really asking myself. Why risk it? For a book of all things, a few months 以前 if 你 说 I’d be counting ona book I would have laughed in your face,...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 7 : Tragedy

The 下一个 days sun rose, as 松鸦, 杰伊, 杰伊 · knew what he had to to do...

"Welcome!, Lady's and Gents, i give you: 松鸦, 杰伊, 杰伊 · vs Cole!" The announcer screamed!

"Ready to die?" Cole 说 as they Unleashed a giant 狐狸 Form Kitsune! It lunged at 松鸦, 杰伊, 杰伊 · and he dodged it. When 松鸦, 杰伊, 杰伊 · looked at the towering Kitsune he noticed something: Whip Marks! Then he knew what to do.

"Shhh, it's ok" 说 说 as put his hand on it's head and it started whimpering, "It's ok, i won't hurt you".

Then 松鸦, 杰伊, 杰伊 · heard something: Screams! Then he saw what happened. King George stabbed Amber through the 心 at the 最佳, 返回页首 of the Colosseum!...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Six


      The things going through my mind that 日 were not pleasant ones. They were mainly flashbacks. Flashbacks from ancient times but t felt lie it was not very long ago. The first one was 更多 of a modern medieval setting. There were towering stone buildings and cobblestone streets. The night sky made the scene even 更多 melancholy with its dreadful grey skies and cold rain. It was the perfect scene for a battle. A lofty man wearing a lengthy cost which was covered in bright jewels and beautiful pearls. His golden...
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posted by Problematic129
I wrote this a while back, for my language arts class. Please don't copy, enjoy!!!:)
Don't be careless
About the world
Many people are penniless
They have nowhere to go
Generations through generations
Our numbers subtract
Stand up and fight
We are not powerless
Together we unite
And restore our happiness
Come on let's be earnest
We can improve academically
显示 that we care
Our people need compassion
We live and love
And we think of above
Forever and ever
We will be together
No matter how wicked
或者 cruel we can be
We all live and die
In this democracy on Earth
posted by IlovePatch97
Reality hurts, I have experience
It makes 你 feel free, and then drags 你 to the ground
It tells 你 that everything will be ok
Later it crushes all hope and faith
It makes 你 see what 你 want to see
Let’s 你 feel what 你 want to feel
It puts 你 in those “oh snap” positions
It laughs at 你 in the face for your mistakes
It can help 你 find 爱情 或者 heartbreak
In the end reality gives 你 the same outcome
The very outcome 你 tried to avoid
Reality doesn’t control me, I refuse to be destroyed
posted by SweetHoneyBunny
由 the time I got to the small shopping center in my ever smaller town, my Jeep had stalled twice, the window was stuck half way and the little light on the dash was flashing. Could it get any worst? Better not say that in case something did happen.
I grabbed my keys, stuffed them in my bag and slammed the door.

“Julie! Over here! Juuuuulie!” Sophie was almost standing on her chair in the 食物 court waving her hands in the air like a lunatic. “What took so long? I've been waiting for like 3 hours!” she 说 when I finally managed to weave my way through the other people there. “I...
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added by alicia386
added by alicia386