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posted by nocofangirl218
Wow, I'm finally updating this. -.- I should've had this done about four 或者 five days ago, but I kinda got 魔发奇缘 up in another project I was working on.... Anyway, I hope 你 all enjoy episode four of, Total Drama Rama. :D ______________________________________________________________________________

*at elimantion ceromony*

Chris: *walks up to the podeum* Hello 培根 Hawk's! I will be 你 host for all the elimination ceromonies!


Chris: Yep. :) Now, as 你 all know, it's time to say good-bye to two of your members tonight.

Melody: Well, we wouldn't be here if someone *fake coughs* JUSTIN! *fake coughs* would've have just let the team use my idea, and not whine about 唱歌 some dumb song 由 some dumb girl!

Justin: Uh, I only called the song dumb, not the artist.

Rayla: *raises hand* Excuse me, but my team promised me a large amount of pie if I wore that god awful dress, and I have yet to recive it.

Chris: Sorry Rayla, but only the winning team gets pie tonight.

Rayla: *right eye twitches* ..............so......I wore that dress......FOR NOTHING???!!!

Chris: Well...you'll get pie for breackfast though.....

Rayla: For your sake, 你 better be right, 或者 else I'm gonna be angry. 你 won't like me, *craks knuckles* when I'm angry.

Chris: O.O *gulps* I-I bet I wouldn't. So...uh.......ELIMINATION TIME! Okay, since I wanted to keep things fresh, this season 你 will all be reciving buttered 爆米花 bags. If 你 recive a bag, your safe. If 你 don't, 你 will taking a ride in the dreaded...CAB OF SHAME!

Gwen: 爆米花 bags? Was that seriously all 你 could think of?

Chris: -.- Just let me do my job here, okay? So, the first three members that are 安全 are: Destery, Rayla, and Gwen! *throws all three 爆米花 bags*

Gwen: Wait, wheres Duncans bag?!

Chris: We're getting to that. Now, if I call your name, please get ready to catch your 爆米花 bag.

*every one except Sierra, Tyler, and Eva are called*

Chris: Okay, the last person 安全 for today is...................Sierra, suprisingly. *throws Sierra the last 爆米花 bag* So, Tyler and Eva, that means 你 both will be taking a ride in the Cab of shame this evening!

Eva: Oh, so this is all the thanks I get for working my butt off on the stage?! Well, F*** 你 GUYS! *flips off team*

Tyler: Oh come on! Don't I even get to see my girlfriend one last time?!

Chris: Nope! :D *pushes a button, and two security dudes drag Tyler and Eva to the Cab of shame, and throw them in. The cab then quickly drives off* Alright, the rest of 你 are safe, for now. So, please head back to the cabins, and I'll see 你 all when ever 你 guys come back here.

-the 下一个 morning in craft services-

Crystal: Okay, 你 all know the drill. 小时 to eat, and then we'll start todays challenge. So...enjoy your pie! *starts to walk out*

Destery: WAIT! 你 forgot the re-cap!

Crystal: *groans* Of course I did. *walks back in* Last time on Total Drama Rama, the teams were fourced to put on a musical prouduction for me and the guest judges Chris and Kate. Both team did an excelent job, but it was Team Explosions that one. Team 培根 Hawks then had to pick two people to vote off. What will the challenge be today? Find out now on Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays* Now, if 你 escuse me, I gotta go take a quick nap before todays challenge. *leaves tent*

-with team 培根 Hawks-

Rayla: *eating the pie like a dog*

Destery: *chuckle slighty* So, hows the pie Rayla?

Rayla: *lifts face from the pie* Pie be good. -u-
*goes back to eating the pie like a dog*

Mirra: So, can someone please tell me why we voted off Tyler and Eva instead of Sierra and Jusin?

Melody: Well, they didn't really help out last challenge. Tyler just sat in a corner and cried the whole time. Eva did help with the stage, but, honestly, I'm scared of her. Besides, at least
Sierra tried in the last challenge. And Justin inspired the song, so....

Mirra: Oh...but, what if we have, like, a sports challenge 或者 something?

Melody: Well, we'll 交叉, 十字架 that bridge when we come to it. Besides, I think we have pleny of physicaly apt people on our team.

Mirra: Oh...alright then.


Mirra: Okay, I know Eva and Tyler were useless in the last challenge, but I don't think we should've voted them out. I mean, they were like, the most physical on our team! *sigh* Well, at least Eva won't brake any of the bathroom locks this season.

**end of confessionals**

Alejandro: So, Rikki, why didn't 你 want to be a back-up in the last challenge?

Rikki: Well...it's just that...I have terrible stage fright. Why do 你 ask, anyway?

Alejandro: Well, I heard 你 唱歌 the other night, and...I thought 你 were really good.

Rikki: *blushes* Oh my god 你 heard that?! Well...*smiles a bit* thanks.

Alejandro: *returns smile* No problem.

Sierra: >:(


Sierra: Okay, I have no idea who that girl is, but she better back off! Alejandro is a great potential boyfriend, and since, Cody's on another team, I might as well try and obsesse over something new, right? Now, if I can just get passed Rikki. *smiles evily*

Rikki: Okay, that was SO sweet of Alejandro to complement my singing! He's such a great guy, and I hope we can become good friends! :)

**end of confessionals**

-with team Explosions-

Izzy: This pie is AWESOME!

Cody: *with mouth full of pie* I know right? *swallows* I didn't know Jake could make such an epic pie!

Griffon: *scoffs* I'm sure it's not that great.

All: *gasp*


Rayla: How could he say such a thing?! The pie is EPIC!

Powdered 烤面包, 吐司 boy: Okay, even though I prefer powdered 烤面包, 吐司 to pie, it was still good! I wonder why Griffon dosn't like it. Maybe it has something to do with Jake...

Griffon: Okay, I know Jake's my rival, but thats not why I don't like the pie. it just dosn't look that good. *pulls one of Jake's pie's out of no where* I mean, how good could it be? *takes a tiny piece, puts it in his mouth, and his eyes widen* HOLY CRAP THATS GOOD! *starts eating pie like Rayla*

**end of confessionals**

Alex: So, what do 你 think the challenge will be today, Gladys?

Gladys: I don't know, but with 你 on our team, theres no way we can lose!

Alex: Thanks. :)


Alex: Aw, Gladys is the best! I'm really glad she got to be on my team! :)

**end of confessionals**

-1 小时 later-

Kate: *walks in* Hello everyone! So, like always, I'm here to take 你 all to your 下一个 challenge.

Phoebe: Are 你 ever not gonna come and get us?

Kate: ...probably not. o3o So, please follow me to your 下一个 challlenge!

*All go outside, and they see Crystal wearing a yellow T-shirt that read: Camp North Star*

Crystal: Hello campers! So, let me fill 你 in on todays challenge!

Noah: Um, what the heck is Camp North Star?

Crystal: I'm glad 你 asked, oh so cynical one! Camp North 星, 星级 is the name of camp from the movie: Meatball's - aka: the best movie ever made! So, since I was stuck on what to do for todays challenge, I re-watched it to give me some ideas! So, I got to the part where they held the camp olympics, and I thought it would be a neat thing to do! Of course, today there will only be two events and a tie-breaker if nessesary.


Mirra: Holy crap, I'm freaking psycic! My 下一个 prediction... *puts two fingers on her nose, and cloes her eyes* IT WILL RAIN PIE! *opens eyes, and stares up at the sky with a huge smile. After a few moments she gets a pouting face, and crosses her arms* Poo... :'(

Star: This is perfect! I hope one of the events is something wrestling, 或者 hand-to-hand combat. I'm an excelent fighter! :)

**end of confessionals**

Destery: So, whats the first event?

Crystal: I'm getting to that! Please be pateint,
Destery! Okay, your first event is....BOXING! But first, *song 钟, 贝尔 does off* a little song to get everyone pumped up!

All: *groans*

Crystal: Oh, don't give me that! Besides, this one is a clasic! *starts stoming feet, and claping hands*

*It takes everyone a 分钟 to realize what song it is, and when they do, everyone immediantly joins in*

Owen: Buddy you’re a boy make a big noise
Noah: Playin’ in the 街, 街道 gonna be a big man some day
Izzy: 你 got mud on yo’ face
Ezekiel: 你 big disgrace (eh?)
Phoebe: Kickin’ your can all over the place, singin'

Team Explosion: *to team BH* We will, we will, rock you!
Team BH: *to team Explosions* We will, we will, rock you!

Duncan: Buddy you’re a young man hard man
Gwen: Shoutin’ in the 街, 街道 gonna take on the world some day
Destery: 你 got blood on yo’ face
Rayla: *points at Cody* 你 big disgrace
Mirra: Wavin’ your banner all over the place

Team BH: *to team explosions* We will, we will, rock you!
Team Explosion: *to team BH* We will, we will, rock you!

Riley: Buddy you’re an old man poor man
Rikki: Pleadin’ with your eyes gonna make 你 some peace some day
Star: 你 got mud on your face
Rayla: *points at Cody* 你 big disgrace
Cody: *points back at Rayla* Somebody better put 你 back in your place

Both teams: *to the other* We will we will rock you!
We will we will rock you!

Crystal: That was epic guys! Okay, now that the song is done, lets continue with todays challenge! So, please follow me to studio 3!

*all go to studio 3, and discover a huge boxing ring inside*

Noah: Wow. How could 你 afford a boxing ring on this shows budget?

Crystal: Uh....ebay.

Noah: Sure thats where 你 got it.

-meanwhile at 随意 boxing ring-

Announcer: Attention boxing fans, it seem tonights fight will be canceled due to the fact that are entire ring was stolen earlier today. If anyone has information on the location of our ring, please contact local authorites immediantly.

-back at the film lot-

Crystal: Alright teams, pick your best boxer, and send em' up to the ring! *goes and stands 由 the side of the boxing ring*

*both teams huddle up, and they break at the same time. Team 培根 Hawks picked Destery, and Team Explosion picked Griffon*

Kate: *walks onto stage* Okay, I want a good, clean, and snazzy fight alright 你 guys?

Griffon: *while putting on his boxing gloves* Got it.

Destery: *while putting on his boxing gloves* Define fair.

Kate: Just don't pants anyone, alright? The fight ends when someone gets knocked out. Okay, begin boxing....NOW! *a 钟, 贝尔 rings Kate quickly runs off stage, and joins Crystal*

*Both put their gloves up. They start swining, but their gloves keep blocking the punches. Destery lands a hit, but Griffon dosn't seem at all affected. After a few 更多 deflected and missed punches, Griffon lands a punch, and Destery gets a bit disorinted*

Crystal: Awesome punch, Alex! :D

Griffon: *turns away from Destery* Thanks!

*Destery comes out of his disorintation, and delivers a powerful right hook to the side of
Griffon's face. Griffon then falls to the ground - knocked out cold*

Kate: *runs onto the stage, and his the ground as she speaks* One, two,...ten! (A/N: she counted to ten, but I just speed things up a bit. :p) Destery is the winner! *holds up Destery's arm* That meams Team 培根 Hawks wins this event!

Team BH: *cheers*

Team Explosions: *crowds around Griffon*

Izzy: *pulls out a stick from no where, and starts poking Griffon with it* Um...guys, I think he might me dead.

Griffon: *groans and sits up*


Griffon: I can't belive I got distracted 由 a girl. Now my whole team probably hates me. *sigh* Maybe I should quit obsessing over Crystal so much....

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Okay, Destery and Griffon, since 你 both competed, 你 will not be allowed to participate in the rest of todays events. Okay, follow me outside to your 下一个 event!

*all go outside to see a 表 with two plates stacked with hot 狗 on them*

Owen: Oh boy, HOT DOGS! May we eat them?!

Crystal: Not yet Owen. Okay, I want both teams to pick a eater, and send them up to start chowing down!

*As before, both teams huddle up, and finish at the same time. Team 培根 Hawks picked Rae, and

Team Expolosion picked Owen*

Kate: *comes up to table* Well, even though it's pretty obvious whos gonna win, 你 both have 1 分钟 to eat as many hot 狗 as 你 can. Okay, *pulls out a stop-watch* begin eating...NOW!
*clicks the button on the stop-watch*

-1 分钟 later-

Kate: TIME! Okay, lets see the resultes. *looks to see that Rae has 11 hot 狗 left, and Owen has only 2 left* The winner is, Owen! Which means, Team Explosion wins this event!

Team Explosion: *cheers*

Lindsey: *runs up, and gives Owen a hug* That was great Owen! *kisses his cheek*

Owen: *blushes* Thanks Linds! :)


Owen: I'm glad I was able to win an event today. I may not be the most physical but when it comes to eating, I'm your man! :)

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Okay, since both teams have a point, it's time to break out the tie-breaker! So, everyone please follow me back to the boxing ring.

*all go back to the boxing ring*

Crystal: Okay, since we don't know what else to do, we're gonna have a wrestling match! *two hats were handed to Crystal 由 a 随意 intern* Okay, since this is a tie-breaker, we've put all the names on both teams into these two hats, and will draw them from random. Alright, the person wrestling for team 培根 Hawks is, *reaches into hat, and pulls out a piece of paper* Duncan! And the person wrestling for Team Explosion is, *reaches into hat, and pulls out a 随意 peice of paper* Noah! Oh...sorry man.


Duncan: Easy win!

Noah: *sigh* Why does life continually 显示 it's hatred for me?

** end of confessionals**

*both go into the ring, and Kate meets them both in the middle*

Kate: Okay, like before, I want a clean and snazzy fight. The fight ends when one of 你 is pinned for 更多 that three 秒 wins. Alright, begin...NOW! *runs into a corner of the ring*

-15 秒 later-

*Duncan has put Noah into a head lock, and it's semi-chocking Noah*

Kate: *comes to where Duncan and Noah are* One...Two...THREE! Duncan wins, and that mean,

Team 培根 Hawks wins todays challenge! *Duncan releses Noah, and Noah just falls to the floor, gasping for air*

Team BH: *cheers*

Gwen: *runs up to Duncan, and pulls him into a hug* That was great Duncan!

Duncan: Thanks pasty. :) *kisses her*

Star: *runs up to Noah - who is lying on the ring floor* OMG! Noah, are 你 okay? *offers him her hand*

Noah: Yeah...I think so. *takes her hand, and gets helped up*

Cody: *comes up and pats Noah on the back* 你 did great dude. 你 lasted a whole five 秒 - with Duncan! I wouldn't have probaly lasted five - if that long!

Noah: *smiles* Yeah, I guess I did. :) Thanks
Cody. *quickly hugs Cody*


Star: ...I wish Noah woud hug me. :'( *realizes what she said, and gets wide eyed* Not that I care! I...just...um.....NEVER FRIGGIN' MIND!

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Okay, Team Explosion, 你 all 迷失 today. That means you'll be sending two people packing tonight!

Team Explosion: WHAT??!!

Crystal: Yep, another double elemination! I thought that this would help even out the playing feild a bit. I now turn to my awesome co-host for todays question!

Kate: Thanks Crystal! :) *turns toward camera* So, who will win in the newly formed battle for Alejandro? Will Griffon really give up on trying to get Crystal? Will we ever find out why Noah hugged Cody? These 问题 will be mentioned 下一个 time on...Total Drama Rama!

So, how was it?

Okay, I know this may not be the best episode, but I personally think it's cool. Also, please remember to vote off two people from Team Explosion. Also, if 你 don't remeber whos on which team, I'm giving 你 a list!

Team 培根 Hawks:
Riley, Derstery, Rayla, Duncan, Gwen, Alejandro, Rikki, Sierra, Mirra, Rae, Phoebe, Justin, and Melody.

Team Explosion:
Alex, Gladys, Noah, Cody, DJ, Katie, Izzy, Star, Owen, Lindsey, Powdered 烤面包, 吐司 boy, Griffon, Robin, Tren, and Courtney.

Thanks for reading,
Ronny:Team Pancakes,ready?
Team Pancakes:Ready!
Jessica:Team Love,ready?
Team Love:Ready!
Gwen:*to Andy*Team Loner,ready?
Andy:No!*laughs along with Gwen*
Chocolate:What's our team name?
Leshawna:What should it be?
Chocolate:It should be Team I'mLeshawna'sbiggestfanofalltimes!
Leshawna:Um...Um...I dunno...Harold?
Leshawna:What team name should we have?
Jade:How about Team Unstopable?
DJ:Hey,that's a good name!
Chocolate:What ever 你 say Shawnie and 你 too DJ!
Leshawna:Team Unstopable!I like it!
Alejandro:*looks at everyone for a while and then looks...
continue reading...
posted by gothemo1234
courtney:man why he pick up


courtney:hi watz u doing?

duncan:u know i dont wake up this early

courtney:ok ill call u later (hungs up cell phone)

duncan:hey gwen

gwen:hey watz u doing

duncan:nothin seeing harrit beating up trent


harrit:u better leave my cousin,my sisters,and my brother alone GOT IT

trent:yes yes

duncan:so do u want to come over tonight

gwen:sure bye (hungs up cell phone)

ducan:bye (hungs up)

(harrit couisn miami walks in)

miami:oooo duncan likes gwen even though he's dating courtney

duncan:shut up

miami:hit me you'll end up like trent

(harrit's little sister walks in)...
continue reading...
 Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart:Your first challenge is making your hou-I MEAN TRUTH 或者 DARE!!!
Dani:*hugs Patrick like shes scared*
Martha Stewart:Lindsay,you go first!
Lindsay:*looks confused*
Martha Steart:Ask someone truth 或者 dare...
Lindsay:What does buying 饼干 have to do with...what?
Blaine and Lindsay:*walk away sad*
Martha Stewart:Zoey,you go first!
Zoey:Um,D.J!Truth,or dare?
Kenys:*teeth starts chattering*
Zoey:Do 你 think any girls beside Kenya are hot?
continue reading...
Duncans P.O.V."ok everyone, get a partner and well do some stretches" coach said. i saw courtney go to tyler, and lindsay attacked her, but gwen didnt get up to go with anyone so i went with her. "hi again" i said,"Ok seriously, why are 你 following me around?" she said, confused. "Well all i did was sign up for this i didnt know 你 were too" i said. "oh, ok" she said. *after stretches* "ok everyone, race time, whose goin' first?" coach 说 "i will" 说 duncan and gwen at the same time. we got in position. "Ready, set, GO!" we ran a whole mile, and gwen won, great, beaten 由 a girl. Gwens...
continue reading...
Ok any one can 加入 any OC,now i have rule
1.If ur gonna say Fuck 或者 Shit make it F*** 或者 Sh**
2.Be respectful if i catch anyone fighting,your out ill kill your OC
3.Message me if anyones being mean,cussing very unrespectful,or misbehaving,then i will 报道 them and get them out
4.No new characters unless u message me.

Ok the person i play is a sykick who sees the futur and is an indian

they want a longer 文章 so JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by SlimShady34
Name:Patrick Stone(birth name Laurie Mayers)
Years active:1996-present
Spouse:Jake Stone
Born:July 9th,1983 in Los Angelos,Califonia

Patrick was on "The Veiw" from the years 1999-2002 as being the youngest on the show.Born in Los Angelis named Laurie Mayers she later changed her name to Patrick in 2004.Then on September 12,2006 Laurie got married to a man named Jake Stone and has 2 children named Madison,2 years old.And Mark,1 月 old.

Laurie has been arrested 1 time for harrasing a police officer.In 2005 for 4 months Laurie has been a reporter on the los angelos news.
Kuki: Welcome! Today your challenge is to be a family! 1 will be the mom, 1 will be the Dad, 1 will be the Baby, 1 will be the pet and 1 will be the teenager!

*Team Exploding Victory*
Saphira: Teenager!!
Katie: BABY!
Jared: I guess im the dog..... Woof?
*Team Dynamite Amazon!*

Mollie-Sue: Mom!
Noah: Then I will be the Dad! ^^
Mollie-Sue: *Blushes*
DJ: I will be the baby!
*Exploxion Gophers*
Cedric: Im dad!
Lisa: BABEH! x3
Ray: So im the pet? T-T Meow?

* Team Dynamite Bass*
Cody: I will be the man of the house!
lindsay: Baby!
Venessa: Teenager!
Jessica: -.- Moooooooooo
Venessa: We have a pet cow? O__________________o

*Exploding Grips*
Bridgette: mom!
Trent: Dad!
Izzy: PET!
Beth: BABY! 8D

Stay tuened for Part 2!

Ray: (red blotches on her arms) I can't believe I forgot my silicon allergies, even after last season's little Draven incident...(itches) At least we didn't lose this time...and DJ didn't trip on me... -.-

lulu:*chocking noises* owen......*cough*fart.......*cough*not....­...­.*c­oug­h*g­ood­...­..*­cou­gh*­nee­d..­..*­cou­gh*­air­...­*fa­int­s*

kasey:oh zeek cost us the win oh were though the 下一个 time i see him i,ll break up with him
*zeek walks in confessanail*
zeek:why are 你 so mad
kasey:were though
kasey:yep and i vote 你 off
zeek:well i vote...
continue reading...
Patrick&dani:*run away*
Robo cop:*chases them*
Kiara:I'm scared!
Erica:*mummbles*Lin and jake gonna save 2 people again
Lin:*punches erica*
Erica:SORRY!*throws rock at robo cop*
robo cop:KILL ERICA!*chases erica*
Erica:*screams and runs away*
Dani:She saved us!
Miz.Man:UGH THAT STUPID ROBOTEveryone exept doc:*throws a trash bot at miz.man*
Miz.man:OH NO!IM MELTING!MELTING!*melts and disolves*
Everyone exept doc and erica:YES!
Doc:But still someone has to stay when the rest of us go...........
part 3 coming soon!
chey:here is a recap of last time the teams where picked 由 me ducan,gwen,courtney,alejandro,noah,dj where picked as team beaks sierra,heather,bridgette,cody,leshawnaha,harold as team eggs lindsay,tyler,justin,katie,sadie where team birds then team beaks where 胜利之歌 and harold did shopping and it up facing the drop of shame what will happen this time on total drama world tour
(show comes on)
*losers part*
justin:um... 嘿 sadie did i tell 你 how pretty 你 are
sadie:no justin 你 think i,m pretty ewwwwwww
justin:um.. yea just don`t tell katie
jutin:please i am using...
continue reading...
Zoey: Where are they? *looks around and sees something written on the wall.* What the? *she reads it and gasps* Yeah like thats gonna happen.
Jake: What does it say?
Zoey: Get out 或者 we'll kill you.
Jake: psh just someone trying to scare us.
Zoey: Yeah I guess 你 right.
Rochelle: *screaming* WE'RE GONNA DIE!
Jared:Rochelle get a hold of yourself!
Rochelle: *continues screaming* We are gonna die!
Rochelle: *calms down* sorry I just 迷失 it for a second.
Jared: Its alright. We are not gonna die and we are certinly not gonna lose it.
Rochelle: *Smiles*...
continue reading...
posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:Welcome back!!! Last week the campers got all crazy i 说 there was no challenge but then i wanted to see who would go the craziest and poor Ya'vanti had to take the 船, 小船 of wimps! haha so lets see what will happen this time on Total Drama Secrets!!!!!!

Screeching Hawks Girls:
Kylee:Ok i am so worried about Sammy she has been gone for a dau and hasnt come back!!!
Ray:I know *sniffs* i am so worried about her:(

Screeching Hawks guys:
Jordan:Ok Blaine has been gone for a 日 i am a little worried because he is one of my closest friends.
Max:I bet he is ok and look on the bright side he is alone...
continue reading...
Jason:che che che ha ha ha ha.che che che ha ha ha ha.
Jessica:Did u hear something?
*everyone continues walking*
Hazel:WHAT?!*looks worried*
Penny:Oh relax!He's proabally lieing!
Jake:I 爱情 when u say that!*they make out*
Matt:Their's a killer named jason who sinked and died,OR DID HE!!!!!It says he lerks in this camp and kills anyone he sees!
Shady:That's a bunch of bull!!!!
Vanti:I don't know we should 分裂, 拆分 up!
Drew:Lets do me,Jessie,Vantie..
Vantie:TAY TAY!!!!
Drew:um....tay tay,Jake &penny!
Vantie:LET'S GO!*they 分裂, 拆分 up*
continue reading...
posted by wwefan2000
gwen pov
so i am going to hot topic with my sis and i see the cashior and he is so cute so i go and say hi

trents pov
i see this really hot goth chick and she come over

gwen:hi i'm gwen
gwen:i hope 你 don't mine me asking how old are 你
gwen:me too
trent:what highschool do 你 go to
trent:me to
gwen:even though we just met do 你 want to go to the dance with me
gwen:cool i got to go bye hugs him

at the dance

gwen pov

so we get to the dance we chat the we dance and then we 吻乐队(Kiss) so chesesy but awesome
 awww cute
awww cute
posted by tdicxdfan
chris:welcome to the new season total drama showbiz 22 new teen will be compete for one milion here comes the campers
first tiffany
jordan:whats up
chad:hey (sees chloe than smiles)
chris:meera and jayden
fiona:wazz up
chris:and last tawni
posted by sillybandfan321
Claire: Now we are back! Lets start the challenge! Ok so Me and the producers have hidden two chests in the forest one for each team the challenge is for your team to travel into the forest find one of these treausures and make your way back here first. whoever makes it here first will get to open there chest and see the prize inside the losers well i will say that when the time comes!

Jessica:Well what if we dont know our way back won't we need that thing that tells us directions whats that thing ummmm?
Sammy:It's called a compass
Jessica:I knew that

Sammy:Not to be rude how could...
continue reading...
posted by TDIfangirl
When they heard the news, it was a shock to everyone.
"We found Duncan 下一个 to the redwood tree. I'm afraid it was too late to save him."
Everyone stayed quiet after that. Neither Gwen nor Courtney spoke. They went back to the plane, quietly. They ate, did their challenge, ate again, and got ready for bed.

It is very festive on the plane; Sora Kokoro's single, a cover "Sayonara~Sweet Days" was starting to end. Everyone laughed and played, listening happily. As Duncan walked out, the song "Graduation" began to play.

"This is really sudden, I bet. I also bet Courtney is mad," The delinquent...
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posted by bubblegum505
Warning: This is just fanfiction and not fact! But does have some spoilers! Now if 你 don't care, just read!

Falling down from a plane is NOT fun. Especially when it's because of Chris Mclean and when you're stuck to a pole. Let me explain:

1. I was with this hot guy who told me to 吻乐队(Kiss) him.
2.When I kissed him, he jumped onto a sled and my lips met a 《冰雪奇缘》 pole.

"OUCH!" Crash landing. I fell down into a dumpster. SO I kept walking until I found a 街, 街道 to take the bus back home. Walked and walked, then my phone rang. It was my boyfriend, Geoff!...
continue reading...
posted by ZachHapyUnicorn
Erica: Elemination
Krista: If 你 stay in the 显示 你 will get these *holds up mini chainsaw*
Erica: WARNING these may poke your eyes out na im just kidding but seriously dont poke your eyes out
Krista: Erica 你 may now pass out the mini chainsaws
Erica: YAY!! Mizzie...Erica....Buster.....Buddy....David.....Kierra.....NOW for the final two its down to Jordan and Mr.Fluffykins!
Krista: And the chainsaw goes to........
Krista: its people....not saying who >.>
Erica: Were sorry
Krista and Erica: ummm Bye
Jordan: SHUT UP *leaves*
Krista: Well that was action packed.
Erica: Yep well see 你 下一个 time on TOTAL......DRAMA.......
Erica: 嘿 I wanted to say that
Krista: WELL to bad 你 were to slow
Curtains close
posted by bubblegum505
The start of the dates

Storm and Cody

Cody: 嘿 hottie...
Storm: *hits Cody*
Cody: *falls over*
Storm: Dont call me that... my name is STORM.
Cody: *gulps and gets up* Kay....

Melody and Harold

Harold: Where do 你 want to go tonight, Milady? Chuck-e Cheeses? 比萨, 比萨饼 hut?
Melody: Red Lobster.
Harold:Oh okay. I'm down with that!
Melody: *face palms*

Mizzie and Annie

Annie: Okay im the girl
Mizzie: No, I am the girl
Annie: *gets closer* I AM!
Mizzie: *gets on tips of toes* NO I AM!

Ray and Alejandro

Alejandro: Tonight, I will take out to the finest
resurant in the city.No matter what the price 或者 the distance, I...
continue reading...