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posted by MidnightAngel45
The Adventure On Set - Part 2

The two teams exit the room and enter another, sprinting to find where Gwen is being kept.

COURTNEY. So let me get this straight: they tie up that stupid, boyfriend stealing Goth, throw her into some nearly abandoned pyramid where no one can find her, and put her at the mercy of a crazy pharaoh and we're supposed to rescue her!?

DUNCAN. Aww! Jealous that you're not the damsel in distress I'm saving sweetheart?

COURTNEY. Shut up!

LESHAWNA. Yo! 爱情 birds! Calm down, will ya?

JUSTIN. Yeah, Courtney. We've got a challenge to win.

COURTNEY. Tell me something I don't know

The Grips separate from the Gaffers and go into another room.

HEATHER. Where are they going?

DUNCAN. Who cares? At least their not following us.

DJ. He's got a point. Let's go!


Killer Grips

The team runs into another room which contains four doorways, and nothing more.

BETH. Where are we going?

COURTNEY. How should I know? I just wanted to get away from those losers.

Courtney begins to pace.

TRENT. We have to start somewhere.

LINDSAY. I say we 分裂, 拆分 up.

JUSTIN. I agree. We'll cover 更多 pyramid that way.

Courtney walks up to him, getting as close to his face as possible.

COURTNEY. That's exactly what Vyllia wants us to do. If 你 know what good for you, you'll do what I say when I say it.

(in confessional)

BETH. Do we ever do anything else?
TRENT. Okay, 你 know what? I'm tired of this! I might have gotten kicked off, but I'm back, and whether Courtney likes it 或者 not, I'm still the Grips' captain.

TRENT. Actually, splitting up isn't a bad idea. (points to one of the doorways) Lindsay and Beth, 你 girls go down there. (points to another) Justin, that one. Courtney, the one 下一个 to it. I got the last one.

JUSTIN. Uh… (begins to walk down his assigned path) Okay.

LINDSAY. Come on, Beth!

BETH. I'm right behind you!

COURTNEY. (as soon as all three are gone) Uh, Trent? 你 want to tell me just what 你 think you're doing?

TRENT. Leading my team. Hello! I'm the captain.

He disappears in the shadows of his path.

COURTNEY. Oh, no he didn't. (scoffs and begins stomping down the unoccupied path) I'll deal with him later.


Screaming Gaffers

DUNCAN. (throwing a door open to one of the rooms) Gwen!

The Goth girl lifts up her head.

GWEN. Hey, guys.

LeShawna and Harold go over to untie her.

LESHAWNA. 你 all right, girl?

GWEN. Yeah. Thanks.

HEATHER. (through her teeth) Gwen. Great to see you.

GWEN. What kind of wig did Chris have to offer to get 你 spit that out?

HAROLD. No time to talk. We gotta get back to the theater.

DJ. And before the Grips catch up.

The Gaffers run out of the room and down the hall.

GWEN. 你 know, when Chris told me I was coming back this wasn't what I had in mind.

DUNCAN. Why are 你 back anyway?

GWEN. Apparently A: you're not allowed to vote yourself off and B: he heard about Geoff's new attitude and my popularity being "down the toilet" and wanted to be the only one hitting me with an anvil.

HEATHER. 你 were hit with an anvil?

DJ. (laughing) Of course not! She's exaggerating.

GWEN. (whispering) What are 你 doing?

DJ. (whispering also) Remember what Chris said?

GWEN. Since when do I give a rat's butt about what that narcissistic sadist has to say?


Killer Grips

TRENT. (as the team reunites) Any luck?


COURTNEY. Nothing.

LINDSAY. Hey, guys, I've got great news! Gwen's back! I just saw her with the Gaffers!

Everyone looks at her angrily.


Courtney slaps her, and the Grips attempt to catch up to the opposite team.

COURTNEY. (panting) Lindsay, why didn't 你 tell us the 分钟 你 saw weird Goth girl!?

TRENT. Cool it, will ya? This is Lindsay we're talking about, 你 know.

Courtney stops running. The other Grips follow.

COURTNEY. Oh, I don't even want to hear another word out of you.

TRENT. Why not? Because I'm actually a better leader than 你 are?

COURTNEY. And this coming from the guy who actually threw challenges instead of trying to actually win.

TRENT. I made a mistake. My head wasn't in the game, but all that's over.

COURTNEY. I'd like to see 你 try to gain back control. After what 你 did, your so-called "team" would rather have me as a leader, right guys?

JUSTIN. You're kidding right?

COURTNEY. Oh! Beth, Lindsay, you're both on my side right?

The two 老友记 simply glare at her.

COURTNEY. Fine! Listen to Elvis. Let's see how do 你 without me. I'm going to complete this challenge myself!

She separates from the group and stomps into another room.

JUSTIN. I thought she'd never shut up.

BETH. lead the way, Trent.

TRENT. My pleasure.