TNT TV Network Wall

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OneDirection133 说 …
I Will really Miss the TV 显示 Southland Me and my Big Brother and my Dad 爱情 that 显示 And I Cant Believe That Its Not Going two be on Any 更多 发布 一年多以前
JinxMuffin 说 …
Hi! I'm JinxMuffin, the founder of this club the TNT TV Network. I need help. :( I'm not good at banners, as 你 can see, and i really need one for this club. I would like the banner to have characters from every 显示 on TNT, so, if anyone is good at photoshopping 或者 whatever and can make me a banner, i would really appreciate it! I will give 你 支持 for it as well. We can make it a contest! Just 提交 your entries to me, and i'll judge and say the winner. :) Thanks! -Club founder: JinxMuffin 发布 一年多以前