The X-Files Club
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Ok, I did not write this myself, and have been unable to find out who did (if 你 know, please let me know!) but I have a feeling it was a group effort. I remembered 阅读 these YEARS 以前 - and laughing my 屁股 off - and thought I'd look them to share with you. Enjoy!

Q: Why did the chicken 交叉, 十字架 the road?


狐狸 Mulder: No government agency has jurisdiction over the chicken. The chicken is out there, Scully, and we will find it.

Dana Scully: There is a logical, scientific explanation for the chicken crossing the road. We need 更多 evidence.

Walter Skinner: <teeth clenched> You've got 24 hours to find out why that @!!*@!@ chicken crossed the road!!!

CSM: <blows puff of smoke> There was no chicken.

Alex Krycek: Because he can't decide WHAT side he's really on.

Byers: It was trying to escape the most heinous and evil force of the twentieth century.

Langly: It was on its way to the grassy knoll, dude.

Frohike: <snapping a photo> I don't know, but she's hot.

Bill Mulder: It heard the words, and they made sense to it.... merchandise...fryer parts....

Mrs. Mulder: I have told 你 that I don't remember any chicken.

Mrs. Scully: I had a dream about the chicken being taken away....

Melissa Scully: The chicken needed to get in touch with its inner self, to find the light and the good. It was in a very dark place...

Bill Scully, Sr.: One 日 the chicken and I will be together again...

Bill Scully, Jr.: Dana, 你 spend too much time worrying about chickens... for HIM? 你 should be 首页 with your family!

Queequeg: Woof! (translation: to avoid being eaten 由 Big Blue.)

Agent Pendrell: To get Dana a birthday present.

The Well-Manicured Man: It will 交叉, 十字架 the road in one of two ways....

Deep Throat: Mr. Mulder, they crossed the road a very long time ago. Trust no fowl.

X: The chicken is choosing a dangerous time to 交叉, 十字架 alone. The road is still out there, but it's never been 更多 dangerous.

Marita Covarrubias: I don't know how much I can tell 你 about the chicken.... Oh yessssss, the chickenssssss. How much time do 你 have?

Jeremiah Smith: I can't tell 你 right now why the chicken crossed the road, but if 你 come with me, I'll 显示 you....

The Mighty Morphin' Bounty Hunter: Tell me where the chicken is!

Section Chief Blevins: We trust that the chicken made the proper decision about crossing the road.

Mrs Budahas: That <gasp, shudder> is *not* my chicken

Emil and Zoe (stoner kids): I dunno, but I sure hope he stayed away from the - heh heh - *landmines* and junk!

Tom Colton: At this point I'm willing to accept any theory as to why the chicken crossed the road--any sane theory. I'm sorry, Dana, but I only want qualified chickens at the intersection.

Eugene Tooms: Mmm...pate...

Det. Frank Briggs: I've been waiting... sixty years... for the chicken to 交叉, 十字架 that road.

Darlene Morris: Why do 你 want to know? So that the chicken can face the same ridicule I did years 以前 when *I* crossed the road? 你 stay away from my chicken.

Ellen (Scully's friend): Well - first it had to get a life. And... a rooster.

Rob (Scully's date): I don't know, but I don't suppose 你 want to hear about the finer points of the state planning and taxation?

Brad Wilczek [Ghost in the Machine]: Chickens enjoy walking down unpredictable avenues, turning new corners, but, as a general rule, chickens never 交叉, 十字架 roads.

Commander Henderson [Fallen Angel]: Get this chicken out of my sight!

Woman at the U.S. 太空 Surveillance Center: The chicken seems to be hovering over a small road in eastern Wisconsin.

Eves: It just knew.

Phoebe Greene: Did the chicken have a date, 'cause if not... I could always...

Cecil L'ively: It was dying for a cigarette.

Luther Lee Boggs: I can see... the chicken; yes, the chicken, is in pain, great pain, and oh god! The Road! He's going to 交叉, 十字架 the road!!

Brother Andrew: The chicken left its peaceful community of brothers and sisters and crossed the road to become one of 你 . . . to enjoy pleasures we can't.

Michael [Genderbender]: The road's touch was electric....but after that, the chicken remembers, only vaguely. Crossing the road used to be so simple!

Jack Willis: To be run down so that another chicken could take over his body.

John Barnett:
Man... I'm *everywhere* that chicken is...

Rev. Cal Hartley: The chicken crossed to be HEALED! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! GOD is with the chicken! Amen...

Indian guy [Shapes]: He should have been called... Feathered Chicken... 或者 Flying Chicken, not Crossing Chicken.

Doug Spinney: The chicken crossed the road because its natural habitat was being methodically destroyed 由 clearcuts and illegal logging... within ten years, we won't have any forests *or* chickens left!

Michelle Bishop: *I* made the chicken 交叉, 十字架 the road.

Danny (Mulder's FBI inside man): Because it needed to get a better look at a license plate.

Roland: Chickens 交叉, 十字架 roads. But they're not supposed to get run down.

Ed Funsch: It was ordered to 由 its microwave oven.

Duane Barry: I don't know... it just had to go...Please, I'm askin' ya not to stop it from crossing the road... it just has to go!!!!!!!

Kristin Kilar: The chicken won't 交叉, 十字架 the road. It's not who he is. It doesn't make him happy.

BJ Morrow: It saw a dog digging in the field across the road.

Donnie Pfaster: Were its feathers normal, 或者 dry?

Agent Bocks: It shot across the road to find out what's the what.

Karen Kosseff (speaking to the chicken): How does crossing the road make 你 feel? What are your fears about crossing the road? Are 你 afraid of failing the rooster?

The Gregors: That chicken was the last remaining. Unless 你 protect it, it is already dead.

Rev. Sistrunk [Colony]: You're asking me if chicken roasts on hell's barbecue for crossing the road?

Sophie the Gorilla: Chicken go crossing road.

Mr. Nutt: Just because 你 have a chicken, 你 automatically assume that it will 交叉, 十字架 the road? In an attempt to continue an age-old joke that never had any humor in the first place, you'll only managed to further trample on the subject... and draw it out in all its mediocrity. When in fact - do 你 really know if the chicken had better things to do than simply 交叉, 十字架 the road? That perhaps it may have gone off to study, to gain a better life? But no, 你 just took the simple framework of common knowledge, and *assumed* that the chicken would 交叉, 十字架 the road, thus, increasing an already clichéd stereotype.

The Conundrum: <burp>

Dr. Blockhead: It's a mystery. And some mysteries were never meant to be solved.

Charlie/Michael Holvey [The Calusari]: The chicken wants to 交叉, 十字架 the road, Mommy. *Now*.

Chaco: A chicken? That wasn't a chicken, that was the Mayor...

CC's character [Anasazi]: The chicken crossed the road? Wasn't the chicken originally assigned to remain at the the *side* of the road?

Albert Hosteen: There is an ancient Indian saying that a chicken lives only as long as the last person that remembers it crossing the road.

Dr. Pomerantz: The chicken told me about its experience of crossing the road... It was afraid... but it didn't die. Someone must have cared for the chicken... It had to get back to that 安全 place we talked about.

Luis Cardinal: We got the wrong chicken!

D.P.O. Because it was in for a little barbecue, heh-heh.

The Stupendous Yappi: The chicken feels it is not in control of its own destiny. It has feathers - somewhere on its body. It recently laid an egg - 或者 not. <raises eyebrow> Here - it tries to force itself onto the road! cannot 交叉, 十字架 the is incompetent.

Clyde Bruckman: Why did the chicken 交叉, 十字架 the road? Why do any of us do anything? Why did he choose that exact moment to 交叉, 十字架 the road, thus leaving a slight indentation in the surface... that, fifty years later, causes a man driving a blue sports car to hit it, and spin off the road, spiraling to his death...

Madame Zelma: Madame Zelma, she is a fortune-teller, NOT a chicken keeper.

Napleon "Neech" Manley: To avenge all the petty tyranny and the cruelty it has suffered.

Virgil Incanto: Mmm... Schmaltz.

Lucy Householder: I don't know nothin' about no chicken. If I'm your last hope... then that chicken's in a lot 更多 trouble than 你 think.

Japanese guy [Nisei]: To be fitted out for a pillowcase.

Dr. Bambi: To eat, sleep, defecate, procreate. Who cares about the road... what bugs did the chicken eat for lunch?

Dr. Ivanov [WOTC]: I don't know much about... *chickens*. What is it?

Stoner Guy [WOTC]: Woah, man. The chicken's crawling up inside your arm. That's wrong, dude.

Det. White: To solve the mystery of the horned chicken.

Terri: The chicken killed Mr. Tippy!!

Margi: Hate him, hate him, wouldn't wanna 日期 him!

Madame Zirinka: 你 want me to tell 你 why the chicken crossed the road? Business hours are nine to five, all major credit cards accepted.

Robert Modell: The other side of the road looks very interesting. The sky looks so blue on that side. Cerulean blue. I bet 你 want to go to the other side of the road. The chicken's right over there, waiting. Go on, 交叉, 十字架 the road...

冬青, 冬青树 [Pusher]: I don't know why the chicken did it! I'm so, so sorry, sir... I'm so sorry...

Jose Chung: I interviewed the chicken several times, over the course of three weeks, and each time I interviewed him, I got a different answer! Truth is as subjective as reality! 由 the way, do 你 know he he perfers the term 'crosser' 或者 'transportee'?

The Men in Black: No object is 更多 mistaken for a chicken than the planet Venus. 你 never saw a chicken.

Det. Manners: Does anyone give a bleep why the bleepin' chicken crossed theroad? Who the bleep cares? 由 the way, someone called to say they found a real live bleepin' chicken body.

Lord Kinbote: No harm will come unto the chicken. The chicken's efforts are needed for the survival of all earth-chickens. Come, I will showeth thee the chicken.

Lt. Jack Schaeffer: The chicken did NOT 交叉, 十字架 the road...the chicken did NOT 交叉, 十字架 the road...

Blaine Faulkner: It wasn't a chicken. It was a MIB sent in 由 the *proper authorities* disguised as a chicken, and it wasn't pulling it off. Like, it was yellow, but a little *too* yellow, 你 know?

Roky Crikenson: This may sound kinda crazy but the chicken wanted to be abducted 由 aliens. So that he wouldn't have to get a job 或者 anything.

Mrs. Peacock: I kin tell 你 don't have no chickins of yer own. Otherwaz you'd unnerstan' the prad, the luv, whin 你 know yer chickins'd do anithin' fer their keeper.

Sheriff Andy Taylor: The 日 that chicken crossed the road... I knew the 日 had come and my 首页 would never be the same...

Peacock Brothers: To raise and breed its own stock, if 你 know what I mean.

Gerry Schnauz: Because it needed to get rid of the Howlers. Er hat unruhe....

Melissa Redell: Once, long ago, the chicken and I stood in a field. This is the road where I watched the chicken cross.

Sydney: I don't know why! Why don't 你 just leave the chicken alone! Leave it alone! It's already been through too much...

John Lee Roche: I can tell 你 about the chicken... but 你 need to help me. I want a deal. Trust a child molester?

Member of Congress [Terma]: Answer the question, Miss Road: Where is the chicken, and why is it not here?

Soledad Buente: Because his brother betrayed him.

Betty tattoo: Another chicken in my bed! If it crosses the road, it's dead!!!

Ed Jerse: Can 你 hear that? She's driving me crazy...She's so jealous...she hates it when chickens 交叉, 十字架 the road...

Leonard Betts: He's sorry. But the road had something he needed.

Dr. Scanlon: The chicken's going to feel like dying.

Kurt Crawford: I saw several chickens, and they were all wearing white lab coats and were headed for the Lombard Research Facility... After all, they want the same thing 你 want...

Sharon Graffia: The chicken wrote to me.. just before he crossed the road. He knew what was going to happen.

Sgt. Frisch: <nervous> I did it. I made the chicken 交叉, 十字架 the road.

Max Fenig: So, I’ve devoted my life to providing all 你 disbelievers out there with proof. Proof that there are chickens right now, as we speak, crossing the road in alien ships for purposes of a rather troubling agenda known only to the government, the FBI, and certain high-ranking members of the military/poultry community. Not that they’d ever admit it publicly... of course. Nor would they admit they have salvaged some of this poultry technology and are using it in military applications. No, that would be un-American. And they won’t admit it until someone confronts them with unrefutable, undeniable proof. Someone like me. And I should probably mention that I do this at great risk to my personal health and safety. But, hey, when everyday is just another 日 you’re going to be kidnapped 由 little feathered dudes from Foster Farms, what’s a few CIA spooks to worry about.

Eddie 面包车, 范 Blundht: Let's just say hypothetically that the chicken did 交叉, 十字架 the road. Now if that's what the road wanted and nobody got hurt, then hypothetically where's the crime? <Hmmm...wonder if I can morph my skin to look like feathers...>

Chuck Forsch: Oooh! That was me, I did it! I admit it, I did it! I made the chicken 交叉, 十字架 the road! I'm just a human being after all!

Michael Kritschgau: The chicken was an elaborate hoax all along, planted so that 你 would believe the lie that chickens existed.

Chris Carter: You'll have to wait until the movie comes out 下一个 summer to find out.

Howard Gordon: Because it was too tired to work anymore.

摩根 & Wong: Well, it had left this road to pursue another path, but it came to a dead end, so it returned 首页 to the old road. Now that it was back on this road, though, it didn't seem the same, so eventually it saw a road that it really wanted to be on, and vowed to never again return to the original road.

Darin Morgan: Because he saw the comic potential of introducing such a novel concept.

John Shiban: Because it was being chased 由 El Chupacabra.

Vince Gilligan: Crossing the road was true to the chicken's nature. It was familiar, something that he had done before.

Fanfic writer: Because Chris Carter wasn't letting it go anywhere, and it needed someone to let it cross.

X-Phile: Maybe the chicken is so fed up waiting for the %@#&*@ premeire that it decided to go play in traffic.

Non X-Phile: Who cares? It's just a stupid chicken! It's fictional! Why the heck are 你 worrying about a chicken, anyway? I just don't see what 你 see in this whole thing!

Shipper: The chicken and the road had undeniable chemistry and were fated to cross.

NoRoMo: I can't understand why 你 people can't be satisfied with the chicken walking 由 the side of the road. Why does the chicken have to 交叉, 十字架 the road? Why are 你 focusing on that? It would ruin the chicken!

Jackie St. George: To get a bottle of Labatt's.
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added by KarinaCullen
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added by DoloresFreeman
added by DoloresFreeman
added by DoloresFreeman
added by DoloresFreeman
posted by Balashi13
Dear Chris Carter,
I just wanted to give 你 a full 报道 on your latest X-Files movie: Great cop story, weak X-File. I assume agents Doggett & Reyes were busy with 更多 important things that the FBI didn't find them for this case. 你 had 6 years to come up with this storyline? And whose idea was it to cast Xzibit in this? We haven't seen 表演 like that since Mr. T was in the A Team! Oh, and that slam on President 衬套, 布什 and J. Edgar Hoover. I'll make 你 a deal: 你 and Gillian and David keep us 安全 from little green alien invaders and let real men protect us from the scum that inhabit this Earth! As I see it 你 have only one 更多 chance to produce and write an X-File that we 粉丝 can really enjoy 或者 你 are going to have to put this 小狗 to bed. For good! Don't get me wrong. Me and the one other person in the theater really enjoyed the show. It's just maybe 你 can give X3 a little 更多 thought!!!