The Mentalist
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The Mentalist
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The Mentalist
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Hi! I'm looking for the episode and the season where Jane finds a clue 由 using the 图书馆 classification Dewey. Could 你 help me?
Why did jane black mail the 列表 of four other subjects from laroush when he had already gotten the 列表 from the retired director in the episode that a Santa was murdered 由 nurse 由 alcohol poisoning n jane went under cover n got drunk
Where can I find another 显示 like mentalist
Hey! please please can anyone tell me the song from s05e06 , country song!
please please can anyone tell me the song from s02e11,playing during Jane and Phil conversation.. please... it's kinda R&B i guess.i would be very grateful
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
as every body know 6.season is last season of the mentalist. i want a speacial season. the 6.season shouldn't be a last season. What can i /we do to this? please help. I need your opinions.
bonjour,je voudrais savoir dans quel épisode voit on pour la premiere foi le sherif Mcallister
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
how significent is the tyger poem
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What is the name of the song that they played at the end of episode 22 for season 1 ??
How can i download the 5th season with greek subtitles?
Has anyone herd any spoilers about Jane and Lisbon maybe getting together 或者 anything like that soon?
Okay, I'm sick of watching the ANZ adverts, when does The Mentalist come back on in NZ?
what happened to lorili? DVR didn't get ending
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Tommy Volker
Did 你 know every episode 标题 of The Mentalist contains a reference to the color red, like "Paint it Red", "Scarlett Fever", "Russet Potatoes", 或者 "Bloodshot". This is because Patrick Jane's nemesis is the ingenious sadistic serial killer, Red John
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who is the actress who plays jane's daughter in the episode devil'scherry ?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is your 最喜爱的 line from The Mentalist?
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In 3x23 或者 3x24 Jane wanted to have the 列表 of the suspects who could killed Todd Johnson. He promised LaRoche that jane wouldn't continue tell the dark secret of him...it's the thing that is inside the 安全 in the tupperbox...what is inside????
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I need help because i have asked me why Jane shooted out Lisbon in 4x24. I'm from Germany and i saw it on youtobe but i didn't understand why! And what's about Rigsby?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Has anyone herd anything about episode where we get to see how jane and lisbon first met
What 日 does season 5 start?
does anyone know his wife and daughters name, if its been mentioned??
Hello everyone! I just have a question; did anybody read any spoilers on what's gonna happen with Jane & Lisbon? Because he did say ''Good luck Teresa, 爱情 you'' & they did hold hands.... Yust so, if anyone knows.....
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Ive missed a bunch of episodes...Have we found out definitivley who Red John? and could someone plese tell me. Was it some woman? who was it? Thanks.
Does anybody know why Red John wanted Hightower killed?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
aoighaoeighioeg, i have missed a heap of mentalist episodes!! what's the deal with lorelai and jane?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Are there 更多 episodes after patric jane shoots red john?????
PLEASE HELP! What episode is this picture from??
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What are peoples thoughts of the new Vanpelt??
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Has anyone ever thought about this???...
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When and where they firt met?
Who is you're 最喜爱的 character on The mentalist?Why?
7 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do 你 want Jane & Lisbon to 日期 ? Why 或者 why not?
7 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do 你 want Jane to get married again? With who?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What season and episode is the one where Jane is blind and he drives a car with Grace?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When is The Mentalist coming back?
Are Patrick Jane's eyes blue 或者 green?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
How do 你 get medals?
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SPOILER!! I taped the episode 'Blinking Red Light' last week, but the recording ended before the episode! Could someone give me a summary of what happened in the end and who the killer was?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When does season 4 begin in the Uk?? 支持 给 to the one with the best answer!!
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When does season 4 begin in the UK??? 支持 2 those who answers, thanks xxxxxxx
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is there a new boss on the Mentalist?!?!
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What's the best website for Jisbon fanfiction?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Are there any cast photo's for season 4?
This isn't really a question, I'm just pointing out something I noticed in the season 1 finale.
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone know when Season 3 will be available to buy in the shops in Australia? So far I can only pre order it.
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Are their any characters that 你 didn't much care for when they were in the series, but looking back they don't seem so bad?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
when will 3x24(strawberries and cream part 2) come on CBS?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is Lisbon an alcoholic?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Anyone else think the guy Jane shot might not have been the real Red John?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone know who created this spot?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Have they ever shown Jane's dead family, not just the bloody smiley face? If so, in which episode?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
how old is Rigsby?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Trust game-thing??
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
The Mentalist in the UK?!
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Do 你 think the show's writers knew this?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What do 你 guys think about the relationship between Jane and 面包车, 范 Pelt?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Has the MENTALIST jumped the shark???
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What were his wife and daughter called?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Can anyone get screencaps for Ball of Fire?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why does Jane say the same thing in two episodes?
Is Simon Baker married?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is the actor who played Patrick really that smart 或者 is he just hot?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Doesn't the fact that Jane is totally defenseless bothers 你 sometimes???
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Who thinks the Mentalist 显示 is gonna have a series of books?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
The name of Patrick's wife and daughter?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Season 3? Does anyone know when it will Air. Seeing as most shows are coming back in Sept.
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do Rigsby and 面包车, 范 Pelt get back 2gether?After they break up because Hightower gives them an ultimatum, even though Rigsby is willing to leave, 面包车, 范 Pelt breaks it off because she tells Rigsby she loves the job 更多 and doesn't want him to hate her.
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
when is the release 日期 of The Mentalist season 2 DVD
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Who else is really annoyed 由 the return of Kristina Frye, as Jane's 爱情 interest?
9 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Can anyone tell me which episode this picture appears in? I AM THAT GUY on a poster 或者 in the background of a Mentalist episode from this season.
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anybody else have 随意 Mentalist dreams?
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Does anything in your daily life ever remind 你 of The Mentalist?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Western Australia hasn't aired the new episodes with the new boss, so what is she/he like?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
guys can u plz help me!!! is there any episode that lisbon gets shot 或者 gets hurt !!
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I missed a few episodes... Has there been anymore interaction with 'Red John' yet????
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What will 面包车, 范 Pelt and Rigsby do now since they had a ginormous fight? Will it be the end? (Though I don't think so, Bruno will have a twist!)
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is there going to be a a 下一个 season? Season 3
8 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why is the Jane/Lisbon relationship called Jello? I don't get it.
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What season is your country up to? Australia hasn't finished airing season 2!!
8 粉丝 回答了这个问题
that last episode (1-12-10) ended with jane and lisbon dancing. what song was that?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Heyy,Just want to ask a pretty much 随意 问题 here...Does anyone write 或者 read 或者 do both on mentalist FanFiction.net? XD
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone know where I can download free Mentalist video clips that I can use in Windows Movie Maker?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Hi,was wondering if anybody knew a site that has the picture from "A price above rubies" where Jane holds the tiara ontop of lisbons head and theyre both looking at the guys who theyre meant to be questioning? I want one that I can save to my pictures
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Who thinks Minelli is Red John?
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When do the new episode start???
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is the mentalist on itunes?
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My friend has been looking for a 'the mentalist' calendar. know where to find one?
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Have 你 ever seen the actors in any other shows (besides the obvious like Simon Baker in The Guardian)
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What happened in "A Price above Rubies"?
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Has a price before rubies been aired in Perth, Western Australia?
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Is Patrick Jane really on the team 或者 is he just a helper? I know he has a badge but is he qualified to carry a gun? Do they consider him a real member of the CBI?
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What is your all time 最喜爱的 episode of the Mentalist?
8 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is the episode "redemption" in season 1 或者 2?
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Time magazine 说 that 你 can't watch The Mentalist online. Is that true?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Has anyone else noticed that most times when there is a Red John episode that Prelude in C major from The Well Tempered Clavier 由 Bach is played?? I think it is a beautiful piece.
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone know a link to watch free episode 7 of the mentalist?
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Sorry...this sounds dumb but what episode is it mentioned that Bosco and Lisbon used to date?
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Okay, TV Guide mentioned that Red John returns soon and they say one of our beloved agents dies, does anybody know where I can find out beforehand, the suspense is killing me!!
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The Mentalist
Nelly Furtado
Patrick Jane
Grace 面包车, 范 Pelt & Wayne Rigsby
Teresa Lisbon
Grace 面包车, 范 Pelt
海军罪案调查处 and The Mentalist
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