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The Definitive Ranking Of Marvel Movie Men 由 Hotness

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called The Definitive Ranking Of Marvel Movie Men 由 Hotness
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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Dr. Erik Selvig is older, kinda crazy, and he’s just not everyone’s cup of tea. But at least he has a kind heart!
Whether it’s the accent, the weird desire to kill Tony Stark, or the fact he thinks that a bunch of wires and electricity is considered clothing, we are just not feeling it.
There’s something about most of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that makes them boring compared to the Avengers. The only good thing about this guy is that you can tell he’d be eager to please.
This guy might be the least attractive of Thor’s mates, but he’s known for having many children, which means he’s had a lot of ~practice~.
Another boring S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Add the fact that Phil looks like every dad ever, and you’ve got a great big NOPE.
Nick Fury is a real man, however he seems overly attached to his job. Also, being with him would really put you in danger so he’s a bit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
This guy is cool, he does a decent job and he stays humble unlike a lot of the other people he’s surrounded by. However, he tries so hard, and desperation just isn’t attractive.
This guy looks hot, but also super creepy. So creepy in fact, that his obvious wealth isn’t doing anything to stop that uncomfortable feeling. He’s the most obvious villain ever.
This guy is kind of great, but he’s always so quiet and he doesn’t have any exciting superpowers.
He’s bad in an intriguing way, but he’s also got terrible tattoos.
This guy is almost perfect! He’s got an accent, but he also has a creepy moustache.
Bruce could be a real bae. But the thing is, he turns into a giant green thing when he gets excited.
Look at that face. So much emotion, so much beauty. Who wouldn’t want to play with his sword?
This guy never ages, and he’s got the strength of 20 men, so what’s not to love?
Another one of Thor’s friends. This guy is wild, and even though he might not show his feelings, he definitely cares.
This guy doesn’t give up, but he’s not desperate. Effortlessly cool, and constantly babin’, Sam is another human that you could settle down with.
Successful mega-genius, yes. Rich, yes. Superhero, yes. We will take one please.
Loki is a sexy misunderstood guy with a wicked sense of humour. Looking at him, you just want to heal his pain and fix his broken heart. It could happen!
Bucky was adorable, but the Winter Soldier is HOT. That stubble, that hair, that intense gaze. Who else could look that good after being frozen and defrosted on and off for a century?
Even though he always looks grimy, Peter Quill doesn’t need to scrub up when he has those abs.
Those eyes are constantly smouldering with lust, imagine them looking at you. Oh, and did you notice his massive piece of ~weaponry~?
The king of Asgard, the king of hearts, the king of biceps, the king of any bed he goddamn lies in.
Steve Rogers is the dream bae. He’s a gentleman and just looking at him makes you wanna say “Daddy”.
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Patrick Campbell is an editorial fellow for BuzzFeed and is based in Sydney, Australia.
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ozfellows, captain america, chris evans, iron man, marvel, marvel men, superheroes, thirst, thirst post, thor
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