TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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Chapter 21
(Duncan's P.O.V.)
Was it real?
Had my fantasies come true?
Was Chris really... Dead?!
"YESSSS!!!" I jumped up on the 表 and shouted.
"Is this something to be happy about??" Courtney shouted behind me. "He got stabbed in the back with a 厨房 knife, and you're happy?!"
What an idiot.
She's such a kiss-up.
"You just 逼债, 墩 got punk'd, suckahs!!" Chris suddenly sprang up and said, "Horror 电影院 are for today!!"
Wow, I had been happy?

"How in the-" Justin started, but Chris inturrupted him 由 explaining he had on a small packet full of fake blood, and it bursts on impact.
"10 minutes, people! In the theater! What horrors does the future hold for our contestants?" Chris 说 to the camera. "Who will return with a guts-and-gore scarred conscious and soul? Find out, right after this!"
Chef grumbled something about pushing the 刀 a little harder 或者 something on the way out with the camera crew and pretty-boy McClean.

- - - - - - - - - -

*10 分钟 later*
Gwen would've loved this challenge.
It's only been a week since- *gulp* -the incident, and I've forgotten her touch, what it felt like to have her near me...
GAH. Sappy stuff aside, what we had to do first, is act out a scene from a horror movie. 或者 make up our own scene.
Gwen was gone, so I got paired up with DJ and explained the scene to him.
I said, "OK, DJ, we'll do some improv here. And if Chris asks what movie it's from, 你 say, 'Someone Dies, Tonight', got it?"
DJ nodded sheepishly.
"Alright then! A basic plot; You're in your hows watching TV, and I do a classic 移动 with a chainsaw!!"
"Omigawd, Duncan! A-are 你 gonna hurt me?!" DJ asked nervously.
"Hell no! You'll see me, and run behind the set. I run back there and rev up the chainsaw, and just throw modified ketchup everywhere. Simple, right?"
DJ looks like he just relieved himself after waiting 3 days to do it. MAN that guy's a wimp!

DJ: Thank God.
.::End Confessioncam::.

Everyone got to work on their sets.
Leshawna was with Heather (poor Leshawna), Lindsay was with Beth, and Justin was with Owen and Izzy. Courtney, of course, got to choose a team, so she went with Heather and Leshawna. Once again, poor Leshawna.

- - - - - - - - - -

*one 小时 later*
Chris jumped out in his, *snickers*, mullet, and announced time was up.
Leshawna, Courtney, and Heather were first.
All they did was throw fake guts, ketchup, and Chef's cooking around from behind a fake wall. No chainsaws! >:O
Justin, Izzy, and Owen's scene was WAY better.
Justin ran out with a chainsaw, and cut Owen's hand off, and Izzy kicked Justin in the gut!
It was a fake hand, of course.
*FEW! Thank god, I was so worried about Owen!*
But 你 KNEW that he was gonna be fine, I mean, 你 make me say this stuff, and, well, uhg.
Anyways, that was the whole thing.
Beth and Lindsay, same thing as Leshawna and her team's scene.

Duncan: Can
ANYONE think of horror movies?!
.::End Confessioncam::.

Finally, it came to mine and DJ's scene.
DJ sat on a 长椅, 沙发 watching TV, 唱歌 along to Justin Bieber 或者 whatever.
I prepared myself with the chainsaw. This was gonna be awesome.
I revved up the chainsaw and jumped out behind the 长椅, 沙发 in front of DJ. DJ screamed like a little girl and ran behind a 支持 wall. I ran back and DJ was ready with the ketchup with 玉米 syrup, and fake guts.
I revved up the chainsaw really lowed and cut it through a 猛男, hunk, 大块 of Chef's mystery meat to make it sound like I was cutting through human flesh, while DJ threw the stuff around.
That was the most fun I ever had in my life!!

- - - - - - - - - -

(Courtney's P.O.V.)
*sighs* OK I'll admit, my team's performance was pretty lame- but don't blame me! "I had wonderful ideas!" I shouted at Duncan when he 说 our scene was idiotic.

Leshawna (with Heather): I agree with Duncan on this one.
Heather (with Leshawna): Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Leshawna! Oh, and P.S., that plot was Court's idea, not mine
or Leshawna's.
.::End Confessioncam::.

"OK, contestants," Chris announced. "I think the winners are....... Duncan and DJ!"
"WHAT?!" I screamed at Chris. "Why their pathetic acting?!" DJ teared up and said, "Now why'd ya have to go and say that?"
Chris 说 impatiently, "Because, number one, it's my show, number two, your scene sucked, and number three, Duncan and DJ had the only scene from a movie!"

Duncan: Well, now, I got DJ and I the win because of one little lie. Who da man?! :3
.::End Confessioncam::.

"Now go and decide on a loser!" Chris shouted. He faced the camera.
"Will Gwen be back soon? Is Courtney gonna kill Duncan in his sleep? Will my double half-caff latte, EVER get here?"
An intern quickly handed him the latte.
"Find out when we come back, on Total, Drama, ACTION!"
That was getting so annoying. Sometimes I REALLY hate Chris.
"Chris Ceremony in 10, people!" Chris barked at us. He left trailing behind the camera's, muttering complaints about ratings and stuff.
Well, at least now I can stop 表演 like I hate Duncan! Well, I'm mad at him OF COURSE, but I don't hate him. I can never hate my Dunkey-Wunkey. :3

Chapter 22
(Duncan's P.O.V.)
I have to see Gwen.
I ran to the infirmary as quick as I could, which wasted at least 4 minutes.
I ran into her section of the infirmary tent panting, and managed, "How's it goin, sunshine?"
Gwen looked better. She had looked pale- well, pale-ER -a few days ago.
Now, her cheeks were full of, er, color. And not just skin tone, blushing color, I guess.
She smiled at me, blushing, and said, "I'm better, now that you're here." and Gwen took my hand.
I smiled at her, and snickered, "Who should go tonight?"
We looked at each other for a bit, and then burst out laughing.
"WELL, WHO DO 你 THINK?!" Gwen shouted laughing hard.
"HEATHER!" we shouted together.
We laughed until our sides hurt, and we ended that laugh track with the "classic" last laugh, sigh, smile routine.
I heard someone behind me. I turned around and saw Courtney dart behind the infirmary tent's flap.
Sh*t, I need to talk to her.
"Laters, sunshine." I whispered to Gwen.
I kissed her forehead, grabbed Court's arm on the way out, and brought her behind one of the trailers.
I clapped my hand over her mouth. Goddamn big mouth was gonna get us caught!
"Shut it!!" I hissed. I wanted to see if anyone was eavesdropping.
No cameras, no contestants, no privacy intruders.
"Duncan..." Courtney murmured. "Heather says you've been thinking of me a lot. Is that true? That 你 still like me?"
Oh sh*t... No... I thought. I was speechless.
"I... I..."
Then I noticed that it had been 7 minutes.
"WELL OFF TO THE GILDED CHRIS CEREMONY!!" I shouted, dragging Courtney behind me 由 her arm. She struggled, screamed, scratched, swore, but I didn't care, I was too 迷失 in thought.
Can't tell her... Can't tell her... I thought.

Courtney: What was Duncan hiding?! :O Was Heather... Right?
.::End Confessioncam::.

FINALLY, we got to the auditorium. All 10 of us cast our votes.
"Duncan, Courtney, DJ, Leshawna, Beth, Lindsay, Justin, Owen, and Izzy!" Chris shouted, throwing the statues to us.
Heather started to scream and yell in protest until Chef carried her away to the Lame-O-zine.
I could hear Chris murmur, "Thank GOD, she's finally gone."

Chapter 22
(Gwen's P.O.V.)
Finally, I'm back in the game! I guess 你 could say I've had immunity for the past two weeks.
When I walked out of the infirmary, I saw Courtney skipping around happily, with a smile on her face. What has she done...?
"Why are 你 so smiley?" I asked her.
"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" Courtney burst out laughing in my face with a creepy grin on her face. "Izzy, is that you?" I asked cocking my head to my left. "NOPE! THIS IS ALL COURTNEY, MAN!! WOO HOO!!!" She shouted. The she sprinted off into the lot of sets. "What in the..." My voice trailed off. Has she gone mental?!
"GWEN!!" Someone shouted, and a pair of chocolaty-brown arms grabbed me in such a big hug, I could barely breathe. "OUFF!! Hi Leshawna!" I said. Leshawna put me down smiling, but then looked at me very seriously.
"We need to talk, girl."
"About what?"
"About that delinquent 你 call your boyfriend." And with that said, she put her arm around my shoulders, me with the most confused look on my face I could muster, and we walked to the girls' trailer. It began to drizzle.

- - - - - - - - - -

It was pouring 由 the time we were done talking.
"That's not true!" I shouted.
"I'm not sure if you're right 或者 if I'm right, Gwen. I heard it from Heather before she left." I raised an eyebrow. "Heather?"
"She swore on the Bible I brought to the set that that's what she heard from Courtney."
"I'll deal with Court then if Heather swore on a Bible. I'm going to bed." I snapped.
"I'll go to 床, 床上 too, then." Leshawna snapped back. "Night, Gwen." With that, she turned off the lights. I pulled the scratchy material Chris referred to as "our covers" over my head, trying to hide from the world.
Courtney's gonna get it.

Chapter 23
Duncan's P.O.V.
"SEVEN A.M., MAGGOTS! TIME TO GET THOSE LAZY BUTTS UP!!" Chef's voice blared through a 公牛 horn. I heard sounds of alarm (and even panic, coming from DJ) around the trailer. I ignored the noise and put on my 衬衫 and pants. I hopped outside and saw the girls filing outside of their trailer one 由 one. Izzy, Leshawna, Gwen, Lindsay, Beth, and Courtney. Courtney and I have made up. "Oh trust me. We've made up." I 说 to Justin when he asked what I was doing when I waved to Courtney.
"Chris is gone" Chef said. "hosting some fru-fru ice-skating show. So I will be in charge of 你 worthless teens." he finished gruffly. "Yeah, this didn't go well last time he was in charge, remember?" Gwen said. "Yeah..." I murmured.
"Today's challenge will be to, to..." Chef's voice trailed off as he picked up a stack of note cards. He flipped through most of them until squinting at one and saying in his "joyful voice, "to watch a scary movie and not scream."
"Piece of cake." I muttered to Courtney after Chef let us leave. "I don't think I'll be able to handle it, but I'll try to." she replied firmly.
Gwen suddenly grabbed my hand and said, "Easy as pie," and she intertwined our fingers. I glanced at Courtney, and she was neutral. Not mad, not sad, not happy.

Courtney: Eh, I don't mind it when they hold hands. Hugging is just fine. High-fiving- well, I'd be a moron if I freaked out when they
high-fived! That'd be absurd! When they kiss, I get a little pissed off. But I don't think they'll be 接吻 for a long time now... heh heh heh... >:3
.::End Confessioncam::.

Chapter 24
(Gwen's P.O.V.)
Duncan has been 表演 weird lately. It's like hes avoiding me. Could Leshawna be right? I thought. I quickly pushed the thought out of my head.
Immediately after all of us were seated in the theater (Court 下一个 to Duncan, myself sitting three people away from him), the film started. DJ fainted at the 标题 screen, Lindsay and Beth screamed bloody murder at the first kill of the movie, Justin and Leshawna puked at the sight of all the guts and blood, Owen ran away screaming when the couple started to make out and Izzy started chasing him shouting, "I bet 你 want that to be us!!", and Courtney almost managed to make it through the entire movie, but she cried out in alarm when the bloody face of a man popped onto the screen suddenly. That was the end of the movie. Duncan and I won. "Yes!" I shouted, and held out my arms to Duncan for a hug. But he only ignored me and helped Courtney to her feet. "D-Duncan?" My smile faultered. He looked at me with his mouth set in a firm line, but then he suddenly grinned and said, "Well well well, little miss sunshine actually made it twough da scawy movwie." he clamped his hands together, brought them to his cheek, puckered out his lip, and did (I think what was supposed to be) a cute face. I shook my head looking down, but laughing. "Ah, shut it." I said, punching his arm. But there was no arm there! Where'd he go!?
"Chris, um, whatevers, in 10 minutes, maggots!!" Chef announced. He walked away grumbling.
Izzy, of all people, tapped my shoulder. "Uhh, Gwen?" she whispered. I looked at her. She was pointing towards the exit of the theater. I followed her finger, and saw Duncan and Courtney walking off alone into the woods. Holding hands. Secretly, a camera man followed them in.
I glanced back at Izzy. She patted my shoulder in sympathy, handed me a rubber duck, and left. I looked at the 鸭 for a while, then stuffed it into my pocked. Just in case.

(Chris's P.O.V.)
*10 分钟 later*

I was off hosting an ice-skating show, yes.
Chef was in charge, yes.
Contestants watching a scary movie for a challenge, NO!
They were supposed to jump off a 100 foot high diving board onto a horse on the western set! DUH! Well, I got on my blue tuxedo, put on my fake mullet, and walked out onto the stage. I heard snickers come from the bleachers, but I shushed the voices and said, "Time to cast your votes! remember, Duncan and Gwen have immunity."
Electronic beeps and tiny whispers floated aroudn the amphitheater. When all the noises stopped, I was handed me the results, and eight Gilded Chris Awards.
I read out the names and passed out the awards. "Owen, DJ, Duncan, Beth, Lindsay, Izzy, Gwen, and Courtney."
Justin sadly walked to the Lame-O-Zine, mumbling and grumbling about the 显示 being less hansom. "I'm glad he's gone." I told Chef when the contestants were gone. "Why?" Chef asked me. "Now I have no one to steal my spot light in the hansom department!"
"With that mullet?" Chef snickered. I crossed my arms and pouted. Then I remembered the cameras were still on. "Only eight contestants left! Who will be voted off 下一个 time? Is Owen ever going to make out with Izzy willingly?" I racked my brain for 更多 dramatic questions. Then I remembered the footage the camera man caught of Duncan and Courtney in the woods. "Will Gwen find out what Duncan and Courtney did in the woods? Will Duncan and Gwen's relationship crumble? Find out 下一个 time, on Total, Drama, ACTION!"

*WARNING: This 下一个 part is super sad. Reader digression is advised.*

Chapter 25

(Gwen's P.O.V.
"OK, THAT'S IT!!" I shouted. I had heard Duncan and Courtney laughing and giggling for the past 20 分钟 behind the girls' trailer. I wanted to know what in the hell was going on between them, AND between me and Duncan. I stormed outside, went around back of the trailer, and I saw Duncan smiling at Courtney mischievously, and Courtney had her arms around Duncan's neck. "DUNCAN!!!!!" I practically screamed. They both jumped. Duncan looked like he might have peed his pants. Courtney just glared at me. I sat there with my mouth hanging open. Speachless.
"Cut the shit, Duncan." I snapped at him. That shut him up. That was like the first time I had ever swore. I walked up to him. I said, "Leshawna 说 that Heather told her that Courtney said, 说 that, that when, when 你 kissed me, or-or hugged me, held hands with me, slept with me," Duncan got a slap to the face from Courtney. "all of that, that 你 weren't thinking of me... 你 were thinking of Courtney. 你 were imagining that I wasn't me, that I was Courtney. Is that true?"
All three of us sat in dead silence for about a minute. When he finally replied, I remembered the rubber 鸭 Izzy gave me was still in my pocket. I chucked it at his face as hard as I could and ran off screaming and crying.
His reply was yes.
added by bigpurplemuppet
posted by xRainbowNinjax
Gwens POV
Its been a week since Duncan left and believe 或者 not, i kinda miss him, DON'T tell Courtney. And, OK i dont kinda miss him, i Really miss him!!!! Ugh... Hes my best friend, not crush......
Duncans POV
Stupid Chris Kicked me out of the plane, i landed in a Cactus. Yea wasn't pretty. I Kinda, Killed the cactus. I Miss Courtney. Hmm, No im not a softie... Well now im at vegas im staying in 伦敦 :D Im a punk band. So i was watching TDWT and Saw Courtney and Gwen.. Ah Gawd whats wrong with me, OK ill admit it I Miss Gwen.......... :( Shes pretty, Sexy, Hot, But Courtney is, well, Shes Crazy,...
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added by bigpurplemuppet
Gwen and Duncan like eachother, Courtney likes Duncan , too. She kisses Him, but feels no sparks. Gwen sees and thinks Duncan was playing with her. Duncan calls Gwen and tells her everything, In the end Duncan and Gwen get together
the reason
posted by xRainbowNinjax
Duncan's P.O.V
We were on the bus, on our way to our new adventure.
I can't believe i have to deal with this crap again!
"Duncan I am SO happy were in a season together, like a whole season :D" Courtney 说 Cheerfully.
"Oh how i would 爱情 to get tortured 由 the famous Chris Mclean!!"
"Shut up Duncan , oh and don't harsh my mood!"
"Yes princess..."
Gwen's P.O.V
I could hear Duncan and Courtney. I have NO CLUE WHY, but i kinda agree with Courtney, yet again i still agree with Duncan. I Turned around and said,
"You know ,Courtney, if 你 spoke any louder the whole bus would here you!"
continue reading...
added by rairtylover5
added by iDxG101
posted by gwenlover15
I woke up and remembered the wonderful dream i had...could it be true..does duncan really 爱情 me? Theres only one way to find out. I streatched my arms and legs and let out a yawn. My brother jake came in "what do 你 want jake!" I yelled while looking at him. Jake looked at me stragely and 说 "someones at the door, I think its duncan" he grined as he 说 duncan. I slowly started to smile noticing it could be the 爱情 of my life at my door. I ran downstairs and opened the door and it was duncan I smiled when I saw him. Duncan smiled at me "hey babe can I come in?" duncan said...
continue reading...
Duncan's POV
Ok, let's go over the checklist again.

Blankets: Check
Food: Check
Knife: Check
Gun: Check
First Aid Kit: Check
Duffel Bag: Check
Bottled Water: Check
Extra Clothes: Check
Cash: Check
Map: Check
Car: Check
Watch: Check

I think that's all I need. I scribbled something down on a sticky note. It read:

Dear Mom,
I've set out on a long and dangerous journey to go beat the crap out of Trent and find my girlfriend. I might not make it back alive 'cause trust me this dude is tougher then he looks. Just, I want 你 to remember me as someone who fought for love. And do me a favor, if I don't succeed, please,...
continue reading...
added by tdacrazy6
hopes 你 likes it :D video credit- lunatone4
added by bakes2389
Another awesome DxG vid 由 IAmThaliaRose!
posted by starlabair
This is my first fanfiction ever. Total Drama never happened. I 爱情 Duncan and Gwen sooo much, so please 评论 and give me feedback. P.S. if 你 评论 on this I will give 你 a 杯形饼, 蛋糕 and I will continue this story.

Part 1

Gwen's POV:

*BEEP,BEEP,BEEP* My alarm went off. I slammed my hand on the snooze button and got out of 床, 床上 sluggishly. I went to the bathroom,brushed my black/teal hair, put on my black eyeliner,and 水鸭, 蓝绿色, 深青色 lipstick. I went back to my room and put on my 凯莎 t-shirt, my black and 水鸭, 蓝绿色, 深青色 短裙, 裙子 with black leggings. As i hurried to get my black combat boots on my mom yelled from...
continue reading...
added by bakes2389
Source: Total Drama Creators, CN, Teletoon
added by bakes2389
Source: Total Drama Creators, CN, Teletoon
posted by FANOGWEN
(Gwen's pov.)
I was in the cafeteria with my boyfriend Trent. I saw the punk Duncan walk 由 yelling at Courtney (his bossy girlfriend). She slapped him on the face and walked off. Duncan looked T.O.d. He saw me and winked. Trent growled and I went back to my lunch not paying any attention to either boys. (Duncan's pov.)
Courtney got all mad at me for not getting rid of my Mohawk and piercings. We fighted for like 15 分钟 then we went to the cafeteria ( still fighting). Then she slapped me and 说 were through. I didn't even care. I walked 由 Gwen and winked at her. She looked away and ate...
continue reading...
posted by fanaticgirl17
After i told trent that his eyes lite up. Trent 说 yea i have a girl in mind,who i 说 trent 回复 ur little sis summer. my 16 yr old sis ur sick ur 18. So ur sis had wierd crush on me. oh my god i cant belive im saying this but ok knock yourself out. trent says fine lets go now her parents are sleppin she is up and im ready .ok fine lets go.while were in trents car trent tells me that i have to watch beacause he saw it happen to her. gwen 说 no but she didnt want to lose trent so fine but my sis hates me so dont do it hard.trent say i read your diary i heard u like it hard so im doin...
continue reading...
posted by xRainbowNinjax
Gwen is mostly 由 her self. 或者 rather around people, sitting in a corner 由 her self. Anyways, she has time to think to herself and lately... She has noticed her boyfriend Duncan, never really does boyfriendy stuff to her. Just the simple things, like hold her hands in public, she'll take. But...Whatever.

Gwen was having trouble sleeping in her better-then-camp crappy bed. She tried telling herself that was the problem for her lack of a peaceful slumber, but she knew otherwise. Deciding to just give up on the thing she longed for (or in this case sleep) she figured a walk and sit 由 the ocean...
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posted by colecutegirl
 gwens look 2dai
gwens look 2dai
gwens pov

ok so i found out that the punk's name is ducan and he's been in juvie 4 times already!"ok gwen sit 下一个 to duncan please' 说 miss thompson.oh Crap! i thought. art was my fave lesson but now my worst nightmare i cant really talk to him can i?"hey pasty wts ur name?" he asked "gwen" i 说 i cant exactly not talk to him. "cool im duncan and sorry bout courtney she can be a 婊子, 子 at times" he replied "when isnt she?" i mumbled and he laughed"ur absolutley right pasty"

duncans pov

gwen finnaly spoke to me. She was so right bout courtney and she seemed to forget bout trent though i wonder why she came to this school now? anyway at free period i walked with gwen i glanced over at courtney she was ... 接吻 TRENT! what a bitch! oh well why should i care i like gwen more.

sorry its short
 soo cute
soo cute
posted by xRainbowNinjax
Duncans POV

"LOOK THE BUS IS STOPPING" Lashawna screamed ganstaly (Please do not ask about the word, i had to much sugar)
"Yay now we can eat Chefs Disgusting food, and be in Chris's stressing challenges."I Sarcastically said
"Duncan 你 know 你 want to come off the bus and give me a 吻乐队(Kiss) :D"Courtney 说 Sexy like.
That made me shut up and follow, with a little mouth opening from her hotness.
_Gwens POV_
I was waiting to get in the isle. Heather came 由 and pushed me in the seat. I pushed her back, i saw she hit duncan who basically knocked over courtney....
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posted by FANOGWEN
Duncan:man,I saw this girl who was a total rebal on a 滑冰 bored she's gonna be at the annual 滑冰 off. I don't know how to beat her cause she is like really good. And did I menssion she is super hot. Man am I ever glad that I 爱情 to skateboard. I wander wat her name is. She has black&teal hair black eyes and she wears the hottest outfit ever. I 爱情 being single(Courtney and Duncan never met). Man I want to know her name.

================================================ Gwen's part

Man skateboarding is kicked and a saw a hot guy too he had black hair and a green mo-hawk 水鸭, 蓝绿色, 深青色 eyes a skull...
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