邪恶力量 Club
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 "no chick flick moments".."alright jerk" "bitch"
"no chick flick moments".."alright jerk" "bitch"
Okie dokie...one of the reason i watch Supernatural is because of its quirky funny quotes..they can make 你 laugh even if you're scared out of your wits 或者 你 shed a tear 或者 two..
Here are a couple of my 最喜爱的 lines from the latest season:

Lazarus rising
 too hot even for hell
too hot even for hell

Dean: Look, pal, I'm not buying what you're selling. Who are 你 really?
Castiel: I told you.
Dean: Right. And why would an 天使 rescue me from hell?
Castiel: Good things do happen, Dean.
Dean: Not in my experience.

Dean: 你 mean the gas station and the hotel. That was 你 talking? (Castiel nods) Buddy, 下一个 time lower the volume.
Castiel: It was my mistake. Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought 你 would be one of them. I was wrong.
Dean: And what visage are 你 in now, what, holy tax accountant?

Demon waitress: So 你 get to just strolled out of the pit, huh? Tell me, what makes 你 so special?
Dean: I'd like to think it's because of my perky nipples.

Dean: (in the Impala) What the hell is that?
Sam: That's an iPod jack.
Dean: 你 were supposed to take care of her, not douche her up.

Dean: Dude, I'm so in.
Sam: Yeah, she's gonna eat 你 alive.
Dean: Hey, I just got out of jail. Bring it!
Pamela: You're invited too, Grumpy.
Dean: 你 are not invited.

Dean: I know. I should look like a Thriller video reject.

Dean: But don’t come crawling to me when they 显示 up on your doorstep with vaseline and a 火, 消防 hose.

Are 你 there God? It's me, Dean Winchester
 God..hear my prayer..
God..hear my prayer..

Dean: All I know is I was not groped 由 an angel.

Sam: A demon who's immune to salt rounds? And devil traps? And Ruby's knife? Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing.
Dean: Don't 你 think that if 天使 were real, that some hunter, somewhere, would have seen one. At some point! Ever.
Sam: Yeah. 你 just did, Dean.
Dean: I'm trying to come up with a theory here, okay? Work with me.
Sam: Dean, we have a theory.
Dean: Yeah, one with a little less fairy dust on it, please!

Dean, to Sam: You're gonna get me some pie! *later* Dude, where's the pie??

Sam: 你 built a panic room??
Bobby: I had a weekend off.
Dean: Bobby..you're awesome!

Castiel: The rising of the witnesses is one of the 66 seals.
Dean: I’m guessing that’s not a 显示 at SeaWorld.

Castiel: The Lord works..
Dean: If 你 say "mysterious ways" so help me, I will kick your ass.

Meg: 你 don't recognize me? This is what I looked like before that demon cut off my hair and dressed me like a slut.

Bobby: I think I got everything we need here at the house.
Dean: Any chance 你 got everything we need here in this room?
Bobby: So 你 thought our luck was gonna start now all of a sudden?

In the beginning
 "killing monsters, hunting things..family business"
"killing monsters, hunting things..family business"

Azazel: All those 天使 on your shoulder. No, I'm gonna cover my tracks good.
Dean: 你 can cover whatever the hell 你 want, I'm still going to kill you.
Azazel: Right. Now that I'd like to see.
Dean: Maybe not today. But 你 look into my eyes, 你 son of a bitch, 'cause I'm the one that kills you.

Dean: Sammy, wherever 你 are..mom is a babe! I'm going to hell..again..

Dean: What about the rest of the town? Did 你 find anything on the web..of..information that 你 have assembled.
Deanna: Electrical storms, maybe. The weather service graphs should be here on friday.
Dean: 由 mail?
Samuel: No, we hired a 喷气客机, 喷气式飞机 to fly them to us overnight.

Samuel: So 你 didn't notice anything unusual, ma'am?
Woman: 你 mean like my husband's guts fertilizing the back forty?

Dean: So, what, God's my co-pilot, is that it?

 Sammy, you're not a freak
Sammy, you're not a freak

Dean: I’ve seen big weird, little weird, weird with crazy on top. But this guy, come on, this guy’s boring.

Dean(to Ruby): Well aren't 你 just an obedient little bitch?

Travis: Boys, we got ourselves a rugaru.
Dean: Rugaru? Is that made up? That sounds made up.

Dean: Longpig?
Sam: He means human flesh.
Dean: And that is my new word of the day!

Dean: Sam loves research. He does. He keeps it under his mattress right 下一个 to his K-Y. It's a sickness. It is.

Dean: 你 probably feeling your 识骨寻踪 moving under your skin and your appetite’s reaching Hungry Hungry Hippo levels. How am I doing so far?

Sam: I've got demon blood in me, Dean. I'm a whole new level of freak! (poor Sammy..broke my heart!)

Monster movie
 rebels with a badge
rebels with a badge

Dean: Hey, 你 think this Dracula can turn into a bat? That'd be cool.

Jamie: Try again tomorrow, g-man.
Dean: I wish I could. I don't think we're stayin' on the case.
Jamie: What? Is it too weird for you?
Dean: Not weird enough.

Dean: It looks like we stumbled upon a midnight 展示 of Dracula meets the 狼 Man.

Dean: We need to find this guy before he Creature from the Black Lagoons somebody.

Dean: We still gotta see the new Raiders movie.
Sam: Saw it.
Dean: Without me?
Sam: 你 were in hell.
Dean: That's no excuse.

Dean: I'm a maverick ma'am..a rebel with a badge..one thing I don't play by..the rules! (he winks..awwww)
Sam: Okay maverick!

Dean: ..which leads me to conclude..sadly..that my virginity is intact.

Dean: Brother, i have been rehymenated and the dude will not obide!
Sam: Alright..dude!

Dean(at the morgue): I'm getting a headache!

Dracula: I have a coupon.

Dean: That guy was about to Frankenstein me.
Sam: 嘿 there Hansel!
Dean: Shut up!

Yellow fever
 he'll kill yaaaaaa
he'll kill yaaaaaa

Dean: That was scary!...What??

Dean: Run!! He'll kill you!

Coroner: Everyone drops dead sooner 或者 later. That's why I've got job security.

Sam: How ya feelin'?
Dean: Awesome. It's nice to have my head on the chopping block again, I almost forgot what that feels like. It's friggin delightful.

Sam: It's ghost sickness.
Dean: Ghost sickness?
Sam: Yeah.
Dean: God, no.
Sam: Yeah.
Dean: I don't even know what that is.

Sam: Dude, you're going 20.
Dean: So?
Sam: That's the speed limit.
Dean: What? Safety's a crime now?

Dean: Sam, I'm not gonna make a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic, I'm not suicidal. Did I just say that? That was kinda weird.

Sam: What are 你 doing waiting out here anyway
Dean: Our room is on the fourth floor..It's high.

Dean: I mean, come on Sam. What are we doing?
Sam: We're hunting a ghost.
Dean: A ghost, exactly. Who does that?
Sam: Us.
Dean: Us, right. And that Sam is exactly why our lives suck. I mean come on, we hunt monsters. What the hell? Normal people, they see a monster and they run, not us. No, no, no we 搜索 out things that want to kill us, yeah, huh, or..or eat us. 你 know who does that? Crazy people! We are insane!!

Dean: On the up-side, I'm still alive, so..uh..go team!

Bobby: 'Cause this line of work can get awful scary.
Dean: I'm fine. What, 你 wanna go hunting? I'll hunt. I'll kill anything.
Sam: Awwww...
Bobby: He's adorable :D (yeah, he so is!)

It's the great pumpkin, Sam Winchester

Sam: Yeah, that demon ray-gun stuff? Doesn't work on me.

Dean: I mean, come on, you're gonna wipe out a whole town for one little witch. Sounds to me like you're compensating for something.

Dean: Yeah..well, if 你 were a six-hundred-year hag and 你 could choose any costume to come back in, wouldn't 你 go for a hot cheerleader? I would...mmm..

Dean: Witches, man. They're so freaking skeevy.

Sam: What about you? Find anything on the victim?
Dean: This Luke Wallace..he was so vanilla that he made vanilla seem spicy.

Dean: Astronaut!!

Dean: So we're talking ghosts.
Sam: Yeah.
Dean: Zombies.
Sam: Mm-hmm..
Dean: Leprechauns?
Sam: Dean!
Dean: Those little dudes are scary..small hands.

Dean: It's Halloween, man.
Sam: Yeah. For us, every 日 is Halloween.
Dean: Don't be a downer.

Dean: I'm telling you, both of these vics are squeaky-clean. There was no reason for wicked-bitch payback.

Wishful thinking
 teddy 熊 doctors
teddy 熊 doctors

Dean: 或者 it's a Bigfoot. 你 know, and he's some kind of alcoholo-porno addict...kind of like a deep-woods Duchovny.

Waiter: 你 have got to try our ice cream extreme. It’s extreme.
Sam: Uh, no extremities, please.

Sam: I can see you're very interested.
Dean: Women, showers. We got to save these people.

Dean: I got to tell you, I’m pretty disappointed.
Sam: 你 wanted to save naked women.
Dean: Darn right I wanted to save some naked women.

Dean: So what, Bigfoot breaks into a liquor store jonesing for some hooch? Amaretto and Irish Cream..he's a girl-drink drunk.

Sam: Are we... should we... are we gonna kill this teddy bear?
Dean: How? Do we shoot it, burn it?
Sam: I don't know. Both?
Dean: How do we even know that's gonna work? I mean I don't want some giant, flaming, pissed-off teddy on our hands.
Sam: Yeah. Besides, I get the feeling that the 熊 isn't really the..you know..core problem here.

Dean: Little girl..
Girl: Audrey!!!! (awesome...oh, man..Dean's face...hahaaa)

Dean: We are teddy 熊 doctors!

Sam: I'm really sorry to have to break this to you, but your 熊 is sick. Yeah, he's..he's got...
Dean: Lollipop disease.

Teddy Bear: Look at this. 你 believe this crap?
Dean: Not really.
Teddy Bear: It is a terrible world. Why am I here?
Audrey: For 茶 parties!
Teddy Bear: 茶 parties? Is that all there is???

suicidal note of the teddy bear: "Life is meaningless. Signed T. Bear" (it was so damn funny!! 情绪硬核 teddy)

I know what 你 did last summer
 "c'mooon! where the hell are you??"
"c'mooon! where the hell are you??"

Anna: This demon, Lilith, is trying to break the 66 seals to free Lucifer from Hell. Lucifer will bring the Apocalypse. So smoke ‘em if 你 got ‘em.

Dean: Well, 你 got a lot of nerve 展示 up anywhere near me.
Ruby: I just have some info, and then I'm gone.
Sam: What is it?
Ruby: I'm hearing a few whispers.
Dean: Ooh, great, demon whisperers..that's reliable.

Sam: C'mooon!! Where the hell are you??..I don't want ten years. I don't want one year. I don't want candy! I want to trade places with Dean!

Dean: That’s Revelations.
Psychiatrist: Since when does the Book of Revelations have jack-o-lanterns?
Dean: It’s, uh..a little-known translation.

Dean: So, they lock 你 up with a case of the crazies, when really you’re just tuning into 天使 radio?

Anna: And you're Dean..THE Dean?
Dean: Oh, yeah..THE Dean I guess..

Dean: So I'm Girl, Interrupted..and I know the score with the apocalypse..just busted out of the nutbox..possibly using super powers 由 the way. Where do I go?

Ruby: Proof. This body is 100% socially conscious. I recycle. Al Gore would be proud.

Alastair: Don't 你 recognize me? Oh, I forgot..I'm wearing a pediatrician.

Dean: Well, at least now we know why the demons want 你 so bad. They get a hold of 你 , they can hear everything the other side's cooking...you're 1-900-ANGEL!

Dean: Sam?
Sam: Yeah?
Dean: Too much information!
Sam: Hey, I told 你 I was coming clean.
Dean: Yeah, but now I feel dirty. Okay, well uh...brain-stabbing imagery aside, so far all you've told me about is a manipulative 婊子, 子 who uh...screwed you, played mind games with you, and did everything in the book to get 你 to go bad.

Dean: I guess I..you know..
Ruby: What?
Dean: I guess I owe 你 for..Sam. And I just wanted to..you know..
Ruby: Don’t strain yourself.
Dean: Okay, then. Is the moment over?..good, cause that was awkward.

Heaven and Hell
 "watch out Ken doll...i might slip and kill yaa"
"watch out Ken doll...i might slip and kill yaa"

Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, I know she's wiretapping your 天使 chats 或者 whatever, but it's no reason to gank her.
Uriel: Don't worry. I'll kill her gentle.

Uriel: Give us the girl.
Dean: Sorry. Get yourself another one. Try Jdate.

Dean: Iron walls drenched in salt. Demons can't even touch the joint.
Ruby: Which I find racist, 由 the way.
Dean: Write your Congressman.

Sam: Where’s Bobby?
Dean: Uh, the Dominican. He 说 we break anything, we buy it.
Sam: Is he working a job?
Dean: God, I hope so. Otherwise he’s at Hedonism in a 香蕉 hammock and a trucker cap.
Sam: Now that’s seared in my brain.

Sam: She was convinced that he wasn’t her real daddy.
Dean: Who was? The plumber, hmm? A little snaking the pipes?
Sam: Dude, you’re confusing reality with porn again.

Pamela: Sam, is that you?
Sam: I’m right here.
Pamela: Oh. Know how I can tell? That perky little 屁股 of yours. 你 could bounce a nickel off that thing.

Dean: So, 你 just forgot that 你 were God’s little Power Ranger?

Dean: So what, you're just gonna take some divine bong hit, and Shazam, you're Roma Downey?
Anna: Something like that.

Ruby: What?
Dean: Nothing. It’s just..an 天使 and a demon, riding in the back seat. It’s like the setup for a bad joke. 或者 a Penthouse 论坛 letter.
Sam: Dude..reality..porn.
Dean: 你 call this reality?

Dean: What was that for?
Anna: 你 know… our last night on Earth… all that.
Dean: You’re stealing my best line.

Uriel: Wait, there's more. 你 cut yourself a slice of 天使 食物 cake. 你 did.
Dean: What would 你 care? You're junkless down there right? Like a Ken doll.

Family remains
 "that's super disturbing" 你 can say that again
"that's super disturbing" 你 can say that again

Dean: Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is going to sell like hotcakes.

Sam: It's probably a dumbwaiter. All these old houses had them.
Dean: Know-it-all.
Sam: What?
Dean: What?
Sam: 你 said..
Dean: What?
Sam: Never mind.

Dean: What kind of ghost messes with a man's wheels?!?

Dean: Geez, rent Juno, get over it.

Sam: So it's just a girl?
Dean: It's not just a girl, it's psycho Nell..I'm telling 你 man..humans!

Kate: I just got molested 由 Casper the pervy ghost, that's what happened!

Ted: It's just some backwoods hillbilly 婊子, 子 and I'm not about sit around here waiting for her to go all Deliverance on my ass.

Mrs. Curry: I already told the local boys, there was blood..everywhere.
Dean: And Mr. Gibson, where was he?
Mrs. Curry: Everywhere.

Dean:...oh, gross! So the daddy was the baby daddy too..

Dean:..she bust out and ganks dear old dad..slash grandad?

Dean: Please nobody grab my leg, please nobody grab my leg!

Criss 天使 is a douchebag
 please, don't grow apart..it's killin' me
please, don't grow apart..it's killin' me

Ruby: The whole world's about to be engulfed in hellfire, and you're here in Magictown, U.S.A.
Sam: 你 got something against magic?

Dean: Thought 你 were tailing him?
Sam: He slipped me..
Dean: He's 60!
Sam: He's a magician!

Dean: I can't believe people actually fall for that crap.
Sam: It's not all crap.
Dean: What part of that was not a steaming pile of B.S.?

Dean: No. I think we'll be dead. For good. Why, do 你 want to end up like... like Travis? 或者 Gordon, maybe?
Sam: There's Bobby.
Dean: Oh yeah, there's a poster child for growing old gracefully.

Dean: What a douchebag.
Sam: That's Jeb Dexter.
Dean: I don't even want to know how 你 know that.
Sam: He's famous, kind of.
Dean: For what, douchebaggery?

Chief: 你 are really gonna get it tonight, big boy.
Dean: There's been a misunderstanding. I, uh, think I've been had.
Chief: Oh, 你 ain't been had, till 你 been had 由 the Chief. Oh, and before we get started, what's your 安全 word?

After school special
 "so what's our cover?"
"so what's our cover?"

Young Sam: At least 你 got Amanda..she's cool.
Young Dean: Dude, she wants me to meet her parents. I don't do parents!

Dean: So what's our cover? FBI, Homeland Security, Swedish exchange students? (hahaa)

Dean: Today 你 will have the honor of playing one of the greatest games ever invented. A game of skill, agility, cunning, a game with one simple rule - dodge!

Sam: Little help..
Dean: He's giving 你 the full cowgirl..

Sam: Having fun?
Dean: The whistle makes me their god..
Sam: Right...nice shorts!

Dean: I had to break into the principal's office to get this..Oh, and FYI, three of the cheerleaders are legal..guess which ones :D
Sam: No.

Dean: All right, everybody stay where 你 are! You'll be okay.
Jock: Aren't 你 the P.E. teacher?
Dean: Not really..I'm like 21 Jump Street. The bus driver sells pot..yeah..

Dean: Ghost getting creative..well, that's super.. (lmao Dean)

Dean: That ghost is dead! I'm gonna to rip its lungs out! Well, 你 know what I mean..

Dean: Go have your Robbin Williams "Oh Captain! my Captain!" moment.

Dean: Look..Martha Dumptruck, Revenge of the Nerds and Hello Kitty... lol

Sex and violence
 "strippers Sammy, strippers!"
"strippers Sammy, strippers!"

Dean: Did 你 sleep with her?
Sam: No!
Dean: Holy crap, 你 did. Middle of Basic Instinct and 你 bang Sharon Stone..

Sam: What do 你 think? She infects them during sex?
Bobby: Maybe..
Dean: 邪恶力量 STD. :D

Dean: You're up early. What're 你 doing?
Sam: Nothing..I was in the can.
Dean: Yeah?
Sam: Yeah. Want me to draw 你 a picture?
Dean: No, I'll pass.

Mr. Benson: Her name was... Jasmine.
Sam: She was a stripper?
Dean: Dude, her name was Jasmine.

Sam: That makes them go all Manchurian Candidate.

Dean: Strippers Sammy, strippers! We are on an actual case involving strippers. Finally!
 "You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. It's Sam, okay?" "Sorry, can't hear you. The music's too loud."
"You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. It's Sam, okay?" "Sorry, can't hear you. The music's too loud."
 looks like 你 mean something to the Man upstairs
looks like you mean something to the Man upstairs
 reach out and touch faith
reach out and touch faith
added by tanyya
Source: blueeyedangel.co.vu
added by bouncybunny3
Source: thewincheters.tumblr.com
added by LeviTheAckerman
added by bouncybunny3
added by bouncybunny3
added by tanyya
Source: ohbela.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: habitatfordeanwinchester.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: winchesterboysss.tumblr.com
added by bouncybunny3
added by cherryprincess
added by tanyya
Source: out-in-the-open.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: eternalscouts.co.vu
added by tanyya
Source: panicroomsam.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: panicroomsam.tumblr.com
added by bouncybunny3
added by bouncybunny3
added by RisenDemon
added by tanyya
Source: lorastyrels.tumblr.com
邪恶力量 S06E09 ["Clap Your Hands If 你 Sinbad -- Dean Winchester Dimitri -- Sam Winchester 小叮当 - Fairy aka Hot Naked Lady made 由 czarorwnicykot
season 6
good news week