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posted by lovingflame

"If 你 look out your window 你 can see Ireland." The stewardess 说 as she strolled the drink 大车, 购物车 up the isle. 摩根 peered from under her night eye mask to blink into focus the lush green squares that dotted the 翠, 翡翠 isle. "Is this you're first time to Scottland dear?" The older woman asked in the 座位 下一个 to her. She nodded. "This is going to be my first and last." The older woman paled. 摩根 blushed sheepishly. "No not like that. I'm going to start new. Here. I have nothing left to go back for in America." The older woman shook her head.
"Well 你 may find it a hard place to find work and 更多 confining then where 你 came from, but we'll be happy to have you. My name's Mary O' Shannon. No Mrs. widowed past 7 yrs. the children all moved on to greener pastures. Send cards, money and tickets. All too busy to come for a visit. How did I ever raise such ill mannered children?" 摩根 smiled. " 你 didn't do anything wrong, probably. It's life in general. It goes so fast and 你 try keeping up with it and miss what's really important." The old woman sighed. "That's true enough. Plus the 更多 你 earn the 更多 it controls 你 and your time. 你 hardly notice how old 你 are until one 日 it all slows suddenly. Then 你 get like me." 摩根 laughed. "I wish I could look and sound like 你 when I'm your age." Mary chuckled and patted the younger woman's hand. "You will look and be in far better shape then I am. 你 American's always seem to find a way to keep fit."
The plane began its descent as they came over the Scottish landscape. " Can I give 你 a lift when we land...." Mary gave her an inquiring look. "Its Morgan. 摩根 Walker. No I think I'll grab a rental and a map. Go a wondering before I settle, but thank-you Mary. I won't forget you."
They buckled their seatbelts as they prepared to touch down. Mary gave the girl a hug and her address telling her to visit when she got settled in, as they left the airline's building.
摩根 kept the address in her pocket as she dug out the needed materials. A bite of sadness touched her heart. She would never have children-nor a husband. All that had died with Rion in the accident over a yr ago. Along with both her parents and sister. Mary was the luckiest woman in the world, only she didn't know it. "Here's my credit card, 照片 id, social, and I'll be buying the car." The young man behind the 台, 办公桌 shrugged and made copies of all the legal items and took her out to see the cars. "You sure 你 want to buy one of these? They don't have any safety features." 摩根 laughed as she picked out the old faded vw bug. " Where I'm going I doubt I'll need any fancy safety features. Just tell me how much?" She paid it and left. Taking out the map she found where Stonehinge was. The night's weather 报道 说 over caste and a good chance of rain. Hard to see, got 迷失 and didn't see the national landmark. Killed on impact. Clean. No one would really know it was suicide. Mary would suspect, but other then that. She had no one to care what happened to her 或者 for her. Life just wasn't worth living for anymore. With that she drove towards her destiny.
Obi-wan sat meditating on the up coming invasion of a separatist strong hold. When he was thrown to the floor. Pushing himself up from the floor. He heard the unmistakable sound of droids feet pounding the metal floor of the ship. Getting up quickly, he stiffened. He was a ghost.
"Indeed 你 are my pupil,but do not despair. 你 are not dead." Jinn 说 reassuringly. Just then they both felt the rip in the force, they turned to see a conveyance dropped heavily onto the group of passing droids. Without a thought Obi-wan rushed through the confusion of droids to reach the vehicle. Reaching his objective he turned to his enemy. They would not have her. He blanched. Her? His heart, mind and soul rejoiced in this prospect. For once he did not have to convince himself that he could defeat Dooku. He knew he would, for her.The fact startled him. Seeing a shadow pass behind him. He said. "Is she alright?" Then as he got no response he inquired much 更多 anxiously.
"Master?" He started to turn his head. Only to find himself flung back into his body, the path back closed off to him. Defeated he sagged. Loss drove his head to bend into his hands and cry. He had failed.

"Sota must you? Its been years. He won't come."
Clever sighed and rolled his eyes. His sister-twin sister had never let go of the baby clone she'd bought then 给 away. He shook his head.
"Look if he was going to come,he would have sent a reply. God knows you've sent him enough these past 6 months." Sota shook her head, ever since the force dream, she'd been sending out a missive to where ever he'd been stationed at. He had to come, he had to. "I'm sure he'll be here. He's just late. After all he's a Jedi and a general, we can give him another hour." Clever hugged his sister. "You know I'd give 你 a whole day, but she needs us to guide her here. Can 你 imagine if she didn't arrive here? The time is now, Sota. We can't wait. We'll just have to arrange a party not even Jedi can afford to miss."
Sota laughed 1/2 heartedly. Clever could make one hell of a party to attract even the council's attention. Patting her brother's arm she nodded. Clever let her go first, to ensure she didn't slip away. He didn't want to tell her that he'd checked up on the boy in 更多 最近的 years. There was little hope for their ancestress and her Chosen to connect. They were bound to be opposites, he preferred either his own kind-jedi. In which he had already one child. A child they watched over. A Chosen's child weather he cares 或者 not was important to the family. He snorted. It had been a pretty damn close call with Satine. Could have 迷失 him there for sure. Only after the boy had left had the girl mourned that 迷失 opportunity. Though why she hadn't drawn him back with the mere fact he was the last prince-well clone of a Mandolorian prince. With that piece of information Satine could have become 皇后乐队 Satine not just Duchess. She could have used his sense of duty, honor 或者 responsibility to contrive a way to get him back. Yet even knowing-seeing this possibility she rejected using it. Though with him now being a full fledged Master it would be even 更多 profound in him. He sighed heavily. The boy wasn't likely to go for some sly red head with the unflappable
'American' sense of freedom. No, he shook his head. This was their 天鹅 song. His sister was just to much of a hopeful idiot to see it. They'd seen hundred's of years. Him, Sota, Dracina and those that belonged to them. Perhaps still had 1,000 years. Long enough to prepare for the war certain to come against the dark tide. He shivered. What would it be like to die? To one 日 bleed and fall. Never to make the journey 首页 again. His eyes came up to see his eldest son and heir as the boy bowed respectively to his aunt. He chuckled as the boy turned rolling eyes and giving him an exasperated sigh.
"Thank-God 你 found her. Jett's been having to placate Dracina with promises, and he's running out of them." Clever laughed. "Then we'd better save the man from himself, shall we?" He put his arm around his son as they walked down the long winding steps to their awaiting positions. Sota sat uneasily on her throne. This 摩根 would be their greatest ancestress, the first and the last. She would know 更多 then any in the past what would happen. She would lead them forever. Keeping the darkness at bay, strengthening their resolve against the evil that had 更多 then once nearly destroyed the entire family. The unbidden thought came to her. What if he did not chose her? What if he refused to 爱情 her? Their mother had done so, realizing only too late her true feelings. Setting the soulless darkness that Pathbournes became when not chosen out into the world. Even Sith masters alone 或者 together as in the old republic days could not withstand. Obi-wan had to chose her. Had to fall for her. He could not refuse his destiny.
Ahsoka slept fitfully on her bunk. Her dilemma over Rex was becoming far too distracting. He had stood beside her in good and bad times.Had been the one to convince the council to reinstate her after she had walked away. Apologizing greatly over her treatment at the hands of his brothers. She hadn't felt wronged 由 them, but the council. Those she had known, that was why she hadn't wanted to be reinstated. Why she had left. How could she trust those that could believe the worst of her to have her back? Not put a blaster 或者 saber hole in it. Yet Rex had refused to let her go. He'd found her at the Sly Lady, talking to the owner about getting a job. The woman had chuckled and smiled." Whatever 你 do, don't refuse that man anything. He won't be on the market for too long." She'd turned around to find him dressed devastatingly in a dark 龟, 海龟 neck, pants and his 最喜爱的 blasters. She'd 给 the owner a definite frown, as she caught not only her eyes giving him the 最佳, 返回页首 and down approving look. The woman had chuckled.
" I gave him the o.k. Can't have a clone boy getting dragged away 由 a hungry mob of women.Though it is funny, he didn't bring anyone else along? They usually run in packs." Sly had 给 her a sly knowing wink. " The balconies a quiet place. Not a lot of prying eyes." Then her eyes turned cold and hard. "But if he makes a 移动 你 don't want, 你 either let my girl know 或者 hit the underside of the table. I'll handle the rest. They won't ever find him and without a body.
Its pretty damn hard to convict." Sly then warmly smiled and nodded to the boy to follow their Octavian waitress up. Rex had assessed the 巢穴, den, 书房 of criminals, none threatened. Some even tipped their hats in his direction in respect. Yet the feminine clientele made him feel like the proverbial 老鼠, 鼠标 about to be pounced upon 由 the cat. When his eyes set on his target, he calmed. What was she doing here? Getting in trouble of course. As always it was his duty to see her safe. On their way up, he said.
"You can't quite, the jobs not done." He'd frowned deeply and 给 her his best serious look. Her face had gone red with anger.
"The hell I can't. No one believed me. I'm out. Go get yourself another padawan to babysit." Rex had paused trying to calm himself. " I believed 你 and so did many others, but she did one hell of a job in putting the blame on 你 and Ventress. Who babysat who? You've looked out for the general and me 更多 times then we've looked out for you. I've seen the vid. Without 你 Grievious would have killed me long before this. I owe 你 my life." He'd growled. She'd stiffened. So she didn't know, then she fluffed it off.
"No 你 don't and you're exaggerating the number of times you've been the one in trouble." The Octavian coughed into her hand, as she stopped at a booth. " I can see the two of 你 need some alone time to 哈希 things out. I'll be close, but not too close. Just give me a holler and I'll be over, when your ready to order."
The waitress had stayed until they'd both sat down Ahsoka boxed in 由 him. "Listen 'lil' one." Ahsoka had of course taken offense.
"I'm not little." Rex had bitten back his temper which was on the edge, due to the 最近的 events."Right now you're 表演 like one. So I'll call 你 one." He'd then rubbed a hand through his near shaved head.Shaking his head, he'd thought perhaps this is what she'd wanted. To leave him. Why was he doing this? For the Republic 或者 him? Both, but yes it was 更多 for him. For not the first time he thought to himself why he didn't just do as Cody did. Yet to use Ahsoka in such a way. He couldn't. The why he didn't want to look to deeply into.
" I'm sorry. This isn't how I wanted this to go." He sighed. He relaxed against the decadent softness of the booths seating. Rolling his head on his shoulders. "Hmmm....I think I'll like it here. They've got softer seats then any bordello I've ever been too." Ahsoka' s mouth opened. Forces above he wanted to 吻乐队(Kiss) that perfect mouth.
"You've never been to a bordello. Sargent Finger's told me. So did 5's and what do 你 mean, you'll like it here?" He'd scooted closer to her to see her reaction better he told himself. Then he smiled. "Oh if 你 quite so do I. Its the least I can do, to make up for my younger brother's being total asses. So partner when do we start?" The light in his eyes had been teasing but also serious. Rex always meant what he said. Which had nullified her fight to resist reinstatement. She sighed, then the dream went blank. The bar, the people, everything just went. In the middle of the now non-descript white room a girl clutching her knees to her chest appeared. Her face hidden 由 her knees and a sea of red hair. Kneeling down Ahsoka asked.
"Are 你 hurt?" She gently smoothed the hair away from her intruders face. Green eyes so dark they were nearly black looked up at her.
"Is this hell?" The 问题 through Ahsoka off her balance and she fell onto her butt.
"No this isn't hell. How did 你 get here?" The red head shrugged her shoulders. "What is the last thing 你 remember?" 摩根 bite her lip.
"Stonehinge, the odd way the storm stopped, the pale blue moon, I pressed on the gas and....I was finally going to die. But if I'm not dead. Where am I?" She looked around at all the white.
"Why would 你 want to die?" Ahsoka frowned in concern at her uninvited guest.
"Why shouldn't I want to? Everyone I 爱情 is dead. I'd rather be in hell then live without them." The girl folded again. Ahsoka hugged her.
"But then you'd never see them, wouldn't that be a far worse fate." 摩根 wiped her eyes to get a better look at the girl who hugged her. She gasped. "Y...you're A...Ahsoka. Ah..soka Tano." Ahsoka immediately backed away. Her eye's narrowing. "How do 你 know my name?" The girl shook her head in confusion. "No. 你 can't be real. You're just a story. A figment of the entertainment industries imagination." The girl started to giggle then laugh." I am dead." She laughed even harder and got up from the floor. "The devil has a sense of humor after all. My name is Morgan. 摩根 Walker."
Ahsoka shook her head and clasped Morgan's offered hand. " But you're not dead."
A blinding blast separated the two of them. Ahsoka immediately sat up woozy from the after affects. Her palm itching as if she'd grabbed onto an itch weed. Going to the refresher she got a closer look. Besides being off balance, she now sported a tattoo. A red open hand on the inside base of her thumb. Great ! She looked to her bunkmates bunk. No he was still out. Rex would want her to 报道 it to Skyguy. With the way she felt right now about him, she'd run the risk of blurting out her feelings. Telling Rex she loved him and not just as a friend. Made her imagine his frowning response about the rules. That had been one of the upsides to not being a jedi. Now of course she was back in the hole. The com came on and there was a knock on her door.
"Mame are 你 alright?" Both sounded desperate and felt anxious at her no response.
"Yes, I'm fine. What happened?" Like a blast of released air the bubble of concern popped.
"Yes. There seems to have been some kind of apparent Force surge. It's incapacitated most if not all the jedi. We've pinpointed the surge's location from the recovering jedi information. We'll patch it to your room."
"Thanks. I appreciate your concern."
"Captain Rex and General Skywalker would have us demoted if we didn't." The map blinked up on the holo-screen. Her new tattoo burned hotly towards the visible dreadnaught.
"How many ships do we have in the vicinity?"
"Not enough to take on that monstrosity. We'd need at least 1/2 the fleet."
"Can we keep 安全 distance?"
"We're lucky we haven't been fired upon already. Count Dooku's on that ship, he has to be. That would be why. Whatever's affected the jedi also affects the Sith. Mame, if you're willing to try. We'll follow your orders to attack."
Ahsoka thought about it. Skyguy wouldn't hesitate to attack, but then he didn't have the knowledge she had. " No I'm not willing to risk all our lives on a suicide mission of this proportion. Lets mark the location and head back to the nearest Republic outpost. We need Dooku's new toy to be studied 由 keener eyes then ours."
"Yes mame." As she turned towards the refresher's lighted doorway a shade of a man stood before her. " Nothing happens just 由 chance my successor.Beware of what doors 你 open, there is always a price. " His sad eyes held a story not to be repeated. She opened her mouth to ask what he meant but he was fading and soon gone as they put into light-speed.
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