星, 星级 Wars: Clone Wars Club
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posted by captainrexbest
At the request of General Skywalker Rex agrred to take Ahsoka on a 3-day respite aboard Gilad Pellaeon's Leveler.Accompanying them were 8 other clone troopers:sergeants Coric and Denal, and six new clones 由 the names of:Ross,Boro,Joc,Hil,Vere,and Ince.Fresh from Kamino,they were the only clones that rex had ever met that couldn't get along.They argued about every little thing.Rex tried every thing he could but they just wouldn't get along.Right now they were argueing about what the Leveler[i/]was like.Finally,Rex couldn't take it anymore.
"Will 你 guys SHUTUP?!you argue about everything and it's making me sick."
Ahsoka was trying to hide her laughter at dumb shocked looks on the rookies faces.they were in the messhall btw(they weren't eating).Ahsoka whispered something in Rex's ear.Then rex then left the mess.On the inside rex felt bad for yelling at them,but didn't want to admit it.soon the [i]Wookie Gunner
docked with the Leveler.
Rex could only sit back and watch as Gilad pellaeon and ahsoka argued over what she was wearing.Ahsoka gave in.when she stormed of to change.Pellaeon greeted rex like an old friend.
"You want a drink."Niether noticed ahsokas return.She asked,,"Will 你 显示 me the missiles.""sure.Maybe later pelican."
Pelican had slipped out on accident.Ahsoka had ran off.Just as Rex was about to walk off he was knocked to the floor 由 a strong blow to the jaw.as he doubled over in pain another blow to his head provoced his asmuth.when pellaeon swung again rex had to reveal his secret...As a shape shifter.
rex knew his asmuth couldn't hold out much longer.So he did the most resenable thing ...
changing into a lynx cat he ran.He had to find Denal who had his inhaler.finding denal rex thrust himself into his lap.Denal knew what was wrong.As soon as rex changed back to his natural form he collapsed.
posted by StarWarsFan7
AN: Still having dreams about this!!!!

Count Dooku and his new apprentice Darth Maul are planning a new mission for Maul to do.

Dooku: My young apprentice, 你 must kill the senator of the planet Pantora. Riyo Chuchi.

Maul: Yes, my master.

Maul gets to Pantora. He looks around and sees a tall building. It's the senate building.

Guard: Halt!! None shall pass without their-
Maul force chokes him. The guard falls onto the snow.

Chairman: Everyone in hiding places! NOW!!

Everyone in the building goes into their assigned hiding place. Except Riyo.

Riyo: But, we can do this 由 talking to the man.

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added by jedigal1990
a youtobe video i found made 由 ladyvader66 the song is from chicago and is called cell block tango hope 你 enjoy
clone wars
cell block tango
posted by starwarsfangirl
Hopefully 你 all remember where we were when I left off last.

Ahsoka panicked, there was no way she could save this ship. Piffell was lying, unconcious, on the floor, and Anakin was losing a lot of blood and in obvious pain. Suddenly, the door hissed open, and, still clutching his crutches, Master Obi-Wan stood there, taking in the scene with one glance. "Ahsoka, pilot the ship. I'll take the guns." He said, moving Anakin out of the way for Ahsoka. She sat down and took control, swerving out of the enemy ship's line of fire. Obi-Wan swerved in his 座位 and easily hit the cockpit of the opponent....
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posted by kelseyjayne25
These are possible names and personalities of Clones we never saw.

Trigger: likes rifle-like blaster-blue armour;gruff

Blazon & Torch: Flame-thrower

Sith-hunter, Scout, Scope & Sleuth: scout troopers

Thirty, Forty, & Hundred: after #

Marx, Target, & Arrio: Sharpshooters

Fliin, Dodge, Shadow & Rog: pilots

Wrench: mechanic

Yellow: commander known for pausing midstride whenever he realizes something

Wasp: poison expert

Croc: green armour

Mission: b/c he's always first to ask what it is

Shrub: green armour scout

Bristle: resisted commands when young and doesn't like to be teased

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posted by mhs1025
Laurent was now 14 and he wanted to be like his mother-a Jedi. Ahsoka was worried 由 this. She didn't want Laurent to go through what SHE went through. Of course, he thought his mother was just exaggerating. He wanted to help serve his galaxy. He wanted to be a hero.

Laurent and his mother were having an argument one day. "Why do 你 exaggerate over that?" he asked in protest. "I'm your mother! I have a right to worry about you!" Ahsoka argued. Laurent got even angrier. "Why can't 你 support my decision to be a Jedi?" he shouted. "Because 你 have your own place." Ahsoka answered about the...
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Master Sinube, Anakin and Ahsoka followed 由 Rex and his troops lead the now homeless S'alebacians away from the ruined building. The ground shook constantly and Sinube ventured ahead to investigate if the road were stable enough. "Be careful, Master," Ahsoka 说 seeing the elderly Jedi moving ahead of them.
"She's right, Master Sinube," Anakin answered, "i'd hate to lose you."
"Don't worry, children," he 说 taking their hands in his own, "I've been around long enough to watch out for myself."
The two young Jedi nodded and motioned to Rex and the troops who were still helping the still frightened...
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She's very protective. I wanted her to be bold in a way so you'd get to know her like a Jedi more. She puts herself in positions where she wants to save her loved ones.

She's generous. I wanted her to have a soft side as well. I wanted to make her that way so you'd 爱情 her even more.

She's selfless. NO selfish sides to her at all! This is also a trait I have. I wanted to pass this down to this character.

She's passionate. Despite the fact she can't talk, she still strives to be one of the best Jedi out there. I decided to make her like this because 你 don't really hear about "handicap Jedi"....
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AMV tribute to Cad Bane including dialog with some 伦敦 Symphony Orchestra 音乐 in the background.
cad bane
音乐 video
粉丝 video
watch this now
posted by mhs1025
Nakoma was all alone in her quarters one night when she stumbled upon a picture of herself and her parents. She looked at it and thought. She thought about how her parents reacted when they found she was going to be a Jedi. Her parents didn't take this well. She wanted to prove she was worthy of being a Jedi. In order to do that, she had loads of work to do. She also needed to prove to her parents Anakin was a good master.

Mr. and Mrs. Incognito were coming to visit Nakoma in a couple days. Nakoma really needed some advice, but Anakin was on a temporary leave and Obi-Wan was sick. Nakoma took...
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posted by mhs1025
Full Name: Nakoma Hermione Incognito

Age: 17

首页 Planet: Alderaan

Race: Human

Hair: Mahogany/Maroon

Eyes: Turquoise

Height: 5'4

Parents: Omaha and Grace Incognito

Discovery age of her being a mute: 2

Discovery age of Force-sensitivity: 6

Master who discovered her: Mace Windu

Master/Teacher: Anakin Skywalker

Lightsaber(s): Not yet available

Rank: Jedi

(Keep in mind if she's not in some of my stories, it's not that I don't like her, it's that the story will be focused on someone else.)
posted by mhs1025
Anakin was angry. He was in talks of getting a new Padawan. The truth is, he didn't WANT a new Padawan. He never gave up on his old one-Ahsoka Tano. He was confident she'd return to the Jedi order some day. But it was most likely that she wouldn't. "You cannot work alone." Jedi Master Mace Windu said. "I don't WANT a new Padawan!" Anakin snarled. "We're doing this to help 你 gain senses for responsibility." Mace argued. Anakin struggled to say something. "Why can't 你 tell the council I'm not ready?" he asked in frustration. Mace looked at him. "Ready 或者 not, the council has already decided."...
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posted by lovingflame
摩根 opened her green eye's to the darkened scene. Nothing was 更多 dramatic then Stone Hinge on a blue moon night. One could almost believe that at any moment druid's would suddenly appear. She snorted,not likely in this age. Tears blurred her vision as she removed her wedding ring and kissed the 照片 of her family one 更多 time before she hit the vehicles accelorator. Soon her life and its pain of seperation would be over as the monolith came ever closer.
The Chu unthor floated peacefully through the stars 或者 as it could with a war going on.Meditating Master Yoda felt a power colide with...
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added by StarWarsFan7
This was a sad part. I 爱情 it when Anakin hugs Ahsoka!!!
Okay,I have an awesome episode idea came to mind. What if in a Clone Wars episode, Ahoska get suspious if her Master, becuase he seems to be 表演 strangely and unormal on a misson. And the reason of his strange behaviour, is becuase of who is on this misson with them, the one and only, Padme' Amidala, (did I spell the name right)? Anakin seems to act diffrent around her, and Ahoska notices. And Ahoska decides to 问题 her Master . . . Hm, what would he do and say? This is an idea and I wanted to know what other 粉丝 thought. So, what do 你 think?
posted by lovingflame
Up 最佳, 返回页首 General Grievous laught as he was witness to the numerous Jedi, fighting off the force mines with their talents only to be blown to dust much quicker."Don't laugh to early my dear general, they too have had a surprise for us.Poggle says his colony may not survive if those in the tunnels are not stopped before they reach the nest again." Warned Count Dooku.Grievous laughter had him choking as he informed his counter part."You are right my lord, but the nest is well guarded." Dooku furrowed his brow."How do 你 mean?"
"Those jedi scum we imprisoned guard her majesty. A present to the colony...
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added by xSHOCKYx
posted by lovingflame
The sun illuminated the medi tent just enough for Anakin's tired eye's to see the cost of war. Ruffling winding sheets to numerous to count. Lent one to believe that the dead were merely sleeping and not corpses. Jedi along with trooper had paid a high price for victory. No one would remain unscathed, emotionally 或者 physically. Anakin considered himself lucky as he'd only 迷失 his mech arm and light saber. The prize of a droid tank. Ahsoka hadn't been so lucky. Unwittingly, she had stepped on a landmine. Force pushing had saved her life and her men's, but at a cost. Anakin walked to the front...
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added by beefer
Source: beefer
i found this on youtobe its a really cool video with pocohantas 音乐
clone wars