超人前传 Club
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posted by xxxxsammyxxxx
1. B/c she went to 超人前传 to look for him (Crusade)
2. B/c she had a hard time just looking at his face (Crusade)
3. B/c she has a soft spot for stray 狗 and naked guys (Crusade)
4. B/c "give [her] a nerd with glasses anyday" (Crusade)
5. B/c she's not alone anymore (Crusade)
6. B/c he invited her to stay on the farm with him (Crusade)
7. B/c he only remember her and flying (Crusade)
8. B/c she thinks his mom's cool (Crusade)
9. B/c she calls him Smallville
10. B/c he was impressed 由 her kung fu fighting skills (Gone)
11. B/c he checked out her legs (Gone)
12. B/c they just 淋浴 together (Gone)
13. B/c she finishes his thoughts (Gone)
14. B/c they found Chloe together (Gone)
15. B/c "the best ones always start that way"
16. B/c he does check her out (Facade)
17. B/c they saved each other (Facade)
18. B/c she wanted to see him in a wet t-shirt (Facade)
19. B/c she ruffled his hair (Facade)
20. B/c he wanted her opinion on his letterman 夹克 (Devoted)
21. B/c she checked him out (Devoted)
22. B/c they make a good investigative team (Devoted)
23. B/c she'll visit (Devoted)
24. B/c they planned Chloe's party together (Spell)
25. B/c she can calm him down (when he was about to kill Alicia's killer) (Pariah)
26. B/c she makes him laugh
27. B/c they cover for each other (Recruit)
28. B/c he freaked out when he found out she was missing (Recruit)
29. B/c he saved her life (Recruit)
30. B/c he 说 that she could stay with him (Recruit)
31. B/c she named Shelby "Clarkie" after him (Krypto)
32. B/c even Lucy noticed the sparks between them (Lucy)
33. B/c he listens to her (Lucy)
34. B/c she opens up to him (Lucy)
35. B/c they tease each other (Lucy)
36. B/c they're secret friends(Lucy)
37. B/c he knows when to give her her 太空 (Lucy)
38. B/c "now it all begins" (Lucy)
39. B/c they're written in the stars (Lucy)
40. B/c they "keep it quiet in public but mack on the downlow" (Spirit)
41. B/c going to the prom together wasn't in the realm of possibilities but they ended up going together anyways (Spirit)
42. B/c he visibly gulped and was impressed when he saw her in her prom dress (Spirit)
43. B/c "a little close to the boob don't ya think?" (Spirit)
44. B/c she tells it to him like it is (Blank)
45. B/c she knows how to deal with memory wiped Clark(Blank)
46. B/c she guesses that she can't call him 超人前传 anymore (Blank)
47. B/c he cradled her in his arms and tenderly looked at her when she was about to be broken (Forever)
48. B/c she dreams about a guy in a red cape (Commencement)
49. B/c he'll try not to miss her too much (Commencement)
50. B/c she knows that she's always welcome in his 首页 (Commencement)
51. B/c even his parents 爱情 her (Commencement)
52. B/c he suggested a career in journalism for her (Commencement)
53. B/c with her luck she'd end up partnered with the most bumbling reporter on the masthead (Commencement)
54. B/c she tied his tie for him (Commencement)
55. B/c he "actually looks handsome for a change" (Commencement)
56. B/c when she sees him going up on the stage she'll be thinking one thing, "Dear God please don't let him trip." (Commencement)
57. B/c she slugs him in the arm
58. B/c he smiles 更多 around her
59. B/c she whistled when he got his diploma (Commencement)
60. B/c they hugged and it was awesome! (Arrival)
61. B/c she went back to help out his parents (Arrival)
62. B/c he thanked her for helping his parents (Arrival)
63. B/c he wanted to be the one to save her (Aqau)
64. B/c if Lois didn't know better she'd say he was jealous (Aqua)
65. B/c "someday she'll meet someone even 更多 special" (Aqua)
66. B/c Clark couldn't tear his eyes away from her when he saw her dance (Exposed)
67. B/c she gave him a lap dance (Exposed)
68. B/c "dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like [Lois]?" (Exposed)
69. B/c "give me a twenty and meet me out back" (Exposed)
70. B/c he super jumped and brought down a helicopter to save her life (Exposed)
71. B/c she called him "007" (Exposed)
72. B/c "love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction" (Exposed)
73. B/c he was disappointed to see her leave (Exposed)
74. B/c he helped her 移动 out (Exposed)
75. B/c they congratulated Chloe in unison (Exposed)
76. B/c she thanked him for being a good friend (Exposed)
77. B/c she tell everyone about his Elmer Fudd nightlight if he tells anyone about the lapdance (Exposed)
78. B/c "Aye, aye sailor" (Exposed)
79. B/c Lois understands his family (Fanatic)
80. B/c she became his dad's campaign manager (Fanatic)
81. B/c Lois has a thing for 超能英雄 (Fanatic)
82. B/c when Clark 说 he couldn't imagine loving someone else, who should drive up but Lois? (Lockdown)
83. B/c "turn that frown upside down, Skippy" (Lockdown)
84. B/c she'd "be lucky to end up with someone as honorable as Clark Kent someday" (Reckoning)
85. B/c when Clark turned back the clock he almost 迷失 Lois (Reckoning)
86. B/c Clark immediately noticed when Lois wasn't there (Reckoning)
87. B/c she realized right away that something wasn't right with him (Hypnotic)
89. B/c when she found out what was wrong she immediately went to his farm to snap him out of it (Hypnotic)
90. B/c if it's necessary, she'll take him down (Hypnotic)
91. B/c he gave her a 爱情 tap (Hypnotic)
92. B/c his mom called Lois when she thought Clark needed help with Maddie (Fragile)
93. B/c he went to see her in the hospital when she was injured (Fragile)
94. B/c he brought her back to her apartment and told her to take it easy after she was hurt (Fragile)
95. B/c he got her a glass of water without her asking him for one (Fragile)
96. B/c Graham assumed Lois was Clark's girlfriend (Fade)
97. B/c when he saw her naked he was stunned and amazed (Fade)
98. B/c long after she closed the door he couldn't stop staring (Fade)
99. B/c they both take marathon showers (Fade)
100. B/c he feels the need to lob a grenade at every guy she dates (Fade)
101. B/c when she found out her was in trouble, she frantically tried to save him (Fade)
102. B/c she wants to meet a decent guy from a decent family (Fade)
103. B/c he's her Jonathon (Fade)
104. B/c "maybe 你 have to get through all the wrong men to recognize the right one" (Fade)
105. B/c she threw him a birthday party (Oracle)
106. B/c she made her world famous 朗姆酒 cake for him (Oracle)
107. B/c she bought him a journal to let out his feelings (Oracle)
108. B/c she gave him the tough 爱情 she knew he needed (Oracle)
109. B/c "Sometimes 你 have to tuck your feelings away until it's the right time. Like stuffing dollars into a piggy bank for a bike 你 can't quite afford." (Oracle)
110. B/c she's the Harley he's been saving up for (Oracle)
111. B/c "there are times when I think 你 don't know me at all...and others when I think 你 know me better than anyone." (Oracle)
112. B/c "well, that's what I'm here for, Smallville. One save at a time." (Oracle)
113. B/c they have the best deep and meaningful conversations (Oracle)
114. B/c he asked her how she was feeling (Zod)
115. B/c the fortress of solitude is her heaven (Zod)
116. B/c "I'm glad you're back" (Zod)
117. B/c he held her hand (Zod)
118. B/c Lana is his past, Lois is his future! (Crimson)
119. B/c he has abs of steel (Combat)
120. B/c he comfort hers and she comforts him (Siren and Arctic)
121. B/c they care about each others happiness
122. B/c he was there when she needed a shoulder to cry on (Siren)
123. B/c she doesn't want to settle for anyone else! (Siren)
124. Because they will always be there for eachother no matter what happens (Siren and Arctic)
125. B/c they make the best partners ever! (Apocalypse)
126. B/c they literally collide (Apocalypse)
127. B/c she thought he was "clumsy but cute" (Apocalypse)
128. B/c he swept her off her feet (Apocalypse)
129. She tried to sneek a peak (Apocalypse)
130. Because she helped him into the suit and glasses (Apocalypse)
131. B/c he thinks she's a good friend (Apocalypse)
132. B/c nothing says I 爱情 你 like a 冲床 on the shoulder. (Apocalypse)
133. Because she bought him a drink (or 更多 hopefully) (Apocalypse)
134. B/c they're destined for each other in any reality (Apocalypse)
135. Because she knows he can do better then be just a "farm boy" (Arctic)
136. Because in his darkness, she was his light. (Arctic)
137. B/c she calls him Kent and he calls her Lane (Odyssey)
138. B/c he's going to be a little closer to 首页 (Odyssey)
139. B/c he recognised her voice (Odyssey)
140. B/c team Lane and Kent kick butt like no other (Odyssey)
141. B/c we know that he actually does appreciate her feminine charms (Odyssey)
142. B/c she brings out his sense of humour (Odyssey)
143. B/c if he sticks with her, she'll protect him (Odyssey)
144. B/c he checked on her to see if she was okay (Odyssey)
145. B/c he wanted Chloe to watch over her (Odyssey)
146. B/c they're going to be neighbours (Odyssey)
147. B/c he'll see her bright and early Monday morning (Odyssey)
148. B/c the legendary Lane and Kent partnership is just beginning.
149. B/c they appreciate each others attempts at heroism (Odyssey)
150. B/c she gave him points for punctuality, but "what's with the wardrobe malfunction?" (Plastique)
151. B/c she got him dressed appropriately (Plastique)
152. B/c he got changed in a phone booth (Plastique)
153. B/c she wanted him to make a good impression on his first 日 at work (Plastique)
154. B/c he wanted her opinion on how he looked (Plastique)
155. B/c she visibly paused and gulped before she told him he looked good (Plastique)
156. B/c their scene paralleled Apocalypse (Plastique)
157. B/c he caught her when she fell (Plastique)
158. B/c their gazes lingered on each other (Plastique)
159. B/c he thinks she is the Goddess of Journalism
160. B/c she asked him if he was okay and what happened when he got back (Plastique)
161. B/c she took him under her wing and taught him the rules of journalism (Plastique)
162. B/c she wanted to know how his meeting with Tess went (Plastique)
163. B/c she thinks he has a charming smile (Plastique)
164. B/c he thinks she sounded like a jealous girlfriend (Plastique)
165. B/c when she can't get the info they need, he can (Plastique)
166. B/c he went to see Bette, since he knows she doesn't do well with kids (Plastique)
167. B/c he told her everything he knew about the story (Plastique)
168. B/c "You want to share a by-line with me?" (Plastique)
169. B/c she got him the obit (Plastique)
170. B/c they investigated the story together (Plastique)
171. B/c he looked slightly impressed 由 all the cards she had for breaking and entering (Plastique)
172. B/c he covered for her (Plastique)
173. B/c she allows him to think for himself (Plastique)
174. B/c he can recite her rules
175. B/c she got her first front page 文章 while working with him (Plastique)
176. B/c she gave him encouraging 建议 (Plastique)
177. B/c she’s 更多 proud that they uncovered the truth than she was with getting a front page story (Plastique)
178. B/c "Thanks for helping me break the story, Clark." (Plastique)
179. B/c she thinks he has a long career ahead of him at the Daily Planet (Plastique)
180. B/c now they're officially team Lane and Kent (Plastique)
181. B/c they're attached at the hip (Toxic)
182. B/c they see each other 更多 than Chloe sees Jimmy (Toxic)
183. B/c she underlines his typos (Toxic)
184. B/c he offered her the silent support he knew she needed (Toxic)
185. B/c she 偷了 his coffee (Toxic)
186. B/c he wanted to know where she was last night (Toxic)
187. B/c he knew giving up the story wasn't like her (Toxic)
188. B/c he knew she was burying her emotions in work (Toxic)
189. B/c they can talk to each other about their past realtionships (Toxic)
190. B/c he wanted to give her 建议 and in the end she gave him some too (Toxic)
191. B/c she needs him (Instinct)
192. B/c he took on some of her work load for her (Instinct)
193. B/c she can dish out the tough 爱情 (Instinct)
194. B/c she wants him to "look outside his wheelhouse" (Instinct)
195. B/c he needs to "try another scoop of the 31 flavours" (Instinct)
196. B/c she's the "little less sweet vanilla and a lot 更多 wild cherry" that he needs to try (Instinct)
197. B/c she was flirting with him when she mentioned an activity that two people share with repetitive motion that builds to a climax (Instinct)
198. B/c he made her giggle (Instinct)
199. B/c he held her coffee for her (Instinct)
200. B/c he just learned to dog paddle so she's not going to throw him into the deep end without a floatie (Instinct)
201. B/c he's lucky she came along (Instinct)
202. B/c when she saw Clark with Maxima she couldn't believe what she was seeing (Instinct)
203. B/c she was able to break the hold Maxima had on Clark (Instinct)
204. B/c their eye contact alone in that scene was electrifying (Instinct)
205. B/c she chose to take the stairs (Instinct)
206. B/c he couldn't just let her go (Instinct)
207. B/c he ran after her and tried to explain (Instinct)
208. B/c she rained on his orgy and sent Maxima away (Instinct)
209. B/c she was angry with him for making out with Maxima (Instinct)
210. B/c he wanted her to calm down (Instinct)
211. B/c she "was perfectly calm" (a.k.a she was jealous) (Instinct)
212. B/c despite how much she protests she does care what he does with his 爱情 life (Instinct)
213. B/c after their argument he looked stunned (Instinct)
214. B/c she really does care who he "sucks face with" (Instinct)
215. B/c she didn't think that "slutty-anna" was his type (Instinct)
216. B/c Maxima couldn't kill Lois in front of Clark (Instinct)
217. B/c Maxima was threatened 由 Lois (Instinct)
218. B/c they have a deep connection (Instinct)
219. B/c he would never have been able to pull away from Maxima if he wasn't drawn 由 his attraction to Lois (Instinct)
220. B/c there's a bond that they don't know about yet (Instinct)
221. B/c he came back to stop Maxima from killing Lois (Instinct)
222. B/c he was concerned about what would have happened to Lois if he hadn't stopped Maxima (Instinct)
223. B/c he knew his destiny was on earth and that Maxima wasn't a part of it (Instinct)
224. B/c he thanked her for 展示 up when she did and for saving his life (Instinct)
225. B/c she looked nervous when she heard that Maxima 说 some weird things to Clark (Instinct)
226. B/c he realized that none of the women he's be interested in before were his soulmate (Instinct)
227. B/c she thinks he "can do a little bit better than a man-eating meteor freak" (Instinct)
228. B/c his soulmate has been right in front of him all this time (Instinct)
229. B/c she thinks that "when the right girl walks into his life he'll know" (Instinct)
230. B/c he wanted to know what Maxima 说 to her (Instinct)
231. B/c she couldn't tell him what Maxima told her (Instinct)
232. B/c he offered her her old room back (Intinct)
233. B/c she winked at him (Instinct)
234. B/c she didn't want to tempt fate (Instinct)
235. B/c For a guy who is invincible, Lois Lane has the power even now to knock him off his feet (Instinct)
236. B/c he came to check on her at the party (Committed)
237. B/c she ordered ‘a Shirley Temple for the lady’ (Committed)
238. B/c He thinks she should pace herself (Committed)
239. B/c "Are 你 sure your not just jealous your little cousin is beating 你 to the altar?" (Committed)
240. B/c Clark think she should 显示 support. (Committed)
241. B/c she’s not going to get married until she meets her soulmate (Committed)
242. B/c 你 can’t always predict who you’re going to end up with (Committed)
243. Because he grabbed her off the chair (Committed)
244. B/c he saved her from completely humiliating herself (Committed)
245. Because when he mentioned meeting someone special he looked at her (Committed)
246. B/c she spent the night at his place (Committed)
247. B/c she woke up in his football jersey (Committed)
248. B/c he took care of her when she was drunk (Committed)
249. B/c she thought that maybe they had sex (Committed)
250. B/c it echoed Crimson (Committed)
251. B/c he was up for the Whitesnake sing-a-long (Committed)
252. B/c he held her hair (Committed)
253. B/c he’s her designated driver (Committed)
254. he drove her back to the Talon (Committed)
255. she wore his plaid 衬衫 (Committed)
256. B/c he came to her rescue (Committed)
257. B/c he’s the sweetest boy she has ever known (Committed)
258. B/c they work together so effortlessly (Committed)
259. B/c he was concerned that she could have been kidnapped too (Committed)
260. B/c she’s one step ahead of him (Committed)
261. He saved her from being hit 由 a car (Committed)
262. B/c he knew what she was going to say before she 说 it (Committed)
263. B/c “Clark Kent, will 你 marry me?” (Committed)
264. B/c they held hands walking into the jewellery store (Committed)
265. B/c ‘A smile now and then won’t kill you’ (Committed)
266. B/c who’s the luckiest girl in the world? Lois is! (Committed)
267. B/c “what about this one, Pumpkin?” (Committed)
268. B/c “anything 你 want, muffin” (Committed)
269. B/c “don’t get stage fright, Poodle, you’re going to have to do this in front of a packed house sooner than 你 think” (Committed)
270. B/c “he has performance anxiety” (Committed)
271. B/c he shoved the ring on her finger (Committed)
272. B/c the ring was a perfect fit (Committed)
273. B/c “tell him, Cupcake!” (Committed)
274. B/c “Lois and I are- we’re getting married” (Committed)
275. They left Ollie speechless (Committed)
276. B/c they were 老友记 for so long before one magical night (Committed)
277. B/c they couldn’t deny their feelings any 更多 (Committed)
278. B/c “she has great taste” (Committed)
279. B/c he’s “a very lucky man” (Committed)
280. B/c she called him when she didn’t know what to do (Committed)
281. B/c he was freaking out when she was missing (Committed)
282. B/c he must really care to storm in here like this (Committed)
283. B/c he wanted the madman to let her go (Committed)
284. B/c she begged for his life (Committed)
285. B/c she couldn’t stand to see him get hurt (Committed)
286. B/c he wanted her to just tell the truth (Committed)
287. B/c she couldn’t deny that she loves him (Committed)
288. B/c she looked him in the eyes when she 说 that she loves him (Committed)
289. B/c he braced himself for the pain, then looked shocked when he realised that she was telling the truth (Committed)
290. B/c “are 你 all right?” (Committed)
291. B/c he wanted to get her out of there as soon as he could (Committed)
292. B/c they had a hard time looking at each other after her confession (Committed)
293. B/c she was avoiding him (Committed)
294. B/c he forced her to deal with him (Committed)
295. B/c she didn’t trust herself in an elevator alone with him (Committed)
296. B/c he gave her a way out (Committed)
297. B/c he was disappointed when she 说 she was lying (Committed)
298. B/c they make a great team (Committed)
299. B/c “who knows where we’d be if [he] had answered that question”? (Committed)
300. B/c he wondered where they’d be if he had answered that 问题 too (Committed)
301. B/c it was the single most Clois packed episode ever!!!! (Committed)
302. B/c she complimented him and 说 he was "no hack"(Identity)
303. B/c she was nervous about Clark going to 晚餐 with her and Jimmy (Identity)
304. B/c his first photographed save was with her (Identity)
305. B/c he doesn't mind being in her shadow (Identity)
306. B/c the UST in that zipper scene was palpable (Identity)
307. B/c she loved every 分钟 of the zipper scene (Identity)
308. B/c he was obviously jealous and she was obviously trying to make him jealous (Identity)
309. B/c he zipped up her dress (Identity)
310. B/c the flashback was even better (Identity)
311. B/c he was staring at her bra (Identity)
312. B/c she makes him stutter (Identity)
313. B/c she makes him nervous (Identity)
314. B/c she put her hand on his chest (Identity)
315. B/c ‘sometimes when a guy likes a girl he asks her out’ hint, hint (Identity)
316. B/c their chemistry is so hot we're surprised it doesn't burn the bullpen down (Identity)
317. B/c she was so flirting with him (Identity)
318. B/c he kept checking out her butt (Identity)
319. B/c he went all Alpha male on her (Identity)
320. B/c he gets so protective of her (Identity)
321. B/c ‘behave your self (Identity)
322. B/c he cleared his throat so as to break up the moment between her and Sebastion (Identity)
323. B/c she didn’t allow them to shake hands. (Identity)
324. B/c she's destined to fall in 爱情 with a man who flies and likes to wear tights (Identity)
325. B/c she called Clark when she was in trouble (Identity)
326. B/c he dropped everything to come to her rescue (Identity)
327. B/c she wanted to protect him 由 not telling him her secret (Identity)
328. B/c he thanked her for looking out for him (Identity)
329. B/c she's a true believer in the red and blue superdude (Identity)
330. B/c it's her new mission in life to get the first worldwide exclusive interview with him (Identity)
331. B/c she wanted to 移动 back in with him (Bloodline)
332. B/c them living and working together would be a carpooler's dream (Bloodline)
333. B/c they have 吉他 Hero weekends (Bloodline)
334. B/c he pulled out the crystal and was looking at it right in front of her (Bloodline)
335. B/c he told her to run but she couldn’t leave him (Bloodline)
336. B/c they went to the Phantom Zone together (Bloodline)
337. B/c he ran to her as soon as he saw her (Bloodline)
338. B/c he cupped her cheek in his hand (Bloodline)
339. B/c when she was getting tired he told her, "You're doing great" (Bloodline)
340. B/c he was worried about her when she fell (Bloodline)
341. B/c "All we have to do is keep an eye out for each other ok? We’ll be fine" (Bloodline)
342. B/c he calmed her down (Bloodline)
343. B/c "No one is going to mess with Lois and Clark" (Bloodline)
344. B/c they talked about each other as a unit (Bloodline)
345. B/c he tenderly wiped the blood off of her face (Bloodline)
346. B/c he wanted to send her back no matter what the cost was (Bloodline)
347. B/c he 说 he'd guard the gate, but Lois was going 首页 (Bloodline)
348. B/c she wanted to stick with him and his right hook (Bloodline)
349. B/c he told her he'd be right behind her and she 说 he'd better be (Bloodline)
350. B/c when she heard that Clark was in trouble she wanted to go back for him (Bloodline)
351. B/c she wanted to wait for Clark (Bloodline)
352. B/c her first thought after being released from the Phantom Zone was of Clark (Bloodline)
353. B/c he immediately wanted to know if Lois was okay after he got out of the PZ (Bloodline)
354. B/c he can handle Lois (Bloodline)
355. B/c he desperately tried to reach out to Lois while she was possessed (Bloodline)
356. B/c Faora realized that Clark has feelings for Lois (Bloodline)
357. B/c he never 说 Faora's name once, while she possessed Lois (Bloodline)
358. B/c he wouldn't fight Faora b/c all he could see was Lois (Bloodline)
359. B/c she collapsed on 最佳, 返回页首 of him and he hoped she was okay (Bloodline)
360. B/c Clois spend all their time together and everyone knows it (Bloodline)
361. B/c the best part of Lois living on the farm was that Clark could keep on eye on her (Bloodline)
362. B/c he was disappointed that she decided to 移动 out (Bloodline)
363. B/c he's her "knight in shining armor" (Bloodline)
364. B/c he thought that Lois got in trouble b/c she didn't know his secret (Bloodline)
365. B/c Kara thinks that Clark should tell Lois his secret. She said, "Lois is strong. She can handle it. 你 wouldn't have let her get so close if 你 didn't think so, too." (Bloodline)
366. B/c Clark agreed with Kara (Bloodline)
367. B/c they recorded a video message for Chloe together (Bride)
368. B/c Clark agreed with Lois before he even knew what she was going to say (Bride)
369. B/c Jimmy wanted to introduce Lois to his friend Clark Kent (Bride)
370. B/c Jimmy thinks Clark annoying Lois is flirtation 101 (Bride)
371. B/c Jimmy’s seen the way they look at each other (Bride)
372. B/c Lois’ hopes rose after talking with Jimmy (Bride)
373. B/c Lois needs to jump Clark’s lilypad and plant one on him (Bride)
374. B/c “Lois and Clark would be great together” (Bride)
375. B/c Clark is her “Mr. Right” (Bride)
376. B/c she lovingly touched his suit and then decked the camera guy for catching it on camera (Bride)
377. B/c he loves to talk about her when she isn’t around (Bride)
378. B/c someday her super stud will come along (Bride)
379. B/c he impressed her with his sweet gesture (Bride)
380. B/c the staircase scene sent us into a series of fangasms (Bride)
381. B/c they couldn’t take their eyes off of each other (Bride)
382. B/c Lois helped him with his cufflinks (Bride)
383. B/c he wasn’t paying attention to her cufflinks lesson, he was drinking in the sight of her instead (Bride)
384. B/c “you just need to stick this part up and then it slides right in” (Bride)
385. B/c she renders him speechless (Bride)
386. B/c when she thought he was talking to her, her face lit up with hope (Bride)
387. B/c he finally realized that he has a shot with her (Bride)
388. B/c she’s completely in 爱情 with him (Bride)
389. B/c he was watching her when they were standing 由 themselves (Bride)
390. B/c he grabbed her hand (Bride)
391. B/c he titled his head and pulled her into a dance (Bride)
392. B/c there was so much UST in that dance scene (Bride)
393. B/c that dance and almost 吻乐队(Kiss) was the most romantic Clois scene we’ve had so far (Bride)
394. B/c when they were bumped into Clark steadied Lois (Bride)
395. B/c he reached down and held her hand (Bride)
396. B/c hellooo? Eye sex much?! (Bride)
397. B/c the way he looks at her makes us swoon (Bride)
398. B/c they can have an entire conversation without saying a word (Bride)
399. B/c when she put her hand on his 心 he took a step 前锋, 期待 (Bride)
400. B/c they both leaned in for the 吻乐队(Kiss) (Bride)
401. B/c she’s been having feelings for him and she doesn’t know they mean (Bride)
402. B/c her feelings for him just snuck up on her (Bride)
403. B/c there are moments when 你 can’t deny it (Bride)
404. B/c she thought that someone needed her (Bride)
405. B/c Ollie is sure that he needs her b/c he knows Clark (Bride)
406. B/c Clark asked her how she was holding up at the hospital (Bride)
407. B/c Clark didn’t want her to leave (Bride)
408. B/c he pulled her into a hug when she broke down (Bride)
408. B/c “I promise, we’re going to get Chloe back” (Bride)
409. B/c he’s been looking for inspiration and he’s found it in her 心 (Bride)
410. B/c that slow-mo walk away and the look back clearly established Lois and Clark as the couple to root for (Bride)
411. B/c “Don’t take your 爱情 away from me” (Bride)
412. B/c he hated watching her walk out of his life and she hated having to leave him (Bride)
413 B/c He Wanted Her To Write His Story (Infamous)
414 B/c He took back her knowing his secret because she is special (Infamous)
415. He Stood Her Up 2 Protect Her (Infamous)
416 He told her his secret chloe & lana found out themselves (Infamous)
417.He Gives Lois 小狗 Dog Eyes (Hex)
418. He Framed Her 列表 She Wrote For Him (Hex)
419. He Took A Bullet For Her (Stiletto)
420. He Told Her To Stop Being Stiletto b/c He Didnt Want Her 2 Get Hurt (Stiletto)
421. She Went To Save Him (Stiletto)
422. He Gave Her What She Wanted A Talk With The Red Blue Blur (Stiletto)
423. He Told Her He May Not Survive And To Send Out A Goodbye Letter (Doomsday)
424. Because they belong together.. end of freaking story.
added by kiaya91
Source: /spoilertv-smallville.blogspot.com/
added by kiaya91
Source: /spoilertv-smallville.blogspot.com/
added by kiaya91
Source: /spoilertv-smallville.blogspot.com/
added by kiaya91
Source: /spoilertv-smallville.blogspot.com/
added by kiaya91
Source: /spoilertv-smallville.blogspot.com/
added by kiaya91
Source: andreas@ lj
added by kiaya91
Source: andreas@ lj
added by kiaya91
Source: andreas@ lj
added by kiaya91
Source: spoilertv-smallville.blogspot
added by rose2
Source: http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/smallville/photos
added by adwbuffy
Source: Flickr ,Photobucket
added by Fashion_life
added by adwbuffy
added by bala
Source: kytonsite
added by XpsychotickissX
Source: kryptonsite.com
added by Crazy-Chica
added by Dominator
added by JACKB
added by Temptasia
Source: http://www.vidiot.com/Smallville/photos3.html
added by Temptasia
Source: http://www.vidiot.com/Smallville/photos3.html