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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the idea. Thanks. J

Please as always… if 你 like what I write let me know. I have been going through a divorce so the encouragement that 你 like what I am 写作 is so very helpful! And your patience is very much appreciated too.

Chapter 18

I heard Edward pleading with me to wake up and say something to him. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t feel like I could 移动 yet. I felt as though my body were as stiff as marble. I felt his hands on my face as he leaned down to 吻乐队(Kiss) my lips. His hands weren’t cold to me and they were surprisingly soft. I was shocked at this, as they felt warm and comforting to me. And I could smell so much 更多 than I could before. The scents that invaded me were so powerful and so strong. I smelled the grass, a warm breeze with a strong fresh smell to it, a variety of flowers, and freshly washed linen. And the best ones seem to be coming from my left hand side, right where Edward’s voice was coming from. He smelled of roses, lavenders, freshly mowed grass, and seawater. It was intoxicating to me. Then the sound of his voice was yet another wonder to my much 更多 sensitive ears. I don’t know if I’ve heard anything that sounded 更多 beautiful. It was much 更多 beautiful than imaging a choir of 天使 singing. I can say that the sound of it was like nothing that I have ever heard before.

As I lay there absorbing all of this, I slowly started to feel 更多 and 更多 of my body. All of my senses were awakened and now it was time for my body to start doing the same. I felt my feet first, they sort of tingled then I felt the air brush against my toes and the bottoms of my feet, but they didn’t get cold. Then I felt my legs and they felt light as if they were made of feathers. The rest of my body was the same way.

I tried to flutter my eyelids and to my surprise they moved a little. Once I noticed that I could open my eyes, I did. And Edward’s face was there in front of my eyes. His face was full of concern, then that melted away and happiness showed there instead. And for the first time I noticed just how beautiful he really was. As a human I had never truly scene him and all of his beauty.

“Bella!” He 说 almost exhaling my name. “You had me so worried. 你 were out for so long. How are 你 feeling?”

“I am…” I took a full 秒 to fully take stock of myself before I responded, “fine. I am 更多 than fine. I haven’t felt 更多 ‘right’ with myself. 你 know? I feel like I am supposed to be like this.”

“Bella, I don’t even know what to say about you. 你 are sitting there like nothing is different. Jasper told me that 你 would be wild and almost uncontrollable but 你 are nothing like that. How are 你 doing this Bella?” The look on his face was one that I have never seen before. It was one of amazement and adoration.

“I don’t know what 你 mean Edward. I don’t know of any other way to be. I am just me,” I replied to him.

Just then, Edward’s phone rang. He grabbed it before the first ring ended. “Hi Carlisle.” A pause. “Yes, she is fine and completely calm. Nothing like what Jasper thought.” Another pause. “Yeah I will tell her. Is there any word from Holly?” A long pause this time. “Really? She is waiting?” Another pause and Edward shook his head slightly but just enough that with my new eyes I could see it. “That’s good. I guess. Okay, Carlisle I will see 你 all soon. I should say, we shall see 你 all soon.” He shut his phone and put it back in his pocket.

He looked to me then and filled me in on the conversation with Carlisle. “Holly is waiting to see 你 with her own eyes before she makes any rash move. So that is good news.”

He looked like he was hiding something from me. Well, maybe not hiding something but he wasn’t telling me everything that he knew. “What else, Edward? There was 更多 wasn’t there?”

He nodded. “Jasper thought 你 would be uncontrollable which is why I brought 你 here. There is no one else on this island for 你 to hurt. Carlisle 说 to say that he was proud of 你 and your restraint. Personally I don’t know how 你 are doing it Bella. 你 should be crazy with thirst.”

“I am thirsty. When 你 bring it up it is 更多 uncomfortable but I can handle it. I don’t see that as a great talent though,” I 说 almost sarcastically. I got up and noticed that I was graceful, something completely new and foreign to me that I actually spun around. Edward looked at me with an amused look on his face and had I been able to blush I probably would have. “Um… Edward, when are we leaving and going back?”

“Well we can go anytime. However, 你 do need to drink before we head back to where there are people.” At this he headed to the refrigerator and opened it. Inside I saw a stash of bags filled with a red liquid. Blood. Edward took one bag out and snipped off the corner with a scissors and poured some into a glass and handed it to me. “Here, drink this and let me see what happens.”

I took the glass that he handed me. My arm almost floated to meet his hand and the glass. I took it and in a fleeting thought I wondered about my eyes. “Edward, what do my eyes look like?”

“Right now they are bright red, but within a few months they will fade and will become like the rest of ours. If 你 stick with our diet of course.”

“Oh I plan on it. I couldn’t think of hurting anyone.” With this I looked back at the glass in my hand and stared into the deep red that was now going to be my diet. I risked a sniff of it and was hoping that I wouldn’t have the same kind of reaction that I used to have to blood, which was pass out. Not very good for a vampire, but I didn’t not have to worry about that. The one smell of the blood made my throat burn and I wanted the blood so badly! I raised the glass to my lips and once the blood touched my tongue there was nothing else that I could think about. It tasted so good, like nothing that I have ever tasted before. I had no words to describe the taste of it 或者 my reaction to it. I was just frenzied over it and I knew that I wanted more.

Edward must have known that I wanted 更多 since he brought the bag over and was ready to refill my glass for me. When I looked up at him I saw that he was studying my face. “Well, Bella? How are you?”

“I am better. I feel even 更多 refreshed than before. 更多 alive, even. Is that possible?”

He smiled at me, “Yes, that is possible.” He refilled my glass and sat down at the 表 in the kitchen. I joined him.

“So, what am I to expect when we get back? What is everyone going to say? How long will I have to stay away from the rest of Forks?” I had so many 问题 but I didn’t know what I all wanted to know even. I just wanted to know if I was going to be normal now 或者 if I was going to have to stay hidden.

“When we get back we will have to have a family meeting. They are all going to have to get used to the new Bella. I am still not used to this new you. 你 are so very different but yet so very much the same. I’m sure they will want to ask 问题 but won’t. They will just need some time to get used to the changes. Then we will have to figure out what to do with 冬青, 冬青树 of course. I don’t know what to expect with her saying that she is waiting before doing anything. Now with 你 changed, I don’t know what to expect from her.”

“I see. So basically everything is still up in the air yet. No real big changes have happened because of me changing.” I had hoped that there would have been a better outlook now that I was no longer human and no longer a threat to the secrets of the 吸血鬼 and to Holly. The only 问题 that I had now was what this change was for Edward and my relationship. We had just started things and now everything was changed. “Edward, what about us? Has anything with us changed?”

“Yes Bella, things with us changed,” he said. With that my 心 fell into my stomach. I knew that he didn’t want this to happen and I knew that it would hurt him to turn me but I didn’t think that it would make things permanent. I didn’t think that it would be all that bad. “I think that 你 are even 更多 beautiful than before and I didn’t think that would ever happen. I see that the change was something that was going to happen no matter what and that it was for the best. I see that 你 are born to be one of us and I am so very happy that 你 are doing so well. So yes, things with us have changed.”

I stared at him with my mouth hanging open. I did not expect to hear him say any of that. I had expected nothing but bad things when it came to what I had made him do to me. “Edward I don’t know what to say. I had thought that 你 would have been very angry with me for making 你 do this to me. I was scared to ask if we had changed.”

“I was angry Bella. I was very angry and I tried to not think about it 或者 I was scared of what I would do to 你 或者 anyone else that crossed my path. But now, looking at you, I can’t believe that this hasn’t happened sooner. 你 are breathtaking and elegant and just… beautiful!” Edward hasn’t taken his eyes off me at all since we had sat down together. It was still very hard for me to take in… all of this. All of what has happened.

“Thank 你 Edward,” I said. “I don’t know what else to say. Just thank 你 for everything.”

“You are welcome. So, are 你 ready to go see your family and the rest of eternity?” he asked as he stood up. He offered his hand, I took it, and we walked out of the house and headed back to Forks.

                ******    ******

We arrived back in Forks just a few hours before sunrise and no one was even awake yet so I didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing me yet. We were on our way back to the Cullen’s house, which was now my new home. I was part of their family now. It was still very hard to take in. We pulled into the driveway and I started to get very nervous about how everyone was going to react to me.

Edward must have realized that I was getting nervous since he reached over and took my hand and squeezed it gently. “Don’t worry Bella. 你 are going to be fine. Nothing to worry about really.”

We barely had the car in park when I saw the door whip open and I saw Alice running out of the house. She was at the door before I really knew what to expect. The door opened and Alice pulled me out and wrapped me in a huge hug. Then I saw that Jasper and Emmett were standing right behind Alice looking worried. Behind them on the porch were Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie.

I hugged Alice backed and I felt a wave of calm 包, 换行 itself around me. I looked at Jasper and he stared back at me as if waiting for something to happen.

“Jasper, nothing is going to happen. She is fine and in control,” Alice said, looking between Jasper and me. “And Bella, 你 look absolutely beautiful! I can’t believe the difference in you. Granted your eyes are going to take time for me to get used to but wow. This 《金装律师》 you.”

I laughed at her. “What 《金装律师》 me, Alice?”

“Immortality. It’s like 你 were born to be a vampire,” Alice replied.

“Alice!” That came from Esme. “Give her a 分钟 to breathe. This is probably hard for her.”

“It’s okay Esme. Everyone, really it is okay. I am fine. 你 can even ask Edward yourself.” All heads turned to look at Edward for conformation.

“She is right. Bella has a very high level of self-control that I have never seen before. I have never seen a newborn with 更多 resistance to anything. On our way here we’ve crossed human scents and she has not blinked once,” Edward assured them.

Everyone looked to me again then Rosalie and Emmett looked to Carlisle. Carlisle came 前锋, 期待 to me to look me over. It seemed like a vampire physical almost. It was a little comical. “Bella, 你 are perfectly calm right now? 你 don’t have any lingering pain 或者 anything? Not thirsty at all?”

“Well like when Edward mentioned it to me when I first woke up, it became a little uncomfortable but it isn’t like I can’t handle it,” I said. “And no, no pain at all. And yes, even without the help of Jasper, I am perfectly calm.”

“Okay. Good. I am happy that all went well for 你 and your transformation then. Shall we all go into the house?” He gestured for us all to go in.

When everyone started moving, Rosalie stayed where she was until I got to her. When I was a foot in front of her, she stopped me. “Bella, I was wrong. And I just wanted to say that I am very happy that 你 are in the family and a sister. And I can tell that 你 make Edward very happy.”

“Thank 你 Rosalie. I just hope that I don’t cause 更多 harm than good.”

”Don’t worry about it. Things will turn out. They always do for us. You’ll see.” She 说 with a smile. She was much 更多 beautiful than what I remembered, in fact they all were. “Come on, let’s go in with everyone else.”

We walked together to the house, not talking but I felt closer to her now than I did before. I couldn’t explain it but I didn’t care to either. It was just nice to be accepted. Now I had to walk into the house as part of the Cullen family and plan for what we were about to face with Holly.

I didn’t really know what to think about this fight with her and what her deal was with me since I hadn’t done anything to her and hadn’t known she existed until recently. Other than the fact that she couldn’t seem to let Edward go, I didn’t get it. As I followed Rosalie in, my mind drifted to the when my world turned upside down.

It wasn’t all that long 以前 when I had my parents. They were only going to be gone for a little bit and now, I was an orphan. I guess I could say that I have a new family with the Cullen’s but it isn’t the same. I remember that 日 so clearly yet now it seems like it was so long ago. I miss them of course, but I don’t feel sad like I felt I should be. I think they are at peace knowing that I am happy and that I will always be here loving them. I will have to make time to go visit them sometime soon.

Before I knew it I was in the house and everything looked the same but I saw everything in a brand new light. Everything seemed to be a lot crisper and I saw everything with 更多 detail than I could have imagined. The room was brighter than I remembered and the detail of the woodwork was fantastic. I could make out every line in the framework, and the 表 and chairs, and the hallway banister. It was amazing to see everything like this. The chandelier above the 表 was shining brightly and I saw the color of the 彩虹 in each piece of delicately cut piece of glass, even though the lights were on low. I heard the crackle of the fireplace as clear as 日 even over the hum of conversation in the room. It was surreal to be surrounded 由 everything that seemed so familiar yet I was seeing everything as if it were brand new to me.

As I stood there looking at everything I felt Edward walk up beside me and rest his hand on my lower back. I looked up at him and noticed him watching me intently. He guided me to a chair and he took the one 下一个 to me. Alice was quick to notice and she took the one that was the 下一个 closest. And then everyone else took his 或者 her seats to start talking about 冬青, 冬青树 I could only assume. I started to feel nervous and at that moment Edward reached down to take my hand in his. I looked over to him and smiled.

The only person that was left standing was Carlisle. When he took his 座位 everyone quieted down and looked to him. The meeting was going to start. Unknowingly I tightened my grip on Edward’s hand and he leaned over and said, “Relax Bella. It’s going to be okay.” And I really tried to relax.

“As we can all see Bella has had a very successful transition into a vampire and is incredibly in control of herself. This isn’t anything we are used to Bella; most newborn can hardly be contained and are crazy for blood. We are all a little awed 由 your restraint,” Carlisle stated. Everyone was nodding their heads in unison agreeing to what Carlisle was saying.

Just then Alice froze and I could almost feel the air around her stop. Almost at the same moment, Edward’s head snapped to look at her. Everyone then looked between Edward and Alice waiting to be filled in on what was happening. Emmett looked like he was ready to jump at a moment’s command, ever ready to fight. Jasper was holding Alice’s hand waiting for her to come back and calm her down. Rosalie and Esme grabbed hands since the look on Alice’s face was frightening. Carlisle just waited patiently. Me, on the other hand… didn’t like when Alice had her visions. I didn’t want to look at her and I didn’t.

“Alice? Are 你 sure? When?” Edward asked quickly.

“We’ve got twenty five minutes,” Alice replied.

Edward nodded. The air felt heavy all of a sudden.

“Holly is coming. Now. She will be here in about twenty five minutes,” Edward said, tightening on my hand.