《乱马1/2》 Club
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Sneeze Me, Squeeze Me, Please Me! Shampoo's Recipe For Disaster
This one is one of the cutest episodes in the anime. Shampoo makes Ranma a special dim sum with a 蘑菇 that causes whoever swallows it to obey a command whenever a certain signal is given. Eventually, the trigger sound for Ranma becomes a sneeze, as he would hug anyone sneezing before him. Fate favors as Akane catches cold. How romantic they looked when Ranma hugged Akane!! Its one of my best Ranma X Akane moments!

The Abduction of Akane! and Ranma vs. Mousse! To Lose Is To Win
These two are in series, so I thought to put them together. These two episodes are the perfect blend of humor, mystery, tension and love. It also has Shampoo X 摩丝, 慕斯 and Ranma X Akane moments. Isn’t it delightful to see Ranma running to the circus crying ‘AKANE!!’ at the end of the 1st episode, Ranma crying on mistaking Akane as the duck, Ranma and ‘duck Akane’s’ marriage ceremony and Akane’s expression on her comeback? They are all so humorous, yet very sweet and romantic.

Akane Goes To The Hospital
This is the episode where Ranma appears the cutest in the whole series. From the first 分钟 where the possessive Ranma gets angry on Gosunkugi from taking pictures of Akane in the leotard to the last where the caring and shy Ranma runs away from the public with the injured and blushing Akane on his back, the whole episode is as sweet as honey, and even sweeter! Ranma leaves school but dosen't come to visit Akane. Whilst Akane thinks of how much of a jerk Ranma is, Ranma begins thinking how he can visit Akane without her being overly angered at him. He initially plans on being very humble towards her, but when he thinks it through and ends up nearly 接吻 Akane he swiftly abandons the idea. Ranma then proceeds to imagine trying a light and friendly approach, but that too ends up with him imaging himself 接吻 Akane, so is abandoned also. And then he waits for Akane with a bouquet of rose outside her room but hesitates to enter. And at the end Ranma apologises to her for messing up through his hand-made banner! Awwwwwwwww!!

Ranma, The lady-killer
Undoubtedly, its one of the most favourite episodes of most of Ranma fans. It’s really g-r-e-a-t to see Ranma as a
suave, flirtatious 花花公子 who starts hitting on every woman he looks at! Ranma flirting with Ukyo, Shampoo and even Nabiki is quite nice to watch!! And obviously the fight between Shampoo and Ukyo is quite exciting. But the greatest reason for me to 爱情 this episode because of the scenes where Ranma and Akane share some really cute moments, while our play-boy flirts with her. But the best part? Akane is hit 由 Ukyo's 抹刀, 锅铲 and starts sliding towards the end of the building before falling off it. Seeing that Akane's in danger, Ranma chases after her and protects her as a construction tent and the sand pile beneath it helps break their fall. Akane regains consciousness and begins nudging Ranma to see if he's okay. Once Ranma opens his eyes he suddenly tells Akane that she's cute when she cries, although Akane believes this to be due to the band-aid so just calls him stupid before falling onto his chest. While Akane lies on him, Ranma wonders if the band-aid is making him feel this way as his 心 is beating rapidly, but at that moment Ukyo and Shampoo arrive and 问题 the pair if they're going to lie on each other all night. Then Shampoo informs that Ranma’s no longer wearing the love-bandage. Really, one of the best scenes ever. So cute, so very cute. I just 爱情 it! Ranma and Akane 4-ever 2-gether!!

接吻 is such a sweet sorrow. The taking of Akane’s lips
This one is my ultimate fav episode where Ranma plays Romeo and Akane plays Juliet. This is undoubtedly the most romantic episode in the 日本漫画 as well as the Anime. The 1st part is really humorous – Kuno, Happosai and Ranma fighting for the role of Romeo, the drunken female Ranma, Female Ranma and Kuno’s ‘tape-kiss’, Soun’s hilarious moves, Sasuke’s sudden appearance. But the best part is Scene3. Scene 3 turns out to be a "kiss of awakening" scene better suited to Snow White, much to Ranma's fury. Offstage, the other would-be Romeos all rendered harmless, he threatens the announcer, who insists that it's a request from their special guest judge. 说 judge appears, telling Ranma that if he can 吻乐队(Kiss) Akane, he will win the competition, but it is the actions of Soun and Genma, challenging Ranma's courage, pointing out he's Akane's fiance (to which Ranma points out that there are dozens of people who will be watching him 吻乐队(Kiss) her), and reminding him of the prize... and even then it boils down to them throwing Ranma onto the stage.
Nervous beyond belief, far too shy for such public affection, Ranma tries to talk himself into it 由 reminding him that this is a chance to be normal again... but he can't do it, turning away at the last second. Akane picks that moment to wake up, softly asking if Ranma hates her that much. Startled, Ranma quietly insists that he doesn't hate her - it'd be easy to 吻乐队(Kiss) her if he hated her. Akane encourages him to 吻乐队(Kiss) her, then, as she wants him to see China too... but Ranma just can't do it. So, Akane repeats Ranma's trick when "she" kissed Kuno - reaching up with her hands and pulling him down to 吻乐队(Kiss) her, disguising from the audience the fact that she has placed tape over his mouth. Once the curtain is closed, she lets him go, playfully declaring that she put on a pretty good performance and sticking her tongue out.Ranma is not impressed. In fact, as they head 首页 that evening, Akane asks playfully just why Ranma seems to be so ticked off; he 答案 curtly, grumbling to himself that she didn't need to trick him like that. When she playfully asks if maybe he wishes they could have done it without the tape, though, he almost falls off of the fence; she laughs that she was kidding, jokingly calls him a dope, and hurries off home. Ranma shouts,’ 你 are so not’ and then has a melancholy pause and thoughtfully says ‘cute!’ It should be seen to understand!!
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added by CrimsonGuardian
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added by soulfire524
added by soulfire524
added by soulfire524
added by soulfire524