随机角色扮演 Ushihori Academy.

Riku114 posted on May 14, 2014 at 04:50AM
Welcome one and all to Ushihori Academy. The academy where you will be able to learn and excel in subjects that come to your interest. We have the top notch teachers and a wide variety of classes and clubs to satisfy any student's ideals! We have many dorms so every student will have their own dorm unless asked by the student! Come on and join our academic venture!


Within Ushihori Academy there is a hidden ranking of students. They are called the Arene Ranking Students. These students to most are just the 'gifted' students which most assumed meant they were naturally smart. What they really meant by 'gifted' were these students had special abilities that set them away from the rest of the regular humans. The Arene are not seperated from the average humans besides the small ARENE sown into their uniforms and that they have a extra special class. Ability training. There are multiple types of Arene that are listed below.

Arene Types:

Mental: Mental Arene have abilities that tend to warp the senses, read minds, or have telepathy with other people. They may also have a psychic ability and tend to have a higher IQ or learning capability than any other Arene type and human.

Physical: Physical Arene have abilities that boost combat abilities like increased speed or strength. They have better endurance than most and can do things most people can not. Also this can go from transforming limb into weapons to transforming into things to just a stat boost.

Magic: Magic Arene have abilities that are much like a mage. They cast spells, binds, summons, and barriers. They may have the ability to control an element to add onto that basic.

Link: Link Arene have abilities that link with an item or weapon. These Arene use items which unlock a powerful power or skill. These Arene rely on this item for their power and tend to have only one item. On rare occasions, Link Arene have 3 items but nothing more.

Special: Special Arene are a very rare type of Arene. These Arene have abilities that are so great they do not land in a category. When a Special Arene comes around they tend to serve as the leaders or star members of not only the Arene but also the school in general.


~No Godmodding
~No Killing a Character without Permission
~Violence is allowed for Arene though the existence of Arene are to remain a secret from most average humans
~No sex. Romance in moderation is fine.
~Avoid one liners (dialogue is fine)
~Timeskips with majority approval
~Only 10 Special Arene are allowed
~Be Respectful to other rp-ers
~Have Fun!
~More rules may be added as seen fit


Character Profile:



Grade: (7th to 12th)



Human or Arene:

Type if Arene:

Ability if Arene:




Kazuro Mayorn (Riku) Special
Tyrin Moore (Riku) Magic
Merli Peterson (kitty) Special
Arceus Fornithri (Time) Special
Ren (Angel) Link
Alex Nightwalker (heart) Physical
Charlotte Woodmoon (Sparrow) Mental
Dustin Woodmoon (Sparrow) Mental
Isabel Mathis (fang) Link
Luna Everheart (kitty) Special
Nare Yori (Riku) Special
Alona Manson (Dream) Link
Norah (Dream) Magic
Caden Spire (Riku) Mental
Melinda Ash (Kitty) Mental
Shana Scarlet (Dream) Physical
Misaki Takumi (Dargox) Special
Talon Nasir (fang) Physical
Kalea Mycris (GMRS) Special

Nash Souken (Onix)

Raynes Mayorn (Riku) Principle/Creator

D. Gray (Time) Link Arene

Student Council
Student Disciplinary
last edited on May 18, 2014 at 03:42PM

随机角色扮演 761 回复

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 761

一年多以前 heart-of_love said…
(..right before i go to bed you start!! wtf lol)
Alex slipped into the room and spotted Kazuro almost instantly, it wasn't hard to spot him with his purple eyes. Slowly but not silently, because she's not a ninja, Alex snuck up behind him and pounced. "Kazu!" she shouted hoping to catch him off guard, but most of the time he heard or saw her before she saw him.
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Alright, I'll make the student council prez!)
Alona hummed happily as she walked with Norah walking next to her. Norah noticed how happy she was. "Are you really that happy about going to class?"
Alona nodded. "Yup! Everything here is just so exciting, you know? This is the year! I feel it! Something amazing is going to happen!"
Norah sighed. "You say that every year."
Alona winked at her. "This time is different. I feel it in my scythe!"
Norah rolled her eyes.
一年多以前 BlackSparrow said…
((Since Charlie and Dustin can communicate telepathically, I'm going to use [brackets] to show that))

Charlotte and Dustin walked silently into the class together. Dustin took a seat more in the back, but his sister took on in the middle....in the middle of the action. She had a tendency to...mess around, with her abilities. Dustin sighed and slouched down in his chair. he could always tell when his sister was feeling mischievous, but today he could sense nothing from her. Dare he hope? Just then Charlotte turned around and smiled at her older brother before turning back to face the front of the class.
[Charlie please don't do anything today] Dustin says tiredly.
[Don't worry....too much] she says, the smile on her face obvious, even if he couldn't see it.
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
Merli walked into the room, and sat down near a window, trembling. She was trying not to either punch someone, or burst out crying. She had heard them talking again. The girl with `no abilities . . .`
Merli was the one special.Arene who wasn't held up by absolutely everyone. Her powers were strange and unique, and couldn't be used externally. She often heard people muttering when they thought no one could hear, about the girl who supposedly had `no real abilities` . . . She sighed, and stared at the ground, trying not to break out in either sadness or anger.

Melinda was already in class, and looked up as her cousin walked in. She, like Merli, tended to isolate herself from others. Her powers were powerful, and rather dangerous, so she kept away so she wouldn't hurt anyone. Her cousin was trembling again. Was something wrong? She looked away, it was usually best to leave her alone in situations like this.

Luna walked into class, and sat down, looking around at the people surrounding her. She was another special Arene, another with unique abilities who was well known. She looked around at the other Arenes. Surrounding her. Most she recognized, but a few she didn't.
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
Name: Shana Scarlet

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Gender: Female


Human or Arene: Arene

Type if Arene: Physical

Ability if Arene: Super strength and agility, her arms become razor sharp blades

Bio: Shana is the Student Council President. She has always been head strong and has no problem telling a person off, even if the person is a teacher or an adult. Some people don't like her because of her attitude while some admire her for her courage. She has a little sister who she is very protective of. Even though she is beautiful, she has never had a boyfriend and has always told herself that she doesn't need one.

Other: Shana is very strict and always follows the rules. If anyone breaks the rule or causes trouble, she is the first to act. If anyone is having any trouble, she wants to help them no matter who it is. Despite her tough personality, she loves girly things.
 Name: Shana Scarlet Age: 17 Grade: 12th Gender: Female Appearance: Human 或者 Arene: A
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
(I wont be replying much today, I have some catching up to do here and there)

Alex's pounce failed to land...... anywhere infact. Negation of gravity, this one was temporary being it was a sense of defense, but none the less, negation of gravity. He turned around and smiled at Alex.

Kazuro: Not going to get me that easily *the negation of gravity fell dropping her straight down*

Kazuro looked over at Merli and threw over a marble that lightly hit her on the head. This was merely to get her attention and nothing more nothing less. He knew Merli was a Special Arene for a reason. She just had a more wild ability and he too knew the time when he was under constant probation when he was really young due to his 'Unrealistic Ideas' being very wild and random which could end up with all reality being negated and vanishing. He had also heard many of the conversations from other classmen.

Nare leaned against the wall of the classroom. He had placed his bag down in a chair somewhere in the middle to claim his seat but he prefered being against the wall. He hoped today would be a battle day though it wasnt likely due to it being the first day.
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alona walked into the class and gasped. "Wow! I think we hit the jackpot! We got some cuties in our class!"
Norah elbowed her in her side. "You said that too loud idiot!"
Alina giggled and took her seat, excited. Norah sighed and took a seat next to her. She scanned the room and checked out the students quietly.
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
Special 5
Mental 4
Physical 2
Magic 2
Link 3
一年多以前 heart-of_love said…
Alex landed, rather harshly on her butt. "Owie!" she muttered as she stood up and sat next to Kazuro as he flicked a marble at Merli. "..how did you know i was coming that time?" she asked as she watched the marble thunk lightly into Merli's head. "was i to loud?"
heart-of_love commented…
Last post..sorry and goodnight 一年多以前
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
Merli looked up for a moment when she felt the marble hit her head. "Kazuro . . ." She muttered to herself. "What does he want? . . ." Kazuro was one of the only people she knew the identity of, even though she'd never spoken to him. He was the only person besides the principle who knew that she and Melinda were cousins. Then again, even he didn't know exactly what her abilities were. She looked in his direction, a rather pained look on her face from trying not to punch something.

Melinda watched Kazuro throw a marble at her cousin, and she was surprised to see Merli look up. How would this play out? Merli never talked to anyone.
一年多以前 BlackSparrow said…
Charlie looked around the classroom, bored. There were so many people sitting alone... That bothered her a fair amount actually. She made herself appear social, but she didn't trust anyone. Even though she could just read their minds, but that was an invasion on privacy. She looked around at everyone there, examining the faces she knew and the ones she didn't.
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alina started to pout. "I feel like everyone knows each other except us!"
Norah shrugged as she pulled out a book and opened it. "If you don't like it, make new friends."
Alina nodded and searched for someone to talk to. She got up and walked over to Melinda. "Hey there! I'm Alona! Nice to meet ya!"
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
(Tyrin isnt in the classroom yet.

PS: Reading manga right now)
BlackSparrow commented…
Oops, sorry about that, forgot he hadn't arrived yet. I'll change that 一年多以前
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
Melinda looked up at Alona. She must be new here, everyone knew that Melinda didn't like to talk much. "Um . . . Hi . . . I guess." She muttered. "You new here?" She stared at her bag, she could hear the contents starting to rattle around. Great. Her telekinesis was acting up.

Luna watched curiously as Alona went up and greeted Melinda. From what she knew, Melinda didn't like to talk much. She and Merli were alot alike. She watched as Melinda's bag started to shake.
一年多以前 fangfan7 said…
Izzy stopped at the entrance to the classroom. She didn't have much of a desire to go into the class and debated just turning around and leaving. Instead she sighed and took a step in, finding a seat in the back and in a corner and then taking it. "Another day..." she mumbles, playing with her necklace.
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
Kazuro: Loud enough for me to hear you in time *he looked over at Merli and wrote a not before throwing another marble over with the writing 'Try not to be such a loner this year, kay?'* Hey Alex, I wonder what rookies we will be getting this year.

Tyrin walked into the class room just as the bell rang and sat down in the back of the classroom with his katana sheathed on his hip. Like few, but still some, inside the classroom he was very blunt about his abilities, infact today, like any other day, was a good example being he had his Dakudoragon resting in a small-not-energy-consuming size on Tyrin's shoulder. Dakudoragon, otherwise known as Daku, was one of Tyrins best friends and one of his 'pets' that doubled as a weapon though the only places that he could have Daku out was in the Arene only area that was not only blocked off by sight but also sound from the rest of the school. (Note: The Arene area is a LARGE building facility in the school) While the place is unguarded and only protected by an ID swipe lock, no one really has to worry about a regular human walking in due to the rule of the school that "Any non-Arene classed student enters the Arene Only area, high punishment will be dealt" and thanks to that rule, only one daredevil has ever entered the building though no one knows exactly what had happened to that one daredevil. Some say he was expelled. Some say he was killed. Some say he was fined high money for it and ran away. All that anyone could recall was that he didnt set foot in the school afterwards. Tyrin rested his head on his hand and sighed. Today was the typical boring first day and the principle would be coming in any minute to begin class. Like the students werent held up to listen and be on time, the principle and 'teacher', you could say, wasnt either.
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alona nodded happily. "Yup! I just moved here with my best friend! So how long have you lived here?"

Shana was knee high in paperwork that she was given and was finishing it all in record time. "Must...get...to....class!"
一年多以前 onix11 said…
Nash was running full speed down the the halls, he had ran to every class room in the building and was finally approaching the final one. "Man this day has been the worst. First day here and I was late to everything." A flash back of his morning shows his alarm clock not going off, his breakfast being burnt, the hot water heater was broke, and he was running all the way to school. "I know I won't be late for this class, I've got time!"
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
Merli picked up the marble, read the writing, and scowled darkly at it. She put another message on the other side saying, `do I have a choice?` before throwing it back, and staring at the ground. It wasn't like she tried to be a loner, or that she enjoyed it. She had tried to make friends before, but to no avail. People thought she was weird, and tended to avoid her. Some also liked to make fun of her for having `no real abilities`. Besides, if she had any troubles, she could always turn to Melinda.

Melinda shrugged at her, trying to ignore the rattling in her bag. "A couple of years . . ." She flinched as a slight banging noise came from her bag.
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alona glanced at the bag. "What's that? Sounds like your bag is having a party!" She giggled.
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
Melinda was now trying hard to control it, but her things just rattled harder. "It's nothing- nothing! I-I'm fine!" Why wouldn't it stop? She was trying so hard to control it!
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alona tilted her head to the side. "Need help? I can help!" She snapped her fingers and her scythe was in her hand. "I cut it up!"
Norah glanced over and dropped her book. "Alona!" She was rushed and grabbed her wrist. "Not here in this space! Are you crazy?!"
Alona just smiled at her. "You should know the answer to that." She turned to face Melinda. "Come on, I can easily stop the party bag."
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
Melinda scowled at her. "What are you, some kind of idiot? I'm fine ok? Leave me alone, and don't cut up my stuff." Sure, maybe she was kind of rude, but that was just the way she was. She began to concentrate hard on the contents of her bag. Slowly, the rattling subsided. She moaned. Her telekinesis was so extreme that trying to control it put extreme stress on her brain.
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alona was surprised but she just smiled and put her scythe away. "Okay! Sorry about that! See ya!" She skipped back to her desk.
Norah sighed and simply bowed to Merlinda before going back to her seat and going back to her book.
一年多以前 fangfan7 said…
Izzy looked around, there were four of them that tended to occupy the far back, the dark corners. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She really didn't want to be here, she felt off today and every time she typically felt like this her abilities kicked in at some point and then she couldn't remember what happened after wards, well not totally. She had figured out that she could control a sort of mix of air and water....mostly water, but air had water in it ans if she tried hard enough she could do a little with the air, but not much.
一年多以前 fangfan7 said…
Name: Talon Nasir

Age: 16

Grade: 11

Gender: male

Appearance: pic

Human or Arene: Arene

Type if Arene: Physical

Ability if Arene: He is super fast and has an excellent ability with weapons and hand to hand fighting

Bio: He just suddenly appeared at the academy, no one knows where he came from, but put in a place where he could openly use his abilities he started to excel.

 Name: Talon Nasir Age: 16 Grade: 11 Gender: male Appearance: pic Human 或者 Arene: Arene
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
Kazuro looked at the marble and chuckled a bit. and wrote another message on it. 'I suppose not. Though there will be a few new rookies. Its the percise reason why I love the new years.' He tossed it back.

Raynes was heading over to the building room where right after the entrance hall was the classroom. While doing so he passed by Nash and placed his hand on his shoulder.

Raynes: I see a new face, you new to the Arene class? *thinks for a bit* Nash right?
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
Merli picked up the marble, read it, and just rolled her eyes. She wrote the message, `You know Melinda and I are cousins. I'm not entirely alone. If you don't have anything better to say, then leave me alone.` she and Melinda both had a tendency to be rude under strong emotion. she chucked it back, and buried her face in her arms. No one understood what it was like to be this way. She couldn't even spend much time with melinda anymore, since they're relationship was kept strictly secret. The reason for that was between she and Melinda. It might be made easier this year though, Raynes had taken the trouble to put them in the same dorm.

Melinda gave a slight nod, and scowled at the floor. She glanced over at Merli. Something was definitely wrong, should she go over and check? . . . No, too risky. She sighed. It hurt to have to watch her cousin suffer.
一年多以前 dargox said…
(i'm joining)

Name: Misaki Takumi

Age: 15

Grade: 10

Gender: Female

Appearance: Pic (minus the neko ears and tail)

Human or Arene: Arene

Type if Arene: Special

Ability if Arene: Misaki has the ability to manifest her aura to use it in an physical form or mystical form, she also has the ability to sense and read another's aura....to the point where it may be mistaken as mind reading.

Bio: Misaki, like many of the other students comes from an somewhat normal human school life til, one afternoon when a group of bullies from her high school in Texas decide to pick on her....although little did they know the hazing towards misaki would cause her to become emotionally unstable with anger as well help her to unlock her hidden powers of aura.

Now little after turning her old school on it's head in an fiery out lash, Misaki's parents received an mysterious letter from the Principle of Ushihori Academy and after hearing out their daughter's reasons for going nuclear, they decide to give her another chance and transfer her to the Academy.

Other: Her powers are somewhat linked to her emotions, which at times make her somewhat of an Hot Head.
last edited 一年多以前
 (i'm joining) Name: Misaki Takumi Age: 15 Grade: 10 Gender: Female Appearance: Pic (m
一年多以前 GMRSUnoted said…
(Hi Riku! Look who decided to join!)

Name: Kalea Mycris (sometimes known as Ria Johnson)

Age: 15

Grade: 10th

Gender: Female

Appearance: PIC

Human or Arene: Arene

Type if Arene: Special (Though is training in Magic and Mental)

Ability if Arene: Database User- Unlike most people, Kalea has an unique ability to copy other powers, though only to about 60-75% due to the difficultly of doing so, requiring lots of observation, and use of them for her own will but come at a heavy price. (More shall be explained later.)
Even with ability, she still was gifted with a personal ability, or rather another Persona- Ria Johnson. Ria is actually a cobra serpent that hides within her jacket and possesses her at any thing. The abilities allow her to excel in Magic and Mental ability standards, though Ria is used only when needed. (This may change since it takes her a while to use both powers)

Bio: Not much is known about her past, but one thing is for sure; she isn't exactly a normal human with her special abilities. She enter the school with her two persona's excelling in both subjects, but to others she's the weirdest person in the school. Most people find her to be quiet during studies, but deadly in the arena if she is forced into fighting.

Other: Her two Persona's can switch at anytime, though the only difference is her personality and nothing else.

Since she is loner, she is usually found in the library or drawing someplace alone, causing her to avoid people a lot.
 (Hi Riku! Look who decided to join!) Name: Kalea Mycris (sometimes known as Ria Johnson) Age:
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
(XD There you are XD Ill get to replying in a bit

@Dargox I havent seen you around in a while XD)
一年多以前 GMRSUnoted said…
(Hey, I needed some time to think about it, but I'll be here! I'll post up her next, though I'll have to think how.)
一年多以前 GMRSUnoted said…
Kalea was sitting towards the back of the classroom with her sketchbook as she was drawing what seemed to be Kazuro in very great detail, almost life-like somehow. She could hear the people talking to everybody but herself, but she didn't care much and continued to draw. As she did, her golden serpent peaked out of her jacket before looking as Kalea was almost done drawing Kazuro. The golden serpent saw that Caden was on the opposite of the classroom to them and quickly slithered back into her jacket as Kalea sighed to herself. Her hoodie cover her from his view, though something about him seemed odd to her, so Kalea flipped to a clear page and slowly began to draw him without even turning to face him.
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
(Mostly waiting on onix to start the class. In the meanwhile I will make a new character)
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
Name: Verene (Ver) Kajin

Age: 15

Grade: 10th

Gender: Male

Appearance: PIC

Human or Arene: Arene

Type if Arene: Physical

Ability if Arene: He has high speed that he can call upon as he needs it though his high strength is only able to be used when he is close to breaking and falling into his beast form, that of which he can not control yet.

Bio: Ver was raised by his mom and his dad ran out of them since before he was born. In school he got As and the occasional B and was pretty popular. He always was the star Karate and Boxing member along with three sports, Soccer, Tennis, and Track. He had a fine life, with the exception of living in the more dangerous parts of town, and the only specialty that showed was a not-fully developed, barely showing slightly unbelievable speed. This was until he got into a fight by one of the school gangs who's leader had a bone to pick with him for a reason he still does not know why. Though Ver wasnt planning on fighting back, it was the basic rule for martial arts and his swift feet allowed him to be able to move between the attacks and get away from the horde to make a run for it down an alleyway only to get both ends blocked off my the missing half of the gang ending up with a total of 10 people on each side. It would be one thing if it was like before where everyone tried to come at him with fists but this time, the reinforcements came in armed with guns and knives. He didnt know what he had done to make them want to kill him but then again, this was the slums of the city and gangs were easily angered and overly dramatic. After getting a few wounds dealt on him he blacked out only to awaken in jail awaiting for his trial. Under what the cop had said, they found him laying unconscious, without wounds, and around 20 severed and dead bodies. He was sure he black out and he was sure of anything he was wounded and didnt do anything but looking back at himself, not one of the wounds were there. After quite a few failures of pleading he was taken to his trial where his lawyer was oddly none other than Raynes and the crowd behind Raynes was Kazuro. With the case and the evidence most would say it was an impossible case to prove him innocent but being Raynes and Kazuro knowing of the Arene and knowing what had likely to have happened, they carried on in their own style without revealing anything about the Arene to the courthouse. This was mostly Kazuro's doing though but in the end, Ver was given a 100% agreement on his innocency. Right after, he was recruited to join the ranks of the Arene in Ushihori Academy where he was promised to be in a good school where he would be treated well. With the approval of his mom, he joined. Since then he has been at the school for a year.

Other: He himself doesnt know of his beast form while Raynes and Kazuro do.
 Name: Verene (Ver) Kajin Age: 15 Grade: 10th Gender: Male Appearance: PIC Human 或者 Are
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
Beast form
 Beast form
一年多以前 onix11 said…
(Sorry, my post was going to be he my character shows up late to class. I can change that if you want?)
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
(No its not that, its that Raynes confronted him on the way to class)
一年多以前 GMRSUnoted said…
(Makes sense.)
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
((Just so everyone knows, I'm leaving to go hiking with some friends in about thirty minutes, so I wont be able to reply after that for a few hours or so. Sorry if I hold everyone up.))
一年多以前 onix11 said…
Nash froze in place. He looked around to see another student. He seen the patch on his arm and then relaxed. "Yes it is. I was just on my way to class. What are you doing out here. If you don't hurry you'll be late too." Nash hadn't really learned who everyone was in his class but he hoped to correct it starting with this guy.

(He is speaking to Raynes.)

一年多以前 dargox said…
As Nash and Raynes talk to each other. Misaki zooms pass the two and into the classroom within a blur of glowing blue aura, and as she slams open the classroom door like a mad person. "Am I late?" She asked aloud while hoping that someone would answer her with an No, while she begins to catch her breath after using a good chunk of her aura.
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 GMRSUnoted said…
Kalea looked up for a second to see Misaki catching her breath. Her pencil almost fell from her hand, but the golden serpent slither out and grabbed it for her. Smiling, she took the pencil as it slithered back into her jacket while Kalea went back to drawing Caden without anybody really noticing her.
一年多以前 fangfan7 said…
((Jeeze it is hard to keep up with this RP))

Talon walked past the class room he was supposed to go to and then half way to his destination stopped. It had been a good, what? Month maybe? Since the last time he really showed up for that class. He sighed and went inside, people were still coming in. He took a seat next to Merli. He had seen her, he knew who she was, but he had never really spoken to her. He didn't care, he was all for making new friends. "Hey." he says as he sits down as just a general greeting.
一年多以前 Riku114 said…
Raynes: Na dont worry about it. Im the head chairmen of this class and school. Attendance for the students is recommended but not mandatory. *released his hand and headed into the classroom as the bell rang* Good Morning my lovely Arenes.

Caden looked up from the pencil he had been twirling between his fingers and over at Raynes who had just begun to speak. He wasnt the talkative type but he did bring himself to give respect to a teacher.

Ver was talking with a few other new members to the Arene class and trying to make them feel welcomed. He wasnt known to be the remarkably strong type and if it wasnt for his speed, he would be in a similar case to Merli where he "wouldnt have any powers" to most. Though because he did have his speed, he was just known to be the very friendly member with little powers yet someone that Raynes himself to go out of the way to recruit. He turned over to look at Raynes as he spoke

Tyrin didnt show much care. He heard a similar speech almost every year on the first day of school. The first day of school Raynes kicked off with the same or similar speech as every year and then he went over the basics of what this class is, what it does, and what an Arene is in actuality finishing up with the one and only rule that an Arene must follow. Why did he come today again?

Nare breezed his hand over his katana's grip. This was just something he did when he was bored though. In fact, Nare had respect for Raynes. He didnt try to surpress him. He didnt pester him. He didnt try to help him all the time. He didnt shoot weird looks at him. He didnt ignore him. He didnt criticize him. He didnt do anythign or he did do anything often to set him off which was quite a rarity. Actually, Raynes let Nare be free to do what he likes as long as he followed the one rule to never expose Arenes to a regular human.

And then there was Kazuro who turned over and laid down on the desk he was sitting upon when Raynes walked in. It was about time that class was to begin.

Raynes: I hope you all had a great first day at my academy
一年多以前 xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alona got even more excited. "It was great!"
Norah sighed at her friend.
Shana had already got into class and was sitting in the front, ready for anything.
一年多以前 kittyluv57 said…
((I'm back!))
Merli began trembling. Time for another class where she wouldn't be able to do anything, since she didn'thave any external powers. She backed into the darkest corner, and buried her face in her hands. She constantly had to tell herself, `you do have powers, you do! They're just . . . Different.`

Luna looked respectfully at Raynes, waiting for class to begin. She honestly didn't like class, since she didn't like to socialize too much, and Preffered to go outside and stargaze. However, she held a certain amount of respect for all the Arene teachers, so she was willing to bear through it.

Melinda just stared at Merli with a worried look on her face. She needed to check on her later. Melinda really cared for Merli, and often put Merli's needs before her own.
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 onix11 said…
Nash came in behind Raynes and sat down. He looked at all these people. They all looked normal except for the guy with the sword. He scanned at them all and found an empty seat to sit down in. He pulled out a note book and a pen to right down everything that was said and done during class. This was his first day as an Arene. Which he still didn't know what that was and what they did.
一年多以前 GMRSUnoted said…
Kalea was working on some other drawings waiting for class to begin before her eyes caught Nash as he sat down. This confused her as the golden serpent was peaking out of her jacket once again from her sleeve. She twirled her pencil a bit and wrote on a small piece of paper 'So... are you an Arene?' before throwing it over onto Nash's notebook and went back to drawing, but the golden serpent kept it's eyes on Nash.
一年多以前 onix11 said…
Nash seen the note hit his pad and he read it. He looked in the direction that it was tossed from and seen the only one with a writing utensil out was the girl with the hoodie. He wrote back on it. "Yes I am. I was sent a letter telling me I had been accepted into this academy as an Arene. Why do you ask?" He tossed the note back to her.