Queen_Of_Ithaca Club
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posted by Queen_Of_Ithaca
"Miss!" a voice calls from behind you. 你 turn around and see Faramir, Denethor's son. "Yes?" 你 ask. "You are _, correct?" "Yes." "Come, 你 must suit for war." "Wha-" "I know, but we need soldiers."
你 are soon suited in shining silver armor and are nervous for your life. Faramir laughed, "Well, a woman in armor, I have never seen a sight like this before." He walks towards you. He takes your hand and bows, 接吻 it. "Lady _, I wish 你 luck in the war that is soon to come." With that he leaves and 你 are left alone..
你 walk out where everyone else is and find a horse for yourself. 你 wish instantly that 你 could find Faramir. When he left, 你 immeadately felt heart-broken, which is unusual for you. Most everyone was staring at 你 and were shocked because... well... you're a woman. "Who are you?" someone asked. "I'm _. Faramir sent me." The man chuckled, "No wonder." 你 felt offended and a little angry, but held it back. 你 figured that 你 could take it on enemy forces later.
Soon the massive calvary starts to 移动 and 你 follow. 你 remembered an old poem that 你 heard when 你 were little. "As I walk for fish's bait/The enemy I ever hate/Love has went and missed me dear/And I thought to ne'er be here." 你 see Faramir and he starts riding towards you. 你 wonder why he is heading your way and ask him. "If we die, Lady _", he tells you, "I pray we die together." "I wish the same," 你 say, smiling with 爱情 in your eyes.
As 你 ride along with the calvary to certain death, life doesn't seem to matter anymore. 你 feel invincible with Faramir at your side, like 你 know that 你 won't die just because he's with you. 你 promise yourself that if Faramir dies, you'll die, too, 或者 perhaps kill yourself.
你 start making your own song, "For the 爱情 of my lord I will not die/For he loves me too and he promised to survive/As I ride/With him 由 my side/I think, 'I 爱情 you'/And in my heart, he says it too"
Hm... "Not bad" 你 think to yourself. 你 almost tell Faramir your song when 你 realize that 你 are almost there. "The line of battle," 你 think. "What brings men glory to lose their lives is only a tragedy to the living." 你 start to wonder if 你 would be happier dying with Faramir, living a life without him, 或者 living a long life with him. 你 smile at your 幻想 and continue forward.
"Draw your swords!" Faramir yells. The 马 start running, your 心 starts pounding, and realize that 你 are on the edge of death. 你 take the sword out of its sheath, and ride towards the Orcs. Before 你 reach the Orc troop, 你 and Faramir exchange one last glance and head your seperate ways.
你 摇摆, 秋千 your sword into an orc then 斯莱什 another one. 你 seem to have stabbed hundreds, but they just keep multiplying. Their eyes spell out death, which frightens 你 greatly. 你 brush off the fear and go to 摇摆, 秋千 at another orc, but before 你 get a chance, it kills your horse and 你 are thrown off.
你 fall on the ground hard and become unconscious for the rest of the battle. 你 wake up on a 床, 床上 in a place you've never been before. Faramir is the first thing 你 see. He smiles and 你 do too.
"We almost thought 你 were dead," he tells you.
"I thought I was going to die," 你 admit.
"I would never let 你 die."
你 sit up and talk to him some more. While telling him about how 你 almost died, he cuts 你 off.
"_," he says, "I 爱情 you. And I always will."
"I 爱情 你 too," 你 tell him.
He holds your hand and 你 hold his, wishing that 你 could stay like this forever.