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Save the Bumble Monkeys

Scene: Chatta's House
Caramel: Come on! Let's hurry up doing cleaning! This house is a real mess!
Chatta: My house is NOT a mess! Fixit! 你 are such a disaster! 你 broke my computer!
Fixit: It's not my fault! This computer is older than my Grandma! 你 should get a new one!
Chatta: Well, now I have to! Thanks to you!
Lockette: You'll never guess who's coming to Pixieville!
Fixit: Steven Appleman, the creator of the I-Pixie communications Pod?
Martino: David Peckham, international Pixie ball star?
Amore: Don't tell me David Peckham is coming? When's he gonna be here?
Caramel: Maybe Martha 射线, 雷 Dean is coming! I just 爱情 her Peat Floral upside down cake!
Lockette: No, no, no! It's even better than that! Justin Nimble is coming to do a benefit 音乐会 for Bumble Monkey Awareness!
Chatta: Justin Nimble!
Fixit: Girls's stuff!
Pam: I just picked up the newest issue of...
Lockette: To raise awareness of the plight of the Bumble Monkeys, Pixieville welcomes...
Chatta: The sensational Justin Nimble! This is the best 日 of my life! I know every word of every song on every album he has ever made! Ever!
Pixies (singing): I 爱情 the sun of the summer, baby I 爱情 girls. So c'mon baby, baby, come on.
Martino: 你 better hope he doesn't hear 你 sing, 'cause it might make him hurl, hurl, hurl!
Chatta: Be quiet! You're just jealous! I'll wear something gorgeous, like my yellow sunflower dress, 或者 the blue sapphire dress! Wait! Wait! Wait! I need something fun, but serious! Something that says, "Bumble Monkeys... I care," but also says "Hiiii, Justin."
Fixit: But 你 can't go to the concert. 你 don't know a thing about Bumble Monkeys.
Chatta: You... you... you're right, Fixit!
Martino: And not if you're gonna do that!
Fixit: Yeah, gross! Nice one though!
Chatta: That wasn't me! Bumble Monkey Safari!? That's perfect! We can learn everything we need to know! Justin will be so impressed, he'll ask "Are 你 single?" and I'll say "Yes," and he'll say "'Cause girl I want 你 to be my girl" and I'll say...

Scene: Bumble Monkey Safari
Driver: Ready for the tour? As 你 can see, the stalagmites are really quite fascinating!
Martino: I've had enough of this!
Fixit: Let's go on our own tour!
Driver: 你 do know the difference between a stalactite and a stalagmite, don't you?
Pixies: No!
Driver: That is a stalactite! And that Bumble Monkey just found us a stalagmite. Bumble Monkeys are born with crossed eyes, two left feet and a larger than normal right ear. They have problems walking and eating, even caring for their young!
Martino: Why are 你 hitting yourself, Bumble Monkey? Wait! What? No!
Fixit: Bad Bumble Monkey! Put him down!
Martino: Don't just stand there! Do something!
Driver: We estimate there are only three hundred Bumble Monkeys left in existence! Make that two hundred and ninety-nine! Bumble Monkeys don't communicate verbally, but through sign language... Observe! 嘿 you! Hey, Bumble Monkey... Hungry? Food! Make that two hundred and ninety-eight!
Fixit: Hold on! Wait a minute! Let's see... Quiet, Martino! This oughta free 你 from that Bumble Monkey!
Driver: It's a miracle they've survived at all.
Amore: Is there anything that can be done to help them?
Driver: We believe their only hope is for Pixies and 名人 to adopt them! Ah, boys come here. What do 你 say? Would 你 like to adopt a sweet, innocent, little Bumble Monkey? Poor monkey! Oh, well, guess I'll just have to give 你 to Justin Nimble. Such a nice fellow! He's adopted twenty of them this 月 alone!
Chatta: Give me the baby monkey! I'll be happy to adopt him! Oh, yes! This is perfect! Now I'm sure to win Justin's heart.... Mmmmmm! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Amore: Chatta, have 你 always had those blue polka dots?
Driver: Hold on! Watery eyes, itchy skin, bright blue dots? Fascinating!
Chatta: What?!
Driver: 你 are one of the rare Pixies who are allergic to Bumble Monkeys!
Amore: What does that mean?
Lockette: Is she gonna die?
Driver: Oh no, it's completely harmless. Well, other than making 你 look like an itchy, big-eyed, blue-dotted Pixie, so repulsive that no one will ever want to be your boyfriend. That, and it makes 你 incredibly gassy, like myself!
Chatta: What?!

Scene: Hospital
Amore: Don't worry, Chatta! According to "Pixieville Fashion," blue dots are in this year!
Chatta: Yeah, on your dress! Not on your face! What am I gonna do?
Lockette: Here's a thought, why don't 你 get rid of that?
Chatta: I can't! He's going to help me win Justin's heart!
Pam: Don't worry, sweetie! I'll make 你 a dress out of Irona-Root. You'll look wonderful and it'll keep 你 from scratching! Tada!
Chatta: Well? What do 你 think? Uh, oh, guys! I feel an itch coming on!
Pam: Don't worry! The Irona-Root is the strongest substance in Pixieville. You'll never be able to... hmm?

Scene: Chatta's House
Amore: Do 你 know what, Chatta? I have one word for you, "Blending!" Blend, blend, blend... and done!
Fixit: I got it!
Chatta: What is it?
Fixit: It's a portable digital pathogen neural blocker bracelet. As long as it's on, it neutralizes the symptoms of your allergy, see? Just make sure 你 wear it to the concert!
Chatta: Thank 你 so much! Now let's go raise Bumble Monkey awareness! Justin Nimble, here we come!

Scene: 音乐会 Hall
Gnome: So 你 don't give discounts for the 粉丝 older than fifty centuries? I'll give 你 three used tickets for a new one!
Ticket Seller: Hey!
Justin: *sing* I 爱情 the sun of the summer. Baby I 爱情 girls.
Fixit: Girly stuff!
Martino: Do 你 wanna be my surprise, girl?!
Justin: Every 日 a Bumble Monkey is in danger of walking off a cliff, 或者 walking into a stalactite, 或者 suffocating from shoving a 香蕉 up its nose. So girls, let's do something about it! See your awareness? YO! I just raised it... GIRL!
Chatta: He's so deep! He's so cute! He's so compassionate!
Justin: And now, girls... I got a special treat for you! One of 你 Pixies is gonna come backstage with me to meet my crew. And the lucky lady is... YOU! The Bumble Monkey you've adopted tells me that 你 are a real and true 粉丝 of Bumble Monkeys!
Chatta: No way, I can't... I can... not believe it!
Justin: Girl, fly up here and get your prize! Girl, 你 came to the 音乐会 even though 你 were allergic? Girl, that's deep! Wow! You're the dreamiest!
Chatta: I just wanted to meet you! You're the dreamiest!
Justin: Girl, 你 impress me, girl. I'm gonna write a song about you! *sing* 爱情 me baby, 吻乐队(Kiss) me, baby, one 更多 time. Because 你 are my Bumble Monkey. I was looking for something, looking for someone...
Amore: That is so romantic! He's allergic too!
Justin: Because 你 are my Bumble Monkey...
Chatta: This is the best 日 of my life!
Justin: Bumble Monkey!

Scene: Bumble Monkey Safari
Driver: Two ninety-seven!
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