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posted by Sasunaru120
你 never know what 你 have until 你 lose it, and once 你 lose it, 你 can never get it back.

My 心 was taken 由 you... broken 由 you... and now it is in pieces because of you.

爱情 is like falling down... in the end you're left hurt, scarred, and with a memory of it forever.

You're the one who broke my heart, you're the reason my world fell apart, you're the one who made me cry, yet I'm still in 爱情 with 你 and I don't know why.

A million words would not bring 你 back, I know because I've tried, neither would a million tears, I know I've cried.

Wanting him is hard to forget, loving him is hard to regret, losing him is hard to accept, but even with all the hurt I've felt, letting go is the most painful yet.

Sometimes the memories are worth the pain.

Sometime 你 just have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears and say good-bye.

For a few 分钟 你 made me feel as though I actually meant something to someone.

We are afraid to care to much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.

People think it is holding on that makes 你 stronger, but sometimes it's letting go.

I made a choice to finally let go, because I can't stand the pain, it's time for my last tear to fall and smile again.

I cried today... not because I miss you... 或者 even wanted you... but because I realized I'm gonna be all right without you.

I wish he meant it when he kissed me cause then I could look back and see someone who loved me but I can only go back and see someone who used me.

你 always say 你 hate to see me hurt, and 你 hate to see me cry. So all those times that 你 hurt me, did 你 close your eyes?

Sad isn't it? How no matter what 你 do 或者 say to me... when 你 come running back... when 你 need me again... I'll be here... right here waiting for you, I'll take 你 back... no 问题 asked. Sad isn't it?

So... from now on... when 你 think of me... just remember that I could've been the best thing 你 ever had.

Why did I break up with him? Well ,it's like, once I sat down and looked at the situation, all the pieces lying on the floor, it just wasn't a puzzle anymore. None of the pieces fit together. And even if I tried really hard, the pieces, well they were two different puzzles. That's why I did it, he needs to understand that.

你 hurt me 更多 then I deserve, how can 你 be so cruel? I 爱情 你 更多 then 你 deserve, why am I such a fool?

你 asked me what was wrong, I smiled and 说 nothing, when 你 turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself... everything is.

你 wonder why I don't talk to 你 anymore and please believe me when I say it's not that I don't want to, it's just that everything I want to say I can't tell 你 anymore.

I don't know which I would rather believe... that 你 never did care 或者 that 你 eventually stopped.

Hold my hand, just one 更多 time, so I can remind myself why it is that I can't get over you.

I think its time I let 你 go... and that is hard to do because part of me will be in 爱情 with 你 for the rest of my life.

While I was holding on all 你 did was let go.

Sometimes it's better to be alone. No one can hurt 你 that way.

I just wonder how many people never get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to have.

The hardest thing about growing up is that 你 have to do what is right for 你 even if it means breaking someone's heart. Including your own.

All I'm asking for is one night together. Just 你 and me. All alone. And if 你 can honestly say 你 don't feel anything for me after that night, I will finally let 你 go.

Sometimes all 你 need is a broken 心 to realize that something even better is right in front of our eyes, just waiting to be found.

Of course, you're going to get your 心 broken. And it isn't just going to happen once, but a lot. That's just part of growing up, and it makes 你 stronger. Then 你 can handle it better 下一个 time. 你 may not get through it yourself, but your 老友记 will help 你 through it. And you'll be a stronger person because of it. Then one 日 someone will come along, and it'll all pay off and no one will ever break your 心 again.

No one can promise they'll never hurt 你 because at one time 或者 another, it will happen. The real promise is if the time 你 spend together will be worth the pain in the end.

The worst feeling in the world is knowing you've been used and lied to.

Frustrated because I can't tell if it's real. Mad because I don't know how 你 feel. Upset because we can't make it right. Sad because I need 你 日 and night. Angry because 你 won't take my hand. Aggravated because 你 don't understand. Disappointed because we can't be together, but still I'll 爱情 你 forever.

Maybe they are right. Maybe I did get my hopes up too high. Maybe I was in over my head. Maybe I am the stupid one for ever thinking that 你 loved me, but maybe, just maybe, I am tired of being alone.

Every time I see him all cool, calm and collected, I lose my breath, my 心 starts pounding, and I am painfully aware that I am not over him and he is over me.

I don't know which is worse, being the one with the broken 心 或者 being the person that breaks the hearts.

It's not that we aren't meant to be together, I think that we're just not ready for forever.

你 always have an out. An exit strategy to make sure 你 don't get hurt. 你 always walk always. 你 walk away before they can walk away from you.

Today was just one of those days where everything I did reminded me of 你 and every song I heard somehow related to you. I hate days like today, because they remind me of the one thing I dont have.

There were reasons we met, reasons for the good times and reasons for the bad times, and most importantly a reason to end. We have 更多 to learn, 更多 to experience and 更多 loving to do in this lifetime.

Somehow I know we'll meet again, not quite sure where and not sure when, your in my 心 so until then good-bye.

Broken 心 again. Another lesson learned. Better know your friends. 或者 你 will get burned.

This time it's over I'm keeping my heart, I'm gonna be strong and not fall apart... it'll get better, I'll no longer cry... in a couple of weeks I won't want to die, I won't want to go back. I'll be able to sleep, it won't hurt so bad and it won't hurt so deep!

I would like to thank you, for 展示 me a part of myself that I have never seen. Yeah we were young and dumb, but it still was fun and I guess these things just tend to fall apart and I hope 你 feel the same.

Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow; we must fail in order to know. Sometimes our vision only clears after our eyes are washed away with tears.

I know I'm not completely over him. He still crosses my mind several times a day, but with each one of those times, a feeling of contempt also passes through my heart. Maybe if this happens enough, my 心 will become completely hardened to him, and I'll get to the point where he doesn't affect me anymore.---Beth_Lynn_14

Walk 首页 drowning these memories in the rain biting my lip to transfer this pain, your gone and I'm still going through withdrawals, 下一个 time around I'll build a stronger wall.

I'm afraid to give 你 my all, I'm afraid to 爱情 你 completely. What if behind your beautiful face and kind words 你 are just bribing me. Maybe 你 are just reeling me in until 你 turn around and drop me. I'd fall so far and never be able to recover, I wish I could see the ending sometimes. I would know if I should hold on to 你 and keep going 或者 just let it all end before I get up too high.--- samrushing

I'm going to stay with 你 because 你 need a friend, but thats all I'm going to be. No 更多 sex, no 更多 hands in places they shouldn't be, no 更多 giving 你 my 心 so 你 can stamp all over it.

I miss all the little things. Like him driving with his hand resting on my knee and the way we'd share a big gooey ice cream. But I especially miss the hot nights in those motel rooms when he was all around me, the taste, and the scent and the feel of him. And I'd fall asleep in his arms, with the sound of his heartbeat being the last thing I heard before going to sleep. I ache with longing.

你 and me are inevitable, you're all that makes me happy but if 你 break my 心 again, I'll kill you.

爱情 hurts. I say that because I know. 爱情 is... 或者 was amazing. It's an incredible feeling to know what he's going to say. It's 更多 incredible the way he has me on the edge of my 座位 because he's so completely random, I never know what's coming next. It's hard to explain, but he filled some void in me, and now, without him, I'm missing something again. I wonder if it will ever truly, whole heartedly be filled again. I just don't want to know what it's like to hurt any more...

I've been laying here all night, listening to the rain. Talking to my 心 and trying to explain. Why sometimes I catch myself wondering what might have been. Yes I do think about you, every now and then.

I'm not afraid of heights, I'm afraid of falling. I'm not scared of the dark, I'm scared of what's in it. I'm not afraid of love, I'm afraid of not being loved back.

In this weird twisted way, I know 你 miss me liking you, not because I want to believe it's true, but because you'll never find a girl that can put up with 你 like I did; you'll never find a girl who will care as much as I did, because no one will waste all there 爱情 on someone like you, like I did.

I didn't ask for it to be over, but then again, I didn't ask for it to begin. For that's the way it is with life, as some of the most beautiful days come completely 由 chance. But even the most beautiful days eventually have their sunsets.

I wish I saved all the tears I cried for 你 so I could fucking drown 你 in them.

I tried to hold onto what we had, but 你 didn't even make an effort. 你 lied 你 cheated and left me to cry all alone once again. And when I return looking 更多 beautiful and confident than ever before all I want 你 to realize is what 你 had and what 你 will never have again. --- birdie565

It's amazing after all we've been through the good times and the bad how we can walk past each other and pretend like it never happened give each other an awkward smile and 移动 on.

Perhaps I saw what I wanted to see in him and made him to be 更多 than he was.

The tough thing about following 你 心 is that people forget to mention that sometimes the 心 takes 你 to places 你 shouldn't be. Places that are scary as they are exciting and as dangerous as they are alluring. Sometimes your 心 cannot take 你 to places that lead to happy ending. That's not even the difficult part; the difficult part is when 你 follow your heart, 你 leave normal; 你 go into the unknown and once 你 do 你 can never go back.

Am I mad at you? That's your main concern after shattering my whole world? Mad for what? Breaking my heart? 或者 for all the lies? Maybe for letting me put all my trust in 你 only to be betrayed? How about the fact 你 didn't even have the decency to tell me to my face? 或者 the way 你 think it's crazy that I'm crying over it cause to 你 breaking up is no big deal. Am I mad at you?... no. 更多 like crushed... did I ever really know you?

It's really painful to say goodbye to someone that 你 don't want to let go but its even 更多 painful to ask someone to stay if they never wanted to stay.

In 爱情 你 find the oddest combinations; materialistic people find themselves in 爱情 with idealists; clingers fall in 爱情 with players; homebodies capture and try to smother butterflies. It it wasn't so serious we could laugh at it.

I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mending whole was good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

A sad thing in life is when 你 meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and 你 just have to let go.

你 didn't intentionally break my heart, 你 even 说 你 were sorry, but I cried anyway... I know the truth that you're to scared to admit, you're with her, but when 你 look at me, 你 can't even remember her name...

I'm so paranoid of getting hurt. I am always getting my 心 broken over and over. My 心 has so many scars and bruises all over it. I don't know how much just one 心 can
take really, and I don't really want to find out either.

爱情 is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on 你 with a miniature machine gun.

After a while, 你 learn the difference between holding a hand, and falling in love. You'll learn kisses don't always mean something. Promises can be broken just as easily as they were made, and as hard as it is to believe, sometimes goodbyes are forever.

Life doesn't hurt until 你 have time to yourself to think about how things have changed, who you've 迷失 along the way, and how much of it is your fault.

Let me ruin your life, let me break your heart, then I'll ask 你 why we can't be friends. Let me rip your world into little pieces, let me destroy who 你 thought 你 were, and then I'll ask if we can be friends.

I just want someone to come up to me and 吻乐队(Kiss) me and tell me that they're in 爱情 with me. I don't just want it though. I need it. I'm desperate for it.

It's like once you've been hurt, you're so scared to get attached again. 你 have this fear that every person 你 start to fall for, is just going to break your 心 again.

If 你 don't 爱情 me at my worst then 你 don't deserve me at my best.

Just let me ask 你 something...if I happen to walk out of this room right now and never come back, and just forget everything and leave it all behind would 你 be okay with that? Because I have 5 steps til I close this door and 你 have 5 秒 to make up your mind...starting now...

Make me stay. Say something sweet and tender and untrue and make me stay.

The hardest thing about knowing 你 don't 爱情 me
is that 你 spent so much time pretending that 你 did.

Like being in 爱情 there must be a corresponding painful side like losing in love, it's just a fact of life. --- Daria

If I asked him, would he even know the color of my eyes?

There's only one "reason" a man dumps you; he doesn't want you.

你 really know 你 爱情 someone when all 你 want is for them to be happy, even if that means that 你 are not a part of it.

It's not my fault if I can't help looking at you. It's not my fault if I can't stop calling you. It's not my fault I do like you. My only mistake was to fall to much in 爱情 with you.

Sometimes - no matter how long, 或者 how much 你 爱情 someone, they will never 爱情 你 back and somehow 你 have to learn to be okay with that.

If your gonna make me cry, at least be there to wipe away the tears.

I'm holding on to something that used to be there hoping it will come back, knowing it won't.

I want 你 to know that 你 will never find another girl that will put up with as much crap as I do and enjoy it. 你 will never find another girl that will put up with 你 and 爱情 你 the way I do. Just so 你 know.

There's always that one special person that no matter what they do to you, 你 just cant let them go.

At first, I cried because I didn't have 你 why do I still cry now that I do?

How could 你 make me 爱情 你 and then not be there to 爱情 me back?

I sit here and think about everything that happened this past week and not a single tear runs down my cheek. Maybe its because I'm too hurt to cry, 或者 maybe I'm just to mad at you.

Maybe just maybe its my hearts way of telling me this isn't over yet.

What do 你 do when the only person who can stop your tears is the one making 你 cry.

I'd like to think I'll be happy again, but I really need to just stop and cry now, and sometimes I wish I could just scream at you, and 显示 你 what 你 do to me.

And even though 你 lied, and even though 你 pretended to care I can't seem to get 你 out of my mind and even though it seems like I should be over you, with every tear that falls, it reminds me of how much I am still in 爱情 with you.

Have 你 ever hated somebody so much that 你 wish they would just leave and never come back but yet, loved them so much, 你 knew youd die if they did?

I've been through this pain before I've even cried these tears before but to get 你 back, I'd go through so much more.

I'm going to smile like nothings wrong, talk like everythings perfect, act like its just a dream and pretend that he's not hurting me.

The truth of the matter is, I still have feelings for you. And no matter how many times I tell myself that I'm better off with out you, a part of me just won't let go.

I know I made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life, but the worst one was thinking the person who hurt me the most wouldn't hurt me again.

I feel like I am sitting in a room full of people that I love, and 你 know what, they just don't care that I 爱情 them. They don't care whether 或者 not I live 或者 die. To them I'm just another girl, just another stranger. To me, they are my best friends, the only people I have left.

I'm scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love, it never seems to last.

You're the reason I live and the reason I die, you're the reason

I smile yet break down and cry, you're the reason I keep going and the reason I fall, cause without 你 in my life I'm nothing at all.

I have waited for 你 for 2 years and I will wait for 你 for the rest of my life. Even if that means I have to give 你 up for the rest of my life, I will wait for you. I 爱情 你 that much and nothing will ever change that.

I'm gonna smile, because I wanna make 你 happy, laugh, so 你 won't see me cry. I'm gonna let 你 go in style, and even if it kills me, I'm gonna smile.

Love? It's kind of complicated, but I'll tell 你 this the 秒 you're willing to make yourself miserable to make someone else happy, that's 爱情 right there.

你 fuck me, then stub me. 你 爱情 me, 你 hate me. 你 显示 me a sensitive side, then 你 turn into a total asshole. Is this a pretty accurate 描述 of our relationship. (This was just how me and my now ex boyfriend were.)

你 asked me what was wrong, I smiled and 说 nothing, when 你 turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself everything is.

I am in 爱情 with the man I can't have and I have the man I can't love.

I would have followed him to hell if he asked me to and with all he put me through, maybe I did.

I used to think that if I loved 你 enough 你 would realize it and 爱情 me back, but I can only 爱情 so much for so long.

Do I really 爱情 him 或者 am I addicted to the pain of wanting something I can't have.

I 爱情 你 yet I hate 你 its like I want to throw 你 off a cliff and then run really fast to the bottom and catch you. (this is me and my friend Kevin)

I don't know which is worse, keeping your 爱情 for someone a secret 或者 telling them and risk being rejected.

I don't know which is worse, loving someone knowing its going to cause 你 pain 或者 being in pain because 你 can't love


It hurts to realize that them people 你 thought you'd 爱情 for life don't 爱情 你 as much as 你 thought they did and can do without 你 as if they never knew 你 at all.

It seems to me that the harder I try the harder I fall.

Ever notice that the people who hurt 你 the most are the ones 你 tend to 爱情 more.

It's funny the way 你 can get use to the tears and the pain.

No 更多 crying, I can't cry anymore. Don't take my hand this time. Just go please and don't look back, because I know if 你 did, I'd come running back to 你 and I can't do that.

I'm glad you're happy. I can't say that I'm completely happy for 你 but I guess that's just a part of life, I'll always have feelings for 你 but the rest of the world is forcing me to 移动 on.

I would rather leave now still loving 你 then to leave later hating you.

I hate the way I could never hate you.

I want to cry, I really do, but I guess I just don't want to give 你 the satisfaction of knowing that 你 hurt me once again.

I remember when I still believed the things 你 said.

你 can't just cling on to something because it's familiar.

Difficult 或者 easy, pleasant 或者 bitter, 你 are the same you; I cannot live, with 或者 without you.

This time its over I'm keeping my heart, I'm gonna be strong and not fall apart it'll get better, I'll no longer cryin a couple of weeks I won't want to die, I won't want to go back. I'll be able to sleep, it won't hurt so bad and it won't hurt so deep!

It hurts to see someone 你 爱情 ignoring you, it also hurts to see that he doesn't feel your love. But it hurts even 更多 to

know that he loves 你 too, and just doesn't want 你 to know.

爱情 is when someone hurts you. And 你 get so mad but 你 don't yell at them because 你 know it would hurt their feelings.

I'd rather be your lover then your friend, but I'd rather be your friend then your nobody.

I've convinced everyone else that I don't like 你 and that I don't 爱情 你 anymore. Now all I need to do is convince myself.

To let go of someone doesn't mean 你 have to stop loving, it only means that 你 allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him to come back.

I know 你 never meant to do everything 你 put me through its okay I forgive you.

I never regretted telling 你 I liked you, I only regretted never hearing what 你 really thought of me.

你 make it really hard to 爱情 你 sometimes.

Each 移动 I made in his direction just seemed to pave my way faster to hell.

If 你 爱情 me as much as 你 say 你 do then you'll leave.

If 你 think you've found that one that 你 really love... make sure they 爱情 你 back.

Don't hate me. Don't regret me. Don't even forget me.

Wherever 你 go, whatever 你 do, don't say I never loved you.

It's hard to 爱情 someone who's in 爱情 with someone else, 你 have to ignore the pain and 吞, 燕子 your pride. Just to be a friend... but that's all worth it because sometimes friendship last longer than love.

I haven't been around but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you.

I never stopped loving you. Even when I was 表演 crazy, I loved you. I've tried to 显示 你 in a million ways but nothing ever got through.

I cut to prove to 你 that 你 are not the only one that can hurt me.

To me, 爱情 is having your head tell 你 to slap him but all 你 wanna do is look into his eyes and smile.

I wish I saved all the tears I cried for 你 so I could fucking drown 你 in them.

Sometimes I 爱情 you, Sometimes 你 make me blue, Sometimes I feel good, At times I feel used. Loving 你 darling makes me so confused.--- Alicia Keys

Do 你 want to know what my problem is? I will tell 你 what my problem is, I 爱情 你 I 爱情 your name, I 爱情 the way 你 look at me, I 爱情 your gorgeous smile, I 爱情 the way 你 walk, I 爱情 your beautiful eyes, I 爱情 what 你 look like when 你 are asleep, I 爱情 the sound of your laugh, to hear your voice fills my entire 心 with an indescribable feeling. I 爱情 the way I can be having the worst 日 of my life and seeing 你 completely changes my mood. I 爱情 how when 你 touch me I

get weak, that is my problem...

Sometimes I hope we're still 老友记 when I get married. I hope that I'll invite 你 to the wedding and you'll come. Then you'll see me as the happiest girl in the world. You'll see me with a guy that treats me right and loves me 更多 than himself. You'll see all that 你 could've had and you'll regret letting me go.

But the thing that I want 你 to see the most is that I survived without you.

你 know what? 你 should break up with me for her. 你 should go out with anyone your 心 desires because, eventually, I know what will happen. See, you're gonna be with all those other girls, but none of those girls are gonna be like me. I'm different than all of them. You're going to realize that

I'm the one you're meant for and you're going to come back to me. So sure, break up with me now, but I'm telling you, you'll be back. You'll be back when 你 realize that 你 broke up with the one girl who was meant to be with you. But see, the thing is, 你 just better hope the girl is still there.

I don't think I ever felt that good and that bad at the same time in my life.

Sometimes I may hate you, but I'll always 爱情 you. -Daria

I have been thinking a lot about growing up, and all of the relationships and broken hearts we go through. I always wonder how many times I 说 "I 爱情 you" to someone and

knew I didn’t mean it. It makes me think about all of the people that have 说 they 爱情 me and didn’t mean it as well, and I get really pissed off, because I hate when people lie. I mean, if they were lying to get in my pants, that is one thing, but just for the sake of dragging this 心 through the mud. I don’t think anyone has ever used me for my body, and that really, really hurts. It really does. I want to be a booty call.

Isn’t that what we all want out of life; to be someone’s "go to" sex slave? I forgot what I was talking about. Oh yeah, Love. 爱情 sucks.--- Jaret

爱情 is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they somehow complete you.

I begin to hate 你 for your face and not just the things 你 do.

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. ---Sex and the City

Don't stay because 你 think "it will get better". You'll be mad at yourself a 年 later for staying when things are not better. --- Sex in the City

你 cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. --- Sex in the City

There's only one "reason" a man dumps you; he doesn't want you.

Relationships are very simple. There are only two things that can happen. 你 either get married 或者 your break up.

I may hate myself in the morning But I'm gonna 爱情 你 tonight.

Life is for having fun. Don't be stupid and waste it on some guy/girl who is gonna act like he/she hates 你 tomorrow. Never waste it on some one who doesn't want their 老友记 to know they're in 爱情 with you. Don't give that person the rest of 你 tears 或者 a 月 或者 a 年 of your life when he/she treats 你 badly and doesn't mind to make 你 cry. Every person deserves some one who wants to brag about them. Every person deserves some one who makes them smile and laugh at their worst moments. We all deserve at least that.

Relationships are like glasses. If they break, let them stay broken, you'll only hurt yourself trying to fix it. At least the pieces still remain.

I'm mad at myself, not you. I'm mad for always being nice, always apologizing for things I didn't do, for getting attached, for making 你 my life, depending on you, wasting my time on you, thinking about you, following you, changing for you, forgiving you, wishing for you, dreaming of you, and most of all... for not hating 你 which I know I should... but I can't.

This is for the broken hearted. I know how 你 feel. Empty, betrayed, and no happiness whatsoever. 你 don't want to laugh, because 你 know it's not going to help, but 你 don't want to cry, because it will just make 你 feel worse. 你 feel like your 心 is falling apart, but not only that, but 你 know soon your life is going to feel like it's falling apart too. 你 don't think it will ever end, and no matter what this person has done to you, it feels impossible to stop loving them. And everyone wonders why if they have hurt 你 so much, then why do 你 still 爱情 them. That's the confusing part, 你 don't know why, 你 just do, and the people who hurt 你 the most, and normally the ones 你 爱情 the most. And then, after a few weeks, 你 finally feel a sense of relief, like you're getting happy again, but 你 know inside that you're just going into denial. And after a few 更多 weeks, you're back to where 你 were an empty soul and teary eyes. 你 thought 你 got over them, but really, 你 just stopped 展示 it. And 你 can't help but to 显示 it again. It leaves deep scars on your 心 that are there forever. And no one understands how 你 feel, and how deep 你 are hurt, no matter who they are, because it hasn't happened to them And even if it has, every broken 心 is different. They don't know the true pain 你 feel and carry each and everyday now, so 你 learn that basically 你 are alone with all this. And the feeling starts to overwhelm you, and suddenly 你 just break down, right there, because 你 know you've had enough, the tears just instantly start flowing, and you're to the point where 你 don't care who see's. Because you've spent so many nights lying awake in bed, and so many days being haunted 由 the scars and fear of rejection. And in the midst of all these tears, 你 know that its not helping any, and it's not going to bring them back, if 你 ever even had them in the first place. After about a million tears have been cried, 你 finally pull yourself back together and keep going. Your throat starts to clench and your eyes burn with the tears 你 are trying to hold back. Everyone says, "It will be okay…” But 你 know it won't. And that’s the truth, it won’t. And 你 look back on all of the hurt 你 had from this, and 你 realize that people are horrible. You're still hurt, but you've learned to hide it so that everyone thinks 你 are okay. So now every time 你 see this person, 你 know 你 still 爱情 them, and 你 feel a slight tingle in your 心 yearning for them to 爱情 you, screaming out, but for some reason they don't hear it. And then 你 sit back and wonder how one person could have caused all of this...

I'm not gonna give a fuck anymore... If 你 hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you. That's how it's gonna be from now on...

Life sucks a lot of the time, huh? But, ya know, if 你 can get through a heartbreak, 你 can get through almost anything.

I can't stop thinking about him. That has to tell 你 something. I can't get him out of my head. And quite frankly, I don't even want to try. --- lyssy

Why do we fall for someone, who really isn't for us?... should we blame ourselves for falling the wrong one. Or... should we blame the one we fell for, because... they made us believe that they are the right one for us?!

He's 迷失 the one girl who thought nothing was wrong with him.

If 你 dress nicely, he says you're a snob. If 你 dress sexy, he says you're a slut. If 你 argue with him, he says you're stubborn. If you're quiet, he says you're stupid. If 你 call him, he says you're needy and clingy. If he calls you, he says 你 should be grateful. If 你 don't 爱情 him, he'll try to win you. If 你 爱情 him, he'll leave you. If 你 don't fuck him, he'll say 你 don't 爱情 him. If 你 do, he'll say you're easy. If 你 tell him your problems, he'll say you're irritating. If 你 don't , he'll say 你 don't trust him. If 你 lecture him, he'll say you're bitchy. If he lectures you, it's because he "cares". If 你 break a promise, 你 can't be trusted. If he breaks it, he had to. If 你 cheat, he'll expect it to be over. If he cheats, he expects to be 给 another chance either way.

你 only 爱情 him because 你 fear that he just might be the only one that will ever 爱情 you.

It's not that I still 爱情 him, because I don't, it's just that I still worry about his stupidity.

I know 你 never meant to do everything 你 put me through its okay I forgive you.

Sometimes things can seem so perfect, and then in a 分裂, 拆分 second. It all comes and blows back up in your face, making 你 remember, that nothing ever works out for you. Something always fucks up your "perfect thing". --- mangledxdreams

Nothings gonna change the way I feel and 你 know that I'm gonna 爱情 你 still. Please don’t turn your back, I cant believe it's hard just to talk to you, but 你 don't understand. Because we're not together now, and I want to be with you. I'm sorry I can't just be friends. Am I too late, 或者 do I have a chance? I'm sorry... I can't just be friends.

I lay there at night, trying to fall asleep
But each time I close my eyes
Memories of 你 flash through my mind
But then I open my eyes
and welcome myself back to reality
Because I know now, 你 and I weren't ever
really meant to be.

There will always be faces 你 can never look at without emotion and there are names 你 can never hear spoken without that same old feelings returning. Just when 你 think 你 can 移动 on, you'll remember all the reasons why 你 held on so long.

The only thing worse than a broken 心 is knowing you'd give him another chance.

I don't understand why I let myself stay with you, after all the lies and all the tears cried. What makes 你 so fucking special?

Why do I waste my time? Why is it that you're so damn irreplaceable?

Tell me what I have to do tonight
'Cause I'd do anything to make it right
Let's be us again
I'm sorry for the way I 迷失 my head
I don't know why I 说 the things I said
Let's be us again
Here I stand
With everything to lose
And all I know is I don't want to ever see the end
Baby please, I'm reaching out for you
Won't 你 open up your 心 and let me come back in.

One 日 you'll look back and think... damn! that girl really did 爱情 me...

Don't wanna do it today There's a part of me that wishes I could just forget But I haven't found the mercy yet. I'll forgive 你 tomorrow if the sun doesn't shine Let 你 back into my life when the oceans are dry Take 你 back when every shade of the 彩虹 turns gray But I just can't do it today --- Gary Allan

Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone... too often we wait too long to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong"

There's nothing scarier then getting what 你 want, cause that's when 你 really have something to lose.

I'm mad at myself for crying, I don't even remember the reason but the tears keep flowing and they just wont stop I'm supposed to be strong but everything's so wrong.

Maybe sometimes 你 just have to say what's in your heart, not just what 你 think someone wants to hear.

I'm sorry that I'm not the one 你 wanted that I made your life fucked up its not telling 你 how I feel that scares me. Its what you'll say back that does.

Learn from your past, 移动 on, grow stronger. People are fake, but let your trust last longer. Do what 你 got to do, but always stay true, and never let anyone get the best of you.

I think it's time that I let 你 go. And it's really hard for me to do because I know that there's a part of me that will be in 爱情 with 你 for the rest of my life. But this while running in place and 日 dreaming is just not healthy for either of us. --- Dawson's Creek

Not everything's gonna be picture perfect... Things sometimes take time and have rough times to get through... Before 你 can get there but if 你 give up on things 你 want, everything you've gone through ends up being completely worthless.

If one 日 你 realize that I haven't talked to 你 in a while it's not because I don't care anymore it's because 你 pushed me away and just left me there...

The higher 你 build the walls around your heart, the harder 你 fall when someone tears them down.

I want to be the one - I want to be the person that touches your 心 and makes it skip a beat - I want to be that person whose arms make 你 just melt - I want to be the person that your destined to be with.

Just hit play and watch my life fall apart.

I can't help myself; I don't want anyone else.

你 are unmistaken ably my first love. Every guy I am with for the rest of my life will be compared to you.

Hold me when I cry, sleep with me on my drenched pillow, just for one night.

I know it's hard to 爱情 me, but couldn't 你 please just try anyway?

Time and time again, I forgave you. I've forgiven 你 for things that I swore to myself I'd never forgive someone for... and here 你 are, still hurting me, and I still forgave you..

She's smiling... but she doesn't mean it. She misses how they use to be... she misses how it was so real how they cared for each other without end but most of all, she misses him always being there and telling her everything will be okay because she need's that now, 更多 then ever. She's sick of feeling like something's missing.

And these break up songs Are making sense again And I really wish they didn't.

For him I'd smile when he's happy 吻乐队(Kiss) him when he's sad... try to be the perfect girl and calm him when he's mad hold his hand to make him strong and say he's right when I know he's wrong.
posted by moodystuff449
Across the spreading darkness cold,
the plains charred and black,
the sun will shine and the moon will glow...
Though I'm never coming back.

The air is thick, filled with beating wings;
the mountains loom and laugh.
The valley below no longer sings
of harvest's seasons past.

Echoing in the air are screams,
desperate and harrowing and raw.
And though it was I who caused all this,
I can only stand in awe.

Not once did I think that she would break,
that she could fall, that she could crack.
It's because of this war, it's because of us,
that I won't be coming back.

I kneel beside her body still,
I 吻乐队(Kiss) her 《冰雪奇缘》 cheek.
Her neck is bent and burnt with ropes,
the approaching dawn is bleak.

But the future yields for naught,
and the night goes on and on.
I stand, I turn, I walk away.
由 morning, I will be gone.
posted by Hellowittykitty
That dastardly knight, clad in red
So many tears I shed
All he ever, drones about
Is how he ruined the lives of hundreds
This is horrible nonsense, I proclaimed
Would 你 like to suffer the same?, He snarled

The knight raised his blade
He cut right through me
Faster than the shake of an earthquake
Black stars filled the sky
Terrible screams echoed through the halls
She is dead, she is dead! They called

I have left this accursed world
To roam free
Where the sun is at its prime silhouette
I can finally see His hand touch mine
We are finally one
Heavens have saved me, but the ones that love
They have mourned
continue reading...
added by ShiningsTar542
posted by tayandkris4evr
This is a little poem I wrote. I wrote it from my heart, mind, body, and soul. I hope 你 like it. 评论 if 你 can. :)

I’m supposed to be happy.

I’m supposed to smile.

I’m supposed to laugh.

Yet, I can’t.

I can’t forget that he’s not here.

I can’t forget that he never was.

I can’t forget that he didn’t care.

你 were supposed to be a father to me.

你 were supposed to 爱情 me.

你 were supposed to care.

Yet, 你 didn’t.

Forgive me if I don’t understand.

I thought father’s were supposed to 爱情 their little girls.

I thought they were supposed to be the dad that beat up their boyfriends.

I thought that I would have a father that loved me.

But, I don’t.

He doesn’t care.

He never will.

I’ve learned to forget him.

He’s no father to me.

He never was.

I’m happy now.

I can laugh and smile.

Even without you.

added by hurricane93
Source: AR
added by SRitchieable
Source: W.G Robertson (montaged 由 S. Ritchie)
added by SRitchieable
Source: W. Blake (montaged 由 S. Ritchie)
There's a breathless hush in the Close to-night --
Ten to make and the match to win --
A bumping pitch and a blinding light,
An 小时 to play and the last man in.
And it's not for the sake of a ribboned coat,
或者 the selfish hope of a season's fame,
But his Captain's hand on his shoulder smote
"Play up! play up! and play the game!"

The sand of the desert is sodden red, --
Red with the wreck of a square that broke; --
The Gatling's jammed and the colonel dead,
And the regiment blind with dust and smoke.
The river of death has brimmed his banks,
And England's far, and Honour a name,
But the voice of schoolboy rallies the ranks,
"Play up! play up! and play the game!"

This is the word that 年 由 year
While in her place the School is set
Every one of her sons must hear,
And none that hears it dare forget.
This they all with a joyful mind
熊 through life like a torch in flame,
And falling fling to the host behind --
"Play up! play up! and play the game!"
added by Princess-Yvonne
added by LaDispute
neil hilborn
posted by emmett
 "Grains of sand slip through your hands..."
"Grains of sand slip through your hands..."
If someone told you...
Life's like a rollercoaster,
Don't waste the ride.
Live it up all the way,
because today's your last day
What would 你 do?

Would 你 cry a little, scream a little, think it's all pretend.
或者 go into silence until the very end...
Would 你 爱情 the ones 你 hate the most 或者 be the person 你 hide?
Would 你 pretend that you're ok but really scream inside?

Would 你 try and keep the sun from setting as your last 日 ends?
Knowing you'll never see it rise...
Tomorrow I'll be somewhere else 你 say as 你 close your eyes.
 "Test the sea rising at your feet, how far can 你 go..."
"Test the sea rising at your feet, how far can you go..."
 "Let the rain falling on your face, run into your eyes. Can 你 see the 彩虹 now, through the stormy skies?"
"Let the rain falling on your face, run into your eyes. Can you see the rainbow now, through the stormy skies?"
added by melonagrace
posted by TBGB1970
When 你 stare into my eyes
What do 你 see?

I know I see a scared girl,
Who wants to break out of her shell
and 显示 the world who she really is.

She feels abandoned and alone
even with 老友记 and family around her.
She has been used and she was choking on the promise she would never fall again.

She's the girl people see
Laughing and smiling on the outside
is actually Crying and Hurting inside.

People misunderstands her,
They judge and tease but she puts up a shield.
She is sweet and sensitive but they don't care
They're cruel as the world we live in.

Do 你 see that in my eyes?
Do 你 see me?

It's amazing what 你 can hide
Just 由 putting on a smile.
posted by amoremusic
Dig Deeper

Look deeper and 你 will see her soul,
Observing the outside without entering the door,
Was never enough for her 心 to enfold,
Look into her eyes and dig deeper, explore.
You were (for some time) satisfied with the curve of her waist,With the shape of her ass, the makeup on her face,
But if only 你 had tried, for once, to enter from a different side,
Perhaps her satisfaction in you, would have been in full body and mind.
Won't 你 try and find the key. wont 你 try?
Only she knows that the one who unlocks the door will find,
The curves of her nature, the shape of her desire, the makeup...
continue reading...
posted by Aquade
All My Fault

由 Cody Herman

火, 消防 courses through my body

Rage I never knew existed

I stumble around dizzily

I know I shouldn't have insisted

We were laughing together

The 日 started out great

We could have lasted forever

或者 maybe it was just fate

Deep inside my heart

I know that I was wrong

We shouldn't have part

Just when we got along

So where does the blame go?

Is it to me 或者 to you?

How could I have stooped so low?

When was it I withdrew?

The blame is on me

The troubles are mine

To the air I plea

I knew it wasn't time

It could have worked out

We would have been fine

It would have been without

All because of the 爱情 line
posted by Hellowittykitty
No 更多 time to suck it up
No 更多 time to fight the luck
No 更多 time to say goodbye
Just get up and go
Let's try.....

Let's go right now!
No one can save us!
Let's go right now!
The world is ours,

Let's go right now!
Never be desolated
Let's go right now!
No time for being ungraded
Let's just go...right now.

I'm sorry Ma,
I knew 你 thought 你 raised me well
But living in your forlorn promises
Never really helped
Just go 首页 to pa
And tell him I'm at 塔科, 炸玉米饼 Bell

Just being the sprout I am
Never worked out
I should stand tall
Right about now
But I should just go tough now

Let's go right now!
I can save us
Let's go right...
continue reading...
added by moodystuff449
Source: i wrote this.....
added by irena83
posted by Attirox2
As 你 go turn out your light
The shadows come out into your eyesight
Lurking around in each corner waiting to be found
Waiting quietly trying not to make a sound
They appear in every form
The scariest ones are in a lightning storm
Some look like witches some look like goblins
They scare 你 由 coming into your dreams
As light tries hard to come into the seams
To help 你 out with no prevail
Their tries are effortless like a ship without a sail
As the shadows lurk in and the light tiptoes out
你 twist and turn making want to shout
So if you're weak and not strong at all
And these unreal ghouls make your skin crawl
Try getting a night light
posted by bloomprinceton
This valentine ill try something new,
a very SPECIAL recipe invented just for you,

a touch of pain in a little glass flask,
with a little bit of hatred if 你 might ask,

shake the mixture with a bit of your 鳄鱼 tears,
and dont forget your fake smiles tht fooled me for years,

CHOP my letters and burn my picture,
now heat this at about 30 degree celceius

now add the grief the 日 u left me in tears,
then heat in that lonely 苦 mixture with how i barely slept tht day,

now let's get to the topping that's my 最喜爱的 part,
ADD what's left from my stabbed,crushed heart....