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 Real world bullying: we see it everywhere
Real world bullying: we see it everywhere
We all remember it, though we say we don't. Those in school still see it everyday, maybe are victims, 或者 even perpetrators, of it. In workplaces, schools, colleges, sports organisations- this happens in all walks of life, for all manner of reasons.

I am, of course, talking about bullying. We've heard the stories of teens driven to suicide 由 bullies, people forced out of jobs 由 abusive employers, coaches victimising players. Tragic stories, definitely.

This is not the bullying I am talking about today. We move, for this soapbox, from the real world to the cyber world. Today, we talk about Cyber-Bullying.

The Interweb. A fantastic resource for all things bright and beautiful, a wealth of knowledge at the touch of a button, a place where one can literally find everything and the 厨房 sink.

Most people use the Internet at least once a week. Others use it more, as several Fanpoppers can attest to. Its great, watching 视频 and speaking your mind.

However like all good things, this one has to be sullied. The last few years have seen an upsurge in Cyberbullying.
 Cyberbullying is a serious offence.
Cyberbullying is a serious offence.

Cyberbullying is, in effect:

"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen 或者 teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed 或者 otherwise targeted 由 another child, preteen 或者 teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies 或者 mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, 或者 at least have been instigated 由 a minor against another minor.

Could 你 be a cyberbully? Well, have 你 ever:

___Signed on with someone else’s screen name to gather info?

___Sent an e-mail 或者 online greeting card from someone’s account?

___Impersonated someone over IM 或者 online?

___Teased 或者 frightened someone over IM?

___Not told someone who 你 really are online, telling them to “guess”?

___Forwarded a private IM conversation 或者 e-mail without the permission of the other person?

___Changed your 个人资料 或者 away message designed to embarrass 或者 frighten someone?

___Posted pictures 或者 information about someone on a Web site without their consent?

___Created an Internet poll, either over IM 或者 on a Web site, about someone without their consent?

___Used information found online to follow, tease, embarrass 或者 harass someone in person?

___Sent rude 或者 scary things to someone, even if 你 were just joking?

___Used bad language online?

___Signed someone else up for something online without their permission?

___Used an IM 或者 e-mail address that looked like someone else’s?

___Used someone else’s 密码 for any reason without their permission?

___Hacked into someone else’s computer 或者 sent a virus 或者 Trojan horse to them?

___Insulted someone in an interactive game room?

___Posted rude things 或者 lies about someone online?

___Voted at an online bashing 民意调查 或者 发布 to a guestbook saying rude 或者 mean things?

These are all methods of cyberbullying.

Why this article? What has this got to do with Fanpop?

Hmm. 潮流粉丝俱乐部 seems to be a world apart in relation to social networks, in that there seems to be none of the usual cruelty to other users that one seems to find elsewhere.

However, and there is ALWAYS a however, its seems to me that recently, there has been a lot of negativity directed towards certain users. I'm not going to name names, people, this is not a witch hunt. I'm not saying don't express an opinion, but don't viciously attack someone for no reason.

I merely want to make a statement. To me, cyberbullies are the biggest cowards in the world. They hide behind 图标 and usernames to cause pain. They can't even face their victim.
 We see it everywhere
We see it everywhere

So, 下一个 time 你 feel like being nasty, stop and look at what 你 are doing. Or, are 你 a true coward?

Authors Note:
I would like to point out that the 潮流粉丝俱乐部 Four does a fantastic job of keeping the website 安全 and friendly for all users. For that, the 潮流粉丝俱乐部 Four really deserve giant inflatable props.
 There is no excuse for cyberbullying.Ever
There is no excuse for cyberbullying.Ever