Phantom of the Paradise Club
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posted by founten
SWAN-At least 你 can talk. Plug yourself
into the console to sing. 你 really think she's that good?

WINSLOW-Too good for you.

SWAN-I'll hire her anyway.

WINSLOW-She could be my voice now.

SWAN-Could she? Really? Stop terrorising the Paradise
and rewrite your cantata...for Phoenix. We'll both win. 你 get your cantata sung 由 the right singer, I open Paradise. We can't waste time. Lock yourself up in here and write.

WINSLOW-I could write for her.

SWAN--it'll be performed here live. Phoenix will star.

WINSLOW-My cantata. For her.

SWAN-I'll get fantastic musicians.
The hall has...

WINSLOW-I don't trust you.
你 ruined my 音乐 before.

SWAN-Forget about the Juicy Fruits.
Who wants nostalgia anymore?

WINSLOW-I don't trust you.

SWAN-No need. Here's a contract. Everything I've said
and 更多 is in it.

WINSLOW-I'll read it.

SWAN-At your leisure.

WINSLOW-"The party of the first part
gives the party of the 秒 part...full power to do with him at their
pleasure, to rule, send, fetch...or carry him 或者 his, be it either body, soul, flesh 或者 blood." What does that mean?

SWAN-That's a transportation clause.

WINSLOW-"All articles...which are excluded shall be deemed included."What does that mean?

SWAN-That's a clause to protect 你 Anyway, what difference does it make? What choice do 你 have?

WINSLOW-I'll rewrite my cantata, but you'd best play what I write. (Winslow takes the pen and goes to sign the contract)

SWAN-Ink isn't worth anything to me, Winslow.(Swan pricks Winslow’s finger with the end of the pen.) Now sign. (Winslow signs) Excellent. (Swan signs) And now we're in business together. Forever.