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missdoney 说 …
Am i the only one who want Gothel to be the season 7's big bad? 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
I miss the days when this club was a lot 更多 active and so many people would participate in polls, countdowns, zanhar1's 民意调查 she'd post during the newest episode, the 图标 contests, and all that. It was so active during the first four seasons and the first half of season 5 (Damn that Hook driving so many people away). It's a shame because season 6 captured a lot of the spirit of season 1. I wish this club was still as active as it used to be. This club is pretty much DEAD! 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Same dude. Viewership is so down this season though that it doesn't surprise me. Pretty much all of the 俱乐部 but 随意 are dead anymore. 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 说 …
Did they really have to make such a whiny character (Jacinda) be the center of the season? 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
It doesn't help that she's played 由 such a terrible actress that always has such a whiny tone in her voice. 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 说 …
So, Drizella is basically the only interesting thing about this season. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
Drizella is great (Never thought I'd say that) but I prefer Tiana and Alice over her. Gothel is also pretty cool. But yeah, this season really SUCKS! It's a shame because the first six seasons were really good (Minus the 《冰雪奇缘》 story arc). Season 7 has it's moments and could've worked as it's own spin-off 显示 but is relying too much on being similar to season 1 but has none of the charm and is just a cheap imitation that keeps crapping on it. 一年多以前
hatelarxene 说 …
Drizella is so deliciously evil, and I 爱情 it. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
It's because of episode 3 of season 7 that I'm DONE giving this unnecessary season a chance! *SPOILERS* NO ONE messes with Ana *END OF SPOILERS*! 发布 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 说 …
I like the new characters, but I don't like that the old characters are all new characters. I find it annoying. 发布 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
And yes, I know it's because of the curse. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I don't know how I feel about Roni, Weaver, and Rodgers yet. 一年多以前
Quatlover4life 说 …
Who is your 最喜爱的 character? 发布 一年多以前
hatelarxene 评论…
Ariel 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Regina 💙💜💙💜 一年多以前
DisneyPrince88 评论…
Regina 一年多以前
SherlockStark 评论…
Rumpelstiltskin 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 说 …
It's confirmed: Dania Ramirez's character is adult Henry's wife and Lucy's mother, and, intriguingly, a new iteration of Cinderella! I liked her in 超能英雄 (though I know most people didn't like her character, Maya), so I'm looking 前锋, 期待 to seeing her in this!
I'm honestly quite excited for this season, this soft reboot sounds interesting.
Also, Seattle IS going to be new "modern" setting! Yay Seattle! Washington pride! :D 发布 一年多以前
lilyZ 说 …
Season 7 officially started filming today (06.07.2017) 发布 一年多以前
Iminabook 评论…
I can't wait for the new season to be on Tv 一年多以前
lilyZ 评论…
that's gonna be on October 6 或者 so they say :) 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Same it's been too long 哈哈 一年多以前
rzenteno 说 …
Letting 你 know that i haven't watch the new season 或者 the new episodes of OUAT. But i'm waiting for the new seasons to be on Netflix 发布 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 说 …
Just 发布 Hook's song from the musical episode! 发布 一年多以前
lilyZ 评论…
I have an addiction "revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine" ;) 一年多以前
AaronHaley4ever 评论…
^ Same. It's been stuck in my head for days! xD 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
I did used to think that they couldn't 包, 换行 the 显示 up in season 6 but after watching this episode, I think maybe this would be the right season to do so. Sure, we still haven't gotten the whole Lily's father thing (Let's face it, we know it's gonna be The Dragon) and the whole what happened to Anastasia/The Red 皇后乐队 but they're really not important to the major plot. I mean, they're facing the greatest evil of all! That's an epic way to end the show! How will they follow up on that? 发布 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 评论…
I have to agree. At least if they renew the show, I think they should 包, 换行 up the main characters storylines (as they seem to be doing in the season six finale), and the seventh season (if there is one) should just be about the recurring characters whose storylines got left unfinished, e.g. Ruby and Dorothy, Mulan, Lily and Maleficent, Will and Anastasia, Kathryn, etc. 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
Real talk though;since 茉莉, 茉莉花 left and Snow is asleep 50% of the time, who's teaching that poor class lol? 发布 一年多以前
lilyZ 评论…
LOOOOL 一年多以前
lilyZ 说 …
What's the purpose of adding the same exact promo (just from different sources) repeatedly???! 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Honesty I thought it was from the same place and was like how tf??? 哈哈 一年多以前
lilyZ 评论…
Oh, this is even 更多 f***** up than I thought, they really have the same source... 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I hear 你 though, I've seen people do it and I don't see the point. 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 说 …
LOVED all the August/Emma in this episode! Always wanted them to get together! (Don't get me wrong, I like CaptainSwan, just not as much as Gremma 或者 Wooden Swan.)
Irritated me that Wish!Robin was able to come through the portal when it can only transport two people. Maybe because none of the Wish Realmers were real, so Wish!Robin doesn't count as a person? 或者 just the writers not giving a shit about continuity again? 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
There was actually a sort of discussion on that over on tumblr; I think that the entire episode had a very strong emphasis on be life right from the start. August told Emma she could shape her own fate of she believed in it. That was the whole point of the Ugly 小鸭 bit and when she believed, she became Enna Swan. I think that the wish realm followed this same theme. After all it is a wish realm and if 你 have faith in your wishes and dreams they can happen. Hope itself has also been a huge theme this season; one of Gina’s biggest character arcs has been her trying to fix her pessimism and be 更多 hopeful. The whole wish realm helped with that. Plus it was a different wardrobe entirely and was built 由 a man who 说 that fate lies in your own hands. And if none of that helps, Robin isn’t meant to stick around anyhow so it doesn’t really matter. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
That aside I was so happy to see some Wooden 天鹅 again. I really liked their dynamic. Also I meant 'Emma' not 'Enna' lol. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Honestly I think that this is the fault of shipping. Once is my go to example of how shipping can ruin a show. Before CS and OQ (I say this as someone who ships OQ) the 显示 had a much firmer plot and the characters were at their best. The 写作 wasn't lazy. But then they got way too much into romance and forgot about the other themes like family and hope. This 显示 never used to be completely about romance like it seems to be now. Don't get me wrong I still 爱情 this show, but it was definitely at its prime during seasons 1-3. 一年多以前
Vampyre2017 说 …
I really 爱情 rumplestiltskin as he is so hot and cute to boot 发布 一年多以前
FatElephant 说 …
I 爱情 Regina because 你 really don`t know if she`s evil 或者 not. Yeah she changed, but some of the things she does, there`s evil in there. I don`t think she`s that really evil, in fact, Snow and Charming did some horrible things too and they`re still heroes? I don`t get that. Emma was the best evil when she was the dark one, because she really didn`t do anything bad. 发布 一年多以前
coolsinger198 说 …
Sick of Regina. She did way worse than Zelena and was forgiven. Zelena killed the man she loved for Regina. This just shows Regina's personality. Always blaming the wrong people for her problems. Blaming Snow instead of Cora for Daniel's death, this with her blaming Zelena instead of Hades for Robin's. And TBH, i think the writers just did this for plot. This 显示 has horrible 写作 sometimes. 发布 一年多以前
coolsinger198 评论…
The writers could've made Regina mad at Zelena for hanging out with the Evil 皇后乐队 but no. They chose to make it something petty and unreasonable. Its either that, 或者 一年多以前
coolsinger198 评论…
Regina has no idea whom to blame in a horrible situation. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I also kind of thing the writers did this for the plot; they need a way to make Zelena evil again 或者 something. I mean she didn't pin things on Emma, she also didn't really blame Marian that one time--hence why I thought we were done with the blaming thing. Either (like 你 said) the writers are just having a moment of poor 写作 或者 they've decided that that's gonna be one of her main character flaws. I'm wanting to say the first of the two because 'xyz character goes evil again' seems to be their go-to plot device. I mean we're seeing it with Rumple for sure. And like 你 说 I'd have rather they made her angry for the whole siding with the 皇后乐队 thing. Idk I hope they get their shit together in terms of 写作 Zelena/Regina. Because I feel like Regina's behaving rather out of character when it comes to Zelena. 一年多以前
coolsinger198 评论…
^ I definitely agree. 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 说 …
Maybe someone already suggested is, and I'm sure many of 你 have the same idea, but what if the person who kills Emma in that vision, is Emma herself? Maybe we're not supposed to take the vision literally. 发布 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
*it 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
That's kind of what I was thinking; like she's trying so so hard to prevent/change the future that she ends up taking herself down. We've seen her mess up the past, I can see her doing the same for the future. And we've had plot lines like that before; Regina & Rumple have both caused their downfalls at one point. So why not write Emma doing the same.? 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
Everyone, the workshop for the club icon, background, and banner is now open. The deadline for the banner is longer than the other two. Please 提交 your choices as soon as possible so we can have a variety of choices.

link 发布 一年多以前
TempeGeller 说 …
Hey, Anyone a 粉丝 of Hamilton and Once upon a time, do 你 want to see them smashed together? I've been making some videos, other people to. Watch the playlist.
link 发布 一年多以前
jasamfan23 说 …
Going to Indy on the Sept. 25 will post picks of 6x01 the night before. Post 视频 the 下一个 day. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
嘿 guys, since Once Upon A Time is coming back on September 25, which is just a 月 away, I have a 问题 to ask concerning the club's new look. When do 你 guys think would be a good time to start the contests for the new club banner, icon, and background? I know for the banner we have to wait for screencaps of the main cast in season 6, but how long do we wait on that? Do we give people 3-5 weeks after the season premiere to make the banner? *continues to type in comments* 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
Do we wanna start the 图标 and the background contest before we do the banner 或者 do them at the same time? After all, we'll need screencaps of the characters in season 6 and it'll probably take people a while to make their own banner. But it also does take a while for the banner to change, so the club might not match the current season theme for most of the first 11 episodes (Usually how long these story arks are). What do 你 guys think? 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I would say that the best idea would be to wait 4 weeks like 你 thought. 4 Weeks is a nice in between; that way we have 更多 图片 to work with and a better idea on what fits the theme. And I think the banner/icon should be done first to make sure everything looks good together. 一年多以前
lilyZ 评论…
Season 6 isn't going to have half season arcs; it's one arc for the whole season with smaller subplot arcs to be resolved in an episode 或者 two ;) So we can't have a banner for a 1st half & a 2d because they'll be nonexistent. But we can have a banner for the beginning of the season (like first 4-5 eps in) and one final; after the whole season ends. (and HQ promo pics are usually released on Tuesdays, the week when the episode airs).. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Oh I'm so glad they're going back to season long plots! 一年多以前
big smile
FlightofFantasy 说 …
YAY Karen David has been cast as Jasmine! Loved her on Galavant, miss that 显示 so much, so I'm so glad she'll be returning to our screens in another fairy tale show! :D
Although I don't know why they recast Jafar when they already had him on OUATIW. Why not just get Naveen Andrews to come back? 发布 一年多以前
coolsinger198 评论…
He is currently working on another show. 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 评论…
Oh okay, I suppose that makes sense. 一年多以前
kristenfan10109 说 …
I'm excited for the new season of OUAT but what I don't understand is why they're adding Jafar again when they already did a segment about him OUAT in Wonderland if anyone knows why would 你 please care to explain because it doesn't make any sense to me. 发布 一年多以前
coolsinger198 说 …
This is a quick 问题 guys. How old is Regina? And Zelena? Because Regin was born in 1937 and Snow in 1956. that makes Regina 19 years older than Snow. emma was born in 1983, making Snow 27 when Emma was born, and making REgina 46 when the cure was enacted. And since Zelena was born in 1935, two years before Regina, Zelena would be 48 when the curse was enacted. Is this information wrong 或者 right? Can anyone tell me? And if it is how is this possible? They look younger. 发布 一年多以前
coolsinger198 评论…
*Regina 一年多以前
jasamfan23 说 …
Going to put a pick for Season 5 least 最喜爱的 round tomorrow night 发布 一年多以前
magichand 说 …
Last episode of the season was really lame, untill the end.

THE 皇后乐队 IS BACK! 💋 发布 一年多以前
Diazdiaz95 说 …
Guys, I realized that I missed one episode this season (Ruby Slippers) and I want to see it but I don't know how. They don't have it on the ABC website so I was wondering where 你 guys go to watch episodes 你 missed. Netflix doesn't have the full season yet either, last time I checked. Is there a website that has full episodes of shows for free, because I can never find any episodes for live action shows, that's why I barely ever watch those types of shows because they also never rerun them. 发布 一年多以前
Snowdaycare 评论…
Hulu 一年多以前
Snowdaycare 说 …
爱情 it never say the words The End because I do not want it to end 发布 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 说 …
Is it bad that I kinda ship Jekyll and Hyde? :P
The actors just have really good chemistry, okay? 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I mean I'm shipping Regina and Regina so ship away lol. Ship all the ships! 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 评论…
^ Hahaha awesome! I like your advice, zanny! 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
I know I 说 (just below) that I would be watching this episode with resentment...but holy hell! I really enjoyed that outcome. 下一个 season is gonna be one hell of a season. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
I know! 你 and me ended up getting what we wanted, but in a way that we didn't even think of! It's gonna be torture having to wait SO LONG for 下一个 season! 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Omg right though! I want season 6 right now! 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
*Spoilers ahead* I am so freaking mad. They kill Robin and bring Hook back in his place??? >.> Like wow. The only reason I was even remotely okay with them killing Robin is because I'd at least have the possibility of SQ to fall back on. But nah, I and probably other Gina 粉丝 don't even get that.
100% done.
Until 下一个 week. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
你 had to know that they were going to find some way to bring back Hook. Why Robin had to die was just so unfair! I just hope Regina doesn't go back to being the Evil Queen. Although, to be fair this makes Regina losing two 爱情 interests, same as Emma (not counting Hook) and one of them was even killed 由 Regina. I wish they didn't kill him! Also, I hope this doesn't turn 你 away from the 显示 for good. I so enjoy our talks about Once Upon A Time and being excited during the new episodes. Although, as a Regina fan, I absolutely do NOT ship 天鹅 皇后乐队 because of the fact that they're related. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I mean I saw it coming but that changes nothing. I am salty af and my jimmies are rustled to the max. I swear they just like using evil Gina as a plot line to fall back on. And poor Roland! I'm not gonna drop the 显示 until Regina is killed off 或者 something like that. But Imma stare bitterly at the screen 下一个 weekend the whole time. 一年多以前
GeorgiaSky 说 …
link 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
I made an 文章 about why I HATE Peter Pan. Please read and 评论 on it. Please keep an open mind on what I say about it, even if 你 disagree.

link 发布 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 说 …
D'awwww Regina and Zelena were 老友记 when they were babbies! So sweet.
And YAY PAN'S BACK! I've missed that little fucker! :D 发布 一年多以前
ImAnEasel 说 …
*tries not to look at anything on the club* I know 由 joining this club I've doomed myself to spoilers... I'm only on season 2. xP 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
哈哈 yeah, I'd avoid the spot. I try my best to check the may be spoiler box. 一年多以前
ImAnEasel 评论…
^ For that I am very grateful. I always do (if I remember), I wish everyone would. The amount of deaths and other twists I've known about before seeing it in other shows... 一年多以前
ImAnEasel 评论…
*seeing them 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Fairy Tail has been spoiled for me time and time again lol. 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
I have made a 论坛 to help make the club icon, banner, and background contests be 更多 organized. Please read the rules and guidelines and if 你 think there is anything I should add to improve these guidelines and rules to be fair, please let me know! I hope this helps make things 更多 organized and everyone can be happy!

link 发布 一年多以前
lilyZ 说 …
And to think that this club used to look good *sigh*... 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
And now it looks FAR better lol! 一年多以前
lilyZ 评论…
^definitely. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
^^ Wish granted! link 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
YES!!!!!!! THE BANNER HAS CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!! AT LAAAAAAASSST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
WinterSpirit809 说 …
I just watched the latest episode of OUAT (I know, it's a little late) and is 由 far my 最喜爱的 episode in the season so far. I'm actually starting to like Zelena, a character I used to hate. Her daughter is actually making me think there still is good in her. I really can't wait to see 更多 of her! 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
I've always loved Zelena and thought she was a complex, fun, interesting, and sympathetic character. I've always thought she loved her daughter and this episode has just proven that I was right! I'm glad to hear that you're starting to like her! I can't wait to see 更多 of her either. 一年多以前
FalliNgSparks 说 …
WOW. So impressed 由 the great change in this club. The club is looking awesome with the background! 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
It looks like soon the background will be changing again. It'll be the forest opening 你 see at the beginning of every episode, at least it looks like it will be. The 图标 will also probably change to match the 黑夜传说 theme and hopefully the banner will change soon! 一年多以前
big smile
kristenfan10109 说 …
嘿 guys I just created a Hades and Zelena club and I hope 你 guys will 加入 and if anyone would like to create any banners 或者 图标 I'm totally up for suggestions thanks so much here is the link. link 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
My grandma just asked me to explain the relationship between Gina, Robin, and Zelena. And I accidentally told her that Zelena got Robin pregnant (instead of the other way around)! Omg! 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
Looks like 你 got yourself in a confusing situation 哈哈 一年多以前
jasamfan23 说 …
I'm going to put my 民意调查 on this morning, because I'm watching Wrestlemania tonight and won't be free tonight 发布 一年多以前
Ariel19 说 …
SOOO excited for OUAT 100th episode! Getting my fav OUAT 衬衫 ready to wear for tomorrow! Gonna have a marathon leading up to the new episode with my BFF!!! What are 你 doing for the premiere?!! 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I id pretty much the same thing. 一年多以前
big smile
FlightofFantasy 说 …
ABC has renewed OUAT for a sixth season!
WOOOOOT!! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
nevara91 说 …
New Cruella- Victoria Club: link
Please join! :) 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
Rumor has it that we're going to see a younger Regina not portrayed 由 Lana. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
They are also looking for a younger Zelena that is not portrayed 由 Rebecca. Should be interesting. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Yeah I heard about that too! I just uploaded a pic of the girl they chose for Gina. 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
Twas Regina's birthday so I watched an episode 或者 3 of Once. :P 发布 一年多以前
Eleni4ever 说 …
Okay so right now I'm 展示 my mom every episode of Once Upon A Time from episode one. She wants to watch it. She looks so confused right now! Hahahaha! 发布 一年多以前
MilaBenchuya 说 …
I want to create a whatsapp Once Upon A Time 粉丝
If 你 are intrested
Here is me numbre
+51978554702 发布 一年多以前
MilaBenchuya 说 …
Hi 发布 一年多以前
TempeGeller 说 …
If anyone is intrested in 阅读 my fanfiction, this is the link. link 发布 一年多以前
Spirithorse 说 …
Sorry if spoiler, but can 你 believe that Hook is dead?! 发布 一年多以前
Skilene17 评论…
I'm still not over it. :,( 一年多以前
lilyZ 评论…
better wait for 5b ;) 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
So I started making this Once crack video... 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
So apparently Eddy confirmed that there's gonna be a lot of Regina in part two. This pleases me deeply. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
Now all we need is for them to say there will be a lot of Zelena too and it will be perfect! 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Agreed. 一年多以前
Anna_ead 说 …
Ruby 发布 一年多以前
laurik2007 说 …
this season is getting better and better , never saw it coming , plus Emma as the dark one ....makes for a fantastinc storyline ♥ ♥ ♥ 发布 一年多以前
big smile
Japanime 说 …
Does anyone know how to 加入 a club because I used to and now everything has changed... so confused and happy Thanksgiving everybody 发布 一年多以前
iMiku 评论…
Right corner of the page there is a green button " Become a 粉丝 ", press it and you're good to go! xD 一年多以前
Japanime 评论…
Thanks turns out that it isn't different at all :) 一年多以前
ninjasnow 说 …
Is this page active? I just now joined, like, 5 分钟 以前 发布 一年多以前
bouncybunny3 评论…
Very active. 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 说 …
"THANK YOU, DAVID" is my new 最喜爱的 line. 发布 一年多以前
Spikefan74 说 …
If 你 liked Peter Pan in OUAT, 你 will 爱情 the new book, "Wendy Darling: A Novel" 由 Colleen Oakes. It's a retelling of peter pan from wendy's POV. Both Wendy and Peter are 16, and John is 14 in the novel. I just wanted to recommend it. 发布 一年多以前
YannCookie 说 …
Anyone know where I can find season 3 & 4? 发布 一年多以前
Alchemistlover 评论…
Netflix if 你 have it 一年多以前
Night_Hunter 评论…
^^ 一年多以前
hookluv 说 …
Lets start would 你 rather!
Would 你 rather be poisoned 由 rumple 或者 have your 心 ripped out 由 Ursula? 发布 一年多以前
ninjasnow 评论…
Have my 心 ripped out 由 Ursula. At least I'm still living 一年多以前
SherlockStark 说 …
I fell so far behind on this show. Is it worth it to catch up on the episodes? Is season 5 better than 4 was? 发布 一年多以前
iMiku 评论…
It depends. Tbh, I'm watching just becase of the new Dark One.. 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 评论…
Definitely. I liked season four (especially the 《冰雪奇缘》 arc), but it's my least 最喜爱的 season so far. Season five, on the other hand, is excellent. 一年多以前
disneymagic93 说 …
So far I'm loving Once Upon a Time season 5! I like it much better than season 4. I'm glad I didn't give up on this show, I almost gave up but decided to give it another chance & I'm glad I did! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
drewjoana 说 …
King Arthur (OUAT) Spot:

link 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
Who created this club because we really need to change the 图标 and the banner for season 5 already! We planned to change it for the 秒 half of season 4 but we never did. We need to do it for this season with all 10 of the current regulars and change the 图标 to the current theme. 发布 一年多以前
magichand 说 …
Just going to say that i am amazed 由 Jennifer's evil acting. Well done! :D
She's going to be an amazing villain. :) 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
I know, right? I knew she'd be amazing and she did NOT disappoint. But then again, she had been receiving tips on playing an evil character from Lana, so it makes sense. She's just so DELICIOUSLY evil! 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
"Put that thing down guyliner!" ~ Regina

Omg 发布 一年多以前
jasamfan23 说 …
One 更多 week till season 5 :) Can't wait :) 发布 一年多以前
big smile
FlightofFantasy 说 …
FRAK YEAH not only is Red returning, Mulan's coming back!! :D
Fingers crossed for 更多 Sleeping Warrior! And we STILL haven't seen how they rescued Phillip! Here's hoping we get flashbacks to that, and 更多 of my baby fallin' in 爱情 with Aurora! <3 发布 一年多以前
SpecialAgentKat 说 …
I just preordered The Evil Queen/Regina bobblehead from Funko Pop. I can't wait!!! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
FlightofFantasy 说 …
YAY Red will be returning for season five! I've missed my 狼 girl!
Now if they'd only bring back Mulan! 发布 一年多以前
GameOfSansa 评论…
Red and 花木兰 <333 一年多以前
LLheart 评论…
It's been 84 YEARS! *Sigh* 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 评论…
It's been confirmed: MULAN'S COMING BACK! :D 一年多以前
XxLalasaysxX 说 …
Hello oncers, so it's that time again when spoilers come out, I've made a document to keep up with all the spoilers we have for season 5, I'll keep updating as the season goes, enjoy! link 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
Ummm we've already seen the Evil Queen, so what's the big deal? 一年多以前
misse1000 说 …
Merida coming in season 5
link 发布 一年多以前
Elsafrost11 评论…
YAY! I'm so excited for Merida! 一年多以前
Elsafrost11 说 …
My 最喜爱的 characters are Elsa, Hook, and Regina!! I think that everyone on the banner should have a better picture! Mostly Regina, Elsa, Hook (Because he has way cuter pictures!), Charming, and maybe Snow White. 发布 一年多以前
Fieryrubes 说 …
爱情 my new 图标 thanks to Sakkara98! 发布 一年多以前
Elsafrost11 评论…
爱情 it! 一年多以前
Fieryrubes 说 …
嘿 guys! So I'm meeting Victoria/Cruella (again) in August and I'm making a letter/collage thing of why the 粉丝 爱情 her and her character. I know that a lot of 你 on here 爱情 her so if 你 have anything you'd like me to put, just 收件箱 me with a little message for her, explaining why 你 爱情 her, and your full name so they know who it's from. I'll also be asking people from twitter to participate too. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
I was looking at clips of Emma Rigby (The Red Queen/Anastasia Tremaine) in the 显示 Hollyoaks and I can definitely see why she got awards for her 表演 in this show. DANG! Her accent was definitely thicker here (although it could just be her crying that makes it hard to understand) and I had to reply parts and listen closely. JUST DANG! She's a BRILLIANT actress!

link 发布 一年多以前
Casey-Jackson 说 …
I just watched the ending of Operation Moongoose Part 2 (the season finale) and I can't speak in coherent sentences. I need season 5 NOW. I CAN'T EVEN. IT WAS TOO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN AGAGAGHAGAGAGHH 发布 一年多以前
Skilene17 评论…
I know, I can't wait either. 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
Everyone please respond to these forums, I'm hoping to get them to be popular.


link 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
I've noticed that there are two of us now making 民意调查 as the 显示 airs, so there have been a lot of double polls. Just wanted to kind of apologize for that if it seems spammy. Problem is I want to keep making 民意调查 and I definitely don't want to tell the other user to stop because I'm not the master of this spot 由 any means. I just wanted to apologize to anyone who may be bothered 由 the 民意调查 duplicates. 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
That 说 I'm not trying to call anyone out 或者 place blame on anyone. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
I just wish 你 guys would've gotten the number of the episodes right. Part 1 is episode 22 and part 2 is episode 23. Oh well, no worries. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
KataraLover 说 …
I keep on noticing 更多 and 更多 similarities between Emma 天鹅 and Odette from The 天鹅 Princess/Swan Lake, despite the fact that it's not Disney. Lily just helps with this a lot. In 天鹅 Lake, Rothbart had a daughter named Odile that was Odette's age. Odile used magic to turn herself into Odette to get the Prince to make the vow to her instead of Odette. At the ball she showed up in a black dress, to contrast with Odette's white dress *continues to type in comments* 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
Odile has been referred to as the black swan, which also inspired the film Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. So Emma Swan, who is full of goodness is Odette, the white 天鹅 and Lily is Odile, the black swan. Am I the only one who noticed this? 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
I've never thought of that, but it's really interesting! 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 说 …
Congrats on the renewal! Excited to see what season five is like! 发布 一年多以前
magichand 评论…
I hope wi will get new interesanting villains and 更多 breath taking stories :) Still, i miss my bitches. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
I hope we'll get to know what the hell Will is doing in Storybrooke and what happened to my Anastasia! 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 评论…
^ Yeah, I was so excited when I heard that Will would be joining OUAT because he was frankly the only good thing about OUATIW, but he has just been completely wasted. Less Will and Belle rebounding from their respective relationships and 更多 explaining what the hell Will is doing in Storybrooke and what happened to/with Anastasia! 一年多以前
magichand 说 …
Am the only one who thinks that Snow looks funny and ridiculous in Evil Queen's costume? She looks is like clown. (Sorry Snow's fans)
Let's see this 下一个 episode. It is promising.

Ps. It would be such a great cliff end, if all the villains get brought back together (Cora, Cruella, Ursula, Zelena, Maleficent, Evil Queen, Rumple, Hook...), but that would be too good to be true. :( :P 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
Well, that's kind of the point. She's out of character, so she's supposed to look ridiculous as the Evil Queen. I mean, just say these words without cracking up "Snow White, the Evil Queen." As for that last part, yeah, not gonna happen. This 显示 maybe a fanfic come to life but it still has standards and can't go to doing something like that, which a lot of bad fanfics do. 一年多以前
magichand 评论…
Well, that definalty not 《金装律师》 her. Honestly, the idea is stupid to me, but we will see what is gonna happend. About the 秒 thing...Still, it would be a great part. That would definantly force me to wait 5th season. But sadly, writters have a gift in killing a good villains. 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 评论…
I actually think she looks super hot in that evil getup. :P And I'm not even a Snow fan. 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
Will there be nuptials for any of our couples soon?
KITSIS: There will be a wedding in the finale. Whether it goes through 或者 not, you’ll have to watch.
(Edward Kitsis told this)

Read here: link 发布 一年多以前
karaouq 说 …
Does anyone have a 最喜爱的 couple on the show? Currently mine is Robin and Regina..I was curious too see if anyone else liked another couple.. 发布 一年多以前
Alchemistlover 评论…
Well not in this series but in ouat in wonderland Will and 真假公主 一年多以前
FlightofFantasy 评论…
Rumbelle, Sleeping Warrior and Gremma are my favorites, in that order, though I have many others. Pretty much the only ship I really hate is OutlawQueen. 一年多以前
karaouq 评论…
cool, nice 一年多以前
Persephone713 说 …
Any word yet if Once has been renewed- 你 would think they would have let us know 由 now.? This season started off boring and is now interesting IMO, but Im missing some episodes for that reason I dont know which ones will be good 或者 not. 发布 一年多以前
Skilene17 评论…
I'am not sure, I haven't heard anything yet. I hope they do get another season OUAT is awesome!. :D 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I actually heard that it was renewed already. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Multiple sites state that abc confirmed it as well. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
KataraLover 说 …
I knew it, crazed Cruella 粉丝 are going to hate Emma because she killed their precious Cruella. NEWS FLASH! She was threatening to kill Henry (HER FREAKING SON) and didn't know that Cruella couldn't kill. It was either Cruella (Emma's enemy) 或者 Henry (her son)! If any of 你 were in her shoes, what would 你 do? 你 all know that Regina would do the same, she even suggested killing Cruella when they found out she kidnapped Henry. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
This annoying as hell thing happened with Snow White killing Cora, so PLEASE let's not repeat it with Emma killing Cruella! I 爱情 Cruella but she served her purpose for the season. 一年多以前
Skilene17 评论…
I agree, she had it coming to her. Emma did the right thing, I would have done the same. 一年多以前
magichand 评论…
^They better will 一年多以前
_oncer_ 说 …
Does anyone know any good OUAT 粉丝 pages on Facebook? Currently the only OUAT 粉丝 page I've liked is Once Upon A Time 粉丝 so I'm looking for some other good ones ^^
I'm an Evil Regal if it matters, but any OUAT 粉丝 page would be cool! 发布 一年多以前
magichand 说 …
This is gonna offend mRumple's fans, but i have to say that he is a person that LEAST deserves his happy ending on this show. He manipulites, he betrays everyone (even those closest to him). When Belle kicked him out of Storybrooke, i 说 "Well done, Belle! 你 deserve better!
She gave him all her love, and he still chooses power.
Other villains like Regina, Ingrid, Maleficent, Ursula, Cruella,... They have a soft side and thwey wouldnt betrey those closest to him. But Rumple did! 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Totally agree. Right down to the 'Belle' 你 deserve better. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
你 wanna bet about Cruella not betraying people? But than again, this post was made before this episode, so I'll let that one go. But I do agree. 一年多以前
karaouq 评论…
This is hard because Belle deserves better but I want Rumple to own up for he did so that they can be together again :/ 一年多以前
zanhar1 说 …
Yeah but, that means Zelena was the one who almost froze to death... 发布 一年多以前
magichand 评论…
Hey, i thought about the same too. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
But the fact that she was later cured and used that to her advantage was brilliant! But why wasn't her 心 dark? 一年多以前
magichand 评论…
I think writters didnt plan this twist. I think durring a filming they were like "What to think of next? Hey! Let's bring Zelena back as Marian. We can't disspoint Outlaw fans" 哈哈 一年多以前
magichand 说 …
嘿 guys!
It's been a while i didn't come here.
Really enjoying the season right now.
Welcome back Zelena! ^__^

Ps. Don't want Cruella's storyline to be ended so quickley like Ursula's. Really 爱情 her and i don't want her to leave. Hoping i will see her in season 5. 发布 一年多以前
LLheart 评论…
^ Me and 你 both! I hope Cruella will be in season 5 too! 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I really 爱情 Cruella myself. Don't want to see her gone. 一年多以前
misse1000 说 …
In case anyone is wondering, I will be spending the 下一个 week wrapping my brain around tonight's episode. 发布 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
So will I. I don't know how I will get my homework done this week after tonight's episode. 一年多以前
KataraLover 说 …
I can't decide if I 爱情 Emma 或者 Regina more! I know zanny is going to say Regina FTW, but that's not enough. I mean Emma is a well-developed, interesting, enjoyable, and even complex character. But Regina is also all of those things but is 更多 developed and complex, though I find Emma just as enjoyable and interesting. How I will decide this is how Emma is when she's evil, let's see if she can compare to Regina for me. Now let's just hope she becomes evil, so I can decide. 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Regina. 你 like Regina more. Even when 你 don't like Regina more...you like Regina more. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
Hypnotism doesn't work on me. Loving villains like Azula, Regina, and 真假公主 so much has made me immune. 一年多以前
KataraLover 评论…
I'm afraid that's not how it works. I stopped loving Rumple and so far nothing has happened. But Regina's fandom is far 更多 powerful because while Rumple's popularity has lessened this season, hers only grows. So you're powers, 皇后乐队 of the Evil Regals, have no effect on me. Regina's many 粉丝 are enough to keep me going. The only possible way to get me to 爱情 Regina 更多 is 由 darkening the Savior's 心 and seeing how I feel about it. So until that time, your powers are of no use you're majesty. 一年多以前
Emmalou13 说 …
We REALLY need a new banner. 发布 一年多以前
carrieicecream 说 …
嘿 people!!! I haven't been on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 in forever, i'm so caught up in the twitter world haha. How's it going? 发布 一年多以前
Emmalou13 评论…
Welcome back! 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Welcome back, it's going pretty well. 一年多以前