Nikki Sixx Wall

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jlundquist 说 …
has anyone ever heard of nikkisixxservices and if it is a real exclusive 粉丝 club? 发布 一年多以前
zuki825 说 …
I saw your 显示 in Philadelphia in the early 80's 你 played with quiet riot and ozzy then I saw 你 in Jacksonville fl the dr feelgood tour in the 90's 你 guys rock I watched The Dirt and remembered how much I loved your band and I also know what it feels like to be unwanted I never really had a father! KEEP ROCKING 发布 一年多以前
larastarchild 说 …
"Rock and Roll's got to be like a shot of Jack Daniel's. You've got to feel it burn."-NIKKI SIXX 发布 一年多以前
larastarchild 评论…
I 爱情 Nikki in 80s!!!:) 一年多以前
Batmann13 评论…
oh my gosh i 爱情 nikki sixx so much and it doesnt help that hes so ADORABLE!!!!! 一年多以前
CrueRocks13 评论…
Nikki is so cute in the 80s!! 一年多以前
BuffyJ442 说 …
爱情 你 my darling Nikki I cant wait to see 你 again very soon 发布 一年多以前
big smile
MGGLover 说 …
Vote Nikki Sixx for best bassist for Revolver Magazines Golden Gods

link 发布 一年多以前
dorrisdenise 说 …
Happy Birthday Nikki!!!!!! I hope 你 have the most kickass birthday ever!!!!!! I 爱情 你 so much!!!!!! Rock on!!!!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
iDejANCE412 说 …
ive been 阅读 his two books, they're AMAZING!♥ 发布 一年多以前
SiXX4LiFe 说 …
你 are the bestest ever 发布 一年多以前