My Babysitters a Vampire Fanz Updates

an answer was added to this question: what is doug falconhawks truck called? 一年多以前 by AriWier
an icon 增加: my babysitters a vampire 一年多以前 by ilovejoshh12
a photo 增加: My babysitter's a vampire 一年多以前 by AirGirl
a comment was made to the link: srah&ethan 你 belong with me 一年多以前 by audryanna
a link 增加: srah&ethan 你 belong with me 一年多以前 by audryanna
a question 增加: what is doug falconhawks truck called? 一年多以前 by katetodderica66
a poll 增加: how does Ethan get a vision? 一年多以前 by Wooled12