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added by YALitLover
Source: the-manila-institute @ tumblr
Miss Lily Collins sat down with Collider and talked about the passionate 粉丝 of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, working on The English Teacher (out May 17, U.S), looking 前锋, 期待 to filming Love, Rosie and much more.

The indie dramedy The English Teacher tells the story of Linda Sinclair (Julianne Moore), a 40-year-old, unmarried high school English teacher in small town Pennsylvania. With no children and no relationships to speak of, her life is uncomplicated, which is just how she likes it. Her greatest passion and her biggest fulfillment comes from helping her impressionable young...
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I feel that the 显示 is better because there is an actual plot, things are clear, the cast is better, Isabelle's wardrobe is better, Jace is hotter, and the cast doesn't have British accents. Not that they're not nice, but for a story set in America? Not so much. In the movie, Jace looks like a guy who wants to mug you. The 显示 is better because I 爱情 suspense and it keeps me excited. Also, the movie didn't focus on Malec as much as it should have. The ratings for the 显示 are better than the ratings for the movie.
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by EternityOfLove
added by EternityOfLove
added by nikibella
Source: online
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by EternityOfLove
added by EternityOfLove
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by nikibella
Source: online
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by YALitLover
Source: sassy-avenger.tumblr.com
added by lilyZ
Source: lilyZ
added by breebree446
Source: tumblr
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 由 me - flowerdrop
added by Blacklillium
Source: nephilimdaily